# # @(#)disktab 5.5 (Berkeley) 2/27/91 # # Disk geometry and partition layout tables. # Key: # ty type of disk # ns #sectors/track # nt #tracks/cylinder # nc #cylinders/disk # rm rpm, 3600 default # se sector size, 512 default # sf supports bad144-style bad sector forwarding # so partition offsets in sectors # p[a-h] partition sizes in sectors # b[a-h] partition block sizes in bytes # f[a-h] partition fragment sizes in bytes # # All partition sizes contain space # for bad sector tables unless the # device drivers fail to support this. # # Entries may also be used for other compatible drives # with the same geometry. # # HP CS80 Drives on rd (new style partitioning). These mapping support # three basic layouts: # # A/B/G: This is the "traditional" setup for a bootable disk. # A is the root partition, B the swap, and G is for /usr # and users. # A/D/E/F (large drives): # A/D/H (small drives): # This is a setup for bootable systems requiring more swap # (e.g. those who need CL). It has A as the root, D as a # larger swap, E and F (or H) as smaller user partitions. # E could be used for /usr and F for users (or H for both). # C: This gives a single, non-bootable, large user filesystem. # Good for second drives on a machine as either /usr/src # or a large /usr or user partition. rd7945|rd7946|rd7945A|rd7946A|HP7945/46A:\ :ty=winchester:ns#16:nt#7:nc#968:\ :pa#15904:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#20160:\ :pc#108416:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#40320:\ :pg#72240:bg#4096:fg#512:\ :ph#52080:bh#4096:fh#512: rd7957|rd7957A|HP7957A:\ :ty=winchester:ns#22:nt#7:nc#1036:\ :pa#16016:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#24640:\ :pc#159544:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#42350:\ :pe#54824:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#46200:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#118734:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#101024:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd7958|rd7958A|HP7958A:\ :ty=winchester:ns#36:nt#7:nc#1013:\ :pa#16128:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#32256:\ :pc#255276:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#48384:\ :pe#100800:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#89712:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#206640:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#190512:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd7933|rd7933H|HP7933H:\ :ty=winchester:ns#46:nt#13:nc#1321:\ :pa#16146:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#66976:\ :pc#789958:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#16146:bd#8192:fd#1024:\ :pe#165646:be#4096:fe#1024:\ :pf#165646:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#706238:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#358800:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd7937|rd7937H|HP7937H:\ :ty=winchester:ns#123:nt#13:nc#698:\ :pa#15990:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#67158:\ :pc#1116102:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#15990:bd#8192:fd#1024:\ :pe#246246:be#4096:fe#1024:\ :pf#246246:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#1031355:bg#4096:fg#512:\ :ph#522873:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd9134|rd9134L|HP9134L:\ :ty=winchester:ns#16:nt#5:nc#973:\ :pa#15920:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#20000:\ :pc#77840:bc#4096:fc#1024\ :pd#32000:\ :pg#41840:bg#4096:fg#512:\ :ph#29840:bh#4096:fh#512: rd7957B|HP7957B:\ :ty=winchester:ns#18:nt#7:nc#1269:\ :pa#16002:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#32760:\ :pc#159894:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#49140:\ :pe#50400:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#44226:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#111006:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#94626:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd7958B|rd7962|rd7962B|HP7958/62B:\ :ty=winchester:ns#42:nt#9:nc#786:\ :pa#16254:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#32886:\ :pc#297108:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#49140:\ :pe#121716:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#109620:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#247590:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#231336:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd7959B|rd7963|rd7963B|HP7959/63B:\ :ty=winchester:ns#42:nt#9:nc#1572:\ :pa#16254:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#49140:\ :pc#594216:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#65772:\ :pe#303912:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#207900:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#528444:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#511812:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd335H|rd335|2200A|HP6000/335H:\ :ty=winchester:ns#113:nt#4:nc#1449:\ :pa#16272:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#49720:\ :pc#654948:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#65992:\ :pe#304648:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#267584:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#588504:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#572232:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd670H|rd670|2203A|HP6000/670H:\ :ty=winchester:ns#113:nt#8:nc#1449:\ :pa#16272:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#67800:\ :pc#1309896:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#16272:\ :pe#305552:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#305552:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#1224920:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#597544:bh#4096:fh#1024: # # Utah derivatives # rd7937-utah|HP7937H with Utah partitions:\ :ty=winchester:ns#123:nt#13:nc#698:\ :pa#15990:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#67158:\ :pc#1116102:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#124722:bd#8192:fd#1024:\ :pe#163098:be#4096:fe#1024:\ :pf#287820:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#1031355:bg#4096:fg#512:\ :ph#455715:bh#4096:fh#1024: # # Antiques # rd9134D|HP9134D:\ :ty=winchester:ns#16:nt#6:nc#303:\ :pa#15936:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#13056:\ :pc#29088:bc#8192:fc#1024: rd9122|rd9122S|rd9122D|HP9122S/D:\ :ty=winchester:ns#8:nt#2:nc#77:\ :pc#1232:bc#8192:fc#1024: rd7912|rd7912P|HP7912P:\ :ty=winchester:ns#32:nt#7:nc#572:\ :pa#15904:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#22400:\ :pc#128128:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#42560:\ :pg#89600:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#69440:bh#4096:fh#1024: rd7914|rd7914P|rd7914CT|HP7914P/CT:\ :ty=winchester:ns#32:nt#7:nc#1152:\ :pa#15904:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#40320:\ :pc#258048:bc#4096:fc#1024:\ :pd#64960:\ :pe#98560:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#78400:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#201600:bg#4096:fg#1024:\ :ph#176960:bh#4096:fh#1024: # # SCSI disks # Again, these mapping support three basic layouts: # Again, these mapping support three basic layouts: # # A/B/G: This is the "traditional" setup for a bootable disk. # A is the root partition, B the swap, and G is for /usr # and users. # A/D/E/F (large drives): # A/D/H (small drives): # This is a setup for bootable systems requiring more swap # (e.g. those who need CL). It has A as the root, D as a # larger swap, E and F (or H) as smaller user partitions. # E could be used for /usr and F for users (or H for both). # Or, E could be used for /var and F for /usr and users. # C: This gives a single, non-bootable, large user filesystem. # Good for second drives on a machine as either /usr/src # or a large /usr or user partition. # # A/B/G: This is the "traditional" setup for a bootable disk. # A is the root partition, B the swap, and G is for /usr # and users. # A/D/E/F (large drives): # A/D/H (small drives): # This is a setup for bootable systems requiring more swap # (e.g. those who need CL). It has A as the root, D as a # larger swap, E and F (or H) as smaller user partitions. # E could be used for /usr and F for users (or H for both). # Or, E could be used for /var and F for /usr and users. # C: This gives a single, non-bootable, large user filesystem. # Good for second drives on a machine as either /usr/src # or a large /usr or user partition. # sd7958|sd7958-utah|HP7958S:\ :ty=winchester:ns#32:nt#6:nc#1643:\ :pa#16384:oa#1024:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#65536:ob#17408:\ :pc#315455:oc#0:bc#8192:fc#1024:\ :pd#98304:od#17408:\ :pe#102400:oe#115712:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#97343:of#218112:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#232511:og#82944:bg#8192:fg#1024:\ :ph#199743:oh#115712:bh#8192:fh#1024: sd7959|sd330|sd7959-utah|HP7959S:\ :ty=winchester:ns#32:nt#12:nc#1643:\ :pa#16384:oa#1024:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#65536:ob#17408:\ :pc#630911:oc#0:bc#8192:fc#1024:\ :pd#98304:od#17408:\ :pe#102400:oe#115712:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#412799:of#218112:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#547967:og#82944:bg#8192:fg#1024:\ :ph#515199:oh#115712:bh#8192:fh#1024: sd7548-utah|sd660|HP97548S with Utah partitions:\ :ty=winchester:ns#56:nt#16:nc#1447:\ :pa#16384:oa#1024:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#65536:ob#17408:\ :pc#1296511:oc#0:bc#8192:fc#1024:\ :pd#98304:od#17408:\ :pe#102400:oe#115712:be#4096:fe#512:\ :pf#1078399:of#218112:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#1213567:og#82944:bg#8192:fg#1024:\ :ph#1180799:oh#115712:bh#8192:fh#1024: # # HP magneto-optical drive. # (ns, nt, nc are totally bogus) # actually 1K sectors sd650-sony|mo650-sony|HP6300/650A Magneto-optical drive with Sony format:\ :ty=optical:ns#61:nt#8:nc#1306:\ :pa#16384:oa#1024:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#65536:ob#17408:\ :pc#637328:oc#0:bc#8192:fc#1024:\ :pd#98304:od#17408:\ :pe#102400:oe#115712:be#4096:fe#1024:\ :pf#419216:of#218112:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#554384:og#82944:bg#8192:fg#1024: sd650|mo650|mo650-ansi|HP6300/650A Magneto-optical with ANSI format drive:\ :ty=optical:ns#61:nt#8:nc#1306:\ :pa#16384:oa#1024:ba#8192:fa#1024:\ :pb#65536:ob#17408:\ :pc#629136:oc#0:bc#8192:fc#1024:\ :pd#98304:od#17408:\ :pe#102400:oe#115712:be#4096:fe#1024:\ :pf#411024:of#218112:bf#4096:ff#1024:\ :pg#546192:og#82944:bg#8192:fg#1024: