- Garbage-collect doadump(); it hasn't been used for some time.
- Supply an `fputype' global. Since all hp300's have an FPU, default it to FPU_68881, setting it to FPU_68040 if we detect a 68040 CPU. - Use `fputype' at run-time rathern than FPCOPROC at compile-time. - Re-arrange locore slightly; move startup code to the beginning, right after the vector table.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/* $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.64 1997/03/13 09:27:21 thorpej Exp $ */
/* $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.65 1997/03/15 23:23:55 thorpej Exp $ */
* Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Gordon W. Ross
@ -77,15 +77,346 @@ tmpstk:
* Do a dump.
* Called by auto-restart.
* Macro to relocate a symbol, used before MMU is enabled.
.globl _dumpsys
.globl _doadump
jbsr _dumpsys
jbsr _doboot
#define RELOC(var, ar) \
lea var,ar; \
addl a5,ar
* Initialization
* A4 contains the address of the end of the symtab
* A5 contains physical load point from boot
* VBR contains zero from ROM. Exceptions will continue to vector
* through ROM until MMU is turned on at which time they will vector
* through our table (vectors.s).
.comm _lowram,4
.comm _esym,4
.globl _edata
.globl _etext,_end
.globl start
movw #PSL_HIGHIPL,sr | no interrupts
RELOC(tmpstk, a0)
movl a0,sp | give ourselves a temporary stack
RELOC(_esym, a0)
#if 1
movl a4,a0@ | store end of symbol table
clrl a0@ | no symbol table, yet
RELOC(_lowram, a0)
movl a5,a0@ | store start of physical memory
movl #CACHE_OFF,d0
movc d0,cacr | clear and disable on-chip cache(s)
/* check for internal HP-IB in SYSFLAG */
btst #5,0xfffffed2 | internal HP-IB?
jeq Lhaveihpib | yes, have HP-IB just continue
RELOC(_internalhpib, a0)
movl #0,a0@ | no, clear associated address
RELOC(_boothowto, a0) | save reboot flags
movl d7,a0@
RELOC(_bootdev, a0) | and boot device
movl d6,a0@
* All data registers are now free. All address registers
* except a5 are free. a5 is used by the RELOC() macro,
* and cannot be used until after the MMU is enabled.
/* determine our CPU/MMU combo - check for all regardless of kernel config */
movl #0x200,d0 | data freeze bit
movc d0,cacr | only exists on 68030
movc cacr,d0 | read it back
tstl d0 | zero?
jeq Lnot68030 | yes, we have 68020/68040
RELOC(_mmutype, a0) | no, we have 68030
movl #MMU_68030,a0@ | set to reflect 68030 PMMU
RELOC(_cputype, a0)
movl #CPU_68030,a0@ | and 68030 CPU
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #0x80,a1@(MMUCMD) | set magic cookie
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #7,d0 | cookie still on?
jeq Lnot370 | no, 360 or 375
movl #0,a1@(MMUCMD) | clear magic cookie
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #7,d0 | still on?
jeq Lisa370 | no, must be a 370
movl #HP_340,a0@ | yes, must be a 340
jra Lstart1
movl #HP_360,a0@ | type is at least a 360
movl #0,a1@(MMUCMD) | clear magic cookie2
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #16,d0 | still on?
jeq Lstart1 | no, must be a 360
movl #HP_375,a0@ | yes, must be a 345/375
jra Lhaspac
movl #HP_370,a0@ | set to 370
RELOC(_ectype, a0)
movl #EC_PHYS,a0@ | also has a physical address cache
jra Lstart1
bset #31,d0 | data cache enable bit
movc d0,cacr | only exists on 68040
movc cacr,d0 | read it back
tstl d0 | zero?
beq Lis68020 | yes, we have 68020
moveq #0,d0 | now turn it back off
movec d0,cacr | before we access any data
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
movl #MMU_68040,a0@ | with a 68040 MMU
RELOC(_cputype, a0)
movl #CPU_68040,a0@ | and a 68040 CPU
RELOC(_fputype, a0)
movl #FPU_68040,a0@ | ...and FPU
RELOC(_ectype, a0)
movl #EC_NONE,a0@ | and no cache (for now XXX)
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read MMU register
lsrl #8,d0 | get apparent ID
cmpb #6,d0 | id == 6?
