- Garbage-collect signal-related stuff; use m68k/m68k/sig_machdep.c

- Garbage-collect regdump() and friends
- Convert hp300 to new crash dump format
This commit is contained in:
thorpej 1997-04-09 20:05:20 +00:00
parent 577dabb739
commit 9cf4ffce0a

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 1.88 1997/04/06 21:40:37 mycroft Exp $ */
/* $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 1.89 1997/04/09 20:05:20 thorpej Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah.
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@
#include <sys/syscallargs.h>
#include <sys/tty.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <sys/exec.h>
#include <sys/core.h>
#include <sys/kcore.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#ifdef SYSVMSG
@ -85,11 +88,14 @@
#include <machine/psl.h>
#include <machine/pte.h>
#include <machine/kcore.h> /* XXX should be pulled in by sys/kcore.h */
#include <dev/cons.h>
#define MAXMEM 64*1024*CLSIZE /* XXX - from cmap.h */
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>
#include <vm/vm_param.h>
#include <dev/cons.h>
#include <arch/hp300/dev/hilreg.h>
#include <arch/hp300/dev/hilioctl.h>
#include <arch/hp300/dev/hilvar.h>
@ -141,14 +147,21 @@ int parityerrorfind __P((void));
void identifycpu __P((void));
void initcpu __P((void));
void ledinit __P((void));
void dumpmem __P((int *, int, int));
char *hexstr __P((int, int));
int cpu_dumpsize __P((void));
int cpu_dump __P((int (*)(dev_t, daddr_t, caddr_t, size_t), daddr_t *));
void cpu_init_kcore_hdr __P((void));
/* functions called from locore.s */
void dumpsys __P((void));
void straytrap __P((int, u_short));
void nmihand __P((struct frame));
* Machine-dependent crash dump header info.
cpu_kcore_hdr_t cpu_kcore_hdr;
* Select code of console. Set to -1 if console is on
* "internal" framebuffer.
@ -225,6 +238,11 @@ cpu_startup()
pmapdebug = 0;
* Initialize the kernel crash dump header.
* Initialize error message buffer (at end of core).
* avail_end was pre-decremented in pmap_bootstrap to compensate.
@ -634,318 +652,6 @@ ledcontrol(ons, offs, togs)
#define SS_RTEFRAME 1
#define SS_FPSTATE 2
#define SS_USERREGS 4
struct sigstate {
int ss_flags; /* which of the following are valid */
struct frame ss_frame; /* original exception frame */
struct fpframe ss_fpstate; /* 68881/68882 state info */
* WARNING: code in locore.s assumes the layout shown for sf_signum
* thru sf_handler so... don't screw with them!
struct sigframe {
int sf_signum; /* signo for handler */
int sf_code; /* additional info for handler */
struct sigcontext *sf_scp; /* context ptr for handler */
sig_t sf_handler; /* handler addr for u_sigc */
struct sigstate sf_state; /* state of the hardware */
struct sigcontext sf_sc; /* actual context */
#ifdef DEBUG
int sigdebug = 0;
int sigpid = 0;
#define SDB_FOLLOW 0x01
#define SDB_KSTACK 0x02
#define SDB_FPSTATE 0x04
* Send an interrupt to process.
sendsig(catcher, sig, mask, code)
sig_t catcher;
int sig, mask;
u_long code;
struct proc *p = curproc;
struct sigframe *fp, *kfp;
struct frame *frame;
struct sigacts *psp = p->p_sigacts;
short ft;
int oonstack, fsize;
extern char sigcode[], esigcode[];
frame = (struct frame *)p->p_md.md_regs;
ft = frame->f_format;
oonstack = psp->ps_sigstk.ss_flags & SS_ONSTACK;
* Allocate and validate space for the signal handler
* context. Note that if the stack is in P0 space, the
* call to grow() is a nop, and the useracc() check
* will fail if the process has not already allocated
* the space with a `brk'.
