/* $NetBSD: cfparse.y,v 1.1 2000/01/28 19:32:46 itojun Exp $ */ /* * Copyright (C) 1999 WIDE Project. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. Neither the name of the project nor the names of its contributors * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software * without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE PROJECT AND CONTRIBUTORS ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PROJECT OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE * FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS * OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT * LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY * OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * SUCH DAMAGE. */ %{ #include #include #include #include #include #include "defs.h" #include "rp.h" #include "vif.h" #include "var.h" #include "vmbuf.h" #include "cfparse.h" #include "debug.h" #include "pimd.h" #include "timer.h" #include "inet6.h" #define set_param(var,val,p) \ do {\ if ((var) != -1) {\ yywarn("%s doubly defined(ignore %d)", (p), (val));\ }\ else {\ (var) = val;\ }\ } while(0) struct in6_prefix { struct in6_addr paddr; int plen; }; struct attr_list { struct attr_list *next; int type; union { unsigned int flags; double number; struct in6_prefix prefix; }attru; }; enum {IFA_FLAG, IFA_PREFERENCE, IFA_METRIC, RPA_PRIORITY, RPA_TIME, BSRA_PRIORITY, BSRA_TIME, IN6_PREFIX, THRESA_RATE, THRESA_INTERVAL}; static int strict; /* flag if the grammer check is strict */ static struct attr_list *rp_attr, *bsr_attr, *grp_prefix, *regthres_attr, *datathres_attr; static char *cand_rp_ifname, *cand_bsr_ifname; static int srcmetric, srcpref, helloperiod, jpperiod, granularity, datatimo, regsuptimo, probetime, asserttimo; static double helloperiod_coef, jpperiod_coef; static int debugonly; extern int yylex __P((void)); %} %union { unsigned long num; double fl; vchar_t val; struct attr_list *attr; } %token EOS %token LOGGING LOGLEV NOLOGLEV %token YES NO %token REVERSELOOKUP %token PHYINT IFNAME DISABLE PREFERENCE METRIC NOLISTENER %token GRPPFX %token CANDRP CANDBSR TIME PRIORITY %token NUMBER STRING SLASH %token REGTHRES DATATHRES RATE INTERVAL %token SRCMETRIC SRCPREF HELLOPERIOD GRANULARITY JPPERIOD %token DATATIME REGSUPTIME PROBETIME ASSERTTIME %type LOGLEV NOLOGLEV %type NUMBER %type STRING IFNAME %type if_attributes rp_substatement rp_attributes %type bsr_substatement bsr_attributes thres_attributes %% statements: /* empty */ | statements statement ; statement: logging_statement | reverselookup_statement | phyint_statement | candrp_statement | candbsr_statement | grppfx_statement | regthres_statement | datathres_statement | param_statement ; /* logging */ logging_statement: LOGGING log_specs EOS ; log_specs: /* empty */ | log_specs LOGLEV {debug |= $2;} | log_specs NOLOGLEV {debug &= ~($2);} ; /* reverselookup */ reverselookup_statement: REVERSELOOKUP YES EOS { numerichost = FALSE; } | REVERSELOOKUP NO EOS { numerichost = TRUE; } ; /* phyint */ phyint_statement: PHYINT IFNAME if_attributes EOS { struct uvif *v; v = find_vif($2.v); free($2.v); /* XXX */ if (v == NULL) { yywarn("unknown interface: %s", $2.v); free_attr_list($3); if (strict) return(-1); } else { struct attr_list *p; for (p = (struct attr_list *)v->config_attr; p && p->next; p = p->next) ; if (p) p->next = (void *)$3; else v->config_attr = (void *)$3; } } ; if_attributes: { $$ = NULL; } | if_attributes DISABLE { if (($$ = add_attribute_flag($1, IFA_FLAG, VIFF_DISABLED)) == NULL) return(-1); } | if_attributes NOLISTENER { if (($$ = add_attribute_flag($1, IFA_FLAG, VIFF_NOLISTENER)) == NULL) return(-1); } | if_attributes