jeq Lis33mhz | yes, we have a 433s
movl #HP_380,a0@ | no, we have a 380/425t
jra Lstart1
movl #HP_433,a0@ | 433s (XXX 425s returns same ID, ugh!)
jra Lstart1
movl #1,a1@(MMUCMD) | a 68020, write HP MMU location
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #0,d0 | non-zero?
jne Lishpmmu | yes, we have HP MMU
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
movl #MMU_68851,a0@ | no, we have PMMU
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #HP_330,a0@ | and 330 CPU
jra Lstart1
RELOC(_ectype, a0) | 320 or 350
movl #EC_VIRT,a0@ | both have a virtual address cache
movl #0x80,a1@(MMUCMD) | set magic cookie
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #7,d0 | cookie still on?
jeq Lis320 | no, just a 320
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #HP_350,a0@ | yes, a 350
jra Lstart1
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #HP_320,a0@
movl #0,a1@(MMUCMD) | clear out MMU again
/* initialize source/destination control registers for movs */
moveq #FC_USERD,d0 | user space
movc d0,sfc | as source
movc d0,dfc | and destination of transfers
/* initialize memory sizes (for pmap_bootstrap) */
movl #MAXADDR,d1 | last page
moveq #PGSHIFT,d2
lsrl d2,d1 | convert to page (click) number
RELOC(_maxmem, a0)
movl d1,a0@ | save as maxmem
movl a5,d0 | lowram value from ROM via boot
lsrl d2,d0 | convert to page number
subl d0,d1 | compute amount of RAM present
RELOC(_physmem, a0)
movl d1,a0@ | and physmem
/* configure kernel and proc0 VA space so we can get going */
.globl _Sysseg, _pmap_bootstrap, _avail_start
#ifdef DDB
RELOC(_esym,a0) | end of static kernel test/data/syms
movl a0@,d5
jne Lstart2
movl #_end,d5 | end of static kernel text/data
addl #NBPG-1,d5
andl #PG_FRAME,d5 | round to a page
movl d5,a4
addl a5,a4 | convert to PA
pea a5@ | firstpa
pea a4@ | nextpa
jbsr a0@ | pmap_bootstrap(firstpa, nextpa)
addql #8,sp
* Prepare to enable MMU.
* Since the kernel is not mapped logical == physical we must insure
* that when the MMU is turned on, all prefetched addresses (including
* the PC) are valid. In order guarentee that, we use the last physical
* page (which is conveniently mapped == VA) and load it up with enough
* code to defeat the prefetch, then we execute the jump back to here.
* Is this all really necessary, or am I paranoid??
RELOC(_Sysseg, a0) | system segment table addr
movl a0@,d1 | read value (a KVA)
addl a5,d1 | convert to PA
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
tstl a0@ | HP MMU?
jeq Lhpmmu2 | yes, skip
cmpl #MMU_68040,a0@ | 68040?
jne Lmotommu1 | no, skip
.long 0x4e7b1807 | movc d1,srp
jra Lstploaddone
RELOC(_protorp, a0)
movl #0x80000202,a0@ | nolimit + share global + 4 byte PTEs
movl d1,a0@(4) | + segtable address
pmove a0@,srp | load the supervisor root pointer
movl #0x80000002,a0@ | reinit upper half for CRP loads
jra Lstploaddone | done
moveq #PGSHIFT,d2
lsrl d2,d1 | convert to page frame
movl d1,INTIOBASE+MMUBASE+MMUSSTP | load in sysseg table register
lea MAXADDR,a2 | PA of last RAM page
RELOC(Lhighcode, a1) | addr of high code
RELOC(Lehighcode, a3) | end addr
movw a1@+,a2@+ | copy a word
cmpl a3,a1 | done yet?
jcs Lcodecopy | no, keep going
jmp MAXADDR | go for it!
