Add support for escaping special characters when doing filename completion.

For instance if the file name is "foo bar":
$ ls foo<TAB>
should get autocompleted to:
$ ls foo\ bar

Works for similar other characters too, which need escaping.

Also, add an accompanying test program to ensure the escaping is correct
in various scenarios (within quotes, without quotes, with other special characeters)

Thanks to Christos for reviews, help and feedback.
This commit is contained in:
abhinav 2017-10-15 18:59:00 +00:00
parent 351abcce56
commit fa61555626
3 changed files with 649 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.7 2016/03/23 22:27:48 christos Exp $
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.8 2017/10/15 18:59:00 abhinav Exp $
PROG=wtc1 test_filecompletion
LDADD+=-ledit -ltermlib

View File

@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
#include "config.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <histedit.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include "filecomplete.h"
#include "el.h"
typedef struct {
const wchar_t *user_typed_text; /* The actual text typed by the user on the terminal */
const char *completion_function_input ; /*the text received by fn_filename_completion_function */
const char *expanded_text; /* the value to which completion_function_input should be expanded */
const wchar_t *escaped_output; /* expected escaped value of expanded_text */
} test_input;
static test_input inputs[] = {
/* simple test for escaping angular brackets */
L"ls ang",
L"ls ang\\<ular\\>test "
/* test angular bracket inside double quotes: ls "dq_ang */
L"ls \"dq_ang",
L"ls \"dq_ang<ular>test\" "
/* test angular bracket inside singlq quotes: ls "sq_ang */
L"ls 'sq_ang",
L"ls 'sq_ang<ular>test' "
/* simple test for backslash */
L"ls back",
L"ls backslash\\\\test "
/* backslash inside single quotes */
L"ls 'sback",
L"ls 'sbackslash\\test' "
/* backslash inside double quotes */
L"ls \"dback",
L"ls \"dbackslash\\\\test\" "
/* test braces */
L"ls br",
L"ls braces\\{test\\} "
/* test braces inside single quotes */
L"ls 'sbr",
L"ls 'sbraces{test}' "
/* test braces inside double quotes */
L"ls \"dbr",
L"ls \"dbraces{test}\" "
/* test dollar */
L"ls doll",
L"ls doll\\$artest "
/* test dollar inside single quotes */
L"ls 'sdoll",
L"ls 'sdoll$artest' "
/* test dollar inside double quotes */
L"ls \"ddoll",
L"ls \"ddoll\\$artest\" "
/* test equals */
L"ls eq",
L"ls equals\\=\\=test "
/* test equals inside sinqle quotes */
L"ls 'seq",
L"ls 'sequals==test' "
/* test equals inside double quotes */
L"ls \"deq",
L"ls \"dequals==test\" "
/* test \n */
L"ls new",
L"ls new\\\\nline "
/* test \n inside single quotes */
L"ls 'snew",
L"ls 'snew\nline' "
/* test \n inside double quotes */
L"ls \"dnew",
L"ls \"dnew\nline\" "
/* test single space */
L"ls spac",
"space test",
L"ls space\\ test "
/* test single space inside singlq quotes */
L"ls 's_spac",
"s_space test",
L"ls 's_space test' "
/* test single space inside double quotes */
L"ls \"d_spac",
"d_space test",
L"ls \"d_space test\" "
/* test multiple spaces */
L"ls multi",
"multi space test",
L"ls multi\\ space\\ \\ test "
/* test multiple spaces inside single quotes */
L"ls 's_multi",
"s_multi space test",
L"ls 's_multi space test' "
/* test multiple spaces inside double quotes */
L"ls \"d_multi",
"d_multi space test",
L"ls \"d_multi space test\" "
/* test double quotes */
L"ls doub",
L"ls doub\\\"quotes "
/* test double quotes inside single quotes */
L"ls 's_doub",
L"ls 's_doub\"quotes' "
/* test double quotes inside double quotes */
L"ls \"d_doub",
L"ls \"d_doub\\\"quotes\" "
/* test multiple double quotes */
L"ls mud",
L"ls mud\\\"qu\\\"otes\\\" "
/* test multiple double quotes inside single quotes */
L"ls 'smud",
L"ls 'smud\"qu\"otes\"' "
/* test multiple double quotes inside double quotes */
L"ls \"dmud",