fsize = sizeof(struct sigframe);
if ((psp->ps_flags & SAS_ALTSTACK) && !oonstack &&
(psp->ps_sigonstack & sigmask(sig))) {
fp = (struct sigframe *)(psp->ps_sigstk.ss_sp +
psp->ps_sigstk.ss_size - fsize);
psp->ps_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK;
} else
fp = (struct sigframe *)(frame->f_regs[SP] - fsize);
if ((unsigned)fp <= USRSTACK - ctob(p->p_vmspace->vm_ssize))
(void)grow(p, (unsigned)fp);
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((sigdebug & SDB_KSTACK) && p->p_pid == sigpid)
printf("sendsig(%d): sig %d ssp %p usp %p scp %p ft %d\n",
p->p_pid, sig, &oonstack, fp, &fp->sf_sc, ft);
if (useracc((caddr_t)fp, fsize, B_WRITE) == 0) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((sigdebug & SDB_KSTACK) && p->p_pid == sigpid)
printf("sendsig(%d): useracc failed on sig %d\n",
p->p_pid, sig);
* Process has trashed its stack; give it an illegal
* instruction to halt it in its tracks.
sig = sigmask(SIGILL);
p->p_sigignore &= ~sig;
p->p_sigcatch &= ~sig;
p->p_sigmask &= ~sig;
psignal(p, SIGILL);
kfp = (struct sigframe *)malloc((u_long)fsize, M_TEMP, M_WAITOK);
* Build the argument list for the signal handler.
kfp->sf_signum = sig;
kfp->sf_code = code;
kfp->sf_scp = &fp->sf_sc;
kfp->sf_handler = catcher;
* Save necessary hardware state. Currently this includes:
* - general registers
* - original exception frame (if not a "normal" frame)
* - FP coprocessor state
kfp->sf_state.ss_flags = SS_USERREGS;
(caddr_t)kfp->sf_state.ss_frame.f_regs, sizeof frame->f_regs);
if (ft >= FMT7) {
#ifdef DEBUG
if (ft > 15 || exframesize[ft] < 0)
panic("sendsig: bogus frame type");
kfp->sf_state.ss_flags |= SS_RTEFRAME;
kfp->sf_state.ss_frame.f_format = frame->f_format;
kfp->sf_state.ss_frame.f_vector = frame->f_vector;
(caddr_t)&kfp->sf_state.ss_frame.F_u, exframesize[ft]);
* Leave an indicator that we need to clean up the kernel
* stack. We do this by setting the "pad word" above the
* hardware stack frame to the amount the stack must be
* adjusted by.
* N.B. we increment rather than just set f_stackadj in
* case we are called from syscall when processing a
* sigreturn. In that case, f_stackadj may be non-zero.
frame->f_stackadj += exframesize[ft];
frame->f_format = frame->f_vector = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (sigdebug & SDB_FOLLOW)
printf("sendsig(%d): copy out %d of frame %d\n",
p->p_pid, exframesize[ft], ft);
if (fputype) {
kfp->sf_state.ss_flags |= SS_FPSTATE;
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((sigdebug & SDB_FPSTATE) && *(char *)&kfp->sf_state.ss_fpstate)
printf("sendsig(%d): copy out FP state (%x) to %p\n",
p->p_pid, *(u_int *)&kfp->sf_state.ss_fpstate,
* Build the signal context to be used by sigreturn.
kfp->sf_sc.sc_onstack = oonstack;
kfp->sf_sc.sc_mask = mask;
kfp->sf_sc.sc_sp = frame->f_regs[SP];
kfp->sf_sc.sc_fp = frame->f_regs[A6];
kfp->sf_sc.sc_ap = (int)&fp->sf_state;
kfp->sf_sc.sc_pc = frame->f_pc;
kfp->sf_sc.sc_ps = frame->f_sr;
(void) copyout((caddr_t)kfp, (caddr_t)fp, fsize);
frame->f_regs[SP] = (int)fp;
#ifdef DEBUG
if (sigdebug & SDB_FOLLOW)
printf("sendsig(%d): sig %d scp %p fp %p sc_sp %x sc_ap %x\n",
p->p_pid, sig, kfp->sf_scp, fp,
kfp->sf_sc.sc_sp, kfp->sf_sc.sc_ap);
* Signal trampoline code is at base of user stack.
frame->f_pc = (int)PS_STRINGS - (esigcode - sigcode);
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((sigdebug & SDB_KSTACK) && p->p_pid == sigpid)
printf("sendsig(%d): sig %d returns\n",
p->p_pid, sig);
free((caddr_t)kfp, M_TEMP);
* System call to cleanup state after a signal
* has been taken. Reset signal mask and
* stack state from context left by sendsig (above).
