Add text to man page to indicate NetBSD submitter-id convention: all are "net",
per PR#3993. Also add text describing the Priority, Severity, and Class fields of the PR form.
This commit is contained in:
@ -83,21 +83,25 @@ To ensure that a PR is handled promptly, it should contain your (unique)
\fIsubmitter-id\fR and one of the available \fIcategories\fR to identify the
problem area. (Use
.B `send-pr -L'
to see a list of categories.)
.B send-pr
template at your site should already be customized with your
submitter-id (running `\|\fBinstall-sid\fP \fIsubmitter-id\fP\|' to
accomplish this is part of the installation procedures for
.BR send-pr ).
If this hasn't been done, see your system administrator for your
submitter-id, or request one from your support site by invoking
.B `send-pr \-\-request\-id'.
If your site does not distinguish between different user sites, or if
you are not affiliated with the support site, use
to see a list of categories).
NetBSD does not use unique \fIsubmitter-id\fR's - all PR's use the
default value of
.B `net'
for this field.
.\" .LP
.\" The
.\" .B send-pr
.\" template at your site should already be customized with your
.\" submitter-id (running `\|\fBinstall-sid\fP \fIsubmitter-id\fP\|' to
.\" accomplish this is part of the installation procedures for
.\" .BR send-pr ).
.\" If this hasn't been done, see your system administrator for your
.\" submitter-id, or request one from your support site by invoking
.\" .B `send-pr \-\-request\-id'.
.\" If your site does not distinguish between different user sites, or if
.\" you are not affiliated with the support site, use
.\" .B `net'
.\" for this field.
The more precise your problem description and the more complete your
information, the faster your support team can solve your problems.
@ -194,6 +198,65 @@ The subject and the synopsis line are not confidential. This is
because open-bugs lists are compiled from them. Avoid confidential
information there.
.B severity
field is to indicate the severity of the problem.
The accepted values are:
.IP \fBcritical\fR
The product, component or concept is completely non-operational or some
essential functionality is missing (e.g. kernel panic or program core dumps).
No workaround is known.
.IP \fBserious\fR
The product, component or concept is not working properly or significant
functionality is missing.
Problems that would otherwise be considered
.B critical
are rated
.B serious
when a workaround is known.
.IP \fBnon-critical\fR
The product, component or concept is working in general, but lacks
features, has irritating behavior, does something wrong, or doesn't
match its documentation.
The default value is
.B serious.
.B priority
field specifies
how soon the problem report submitter requires a solution.
The accepted values are:
.IP \fBhigh\fR
A solution is needed as soon as possible.
.IP \fBmedium\fR
The problem should be solved in the next release.
.IP \fBlow\fR
The problem should be solved in a future release.
The default value is
.B medium.
.B class
of a problem report can be one of the following:
.IP \fBsw-bug\fR
A general software problem (
.I `sw'
stands for
.I "software"
.IP \fBdoc-bug\fR
A problem with the manual pages or other documentation.
.IP \fBchange-request\fR
A request for a change from existing behavior that is not a bug
("It's nice, but it would be better if ...").
.IP \fBsupport\fR
A support problem or question.
The default value is
.B sw-bug.
See the GNU
.B Info
Reference in New Issue
Block a user