*-sushi-* packages.
Suggested by Allen Barret in PR misc/16900:
>$ grep base-sysutil distrib/sets/lists/base/mi | grep sushi | wc -l
> 288
>$ grep base-sysutil distrib/sets/lists/base/mi | grep -v sushi | wc -l
> 136
>In a future where syspkgs are useful, it seems likely that some
>people will want to avoid installing sushi, while others will want to
>be able to upgrade sushi without upgrading the entire system. Several
>small subsystems, including cron and lpr, have their own syspkg sets,
>and it seems reasonable to do the same for the sushi subsystem.
- improve parsing; explicitly skip lines we don't want and use the rest.
- keep track of which items were explicitly listed, and only output directories
at the END which weren't listed, each with a suffix of "optional".
- convert to my awk KNF
- when joining, output all of the matching entry from the first file
and the 2nd & subsequent lines of the entry from the second file.
- convert to my awk KNF
these changes mean that maketars use of pax will result in tar files
with the traditional behaviour of only containing the necessary
directories, rather than all the parent directories required to get to
a particular item. this latter behaviour was necessary for METALOG
(i.e UNPRIVED) pax .tgz set file generation, until the changes above
fixed it.
sh3, for example, due to defincencies in the current compiler version).
Deal with this by splitting toolchain shlibs into tc.shl, and teachking
makeflist about it.
Also, fix an old-toolchain remnant in the sh3 set lists.
- move guts of distrib/Makefile.inc to distrib/common/Makefile.distrib
(fixes problem caused by implicit include of ../Makefile.inc in certain
submake conditions triggered by makefiles not yet in tree)
- removed mkdir of ${RELEASEDIR}/*; rely upon "snap_pre" target of
etc/Makefile to create all the release directories
- removed ITARGET
- move release target from top level to appropriate subdirectory
- ensure release target has correct depends
- replace miniroot's IMAGE_MD_POST with common/Makefile.image IMAGEPOSTBUILD
- Makefile.image: add realall: ${IMAGE}
"/etc/ssh/ssh_config" (from "/etc/ssh/ssh.conf") for ssh(1) and other
userland tools, and "/etc/ssh/sshd_config (from "/etc/ssh/sshd.conf")
for sshd(8).
etc/postinstall will detect this, and if "fix" is given, rename the files.
An explicit makesums: maketars dependancy was not used because a
release engineer might want to regenerate the sums only and not the
tarballs; there's no explicit dependancy tracking here or elsewhere
between the input files and the output tarballs so everything gets
rebuild always.
XXX The existing "maketars" script is also not friendly to parallel
builds -- all of the sets files should be visible to the makefile so
they can be built in parallel.