* BEGIN MMU TRAMPOLINE. This section of code is not
* executed in-place. It's copied to the last page
* of RAM (mapped va == pa) and executed there.
* Set up the vector table, and race to get the MMU
* enabled.
movl #_vectab,d0 | set Vector Base Register
movc d0,vbr
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
tstl a0@ | HP MMU?
jeq Lhpmmu3 | yes, skip
cmpl #MMU_68040,a0@ | 68040?
jne Lmotommu2 | no, skip
| enable FPU and caches
moveq #0,d0 | ensure TT regs are disabled
.long 0x4e7b0004 | movc d0,itt0
.long 0x4e7b0005 | movc d0,itt1
.long 0x4e7b0006 | movc d0,dtt0
.long 0x4e7b0007 | movc d0,dtt1
.word 0xf4d8 | cinva bc
.word 0xf518 | pflusha
movl #0x8000,d0
.long 0x4e7b0003 | movc d0,tc
movl #0x80008000,d0
movc d0,cacr | turn on both caches
jmp Lenab1
| enable 68881 and i-cache
RELOC(_prototc, a2)
movl #0x82c0aa00,a2@ | value to load TC with
pmove a2@,tc | load it
jmp Lenab1
movl #0,INTIOBASE+MMUBASE+MMUCMD | clear external cache
jmp Lenab1 | jmp to mapped code
* END MMU TRAMPOLINE. Address register a5 is now free.
* Should be running mapped from this point on
/* select the software page size now */
lea tmpstk,sp | temporary stack
jbsr _vm_set_page_size | select software page size
/* set kernel stack, user SP, and initial pcb */
movl _proc0paddr,a1 | get proc0 pcb addr
lea a1@(USPACE-4),sp | set kernel stack to end of area
lea _proc0,a2 | initialize proc0.p_addr so that
movl a1,a2@(P_ADDR) | we don't deref NULL in trap()
movl #USRSTACK-4,a2
movl a2,usp | init user SP
movl a1,_curpcb | proc0 is running
tstl _fputype | Have an FPU?
jeq Lenab2 | No, skip.
clrl a1@(PCB_FPCTX) | ensure null FP context
movl a1,sp@-
jbsr _m68881_restore | restore it (does not kill a1)
addql #4,sp
/* flush TLB and turn on caches */
jbsr _TBIA | invalidate TLB
cmpl #MMU_68040,_mmutype | 68040?
jeq Lnocache0 | yes, cache already on
movl #CACHE_ON,d0
movc d0,cacr | clear cache(s)
tstl _ectype
jeq Lnocache0
orl #MMU_CEN,a0@(MMUCMD) | turn on external cache
/* Final setup for call to main(). */
jbsr _isrinit | initialize interrupt handlers
jbsr _hp300_calibrate_delay | calibrate delay() loop
* Create a fake exception frame so that cpu_fork() can copy it.
* main() nevers returns; we exit to user mode from a forked process
* later on.
clrw sp@- | vector offset/frame type
clrl sp@- | PC - filled in by "execve"
movw #PSL_USER,sp@- | in user mode
clrl sp@- | stack adjust count and padding
lea sp@(-64),sp | construct space for D0-D7/A0-A7
lea _proc0,a0 | save pointer to frame
movl sp,a0@(P_MD_REGS) | in proc0.p_md.md_regs
jra _main | main()
pea Lmainreturned | Yow! Main returned!
jbsr _panic
.asciz "main() returned"
.globl _proc_trampoline
movl a3,sp@-
jbsr a2@
addql #4,sp
movl sp@(FR_SP),a0 | grab and load
movl a0,usp | user SP
moveml sp@+,#0x7FFF | restore most user regs
addql #8,sp | toss SP and stack adjust
jra rei | and return
* Trap/interrupt vector routines
@ -269,34 +600,41 @@ Lstkadj:
_fpfline: /* XXXthorpej - candidate for vector patch */
#if defined(M68040)
cmpl #FPU_68040,_fputype | 68040 FPU?
