A bootable sgimips has a volume header prepended, and so is useless for
anything but sgimips. The issue was not found before because the
logic to make an ISO bootable on sgimips was broken, and has been fixed by
tsutsui@ on 2007/03/04.
to make debugging Makefile easier.
For example:
# make RELEASE=3.1 obj
# make RELEASE=3.1 TARGET_CD_IMAGE=sgimipscd fetch
# make RELEASE=3.1 TARGET_CD_IMAGE=sgimipscd
# make RELEASE=current obj
# make RELEASE=current RSYNC_SITE=rsync://rsync.NetBSD.org/NetBSD-daily/HEAD/200702280002Z TARGET_CD_IMAGE=macppccd fetch
# make RELEASE=current TARGET_CD_IMAGE=macppccd