In case we get a coredump from a test, autorun gdb to produce a

stacktrace (or whatever gdb can give us, which unfortunately is
usually not that much).
This commit is contained in:
pooka 2011-03-02 16:47:04 +00:00
parent 65023b30e4
commit fa9fc06b7a

View File

@ -380,15 +380,44 @@ atf_run::run_test_program(const atf::fs::path& tp,
std::pair< std::string, const atf::process::status > s =
impl::run_test_case(tp, tcname, "body", tcmd, config,
resfile, workdir.get_path(), w);
if (has_cleanup)
(void)impl::run_test_case(tp, tcname, "cleanup", tcmd,
config, resfile, workdir.get_path(), w);
// TODO: Force deletion of workdir.
impl::test_case_result tcr = get_test_case_result(s.first,
s.second, resfile);
/* if we have a core, scope out stacktrace */
size_t slashpos = tp.str().rfind("/");
std::string corename = workdir.get_path().str()
+ std::string("/") + tp.str().substr(slashpos+1)
+ std::string(".core");
if (s.second.signaled() && s.second.coredump() &&
access(corename.c_str(), F_OK) == 0) {
std::string gdbcmd;
char buf[256];
char *p;
gdbcmd = std::string("gdb -batch -q -ex bt ") +
tp.str() + std::string(" ") + corename +
std::string(" 2> /dev/null");
FILE *gdbstrm = popen(gdbcmd.c_str(), "r");
if (gdbstrm) {
w.stderr_tc(std::string("test program crashed, "
"autolisting stacktrace:"));
while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), gdbstrm)) {
if ((p = strchr(buf, '\n')) != NULL)
*p = '\0';
w.stderr_tc(std::string("stacktrace complete"));
if (has_cleanup)
(void)impl::run_test_case(tp, tcname, "cleanup", tcmd,
config, resfile, workdir.get_path(), w);
w.end_tc(tcr.state(), tcr.reason());
if (tcr.state() == "failed")
errcode = EXIT_FAILURE;