* Return to previous pc and psl as specified by
* context left by sendsig. Check carefully to
* make sure that the user has not modified the
* psl to gain improper priviledges or to cause
* a machine fault.
sys_sigreturn(p, v, retval)
struct proc *p;
void *v;
register_t *retval;
struct sys_sigreturn_args /* {
syscallarg(struct sigcontext *) sigcntxp;
} */ *uap = v;
struct sigcontext *scp;
struct frame *frame;
int rf;
struct sigcontext tsigc;
struct sigstate tstate;
int flags;
scp = SCARG(uap, sigcntxp);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (sigdebug & SDB_FOLLOW)
printf("sigreturn: pid %d, scp %p\n", p->p_pid, scp);
if ((int)scp & 1)
return (EINVAL);
* Test and fetch the context structure.
* We grab it all at once for speed.
if (useracc((caddr_t)scp, sizeof (*scp), B_WRITE) == 0 ||
copyin((caddr_t)scp, (caddr_t)&tsigc, sizeof tsigc))
return (EINVAL);
scp = &tsigc;
if ((scp->sc_ps & (PSL_MBZ|PSL_IPL|PSL_S)) != 0)
return (EINVAL);
* Restore the user supplied information
if (scp->sc_onstack & 01)
p->p_sigacts->ps_sigstk.ss_flags |= SS_ONSTACK;
p->p_sigacts->ps_sigstk.ss_flags &= ~SS_ONSTACK;
p->p_sigmask = scp->sc_mask &~ sigcantmask;
frame = (struct frame *) p->p_md.md_regs;
frame->f_regs[SP] = scp->sc_sp;
frame->f_regs[A6] = scp->sc_fp;
frame->f_pc = scp->sc_pc;
frame->f_sr = scp->sc_ps;
* Grab pointer to hardware state information.
* If zero, the user is probably doing a longjmp.
if ((rf = scp->sc_ap) == 0)
* See if there is anything to do before we go to the
* expense of copying in close to 1/2K of data
flags = fuword((caddr_t)rf);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (sigdebug & SDB_FOLLOW)
printf("sigreturn(%d): sc_ap %x flags %x\n",
p->p_pid, rf, flags);
* fuword failed (bogus sc_ap value).
if (flags == -1)
return (EINVAL);
if (flags == 0 || copyin((caddr_t)rf, (caddr_t)&tstate, sizeof tstate))
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((sigdebug & SDB_KSTACK) && p->p_pid == sigpid)
printf("sigreturn(%d): ssp %p usp %x scp %p ft %d\n",
p->p_pid, &flags, scp->sc_sp, SCARG(uap, sigcntxp),
(flags & SS_RTEFRAME) ? tstate.ss_frame.f_format : -1);
* Restore most of the users registers except for A6 and SP
* which were handled above.
if (flags & SS_USERREGS)
(caddr_t)frame->f_regs, sizeof(frame->f_regs)-2*NBPW);
* Restore long stack frames. Note that we do not copy
* back the saved SR or PC, they were picked up above from
* the sigcontext structure.
if (flags & SS_RTEFRAME) {
int sz;
/* grab frame type and validate */
sz = tstate.ss_frame.f_format;
if (sz > 15 || (sz = exframesize[sz]) < 0)
return (EINVAL);
frame->f_stackadj -= sz;
frame->f_format = tstate.ss_frame.f_format;
frame->f_vector = tstate.ss_frame.f_vector;
bcopy((caddr_t)&tstate.ss_frame.F_u, (caddr_t)&frame->F_u, sz);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (sigdebug & SDB_FOLLOW)
printf("sigreturn(%d): copy in %d of frame type %d\n",
p->p_pid, sz, tstate.ss_frame.f_format);
* Finally we restore the original FP context
if (flags & SS_FPSTATE)
#ifdef DEBUG
if ((sigdebug & SDB_FPSTATE) && *(char *)&tstate.ss_fpstate)
printf("sigreturn(%d): copied in FP state (%x) at %p\n",
p->p_pid, *(u_int *)&tstate.ss_fpstate,
if ((sigdebug & SDB_FOLLOW) ||
((sigdebug & SDB_KSTACK) && p->p_pid == sigpid))
printf("sigreturn(%d): returns\n", p->p_pid);
int waittime = -1;
@ -1010,6 +716,113 @@ cpu_reboot(howto, bootstr)
* Initialize the kernel crash dump header.
