diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/db_instruction.h b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/db_instruction.h
index 1a1dbbefab7c..cf049f15d44e 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/db_instruction.h
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/db_instruction.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: db_instruction.h,v 1.6 2000/03/20 02:54:45 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: db_instruction.h,v 1.7 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1999 Christopher G. Demetriou.  All rights reserved.
@@ -184,6 +184,16 @@ typedef union {
 				opcode : 6;
 	} float_format;
+	struct {
+		unsigned	fc : 5,
+				opclass : 4,
+				src : 2,
+				rnd : 2,
+				trp : 3,
+				fb : 5,
+				fa : 5,
+				opcode : 6;
+	} float_detail;
 	 *	PAL instructions just define the major opcode
@@ -221,7 +231,7 @@ typedef union {
 #define	op_logical	0x11		/* see LOGICAL sub-table */
 #define	op_bit		0x12		/* see BIT sub-table */
 #define	op_mul		0x13		/* see MUL sub-table */
-					/* reserved */
+#define op_fix_float	0x14		/* if ALPHA_AMASK_FIX */
 #define	op_vax_float	0x15		/* see FLOAT sub-table */
 #define	op_ieee_float	0x16		/* see FLOAT sub-table */
 #define	op_any_float	0x17		/* see FLOAT sub-table */
@@ -411,6 +421,12 @@ typedef union {
  *	Load and store operations use opcodes op_ldf..op_stt
+		/* src encoding from function, 9..10 */
+#define	op_src_sf	0
+#define	op_src_xd	1
+#define	op_src_tg	2
+#define	op_src_qq	3
 		/* any FLOAT, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11)  */
 #define	op_cvtlq	0x010
@@ -427,7 +443,7 @@ typedef union {
 #define	op_fcmovgt	0x02f
 #define	op_cvtql	0x030
 #define	op_cvtql_v	0x130
-#define	op_cvtql_sv	0x330
+#define	op_cvtql_sv	0x530
 		/* ieee FLOAT, "function" opcodes (bits 5..11)  */
@@ -520,6 +536,7 @@ typedef union {
 #define	op_mult_ud	0x1e2
 #define	op_divt_ud	0x1e3
 #define	op_cvtts_ud	0x1ec
+#define op_cvtst	0x2ac
 #define	op_adds_suc	0x500
 #define	op_subs_suc	0x501
 #define	op_muls_suc	0x502
@@ -562,6 +579,7 @@ typedef union {
 #define	op_mult_sud	0x5e2
 #define	op_divt_sud	0x5e3
 #define	op_cvtts_sud	0x5ec
+#define	op_cvtst_u	0x6ac
 #define	op_adds_suic	0x700
 #define	op_subs_suic	0x701
 #define	op_muls_suic	0x702
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/fp_complete.c b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/fp_complete.c
index 4dcf9b01b9db..a999fee64ae0 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/fp_complete.c
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/fp_complete.c
@@ -1 +1,714 @@
-/* $NetBSD: fp_complete.c,v 1.1 2001/04/22 20:47:22 ross Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: fp_complete.c,v 1.2 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 Ross Harvey
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *	This product includes software developed by the NetBSD
+ *	Foundation, Inc. and its contributors.
+ * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its
+ *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>			/* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: fp_complete.c,v 1.2 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $");
+#include "opt_compat_osf1.h"
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/systm.h>
+#include <sys/proc.h>
+#ifdef COMPAT_OSF1
+#include <compat/osf1/osf1_exec.h>
+#include <machine/cpu.h>
+#include <machine/fpu.h>
+#include <machine/reg.h>
+#include <machine/alpha.h>
+#include <alpha/alpha/db_instruction.h>
+#include <lib/libkern/softfloat.h>
+#define	TSWINSIZE 4	/* size of trap shadow window in u_int32_t units */
+/*	Set Name		Opcodes			AARM C.* Symbols  */
+#define	CPUREG_CLASS		(0xfUL << 0x10)		/* INT[ALSM]	  */
+#define	FPUREG_CLASS		(0xfUL << 0x14)		/* ITFP, FLT[ILV] */
+#define	CHECKFUNCTIONCODE	(1UL << 0x18)		/* MISC		  */
+#define	TRAPSHADOWBOUNDARY	(1UL << 0x00 |		/* PAL		  */\
+				 1UL << 0x19 |		/* \PAL\	  */\
+				 1UL << 0x1a |		/* JSR		  */\
+				 1UL << 0x1b |		/* \PAL\	  */\
+				 1UL << 0x1d |		/* \PAL\	  */\
+				 1UL << 0x1e |		/* \PAL\	  */\
+				 1UL << 0x1f |		/* \PAL\	  */\
+				 0xffffUL << 0x30 | 	/* branch ops	  */\
+#define	MAKE_FLOATXX(width, expwidth, sign, exp, msb, rest_of_frac) \
+	(u_int ## width ## _t)(sign) << ((width) - 1)			|\
+	(u_int ## width ## _t)(exp)  << ((width) - 1 - (expwidth))	|\
+	(u_int ## width ## _t)(msb)  << ((width) - 1 - (expwidth) - 1)	|\
+	(u_int ## width ## _t)(rest_of_frac)
+#define	FLOAT32QNAN MAKE_FLOATXX(32, 8, 0, 0xff, 1, 0)
+#define	FLOAT64QNAN MAKE_FLOATXX(64, 11, 0, 0x7ff, 1, 0)
+#define IS_SUBNORMAL(v)	((v)->exp == 0 && (v)->frac != 0)
+#define	PREFILTER_SUBNORMAL(p,v) if ((p)->p_md.md_flags & IEEE_MAP_DMZ	\
+				     && IS_SUBNORMAL(v))		\
+					 (v)->frac = 0; else
+#define	POSTFILTER_SUBNORMAL(p,v) if ((p)->p_md.md_flags & IEEE_MAP_UMZ	\
+				      && IS_SUBNORMAL(v))		\
+					  (v)->frac = 0; else
+	/* Alpha returns 2.0 for true, all zeroes for false. */
+#define CMP_RESULT(flag) ((flag) ? 4UL << 60 : 0L)
+	/* Move bits from sw fp_c to hw fpcr. */
+#define	CRBLIT(sw, hw, m, offs) (((sw) & ~(m)) | ((hw) >> (offs) & (m)))
+ * Temporary trap shadow instrumentation. The [un]resolved counters
+ * could be kept permanently, as they provide information on whether
+ * user code has met AARM trap shadow generation requirements.
+ */
+struct alpha_shadow {
+	u_int64_t resolved;	/* cases trigger pc found */
+	u_int64_t unresolved;	/* cases it wasn't, code problems? */
+	u_int64_t scans;		/* trap shadow scans */
+	u_int64_t len;		/* number of instructions examined */
+	u_int64_t uop;		/* bit mask of unexpected opcodes */
+	u_int64_t sqrts;	/* ev6+ square root single count */
+	u_int64_t sqrtt;	/* ev6+ square root double count */
+	u_int32_t ufunc;	/* bit mask of unexpected functions */
+	u_int32_t max;		/* max trap shadow scan */
+	u_int32_t nilswop;	/* unexpected op codes */
+	u_int32_t nilswfunc;	/* unexpected function codes */
+	u_int32_t nilanyop;	/* this "cannot happen" */
+	u_int32_t vax;		/* sigs from vax fp opcodes */
+} alpha_shadow, alpha_shadow_zero;
+static float64 float64_unk(float64, float64);
+static float64 compare_un(float64, float64);
+static float64 compare_eq(float64, float64);
+static float64 compare_lt(float64, float64);