jne Lfp_unimp | no, skip FPSP
cmpw #0x202c,sp@(6) | format type 2?
jne _illinst | no, not an FP emulation
#ifdef FPSP
.globl fpsp_unimp
jmp fpsp_unimp | yes, go handle it
#endif /* M68040 */
clrl sp@- | stack adjust count
moveml #0xFFFF,sp@- | save registers
moveq #T_FPEMULI,d0 | denote as FP emulation trap
jra fault | do it
jra _illinst
_fpunsupp: /* XXXthorpej - candidate for vector patch */
#if defined(M68040)
cmpl #MMU_68040,_mmutype | 68040?
cmpl #FPU_68040,_fputype | 68040 FPU?
jne _illinst | no, treat as illinst
#ifdef FPSP
.globl fpsp_unsupp
jmp fpsp_unsupp | yes, go handle it
#endif /* M68040 */
clrl sp@- | stack adjust count
moveml #0xFFFF,sp@- | save registers
moveq #T_FPEMULD,d0 | denote as FP emulation trap
jra fault | do it
jra _illinst
@ -309,7 +647,6 @@ _fpunsupp: /* XXXthorpej - candidate for vector patch */
.globl _fpfault
clrl sp@- | stack adjust count
moveml #0xFFFF,sp@- | save user registers
movl usp,a0 | and save
@ -320,7 +657,7 @@ _fpfault:
fsave a0@ | save state
#if defined(M68040) || defined(M68060)
/* always null state frame on 68040, 68060 */
cmpl #MMU_68040,_mmutype
cmpl #CPU_68040,_cputype
jle Lfptnull
tstb a0@ | null state frame?
@ -333,9 +670,6 @@ Lfptnull:
frestore a0@ | restore state
movl #T_FPERR,sp@- | push type arg
jra Ltrapnstkadj | call trap and deal with stack cleanup
jra _badtrap | treat as an unexpected trap
* Coprocessor and format errors can generate mid-instruction stack
@ -776,343 +1110,6 @@ Lnosir:
rte | real return
* Macro to relocate a symbol, used before MMU is enabled.
#define RELOC(var, ar) \
lea var,ar; \
addl a5,ar
* Initialization
* A4 contains the address of the end of the symtab
* A5 contains physical load point from boot
* VBR contains zero from ROM. Exceptions will continue to vector
* through ROM until MMU is turned on at which time they will vector
* through our table (vectors.s).
.comm _lowram,4
.comm _esym,4
.globl _edata
.globl _etext,_end
.globl start
movw #PSL_HIGHIPL,sr | no interrupts
RELOC(tmpstk, a0)
movl a0,sp | give ourselves a temporary stack
RELOC(_esym, a0)
#if 1
movl a4,a0@ | store end of symbol table
clrl a0@ | no symbol table, yet
RELOC(_lowram, a0)
movl a5,a0@ | store start of physical memory
movl #CACHE_OFF,d0
movc d0,cacr | clear and disable on-chip cache(s)
/* check for internal HP-IB in SYSFLAG */
btst #5,0xfffffed2 | internal HP-IB?
jeq Lhaveihpib | yes, have HP-IB just continue
RELOC(_internalhpib, a0)
movl #0,a0@ | no, clear associated address
RELOC(_boothowto, a0) | save reboot flags
movl d7,a0@
RELOC(_bootdev, a0) | and boot device
movl d6,a0@
* All data registers are now free. All address registers
* except a5 are free. a5 is used by the RELOC() macro,
* and cannot be used until after the MMU is enabled.