L"ls \"dmud\\\"qu\\\"otes\\\"\" "
/* test one single quote */
L"ls sing",
L"ls single\\'quote "
/* test one single quote inside single quote */
L"ls 'ssing",
L"ls 'ssingle'\\''quote' "
/* test one single quote inside double quote */
L"ls \"dsing",
L"ls \"dsingle'quote\" "
/* test multiple single quotes */
L"ls mu_sing",
L"ls mu_single\\'\\'quotes\\'\\' "
/* test multiple single quotes inside single quote */
L"ls 'smu_sing",
L"ls 'smu_single'\\'''\\''quotes'\\\'''\\''' "
/* test multiple single quotes inside double quote */
L"ls \"dmu_sing",
L"ls \"dmu_single''quotes''\" "
/* test parenthesis */
L"ls paren",
L"ls paren\\(test\\) "
/* test parenthesis inside single quote */
L"ls 'sparen",
L"ls 'sparen(test)' "
/* test parenthesis inside double quote */
L"ls \"dparen",
L"ls \"dparen(test)\" "
/* test pipe */
L"ls pip",
L"ls pipe\\|test "
/* test pipe inside single quote */
L"ls 'spip",
L"ls 'spipe|test' ",
/* test pipe inside double quote */
L"ls \"dpip",
L"ls \"dpipe|test\" "
/* test tab */
L"ls ta",
L"ls tab\\\ttest "
/* test tab inside single quote */
L"ls 'sta",
L"ls 'stab\ttest' "
/* test tab inside double quote */
L"ls \"dta",
L"ls \"dtab\ttest\" "
/* test back tick */
L"ls tic",
L"ls tick\\`test\\` "
/* test back tick inside single quote */
L"ls 'stic",
L"ls 'stick`test`' "
/* test back tick inside double quote */
L"ls \"dtic",
L"ls \"dtick\\`test\\`\" "
/* test for @ */
L"ls at",
L"ls atthe\\@rate "
/* test for @ inside single quote */
L"ls 'sat",
L"ls 'satthe@rate' "
/* test for @ inside double quote */
L"ls \"dat",
L"ls \"datthe@rate\" "
/* test ; */
L"ls semi",
L"ls semi\\;colon\\;test "
/* test ; inside single quote */
L"ls 'ssemi",
L"ls 'ssemi;colon;test' "
/* test ; inside double quote */
L"ls \"dsemi",
L"ls \"dsemi;colon;test\" "
/* test & */
L"ls amp",
L"ls ampers\\&and "
/* test & inside single quote */
L"ls 'samp",
L"ls 'sampers&and' "
/* test & inside double quote */
L"ls \"damp",
L"ls \"dampers&and\" "
/* test multiple words */
L"ls word",
"word1 \"word2\\`with many \\ $characters\"",
L"ls word1 \"word2\\`with many \\ $characters\""
static const wchar_t break_chars[] = L" \t\n\"\\'`@$><=;|&{(";
* Custom completion function passed to fn_complete.
* The function returns hardcoded completion matches
* based on the test cases present in inputs[] (above)
static char *
mycomplet_func(const char *text, int index)
static char *last_input = NULL;
size_t i = 0;
if (last_input && strcmp(last_input, text) == 0) {
last_input = NULL;
return NULL;
last_input = strdup(text);
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(inputs)/sizeof(inputs[0]); i++) {
if (strcmp(text, inputs[i].completion_function_input) == 0)
return strdup(inputs[i].expanded_text);
return NULL;
main(int argc, char **argv)
EditLine *el = el_init(argv[0], stdin, stdout, stderr);
size_t i;
size_t input_len;
el_line_t line;
wchar_t *buffer = malloc(64 * sizeof(*buffer));
if (buffer == NULL)
err(EXIT_FAILURE, "malloc failed");
for (i = 0; i < sizeof(inputs)/sizeof(inputs[0]); i++) {
memset(buffer, 0, 64 * sizeof(*buffer));
input_len = wcslen(inputs[i].user_typed_text);
wmemcpy(buffer, inputs[i].user_typed_text, input_len);
buffer[input_len] = 0;
line.buffer = buffer;
line.cursor = line.buffer + input_len ;
line.lastchar = line.cursor - 1;
line.limit = line.buffer + 64 * sizeof(*buffer);
el->el_line = line;
fn_complete(el, mycomplet_func, NULL, break_chars, NULL, NULL, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
* fn_complete would have expanded and escaped the input in el->el_line.buffer.
* We need to assert that it matches with the expected value in our test data
printf("User input: %ls\t Expected output: %ls\t Generated output: %ls\n",
inputs[i].user_typed_text, inputs[i].escaped_output, el->el_line.buffer);
assert(wcscmp(el->el_line.buffer, inputs[i].escaped_output) == 0);
return 0;