+static float64 compare_le(float64, float64);
+static void cvt_qs_ts_st_gf_qf(u_int32_t, struct proc *);
+static void cvt_gd(u_int32_t, struct proc *);
+static void cvt_qt_dg_qg(u_int32_t, struct proc *);
+static void cvt_tq_gq(u_int32_t, struct proc *);
+static float32 (*swfp_s[])(float32, float32) = {
+	float32_add, float32_sub, float32_mul, float32_div,
+static float64 (*swfp_t[])(float64, float64) = {
+	float64_add, float64_sub, float64_mul, float64_div,
+	compare_un,    compare_eq,    compare_lt,    compare_le,
+	float64_unk, float64_unk, float64_unk, float64_unk
+static void (*swfp_cvt[])(u_int32_t, struct proc *) = {
+	cvt_qs_ts_st_gf_qf, cvt_gd, cvt_qt_dg_qg, cvt_tq_gq
+static void
+this_cannot_happen(int what_cannot_happen, int64_t bits)
+	static int total;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	static u_int64_t reported;
+	inst.bits = bits;
+	++alpha_shadow.nilswfunc;
+	if (bits != -1)
+		alpha_shadow.uop |= 1UL << inst.generic_format.opcode;
+	if (1UL << what_cannot_happen & reported)
+		return;
+	reported |= 1UL << what_cannot_happen;
+	if (total >= 1000)
+		return;	/* right now, this return "cannot happen" */
+	++total;
+	if (bits)
+		printf("FP instruction %x\n", (unsigned int)bits);
+	printf("FP event %d/%lx/%lx\n", what_cannot_happen, reported,
+	    alpha_shadow.uop);
+	printf("Please report this to port-alpha-maintainer@netbsd.org\n");
+static __inline void
+sts(unsigned int rn, s_float *v, struct proc *p)
+	alpha_sts(rn, v);
+static __inline void
+stt(unsigned int rn, t_float *v, struct proc *p)
+	alpha_stt(rn, v);
+static __inline void
+lds(unsigned int rn, s_float *v, struct proc *p)
+	alpha_lds(rn, v);
+static __inline void
+ldt(unsigned int rn, t_float *v, struct proc *p)
+	alpha_ldt(rn, v);
+static float64
+compare_lt(float64 a, float64 b)
+	return CMP_RESULT(float64_lt(a, b));
+static float64
+compare_le(float64 a, float64 b)
+	return CMP_RESULT(float64_le(a, b));
+static float64
+compare_un(float64 a, float64 b)
+	if (float64_is_nan(a) | float64_is_nan(b)) {
+		if (float64_is_signaling_nan(a) | float64_is_signaling_nan(b))
+			float_set_invalid();
+		return CMP_RESULT(1);
+	}
+	return CMP_RESULT(0);
+static float64
+compare_eq(float64 a, float64 b)
+	return CMP_RESULT(float64_eq(a, b));
+ * A note regarding the VAX FP ops.
+ * 
+ * The AARM gives us completely leeway to set or not set status flags on VAX
+ * ops, but we do any subnorm, NaN and dirty zero fixups anyway, and we set
+ * flags by IEEE rules.  Many ops are common to d/f/g and s/t source types.
+ * For the purely vax ones, it's hard to imagine ever running them.
+ * (Generated VAX fp ops with completion flags? Hmm.)  We are careful never
+ * to panic, assert, or print unlimited output based on a path through the
+ * decoder, so wierd cases don't become security issues.
+ */
+static void
+cvt_qs_ts_st_gf_qf(u_int32_t inst_bits, struct proc *p)
+	t_float tfb, tfc;
+	s_float sfb, sfc;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	inst.bits = inst_bits;
+	/*
+	 * cvtst and cvtts have the same opcode, function, and source.  The
+	 * distinction for cvtst is hidden in the illegal modifier combinations.
+	 * We decode even the non-/s modifier, so that the fix-up-always mode
+	 * works on ev6 and later. The rounding bits are unused and fixed for
+	 * cvtst, so we check those too.