/* determine our CPU/MMU combo - check for all regardless of kernel config */
movl #0x200,d0 | data freeze bit
movc d0,cacr | only exists on 68030
movc cacr,d0 | read it back
tstl d0 | zero?
jeq Lnot68030 | yes, we have 68020/68040
RELOC(_mmutype, a0) | no, we have 68030
movl #MMU_68030,a0@ | set to reflect 68030 PMMU
RELOC(_cputype, a0)
movl #CPU_68030,a0@ | and 68030 CPU
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #0x80,a1@(MMUCMD) | set magic cookie
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #7,d0 | cookie still on?
jeq Lnot370 | no, 360 or 375
movl #0,a1@(MMUCMD) | clear magic cookie
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #7,d0 | still on?
jeq Lisa370 | no, must be a 370
movl #HP_340,a0@ | yes, must be a 340
jra Lstart1
movl #HP_360,a0@ | type is at least a 360
movl #0,a1@(MMUCMD) | clear magic cookie2
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #16,d0 | still on?
jeq Lstart1 | no, must be a 360
movl #HP_375,a0@ | yes, must be a 345/375
jra Lhaspac
movl #HP_370,a0@ | set to 370
RELOC(_ectype, a0)
movl #EC_PHYS,a0@ | also has a physical address cache
jra Lstart1
bset #31,d0 | data cache enable bit
movc d0,cacr | only exists on 68040
movc cacr,d0 | read it back
tstl d0 | zero?
beq Lis68020 | yes, we have 68020
moveq #0,d0 | now turn it back off
movec d0,cacr | before we access any data
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
movl #MMU_68040,a0@ | with a 68040 MMU
RELOC(_cputype, a0)
movl #CPU_68040,a0@ | and a 68040 CPU
RELOC(_ectype, a0)
movl #EC_NONE,a0@ | and no cache (for now XXX)
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read MMU register
lsrl #8,d0 | get apparent ID
cmpb #6,d0 | id == 6?
jeq Lis33mhz | yes, we have a 433s
movl #HP_380,a0@ | no, we have a 380/425t
jra Lstart1
movl #HP_433,a0@ | 433s (XXX 425s returns same ID, ugh!)
jra Lstart1
movl #1,a1@(MMUCMD) | a 68020, write HP MMU location
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #0,d0 | non-zero?
jne Lishpmmu | yes, we have HP MMU
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
movl #MMU_68851,a0@ | no, we have PMMU
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #HP_330,a0@ | and 330 CPU
jra Lstart1
RELOC(_ectype, a0) | 320 or 350
movl #EC_VIRT,a0@ | both have a virtual address cache
movl #0x80,a1@(MMUCMD) | set magic cookie
movl a1@(MMUCMD),d0 | read it back
btst #7,d0 | cookie still on?
jeq Lis320 | no, just a 320
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #HP_350,a0@ | yes, a 350
jra Lstart1
RELOC(_machineid, a0)
movl #HP_320,a0@
movl #0,a1@(MMUCMD) | clear out MMU again
/* initialize source/destination control registers for movs */
moveq #FC_USERD,d0 | user space
movc d0,sfc | as source
movc d0,dfc | and destination of transfers
/* initialize memory sizes (for pmap_bootstrap) */
movl #MAXADDR,d1 | last page
moveq #PGSHIFT,d2
lsrl d2,d1 | convert to page (click) number
RELOC(_maxmem, a0)
movl d1,a0@ | save as maxmem
movl a5,d0 | lowram value from ROM via boot
lsrl d2,d0 | convert to page number
subl d0,d1 | compute amount of RAM present
RELOC(_physmem, a0)
movl d1,a0@ | and physmem
/* configure kernel and proc0 VA space so we can get going */
.globl _Sysseg, _pmap_bootstrap, _avail_start
#ifdef DDB
RELOC(_esym,a0) | end of static kernel test/data/syms
movl a0@,d5
jne Lstart2
movl #_end,d5 | end of static kernel text/data
addl #NBPG-1,d5
andl #PG_FRAME,d5 | round to a page
movl d5,a4
addl a5,a4 | convert to PA
pea a5@ | firstpa
pea a4@ | nextpa
jbsr a0@ | pmap_bootstrap(firstpa, nextpa)
addql #8,sp
* Prepare to enable MMU.
* Since the kernel is not mapped logical == physical we must insure
* that when the MMU is turned on, all prefetched addresses (including
* the PC) are valid. In order guarentee that, we use the last physical
* page (which is conveniently mapped == VA) and load it up with enough
* code to defeat the prefetch, then we execute the jump back to here.
* Is this all really necessary, or am I paranoid??