cpu_kcore_hdr_t *h = &cpu_kcore_hdr;
struct m68k_kcore_hdr *m = &h->un._m68k;
extern char end[];
bzero(&cpu_kcore_hdr, sizeof(cpu_kcore_hdr));
* Initialize the `dispatcher' portion of the header.
strcpy(h->name, machine);
h->page_size = NBPG;
h->kernbase = KERNBASE;
* Fill in information about our MMU configuration.
m->mmutype = mmutype;
m->sg_v = SG_V;
m->sg_frame = SG_FRAME;
m->sg_ishift = SG_ISHIFT;
m->sg_pmask = SG_PMASK;
m->sg40_shift1 = SG4_SHIFT1;
m->sg40_mask2 = SG4_MASK2;
m->sg40_shift2 = SG4_SHIFT2;
m->sg40_mask3 = SG4_MASK3;
m->sg40_shift3 = SG4_SHIFT3;
m->sg40_addr1 = SG4_ADDR1;
m->sg40_addr2 = SG4_ADDR2;
m->pg_v = PG_V;
m->pg_frame = PG_FRAME;
* Initialize pointer to kernel segment table.
m->sysseg_pa = (u_int32_t)(pmap_kernel()->pm_stpa);
* Initialize relocation value such that:
* pa = (va - KERNBASE) + reloc
m->reloc = lowram;
* Define the end of the relocatable range.
m->relocend = (u_int32_t)end;
* hp300 has one contiguous memory segment. Note,
* RAM size is physmem + 1 to account for the msgbuf
* page.
* XXX There's actually one more page... the last one mapped
* XXX va == pa. Should we dump it? It's not really used
* XXX for anything except to reboot and the MMU trampoline.
m->ram_segs[0].start = lowram;
m->ram_segs[0].size = ctob(physmem + 1);
* Compute the size of the machine-dependent crash dump header.
* Returns size in disk blocks.
int size;
size = ALIGN(sizeof(kcore_seg_t)) + ALIGN(sizeof(cpu_kcore_hdr_t));
return (btodb(roundup(size, dbtob(1))));
* Called by dumpsys() to dump the machine-dependent header.
cpu_dump(dump, blknop)
int (*dump) __P((dev_t, daddr_t, caddr_t, size_t));
daddr_t *blknop;
int buf[dbtob(1) / sizeof(int)];
cpu_kcore_hdr_t *chdr;
kcore_seg_t *kseg;
int error;
kseg = (kcore_seg_t *)buf;
chdr = (cpu_kcore_hdr_t *)&buf[ALIGN(sizeof(kcore_seg_t)) /
/* Create the segment header. */
kseg->c_size = dbtob(1) - ALIGN(sizeof(kcore_seg_t));
bcopy(&cpu_kcore_hdr, chdr, sizeof(cpu_kcore_hdr_t));
error = (*dump)(dumpdev, *blknop, (caddr_t)buf, sizeof(buf));
*blknop += btodb(sizeof(buf));
return (error);
* These variables are needed by /sbin/savecore
@ -1027,6 +840,7 @@ long dumplo = 0; /* blocks */
int chdrsize; /* size of dump header */
int nblks; /* size of dump area */
int maj;
@ -1038,28 +852,28 @@ cpu_dumpconf()
if (bdevsw[maj].d_psize == NULL)
nblks = (*bdevsw[maj].d_psize)(dumpdev);
if (nblks <= ctod(1))
chdrsize = cpu_dumpsize();
dumpsize = btoc(cpu_kcore_hdr.un._m68k.ram_segs[0].size);
* XXX include the final RAM page which is not included in physmem.