+	 */
+	switch(inst.float_format.function) {
+	case op_cvtst:
+	case op_cvtst_u:
+		sts(inst.float_detail.fb, &sfb, p);
+		tfc.i = float32_to_float64(sfb.i);
+		ldt(inst.float_detail.fc, &tfc, p);
+		return;
+	}
+	if(inst.float_detail.src == 2) {
+		stt(inst.float_detail.fb, &tfb, p);
+		sfc.i = float64_to_float32(tfb.i);
+		lds(inst.float_detail.fc, &sfc, p);
+		return;
+	}
+	/* 0: S/F */
+	/* 1:  /D */
+	/* 3: Q/Q */
+	this_cannot_happen(5, inst.generic_format.opcode);
+	tfc.i = FLOAT64QNAN;
+	ldt(inst.float_detail.fc, &tfc, p);
+	return;
+static void
+cvt_gd(u_int32_t inst_bits, struct proc *p)
+	t_float tfb, tfc;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	inst.bits = inst_bits;
+	stt(inst.float_detail.fb, &tfb, p);
+	(void) float64_to_float32(tfb.i); 
+	p->p_md.md_flags &= ~NETBSD_FLAG_TO_FP_C(FP_X_IMP);
+	tfc.i = float64_add(tfb.i, (float64)0);
+	ldt(inst.float_detail.fc, &tfc, p);
+static void
+cvt_qt_dg_qg(u_int32_t inst_bits, struct proc *p)
+	t_float tfb, tfc;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	inst.bits = inst_bits;
+	switch(inst.float_detail.src) {
+	case 0:	/* S/F */
+		this_cannot_happen(3, inst.bits);
+		/* fall thru */
+	case 1: /* D */
+		/* VAX dirty 0's and reserved ops => UNPREDICTABLE */
+		/* We've done what's important by just not trapping */
+		tfc.i = 0;
+		break;
+	case 2: /* T/G */
+		this_cannot_happen(4, inst.bits);
+		tfc.i = 0;
+		break;
+	case 3:	/* Q/Q */
+		stt(inst.float_detail.fb, &tfb, p);
+		tfc.i = int64_to_float64(tfb.i);
+		break;
+	}
+	alpha_ldt(inst.float_detail.fc, &tfc);
+ * XXX: AARM and 754 seem to disagree here, also, beware of softfloat's
+ *      unfortunate habit of always returning the nontrapping result.
+ * XXX: there are several apparent AARM/AAH disagreements, as well as
+ *      the issue of trap handler pc and trapping results.
+ */
+static void
+cvt_tq_gq(u_int32_t inst_bits, struct proc *p)
+	t_float tfb, tfc;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	inst.bits = inst_bits;
+	stt(inst.float_detail.fb, &tfb, p);
+	tfc.i = float64_to_int64(tfb.i);
+	alpha_ldt(inst.float_detail.fc, &tfc);	/* yes, ldt */
+static u_int64_t
+fp_c_to_fpcr_1(u_int64_t fpcr, u_int64_t fp_c)
+	u_int64_t disables;
+	/*
+	 * It's hard to arrange for conforming bit fields, because the FP_C
+	 * and the FPCR are both architected, with specified (and relatively
+	 * scrambled) bit numbers. Defining an internal unscrambled FP_C
+	 * wouldn't help much, because every user exception requires the
+	 * architected bit order in the sigcontext.
+	 * 
+	 * Programs that fiddle with the fpcr exception bits (instead of fp_c)
+	 * will lose, because those bits can be and usually are subsetted;
+	 * the official home is in the fp_c. Furthermore, the kernel puts
+	 * phony enables (it lies :-) in the fpcr in order to get control when
+	 * it is necessary to initially set a sticky bit.