RELOC(_Sysseg, a0) | system segment table addr
movl a0@,d1 | read value (a KVA)
addl a5,d1 | convert to PA
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
tstl a0@ | HP MMU?
jeq Lhpmmu2 | yes, skip
cmpl #MMU_68040,a0@ | 68040?
jne Lmotommu1 | no, skip
.long 0x4e7b1807 | movc d1,srp
jra Lstploaddone
RELOC(_protorp, a0)
movl #0x80000202,a0@ | nolimit + share global + 4 byte PTEs
movl d1,a0@(4) | + segtable address
pmove a0@,srp | load the supervisor root pointer
movl #0x80000002,a0@ | reinit upper half for CRP loads
jra Lstploaddone | done
moveq #PGSHIFT,d2
lsrl d2,d1 | convert to page frame
movl d1,INTIOBASE+MMUBASE+MMUSSTP | load in sysseg table register
lea MAXADDR,a2 | PA of last RAM page
RELOC(Lhighcode, a1) | addr of high code
RELOC(Lehighcode, a3) | end addr
movw a1@+,a2@+ | copy a word
cmpl a3,a1 | done yet?
jcs Lcodecopy | no, keep going
jmp MAXADDR | go for it!
* BEGIN MMU TRAMPOLINE. This section of code is not
* executed in-place. It's copied to the last page
* of RAM (mapped va == pa) and executed there.
* Set up the vector table, and race to get the MMU
* enabled.
movl #_vectab,d0 | set Vector Base Register
movc d0,vbr
RELOC(_mmutype, a0)
tstl a0@ | HP MMU?
jeq Lhpmmu3 | yes, skip
cmpl #MMU_68040,a0@ | 68040?
jne Lmotommu2 | no, skip
| enable FPU and caches
moveq #0,d0 | ensure TT regs are disabled
.long 0x4e7b0004 | movc d0,itt0
.long 0x4e7b0005 | movc d0,itt1
.long 0x4e7b0006 | movc d0,dtt0
.long 0x4e7b0007 | movc d0,dtt1
.word 0xf4d8 | cinva bc
.word 0xf518 | pflusha
movl #0x8000,d0
.long 0x4e7b0003 | movc d0,tc
movl #0x80008000,d0
movc d0,cacr | turn on both caches
jmp Lenab1
| enable 68881 and i-cache
RELOC(_prototc, a2)
movl #0x82c0aa00,a2@ | value to load TC with
pmove a2@,tc | load it
jmp Lenab1
movl #0,INTIOBASE+MMUBASE+MMUCMD | clear external cache
jmp Lenab1 | jmp to mapped code
* END MMU TRAMPOLINE. Address register a5 is now free.
* Should be running mapped from this point on
/* select the software page size now */
lea tmpstk,sp | temporary stack
jbsr _vm_set_page_size | select software page size
/* set kernel stack, user SP, and initial pcb */
movl _proc0paddr,a1 | get proc0 pcb addr
lea a1@(USPACE-4),sp | set kernel stack to end of area
lea _proc0,a2 | initialize proc0.p_addr so that
movl a1,a2@(P_ADDR) | we don't deref NULL in trap()
movl #USRSTACK-4,a2
movl a2,usp | init user SP
movl a1,_curpcb | proc0 is running
clrl a1@(PCB_FPCTX) | ensure null FP context
movl a1,sp@-
jbsr _m68881_restore | restore it (does not kill a1)
addql #4,sp
/* flush TLB and turn on caches */
jbsr _TBIA | invalidate TLB
cmpl #MMU_68040,_mmutype | 68040?
jeq Lnocache0 | yes, cache already on
movl #CACHE_ON,d0
movc d0,cacr | clear cache(s)
tstl _ectype
jeq Lnocache0
orl #MMU_CEN,a0@(MMUCMD) | turn on external cache
/* Final setup for call to main(). */
jbsr _isrinit | initialize interrupt handlers
jbsr _hp300_calibrate_delay | calibrate delay() loop
* Create a fake exception frame so that cpu_fork() can copy it.