PREFERENCE NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, IFA_PREFERENCE, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } | if_attributes METRIC NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, IFA_METRIC, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } ; /* cand_rp */ candrp_statement: CANDRP rp_substatement EOS { if (cand_rp_flag == TRUE) { yywarn("cand_rp doubly defined"); free_attr_list($2); if (strict) return(-1); } else { cand_rp_flag = TRUE; rp_attr = $2; } } ; /* XXX: intermediate rule to avoid shift-reduce conflict */ rp_substatement: IFNAME rp_attributes { if (cand_rp_ifname) { yywarn("ifname for cand_rp doubly defined"); if (strict) return(-1); } else cand_rp_ifname = $1.v; $$ = $2; } | rp_attributes ; rp_attributes: { $$ = NULL; } | rp_attributes PRIORITY NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, RPA_PRIORITY, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } | rp_attributes TIME NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, RPA_TIME, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } ; /* cand_bootstrap_router */ candbsr_statement: CANDBSR bsr_substatement EOS { if (cand_bsr_flag == TRUE) { yywarn("cand_bsr doubly defined"); free_attr_list($2); if (strict) return(-1); } else { cand_bsr_flag = TRUE; bsr_attr = $2; } } ; /* XXX: intermediate rule to avoid shift-reduce conflict */ bsr_substatement: IFNAME bsr_attributes { if (cand_bsr_ifname) { yywarn("ifname for cand_bsr doubly defined"); if (strict) return(-1); } else cand_bsr_ifname = $1.v; $$ = $2; } | bsr_attributes ; bsr_attributes: { $$ = NULL; } | bsr_attributes PRIORITY NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, BSRA_PRIORITY, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } | bsr_attributes TIME NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, BSRA_TIME, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } ; /* group_prefix / */ grppfx_statement: GRPPFX STRING SLASH NUMBER EOS { struct in6_prefix prefix; int prefixok = 1; if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, $2.v, &prefix.paddr) != 1) { yywarn("invalid IPv6 address: %s (ignored)", $2); prefixok = 0; } free($2.v); /* XXX: which was allocated dynamically */ prefix.plen = $4; if (prefix.plen < 0 || prefix.plen > 128) { yywarn("invalid prefix length: %d (ignored)", prefix.plen); prefixok = 0; } if (prefixok) { struct attr_list *new; if ((new = malloc(sizeof(*new))) == NULL) { yyerror("malloc failed"); return(NULL); } memset(new, 0, sizeof(*new)); new->type = IN6_PREFIX; new->attru.prefix = prefix; new->next = grp_prefix; grp_prefix = new; } } ; /* * switch_register_threshold [rate interval ] * Operation: reads and assigns the switch to the spt threshold * due to registers for the router, if used as RP. * Maybe extended to support different thresholds for different * groups(prefixes). */ regthres_statement: REGTHRES thres_attributes EOS { if (regthres_attr) { yywarn("switch_register_threshold doubly defined"); free_attr_list($2); if (strict) return(-1); } else regthres_attr = $2; } ; thres_attributes: { $$ = NULL; } | thres_attributes RATE NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, THRESA_RATE, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } | thres_attributes INTERVAL NUMBER { if (($$ = add_attribute_num($1, THRESA_INTERVAL, $3)) == NULL) return(-1); } /* * switch_data_threshold [rate interval ] * Operation: reads and assigns the switch to the spt threshold due to * data packets, if used as DR. */ datathres_statement: DATATHRES thres_attributes EOS { if (datathres_attr) { yywarn("switch_data_threshold doubly defined"); free_attr_list($2); if (strict) return(-1); } else datathres_attr = $2; } ; param_statement: SRCMETRIC NUMBER EOS { set_param(srcmetric, $2, "default_source_metric"); } | SRCPREF NUMBER EOS { set_param(srcpref, $2, "default_source_preference"); } | HELLOPERIOD NUMBER EOS { set_param(helloperiod, $2, "hello_period"); } | HELLOPERIOD NUMBER NUMBER EOS { set_param(helloperiod, $2, "hello_period"); set_param(helloperiod_coef, $3, "hello_period(coef)"); } | JPPERIOD NUMBER EOS { set_param(jpperiod, $2, "join_prune_period"); } | JPPERIOD NUMBER NUMBER EOS { set_param(jpperiod, $2, "join_prune_period"); set_param(jpperiod_coef, $3, "join_prune_period(coef)"); } | GRANULARITY NUMBER EOS { set_param(granularity, $2, "granularity"); } | REGSUPTIME NUMBER EOS { set_param(regsuptimo, $2, "register_suppression_timeout"); } | PROBETIME NUMBER EOS { set_param(probetime, $2, "probe_time"); } | ASSERTTIME NUMBER EOS { set_param(asserttimo, $2, "assert_timeout"); } ; %% static struct attr_list *add_attribute_flag __P((struct attr_list *, int, unsigned int)); static struct attr_list *add_attribute_num __P((struct attr_list *, int, double)); static void free_attr_list __P((struct attr_list *)); static int param_config __P((void)); static int phyint_config __P((void)); static int rp_config __P((void)); static int bsr_config __P((void)); static int grp_prefix_config __P((void)); static int regthres_config __P((void)); static int datathres_config __P((void)); static struct attr_list * add_attribute_flag(list, type, flag) struct attr_list *list; int type; unsigned int flag; { struct attr_list *p; if ((p = malloc(sizeof(*p))) == NULL) { yyerror("malloc failed"); return(NULL); } memset((void *)p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->type = type; p->attru.flags = flag; p->next = list; return(p); } /* XXX: too many dup code... */ static struct attr_list * add_attribute_num(list, type, num) struct attr_list *list; int type; double num; { struct attr_list *p; if ((p = malloc(sizeof(*p))) == NULL) { yyerror("malloc failed"); return(NULL); } memset((void *)p, 0, sizeof(*p)); p->type = type; p->attru.number = num; p->next = list; return(p); } static void free_attr_list(list) struct attr_list *list; { struct attr_list *p, *next; for(p = list; p; p = next) { next = p->next; free(p); } } static int param_config() { struct uvif *v; vifi_t vifi; /* at first, set the default values to all the undefined variables */ if (srcmetric == -1) srcmetric = DEFAULT_LOCAL_METRIC; if (srcpref == -1) srcpref = DEFAULT_LOCAL_PREF; if (helloperiod == -1) helloperiod = PIM_TIMER_HELLO_PERIOD; if (helloperiod_coef == -1) helloperiod_coef = 3.5; if (jpperiod == -1) jpperiod = PIM_JOIN_PRUNE_PERIOD; if (jpperiod_coef == -1) jpperiod_coef = 3.5; if (granularity == -1) granularity = DEFAULT_TIMER_INTERVAL; if (datatimo == -1) datatimo = PIM_DATA_TIMEOUT; if (regsuptimo == -1) regsuptimo = PIM_REGISTER_SUPPRESSION_TIMEOUT; if (probetime == -1) probetime = PIM_REGISTER_PROBE_TIME; if (asserttimo == -1) asserttimo = PIM_ASSERT_TIMEOUT; /* set protocol parameters using the configuration variables */ for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < MAXVIFS; ++vifi, ++v) { v->uv_local_metric = srcmetric; v->uv_local_pref = srcpref; } pim_hello_period = helloperiod; pim_hello_holdtime = helloperiod * helloperiod_coef; pim_join_prune_period = jpperiod; pim_join_prune_holdtime = jpperiod * jpperiod_coef; timer_interval = granularity; pim_data_timeout = datatimo; pim_register_suppression_timeout = regsuptimo; pim_register_probe_time = probetime; pim_assert_timeout = asserttimo; IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_PIM_HELLO) { log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "pim_hello_period set to: %u", pim_hello_period); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "pim_hello_holdtime set to: %u", pim_hello_holdtime); } IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_PIM_JOIN_PRUNE) { log(LOG_DEBUG,0 , "pim_join_prune_period set to: %u", pim_join_prune_period); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "pim_join_prune_holdtime set to: %u", pim_join_prune_holdtime); } return(0); } static int phyint_config() { struct uvif *v; vifi_t vifi; struct attr_list *al; for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs ; ++vifi , ++v) { for (al = (struct attr_list *)v->config_attr; al; al = al->next) { switch(al->type) { case IFA_FLAG: v->uv_flags |= al->attru.flags; break; case IFA_PREFERENCE: if (al->attru.number < 1 || al->attru.number > 255) yywarn("invalid phyint preference(%d)", (int)al->attru.number); else { v->uv_local_pref = al->attru.number; IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_ASSERT) log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "default localpref for %s " "is %d", v->uv_name, v->uv_local_pref); } break; case IFA_METRIC: if (al->attru.number < 1 || al->attru.number > 1024) yywarn("invalid metric(%d)", al->attru.number); else { v->uv_metric = al->attru.number; IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_ASSERT) log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "default local metric for %s " "is %d", v->uv_name, v->uv_metric); } break; } } } return(0); } static int rp_config() { struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6_rp = NULL; struct attr_list *al; u_int8 *data_ptr; /* initialization by default values */ my_cand_rp_adv_period = PIM_DEFAULT_CAND_RP_ADV_PERIOD; my_cand_rp_priority = PIM_DEFAULT_CAND_RP_PRIORITY; if (cand_rp_ifname) { sa6_rp = local_iface(cand_rp_ifname); if (!sa6_rp) log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "cand_rp '%s' is not configured. " "take the max local address the router..", cand_rp_ifname); } for (al = rp_attr; al; al = al->next) { switch(al->type) { case RPA_PRIORITY: if (al->attru.number < 0) my_cand_rp_priority = PIM_DEFAULT_CAND_RP_PRIORITY; else my_cand_rp_priority = al->attru.number; break; case RPA_TIME: if (al->attru.number < 10) my_cand_rp_adv_period = 10; else if (al->attru.number > PIM_DEFAULT_CAND_RP_ADV_PERIOD) my_cand_rp_adv_period = PIM_DEFAULT_CAND_RP_ADV_PERIOD; else my_cand_rp_adv_period = al->attru.number; break; default: yywarn("unknown attribute(%d) for RP", al->type); break; } } if (!sa6_rp) sa6_rp = max_global_address(); /* this MUST suceed */ my_cand_rp_address = *sa6_rp; /* * initialize related parameters */ /* * Note that sizeof(pim6_enocd_uni_addr_t) might be larger than * the length of the Encoded-Unicast-address field(18 byte) due to * some padding put in the compiler. However, it doesn't matter * since we use the space just as a buffer(i.e not as the message). */ cand_rp_adv_message.buffer = (u_int8 *)malloc(4 + sizeof(pim6_encod_uni_addr_t) + 255*sizeof(pim6_encod_grp_addr_t)); if(cand_rp_adv_message.buffer == NULL) log(LOG_ERR, 0, "Candrpadv Buffer allocation"); cand_rp_adv_message.prefix_cnt_ptr = cand_rp_adv_message.buffer; /* * By default, if no group_prefix configured, then prefix_cnt == 0 * implies group_prefix = ff00::/8 and masklen = 8. */ *cand_rp_adv_message.prefix_cnt_ptr = 0; cand_rp_adv_message.insert_data_ptr = cand_rp_adv_message.buffer; /* TODO: XXX: HARDCODING!!! */ cand_rp_adv_message.insert_data_ptr += (4 + 18); cand_rp_adv_message.message_size = cand_rp_adv_message.insert_data_ptr - cand_rp_adv_message.buffer; my_cand_rp_holdtime = 2.5 * my_cand_rp_adv_period; /* TODO: HARDCODING! */ data_ptr = cand_rp_adv_message.buffer + 1; /* WARNING */ PUT_BYTE(my_cand_rp_priority,data_ptr); PUT_HOSTSHORT(my_cand_rp_holdtime, data_ptr); PUT_EUADDR6(my_cand_rp_address.sin6_addr,data_ptr); IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_PIM_CAND_RP) { log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Local Cand-RP address is : %s", inet6_fmt(&my_cand_rp_address.sin6_addr)); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Local Cand-RP priority is : %u",my_cand_rp_priority); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Local Cand-RP advertisement period is : %u sec.", my_cand_rp_adv_period); } return(0); } static int bsr_config() { struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6_bsr = NULL; struct attr_list *al; /* initialization by default values */ my_bsr_period = PIM_DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_PERIOD; my_bsr_priority = PIM_DEFAULT_BSR_PRIORITY; if (cand_bsr_ifname) { sa6_bsr = local_iface(cand_bsr_ifname); if (!sa6_bsr) log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "bsr '%s' is not configured. " "take the max local address the router..", cand_bsr_ifname); } for (al = bsr_attr; al; al = al->next) { switch(al->type) { case BSRA_PRIORITY: if (al->attru.number >= 0) my_bsr_priority = al->attru.number; break; case BSRA_TIME: if (al->attru.number < 10) my_bsr_period = 10; else if (al->attru.number > PIM_DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_PERIOD) my_bsr_period = PIM_DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP_PERIOD; else my_bsr_period = al->attru.number; break; default: yywarn("unknown attribute(%d) for BSR", al->type); break; } } if (!sa6_bsr) sa6_bsr = max_global_address(); /* this MUST suceed */ my_bsr_address = *sa6_bsr; IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_PIM_BOOTSTRAP) { log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Local BSR address: %s", inet6_fmt(&my_bsr_address.sin6_addr)); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "Local BSR priority : %u",my_bsr_priority); log(LOG_DEBUG,0, "Local BSR period is : %u sec.", my_bsr_period); } return(0); } static int grp_prefix_config() { struct attr_list *pl; if (cand_rp_flag != TRUE) { log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "group_prefix was specified without cand_rp(ignored)"); return(0); } for (pl = grp_prefix; pl; pl = pl->next) { if (!IN6_IS_ADDR_MULTICAST(&pl->attru.prefix.paddr)) { log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "Config error: %s is not a mulicast address(ignored)", inet6_fmt(&pl->attru.prefix.paddr)); continue; } if (!(~(*cand_rp_adv_message.prefix_cnt_ptr))) { log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "Too many group_prefix configured. Truncating..."); break; } /* validation for plen has almost done */ if (pl->attru.prefix.plen < PIM_GROUP_PREFIX_DEFAULT_MASKLEN) pl->attru.prefix.plen = PIM_GROUP_PREFIX_DEFAULT_MASKLEN; PUT_EGADDR6(pl->attru.prefix.paddr, (u_int8)pl->attru.prefix.plen, 0, cand_rp_adv_message.insert_data_ptr); (*cand_rp_adv_message.prefix_cnt_ptr)++; } /* finally, adjust the data size */ cand_rp_adv_message.message_size = cand_rp_adv_message.insert_data_ptr - cand_rp_adv_message.buffer; return(0); } static int regthres_config() { struct attr_list *al; int rate = -1; int interval = -1; if (cand_rp_flag != TRUE) { log(LOG_WARNING, 0, "register_threshold was specified without