+	 */
+	fpcr &= FPCR_DYN(3);
+	/*
+	 * enable traps = case where flag bit is clear OR program wants a trap
+	 * enables = ~flags | mask
+	 * disables = ~(~flags | mask)
+	 * disables = flags & ~mask. Thank you, Augustus De Morgan (1806-1871)
+	 */
+	disables = FP_C_TO_NETBSD_FLAG(fp_c) & ~FP_C_TO_NETBSD_MASK(fp_c);
+	fpcr |= (disables & (FP_X_IMP | FP_X_UFL)) << (61 - 3);
+	fpcr |= (disables & (FP_X_OFL | FP_X_DZ | FP_X_INV)) << (49 - 0);
+#	if !(FP_X_INV == 1 && FP_X_DZ == 2 && FP_X_OFL == 4 &&		\
+	    FP_X_UFL == 8 && FP_X_IMP == 16 && FP_X_IOV == 32 &&	\
+	    FP_X_UFL << (61 - 3) == FPCR_UNFD &&			\
+	    FP_X_IMP << (61 - 3) == FPCR_INED &&			\
+	    FP_X_OFL << (49 - 0) == FPCR_OVFD)
+#		error "Assertion failed"
+	/*
+	 * We don't care about the other built-in bit numbers because they
+	 * have been architecturally specified.
+	 */
+#	endif
+	fpcr |= fp_c & FP_C_MIRRORED << (FPCR_MIR_START - FP_C_MIR_START);
+	fpcr |= (fp_c & IEEE_MAP_DMZ) << 36;
+	if (fp_c & FP_C_MIRRORED)
+		fpcr |= FPCR_SUM;
+	if (fp_c & IEEE_MAP_UMZ)
+		fpcr |= FPCR_UNDZ | FPCR_UNFD;
+	fpcr |= (~fp_c & IEEE_TRAP_ENABLE_DNO) << 41;
+	return fpcr;
+static void
+fp_c_to_fpcr(struct proc *p)
+	alpha_write_fpcr(fp_c_to_fpcr_1(alpha_read_fpcr(), p->p_md.md_flags));
+alpha_write_fp_c(struct proc *p, u_int64_t fp_c)
+	u_int64_t md_flags;
+	fp_c &= MDP_FP_C;
+	md_flags = p->p_md.md_flags;
+	if ((md_flags & MDP_FP_C) == fp_c)
+		return;
+	p->p_md.md_flags = (md_flags & ~MDP_FP_C) | fp_c;
+	alpha_enable_fp(p, 1);
+	fp_c_to_fpcr(p);
+	alpha_pal_wrfen(0);
+alpha_read_fp_c(struct proc *p)
+	/*
+	 * A possibly-desireable EV6-specific optimization would deviate from
+	 * the Alpha Architecture spec and keep some FP_C bits in the FPCR,
+	 * but in a transparent way. Some of the code for that would need to
+	 * go right here.
+	 */
+	return p->p_md.md_flags & MDP_FP_C;
+static float64
+float64_unk(float64 a, float64 b)
+	return 0;
+ * The real function field encodings for IEEE and VAX FP instructions.
+ *
+ * Since there is only one operand type field, the cvtXX instructions
+ * require a variety of special cases, and these have to be analyzed as
+ * they don't always fit into the field descriptions in AARM section I.
+ *
+ * Lots of staring at bits in the appendix shows what's really going on.
+ *
+ *	   |	       |
+ * 15 14 13|12 11 10 09|08 07 06 05
+ * --------======------============
+ *  TRAP   : RND : SRC : FUNCTION  :
+ *  0  0  0:. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . Imprecise
+ *  0  0  1|. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . ./U underflow enable (if FP output)
+ *	   |				 /V overfloat enable (if int output)
+ *  0  1  0:. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . ."Unsupported", but used for CVTST
+ *  0  1  1|. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . . Unsupported
+ *  1  0  0:. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . ./S software completion (VAX only)
+ *  1  0  1|. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . ./SU
+ *	   |				 /SV
+ *  1  1  0:. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . ."Unsupported", but used for CVTST/S
+ *  1  1  1|. . .:. . . . . . . . . . . ./SUI (if FP output)	(IEEE only)
+ *	   |				 /SVI (if int output)   (IEEE only)
+ *  S  I  UV: In other words: bits 15:13 are S:I:UV, except that _usually_
+ *	   |  not all combinations are valid.
