is that some capabilities appear multiple times (e.g. HyperTransport cap).
- Print the specification revision of Power Management and AGP not in
the capability list part but in the detail part.
Summary of changes in tzdata2014i (2014-10-21 22:04:57 -0700):
* Pacific/Fiji will observe DST from 2014-11-02 02:00 to 2015-01-18 03:00.
Guess that future years will use a similar pattern.
* A new Zone Pacific/Bougainville, for the part of Papua New Guinea
that plans to switch from UTC+10 to UTC+11 on 2014-12-28 at 02:00.
* Since Belarus is not changing its clocks even though Moscow is,
the time zone abbreviation in Europe/Minsk is changing from FET
to its more-traditional value MSK on 2014-10-26 at 01:00.
* The new abbreviation IDT stands for the pre-1976 use of UT+8 in
Indochina, to distinguish it better from ICT (UT+7).
* Many time stamps have been corrected for Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh before 1976.
Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh has been added to, since
north and south Vietnam disagreed after our 1970 cutoff.
* Asia/Phnom_Penh and Asia/Vientiane have been turned into links, as
they differed from existing zones only for pre-1970 time stamps.
* Changes affecting commentary.
keep awin_device_register under control.
Board configuration scripts can be found here:
You can compile them with the "fex2bin" tool found here:
To use, copy the compiled FEX to your MS-DOS partition, load it with
U-Boot, and then tell the kernel where to find it with the "sysconfig="
boot option. For example, uEnv.txt on a Cubieboard2 might look like this:
bootargs=root=ld0a sysconfig=0x43000000
uenvcmd=mmc dev 0; mmc rescan; fatload mmc 0:1 43000000 cubieboard2.bin; fatload mmc 0:1 82000000 netbsd.ub; bootm 82000000
This should correct the problem that ./bin/[ was missing from the
base.tgz set, despite being listed in src/distrib/sets/base/mi
and being present in METALOG. The corresponding entry in
METALOG.sanitised has ./bin/\133 instead of ./bin/[, and that made
join.awk omit it.
XXX: The unvis() implementation in join.awk handles only a subset
of the syntax, but it's probably good enough for now.
XXX: The file names should probably be canonicalised by
vis(unvis(name)), but at present none of the file names in the set
lists really need it.
XXX: It may be a bug that entries in the set lists without
corresponding entries in METALOG are silently ignored by join.awk.