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* $NetBSD: filecomplete.c,v 1.46 2017/09/16 20:40:34 abhinav Exp $ */
/* $NetBSD: filecomplete.c,v 1.47 2017/10/15 18:59:00 abhinav Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1997 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#include "config.h"
#if !defined(lint) && !defined(SCCSID)
__RCSID("$NetBSD: filecomplete.c,v 1.46 2017/09/16 20:40:34 abhinav Exp $");
__RCSID("$NetBSD: filecomplete.c,v 1.47 2017/10/15 18:59:00 abhinav Exp $");
#endif /* not lint && not SCCSID */
#include <sys/types.h>
@ -126,6 +126,134 @@ fn_tilde_expand(const char *txt)
return temp;
static int
needs_escaping(char c)
switch (c) {
case '\'':
case '"':
case '(':
case ')':
case '\\':
case '<':
case '>':
case '$':
case '#':
case ' ':
case '\n':
case '\t':
case '?':
case ';':
case '`':
case '@':
case '=':
case '|':
case '{':
case '}':
case '&':
return 1;
return 0;
static char *
escape_filename(EditLine * el, const char *filename)
size_t original_len = 0;
size_t escaped_character_count = 0;
size_t offset = 0;
size_t newlen;
const char *s;
char c;
size_t s_quoted = 0; /* does the input contain a single quote */
size_t d_quoted = 0; /* does the input contain a double quote */
char *escaped_str;
wchar_t *temp = el->el_line.buffer;
while (temp != el->el_line.cursor) {
* If we see a single quote but have not seen a double quote so far
* set/unset s_quote
if (temp[0] == '\'' && !d_quoted)
s_quoted = !s_quoted;
* vice versa to the above condition
else if (temp[0] == '"' && !s_quoted)
d_quoted = !d_quoted;
/* Count number of special characters so that we can calculate
* number of extra bytes needed in the new string
for (s = filename; *s; s++, original_len++) {
c = *s;
/* Inside a single quote only single quotes need escaping */
if (s_quoted && c == '\'') {
escaped_character_count += 3;
/* Inside double quotes only ", \, ` and $ need escaping */
if (d_quoted && (c == '"' || c == '\\' || c == '`' || c == '$')) {
if (!s_quoted && !d_quoted && needs_escaping(c))
newlen = original_len + escaped_character_count + 1;
if ((escaped_str = el_malloc(newlen)) == NULL)
return NULL;
for (s = filename; *s; s++) {
c = *s;
if (!needs_escaping(c)) {
/* no escaping is required continue as usual */
escaped_str[offset++] = c;
/* single quotes inside single quotes require special handling */
if (c == '\'' && s_quoted) {
escaped_str[offset++] = '\'';
escaped_str[offset++] = '\\';
escaped_str[offset++] = '\'';
escaped_str[offset++] = '\'';
/* Otherwise no escaping needed inside single quotes */
if (s_quoted) {
escaped_str[offset++] = c;
/* No escaping needed inside a double quoted string either
* unless we see a '$', '\', '`', or '"' (itself)
if (d_quoted && c != '"' && c != '$' && c != '\\' && c != '`') {
escaped_str[offset++] = c;
/* If we reach here that means escaping is actually needed */
escaped_str[offset++] = '\\';
escaped_str[offset++] = c;
/* close the quotes */
if (s_quoted)
escaped_str[offset++] = '\'';
else if (d_quoted)
escaped_str[offset++] = '"';
escaped_str[offset] = 0;
return escaped_str;
* return first found file name starting by the ``text'' or NULL if no
@ -476,30 +604,38 @@ fn_complete(EditLine *el,
if (matches) {
int i;
size_t matches_num, maxlen, match_len, match_display=1;
int single_match = matches[2] == NULL &&
(matches[1] == NULL || strcmp(matches[0], matches[1]) == 0);
retval = CC_REFRESH;
* Only replace the completed string with common part of
* possible matches if there is possible completion.
if (matches[0][0] != '\0') {
el_deletestr(el, (int) len);
ct_decode_string(matches[0], &el->el_scratch));
if (single_match) {
* We found exact match. Add a space after
* it, unless we do filename completion and the
* object is a directory. Also do necessary escape quoting
char *escaped_completion = escape_filename(el, matches[0]);
ct_decode_string(escaped_completion, &el->el_scratch));
} else {
* Only replace the completed string with common part of
* possible matches if there is possible completion.
ct_decode_string(matches[0], &el->el_scratch));
if (matches[2] == NULL &&
(matches[1] == NULL || strcmp(matches[0], matches[1]) == 0)) {
* We found exact match. Add a space after
* it, unless we do filename completion and the
* object is a directory.
} else if (what_to_do == '!' || what_to_do == '?') {
if (!single_match && (what_to_do == '!' || what_to_do == '?')) {
* More than one match and requested to list possible
* matches.