cand_rp"); } for (al = regthres_attr; al; al = al->next) { switch(al->type) { case THRESA_RATE: if (al->attru.number < 0) yywarn("invalid regthres rate: %d(ignored)", al->attru.number); else if (rate != -1) yywarn("regthres rate is doubly defined(ignored)"); else rate = al->attru.number; break; case THRESA_INTERVAL: if (al->attru.number < 0) yywarn("invalid regthres interval: %d(ignored)", al->attru.number); else if (interval != -1) yywarn("regthres interval is doubly defined(ignored)"); else interval = al->attru.number; break; default: yywarn("unknown attribute(%d) for regthres", al->type); break; } } /* set default values if not specified */ if (rate == -1) rate = PIM_DEFAULT_REG_RATE; if (interval == -1) interval = PIM_DEFAULT_REG_RATE_INTERVAL; pim_reg_rate_bytes = (rate * interval ) /10; pim_reg_rate_check_interval = interval; return(0); } static int datathres_config() { struct attr_list *al; int rate = -1; int interval = -1; for (al = datathres_attr; al; al = al->next) { switch(al->type) { case THRESA_RATE: if (al->attru.number < 0) yywarn("invalid datathres rate: %d(ignored)", al->attru.number); else if (rate != -1) yywarn("datathres rate is doubly defined(ignored)"); else rate = al->attru.number; break; case THRESA_INTERVAL: if (al->attru.number < 0) yywarn("invalid datathres interval: %d(ignored)", al->attru.number); else if (interval != -1) yywarn("datathres interval is doubly defined(ignored)"); else interval = al->attru.number; break; default: yywarn("unknown attribute(%d) for datathres", al->type); break; } } /* set default values if not specified */ if (rate == -1) rate = PIM_DEFAULT_DATA_RATE; if (interval == -1) interval = PIM_DEFAULT_DATA_RATE_INTERVAL; pim_data_rate_bytes = (rate * interval ) /10; pim_data_rate_check_interval = interval; return(0); } int cf_post_config() { struct uvif *v; vifi_t vifi; if (debugonly) goto cleanup; param_config(); /* must be called before phyint_conifg() */ phyint_config(); if (cand_bsr_flag == TRUE) bsr_config(); if (cand_rp_flag == TRUE) rp_config(); if (grp_prefix) /* this must be called after rp_config() */ grp_prefix_config(); if (cand_rp_flag == TRUE) regthres_config(); datathres_config(); IF_DEBUG(DEBUG_SWITCH) { log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "reg_rate_limit set to %u (bits/s)", pim_reg_rate_bytes); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "reg_rate_interval set to %u s.", pim_reg_rate_check_interval); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "data_rate_limit set to %u (bits/s)", pim_data_rate_bytes); log(LOG_DEBUG, 0, "data_rate_interval set to %u s.", pim_data_rate_check_interval); } cleanup: /* cleanup temporary variables */ if (cand_rp_ifname) free(cand_rp_ifname); if (cand_bsr_ifname) free(cand_bsr_ifname); if (rp_attr) free_attr_list(rp_attr); if (bsr_attr) free_attr_list(bsr_attr); if (grp_prefix) free_attr_list(grp_prefix); if (regthres_attr) free_attr_list(regthres_attr); if (datathres_attr) free_attr_list(datathres_attr); for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs ; ++vifi , ++v) free_attr_list((struct attr_list *)v->config_attr); return(0); } /* initialize all the temporary variables */ void cf_init(s, d) { struct uvif *v; vifi_t vifi; strict = s; debugonly = d; debug = 0; rp_attr = bsr_attr = grp_prefix = regthres_attr = datathres_attr = NULL; cand_rp_ifname = cand_bsr_ifname = NULL; srcmetric = srcpref = helloperiod = jpperiod = jpperiod_coef = granularity = datatimo = regsuptimo = probetime = asserttimo = -1; helloperiod_coef = jpperiod_coef = -1; for (vifi = 0, v = uvifs; vifi < numvifs ; ++vifi , ++v) v->config_attr = NULL; }