* main() nevers returns; we exit to user mode from a forked process
* later on.
clrw sp@- | vector offset/frame type
clrl sp@- | PC - filled in by "execve"
movw #PSL_USER,sp@- | in user mode
clrl sp@- | stack adjust count and padding
lea sp@(-64),sp | construct space for D0-D7/A0-A7
lea _proc0,a0 | save pointer to frame
movl sp,a0@(P_MD_REGS) | in proc0.p_md.md_regs
jra _main | main()
pea Lmainreturned | Yow! Main returned!
jbsr _panic
.asciz "main() returned"
.globl _proc_trampoline
movl a3,sp@-
jbsr a2@
addql #4,sp
movl sp@(FR_SP),a0 | grab and load
movl a0,usp | user SP
moveml sp@+,#0x7FFF | restore most user regs
addql #8,sp | toss SP and stack adjust
jra rei | and return
* Signal "trampoline" code (18 bytes). Invoked from RTE setup by sendsig().
@ -1367,7 +1364,9 @@ Lsw2:
moveml #0xFCFC,a1@(PCB_REGS) | save non-scratch registers
movl usp,a2 | grab USP (a2 has been saved)
movl a2,a1@(PCB_USP) | and save it
tstl _fputype | Do we have an FPU?
jeq Lswnofpsave | No Then don't attempt save.
lea a1@(PCB_FPCTX),a2 | pointer to FP save area
fsave a2@ | save FP state
tstb a2@ | null state frame?
@ -1375,7 +1374,6 @@ Lsw2:
fmovem fp0-fp7,a2@(216) | save FP general registers
fmovem fpcr/fpsr/fpi,a2@(312) | save FP control registers
tstl a0@(P_WCHAN)
@ -1449,7 +1447,9 @@ Lcxswdone:
moveml a1@(PCB_REGS),#0xFCFC | and registers
movl a1@(PCB_USP),a0
movl a0,usp | and USP
tstl _fputype | If we don't have an FPU,
jeq Lnofprest | don't try to restore it.
lea a1@(PCB_FPCTX),a0 | pointer to FP save area
tstb a0@ | null state frame?
jeq Lresfprest | yes, easy
@ -1466,7 +1466,8 @@ Lresnot040:
fmovem a0@(216),fp0-fp7 | restore FP general registers
frestore a0@ | restore state
movw a1@(PCB_PS),sr | no, restore PS
moveq #1,d0 | return 1 (for alternate returns)
@ -1481,7 +1482,9 @@ ENTRY(savectx)
movl usp,a0 | grab USP
movl a0,a1@(PCB_USP) | and save it
moveml #0xFCFC,a1@(PCB_REGS) | save non-scratch registers
tstl _fputype | Do we have FPU?
jeq Lsvnofpsave | No? Then don't save state.
lea a1@(PCB_FPCTX),a0 | pointer to FP save area
fsave a0@ | save FP state
tstb a0@ | null state frame?
@ -1489,7 +1492,6 @@ ENTRY(savectx)
fmovem fp0-fp7,a0@(216) | save FP general registers
fmovem fpcr/fpsr/fpi,a0@(312) | save FP control registers
moveq #0,d0 | return 0
@ -1951,7 +1953,6 @@ L_delay:
jgt L_delay
* Save and restore 68881 state.
* Pretty awful looking since our assembler does not
@ -1976,7 +1977,6 @@ ENTRY(m68881_restore)
frestore a0@ | restore state
* Handle the nitty-gritty of rebooting the machine.
@ -2054,7 +2054,8 @@ Lebootcode:
.globl _machineid,_mmutype,_cputype,_ectype,_protorp,_prototc
.globl _machineid,_mmutype,_cputype,_ectype,_fputype
.globl _protorp,_prototc
.long HP_320 | default to 320
@ -2063,6 +2064,8 @@ _cputype:
.long CPU_68020 | default to 68020 CPU
.long EC_NONE | external cache type, default to none
.long FPU_68881 | default to 68881 FPU
.long 0,0 | prototype root pointer
Reference in New Issue