- - Don't descend into miniroot. This permits "make clean" and "make obj"
from within /usr/src/distrib to succeed.
- - Don't strip the install kernel--I need this to boot.
- - Add release target, for use by "make release" in top level src dir.
- - Ramdisk now builds in "notes" dir before reaching into it.
- - Ramdisk unconfigures vnd when make is interrupted, by Ctl-C, for example.
It would be nice to unconfigure the vnd device if the make fails for any
reason, but I can't figure out how to do that.
in sets/lists/*. The sript sets/makeobsolete concatenates the mi and md
obsolete list files all or a specified set and dumps it in a file, in a
subdir specified on the command line (inspired from the maketar and makeflist
Use this for all the sysinst-based installs.
Untested for non-i386, and the md obsolete list may be wrong or incomplete.
Each postmaster is supposed to check this on his port.
- Remove *.cro files and not the obsoleted *.lo files.
From Bill Studenmund commit message:
> 3) Generate .cro files rather than .lo files. .lo now is used for "local
> objects" - obj's for the host machine not the target machine.