Add some.

This commit is contained in:
jruoho 2011-06-14 05:43:37 +00:00
parent b418df248c
commit 837886fd82
1 changed files with 53 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
$NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.125 2011/05/10 23:33:07 enami Exp $
$NetBSD: acronyms.comp,v 1.126 2011/06/14 05:43:37 jruoho Exp $
3WHS three-way handshake
AA anti-aliasing
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ AI artificial intelligence
AL access list
AL active link
ALE address latch enable
ALS ambient light sensor
ALU arithmetic and logical unit
AM access method
AM amplitude modulation
@ -50,6 +51,7 @@ AP access point
AP application processor
API application programming interface
APIC advanced programmable interrupt controller
AQM active queue management
ARAT always running APIC timer
ARC adaptive replacement cache
ARM Advanced RISC Machines
@ -127,11 +129,13 @@ BPI bits per inch
BPM business process modelling
BPS bits per second
BQS Berkeley quality software
BRE basic regular expression
BS binary sequence
BSD Berkeley software distribution
BSF bit scan forward
BSOD blue screen of death
BSP binary space partition
BSP boot strap processor
BSP bootstrap processor
BSR bit scan reverse
BSS block started by symbol
BT Bluetooth
@ -161,6 +165,7 @@ CC carbon coby
CD compact disc
CD cache disable
CDDA compact disc digital audio
CDMA code division multiple access
CDRAM cache dynamic random access memory
CER canonical encoding rules
CF compact flash
@ -172,9 +177,11 @@ CGI common gateway interface
CHAP challenge-handshake authentication protocol
CHS cylinder/head/sector
CI {common, component} interface
CI continuous integration
CIDR classless inter-domain routing
CIFS common internet file system
CIL common intermediate language
CIR carrier to interference ratio
CIS contact image sensor
CJK Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
CLF common log format
@ -193,13 +200,17 @@ CMS content management system
CMYK cyan magenta yellow black
CN {common, canonical} name
CNC computer numerical control
CNR carrier to noise ratio
COF current operating frequency
COFF common object file format
COM component object model
COMA cache-only memory architecture
CORBA common object request broker architecture
COW copy-on-write
CPB core performance boost
CPG clock pulse generator
CPL current privilege level
CPLD complex programmable logic device
CPS characters per second
CPT command pass through
CPU central processing unit
@ -232,6 +243,9 @@ DAP directory access protocol
DAT digital audio tape
DAT dynamic acceleration technology
DB database
DBA dynamic bandwidth allocation
DBC design by contract
DBL dynamic buffer limiting
DBMS database management system
DBS database server
DC direct current
@ -240,6 +254,8 @@ DCC direct cable connect
DCD data carrier detect
DCE data control equipment
DCE distributed computing environment
DCOM distributed component object model
DCOP desktop communication protocol
DCS data collection systems
DCT discrete cosine transform
DCU data cache unit
@ -310,6 +326,7 @@ DTE data terminal equipment
DTE dumb terminal emulator
DTL diode-transistor logic
DTS digital thermal sensor
DUT device under test
DVB digital video broadcasting
DVCS distributed version control system
DVD digital versatile disc
@ -317,6 +334,7 @@ DVFS dynamic voltage and frequency scaling
DVR digital video recorder
DVI digital visual interface
E-XER extended XML encoding rules
EABI embedded-application binary interface
EAP extensible authentication protocol
EBR extended boot record
ECC error correction code
@ -344,6 +362,7 @@ EMI electro-magnetic interference
EMP electro-magnetic pulse
EMR electro-magnetic radiation
EOF end of file
EOI end of interrupt
EOL end of line
EOL end of life
EOT end of transmission
@ -352,6 +371,7 @@ EPP enhanced parallel port
EPRML extended partial response, maximum likelihood
EPROM erasable programmable read only memory
ERD emergency recovery disk
ERE extended regular expression
ESDRAM enhanced synchronous dynamic random access memory
ESS electronic switching system
EST enhanced speedstep
@ -361,6 +381,7 @@ EULA end user license agreement
FAT file allocation table
FBRAM frame buffer random access memory
FCL fiber channel loop
FCFS first come, first served
FCS frame check sequence
FDC floppy disk controller
FDD floppy disk drive
@ -403,12 +424,15 @@ FTPS file transfer protocol, secure
FUS fast user switching
FWH firmware hub
FWS folding white space
GAL generic array logic
GAS generic address structure
GC garbage collector
GCR group-coded recording
GDT global descriptor table
GEM graphics execution manager
GEM graphics environment manager
GENA general event notification architecture
GHC Glasgow Haskell compiler
GID group identifier
GIF graphics interchange format
GMCH graphics and memory controller hub
@ -418,6 +442,7 @@ GPE general purpose event
GPF general protection fault
GPL GNU/general public license
GPR general purpose register
GPS generalized processor sharing
GPT GUID partition table
GPU graphics processing unit
GR golden ratio
@ -435,6 +460,7 @@ HCL hardware compatibility list
HCF halt and catch fire
HDD hard disk drive
HDCP high-bandwidth digital content protection
HDL hardware description language
HF high frequency
HFM highest frequency mode
HID human interface device
@ -468,6 +494,7 @@ ICH I/O controller hub
