conversion constant.
Remove flags
-c Create IBSS: use ifconfig wi0 mediaopt adhoc, which turns on the
802.11-compliant behavior
-e enable WEP: use ifconfig wi0 nwkey ...
-f set channel: use ifconfig wi0 chan ch
-k set WEP keys: use ifconfig wi0 nwkey ...
-n set desired SSID to join in IBSS mode: use ifconfig wi0 nwid id
-p set the desired port type: use ifconfig wi0 mediaopt ...
-q set SSID to create: use ifconfig wi0 nwid ...
-t set TX rate: ifconfig wi0 media ...
-A set authentication type: ifconfig wi0 nwkey ...
-S set maximum sleep interval: ifconfig wi0 powersavesleep ...
-P enable power management: ifconfig wi0 powersave
-T select WEP key for transmitted packets: ifconfig wi0 nwkey n:k1,k2,k3,k4
-Z unimplemented
which duplicate ifconfig functions. This leaves flags
-a access point density
-o print out statistics counters
-s set station name for Lucent WaveMANAGER software
-M enable/disable "microwave oven robustness"
-R enable/disable roaming function
which affect wi(4)-specific parameters, and flags
-D scan once for access points
-d maximum data length
-m set MAC address
-r set RTS/CTS threshold
which affect 802.11-standard parameters and activities (so may not
belong in wiconfig, in the long-term). The new flag, -g, also
affects an 802.11 parameter.
"*************" rather than a single asterisk - it's just as difficult
to hash to the longer password since the asterisk character itself is
not in its alphabet, and pwd_mkdb now thinks it's a valid DES password.
On both my 4000/60 and SIMH, a boot program NOT loaded at 0 consistently
is loaded +0x5200 too high in memory, which which causes a fatal trap back
into the console even before the self-relocating code can run. "wHATEver."
"iostat -x" now shows these (ala linux/solaris), but this is only splitting
the read/write bytes/transactions, not adding any new metrics. "systat
iostat" now has two new commands to switch between combined/separate mode
for both it's numbers & bar modes.