When parsing the established and the detailed timings, check to see if this
mode already exists in our mode list. If the mode exists when parsing
established timings, then do nothing (we already have this exact mode). If
the mode exists when parsing detailed timings, then replace our timings with
the timings from the monitor.
This allows one to query monitors (or use BIOS EDID data) and learn their
default modes, etc. To use this, pass an EDID data block edid_parse(), and
get back nicely parsed data, including precalculated modes using GTF, etc.
The result can be printed using edid_print().
Also, if you want to use GTF to generate modes without EDID, you can use the
vesagtf pseudo-device. vesagtf.c can also be compiled as a standalone program
to generate XFree86 modelines.