ICE internal compiler error
ICE in-circuit emulator
ICMP Internet control message protocol
ICT information and communications technology
IDA Intel dynamic acceleration
IDE integrated drive electronics
IDE integrated development environment
@ -481,6 +508,7 @@ IEEE Institute [of] Electrical [and] Electronics Engineers
IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFCM isochronous flow control mode
IGD Internet gateway device
IGMP Internet group management protocol
IGP interior gateway protocol
IHV independent hardware vendor
@ -523,6 +551,7 @@ ISP Internet service provider
ISR interrupt service routine
IST interrupt stack table
ISV independent software vendor
IT information technology
ITB Intel turbo boost
IV initialization vector
IVT interrupt vector table
@ -721,6 +750,7 @@ ODT on-die termination
OEM original equipment manufacturer
OFDM orthogonal frequency division multiplexing
OFET organic field-effect transistor
OLE object linking and embedding
ONFI open nand flash interface
OO object oriented
OO OpenOffice
@ -753,6 +783,8 @@ PA physical address
PA phase accumulator
PAC phase-amplitude converter
PAE physical address extension
PAL programmable array logic
PAL phase alternating line
PAM pluggable authentication modules
PAM pulse amplitude modulation
PAP password authentication protocol
@ -800,10 +832,13 @@ PIM platform-independent model
PIN personal identification number
PIO programmed input/output
PIPT physically indexed, physically tagged
PIQ prefetch input queue
PIT programmable interrupt timer
PIV personal identity verification
PKI public key infrastructure
PKCS public-key cryptography standards
PLC programmable logic controller
PLD programmable logic device
PLL phase locked loop
PLRU pseudo LRU
PLTM package level thermal management
@ -834,6 +869,7 @@ PPPOE point-to-point protocol over ethernet
PPU physics processing unit
PRBS pseudo-random bit sequence
PRML partial response, maximum likelihood
PRN pseudo random {number, noise}
PRNG pseudo random number generator
PROM programmable read only memory
PSD power spectral density
@ -863,6 +899,7 @@ QOS quality of service
RA receiver address
RA remote assistance
RA router advertisement
RA resource affinity
RAD rapid application development
RAID redundant array of inexpensive disks
RAM random access memory
@ -878,6 +915,7 @@ RCU read, copy, update
RDF resource description format
RDM relational data model
RDMA remote direct memory access
RE regular expression
REST representational state transfer
RF radio frequency
RFI radio frequency interference
@ -895,6 +933,7 @@ RLE run length encoding
RLL run length limited
RLO right-to-left override
RM read miss
RMI remote method invocation
RMPM rapid memory power management
RMS root mean square
RMW read, modify, write
@ -903,6 +942,7 @@ ROM read only memory
RPC remote procedure call
RPL requested privilege level
RPM revolutions per minute
RR round robin
RR random replacement
RS relay station
RSA Rivest, Shamir and Adleman
@ -927,12 +967,14 @@ SA structured analysis
SAAS software as a service
SACD super audio compact disc
SAD security association database
SAL system abstraction layer
SAM serial access memory
SAM sum addressed memory
SAN storage area network
SAPIC streamlined advanced programmable interrupt controller
SASD structured analysis, structured design
SASI shugart associates system interface (predecessor to SCSI)
SASL simple authentication [and] security layer
SATA serial advanced technology attachment
SB sound blaster
SBU standard build unit
@ -1018,16 +1060,19 @@ STD state transition diagram
STP shielded twisted pair
STP spanning-tree protocol
SUS Single Unix Specification
SUT system under test
SVG scalable vector graphics
SVGA super video graphics {array,adapter}
SVM secure virtual machine
SVM support vector machine
SWF Shockwave Flash
SWIG simplified wrapper [and] interface generator
TA transmitter address
TA test assertion
TAI international atomic time
TAO track at once
TAOCP The Art of Computer Programming
TAP test anywhere protocol
TAS test and set
TB terabyte
TCB trace capture buffer
@ -1038,7 +1083,9 @@ TCP transmission control protocol
TCQ tagged command queueing
TDC time [to] digital converter
TDD test driven development
TDD time division duplex
TDM time division multiplexing
TDMA time division multiple access
TDOA time difference of arrival
TDP thermal design {point, power}
TECO Text Editor and Corrector
@ -1087,6 +1134,7 @@ TX transmit out, transmitter
TZ time zone
UAC user {account, access} control
UART universal asynchronous receiver/transmitter
UAT user acceptance testing
UC uncacheable
UCS uniform-cost search
UDMA ultra DMA
@ -1103,6 +1151,7 @@ UMA upper memory area
UMB upper memory block
UMPC ultra-mobile PC
UML unified modeling language
UPNP universal plug and play
UPS uninterruptible power supply
URI uniform resource identifier
URL uniform resource locator
@ -1116,6 +1165,7 @@ UTP unshielded twisted pair
UUCP Unix-to-Unix copy protocol
UUID universally unique identifier
UUOC useless use of cat
UUT unit under test
VA volt-ampere
VA virtual address
VA vertical alignment
@ -1155,6 +1205,7 @@ WAN wide area network
WAP wireless application protocol
WEP wired equivalent privacy
WFI wait for interrupt
WFQ weighted fair queuing
WH write hit
WIFI wireless fidelity
WLAN wireless local area network