* Check do see if we will fit. Note we always skip the
* first CLBYTES in case there is a disk label there.
dumpsize = physmem + 1;
if (nblks < (ctod(dumpsize) + chdrsize + ctod(1))) {
dumpsize = 0;
dumplo = -1;
/* Always skip the first CLBYTES, in case there is a label there. */
if (dumplo < ctod(1))
dumplo = ctod(1);
/* Put dump at end of partition, and make it fit. */
if (dumpsize > dtoc(nblks - dumplo))
dumpsize = dtoc(nblks - dumplo);
if (dumplo < nblks - ctod(dumpsize))
dumplo = nblks - ctod(dumpsize);
* Put dump at the end of the partition.
dumplo = (nblks - 1) - ctod(dumpsize) - chdrsize;
* Dump physical memory onto the dump device. Called by doadump()
* in locore.s or by cpu_reboot() here in machdep.c
* Dump physical memory onto the dump device. Called by cpu_reboot().
@ -1071,6 +885,10 @@ dumpsys()
vm_offset_t maddr; /* PA being dumped */
int error; /* error code from (*dump)() */
/* XXX initialized here because of gcc lossage */
maddr = lowram;
pg = 0;
/* Don't put dump messages in msgbuf. */
msgbufmapped = 0;
@ -1090,7 +908,12 @@ dumpsys()
printf("\ndumping to dev 0x%x, offset %ld\n", dumpdev, dumplo);
printf("dump ");
maddr = lowram;
/* Write the dump header. */
error = cpu_dump(dump, &blkno);
if (error)
goto bad;
for (pg = 0; pg < dumpsize; pg++) {
#define NPGMB (1024*1024/NBPG)
/* print out how many MBs we have dumped */
@ -1101,6 +924,7 @@ dumpsys()
error = (*dump)(dumpdev, blkno, vmmap, NBPG);
switch (error) {
case 0:
maddr += NBPG;
@ -1342,7 +1166,7 @@ parityerror(fp)
printf("WARNING: kernel parity error ignored\n");
} else {
regdump(fp, 128);
regdump((struct trapframe *)fp, 128);
panic("kernel parity error");
@ -1411,97 +1235,6 @@ done:
regdump(fp, sbytes)
struct frame *fp; /* must not be */
int sbytes;
static int doingdump = 0;
int i;
int s;
if (doingdump)
s = splhigh();
doingdump = 1;
printf("pid = %d, pc = %s, ",
curproc ? curproc->p_pid : -1, hexstr(fp->f_pc, 8));
printf("ps = %s, ", hexstr(fp->f_sr, 4));
printf("sfc = %s, ", hexstr(getsfc(), 4));
printf("dfc = %s\n", hexstr(getdfc(), 4));
printf("Registers:\n ");
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf(" %d", i);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf(" %s", hexstr(fp->f_regs[i], 8));
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
printf(" %s", hexstr(fp->f_regs[i+8], 8));
if (sbytes > 0) {
if (fp->f_sr & PSL_S) {
printf("\n\nKernel stack (%s):",
hexstr((int)(((int *)&fp)-1), 8));
dumpmem(((int *)&fp)-1, sbytes, 0);
} else {
printf("\n\nUser stack (%s):", hexstr(fp->f_regs[SP], 8));
dumpmem((int *)fp->f_regs[SP], sbytes, 1);
doingdump = 0;
#define KSADDR ((int *)((u_int)curproc->p_addr + USPACE - NBPG))
dumpmem(ptr, sz, ustack)
int *ptr;
int sz, ustack;
int i, val;
for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
if ((i & 7) == 0)
printf("\n%s: ", hexstr((int)ptr, 6));
printf(" ");
if (ustack == 1) {
if ((val = fuword(ptr++)) == -1)
} else {
if (ustack == 0 &&
(ptr < KSADDR || ptr > KSADDR+(NBPG/4-1)))
val = *ptr++;
printf("%s", hexstr(val, 8));
char *
hexstr(val, len)
int val;
int len;
static char nbuf[9];
int x, i;
if (len > 8)
nbuf[len] = '\0';
for (i = len-1; i >= 0; --i) {
x = val & 0xF;
if (x > 9)
nbuf[i] = x - 10 + 'A';
nbuf[i] = x + '0';
val >>= 4;
* cpu_exec_aout_makecmds():
* cpu-dependent a.out format hook for execve().