+ *	   |	       |
+ * 15 14 13|12 11 10 09|08 07 06 05
+ * --------======------============
+ *  TRAP   : RND : SRC : FUNCTION  :
+ *	   | 0	0 . . . . . . . . . . . ./C Chopped
+ *	   : 0	1 . . . . . . . . . . . ./M Minus Infinity
+ *	   | 1	0 . . . . . . . . . . . .   Normal
+ *	   : 1	1 . . . . . . . . . . . ./D Dynamic (in FPCR: Plus Infinity)
+ *	   |	       |
+ * 15 14 13|12 11 10 09|08 07 06 05
+ * --------======------============
+ *  TRAP   : RND : SRC : FUNCTION  :
+ *		   0 0. . . . . . . . . . S/F
+ *		   0 1. . . . . . . . . . -/D
+ *		   1 0. . . . . . . . . . T/G
+ *		   1 1. . . . . . . . . . Q/Q
+ *	   |	       |
+ * 15 14 13|12 11 10 09|08 07 06 05
+ * --------======------============
+ *  TRAP   : RND : SRC : FUNCTION  :
+ *			 0  0  0  0 . . . addX
+ *			 0  0  0  1 . . . subX
+ *			 0  0  1  0 . . . mulX
+ *			 0  0  1  1 . . . divX
+ *			 0  1  0  0 . . . cmpXun
+ *			 0  1  0  1 . . . cmpXeq
+ *			 0  1  1  0 . . . cmpXlt
+ *			 0  1  1  1 . . . cmpXle
+ *			 1  0  0  0 . . . reserved
+ *			 1  0  0  1 . . . reserved
+ *			 1  0  1  0 . . . sqrt[fg] (op_fix, not exactly "vax")
+ *			 1  0  1  1 . . . sqrt[st] (op_fix, not exactly "ieee")
+ *			 1  1  0  0 . . . cvtXs/f (cvt[qt]s, cvtst(!), cvt[gq]f)
+ *			 1  1  0  1 . . . cvtXd   (vax only)
+ *			 1  1  1  0 . . . cvtXt/g (cvtqt, cvt[dq]g only)
+ *			 1  1  1  1 . . . cvtXq/q (cvttq, cvtgq)
+ *	   |	       |
+ * 15 14 13|12 11 10 09|08 07 06 05	  the twilight zone
+ * --------======------============
+ *  TRAP   : RND : SRC : FUNCTION  :
+ * /s /i /u  x  x  1  0  1  1  0  0 . . . cvtts, /siu only 0, 1, 5, 7
+ *  0  1  0  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  0 . . . cvtst   (src == T (!)) 2ac NOT /S
+ *  1  1  0  1  0  1  0  1  1  0  0 . . . cvtst/s (src == T (!)) 6ac
+ *  x  0  x  x  x  x  0	 1  1  1  1 . . . cvttq/_ (src == T)
+ */
+static void
+alpha_fp_interpret(alpha_instruction *pc, struct proc *p, u_int64_t bits)
+	s_float sfa, sfb, sfc;
+	t_float tfa, tfb, tfc;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	inst.bits = bits;
+	switch(inst.generic_format.opcode) {
+	default:
+		/* this "cannot happen" */
+		this_cannot_happen(2, inst.bits);
+		return;
+	case op_any_float:
+		/* HW supplies result, we supply sticky bit and maybe trap */
+		if (inst.float_format.function == op_cvtql_sv ||
+		    inst.float_format.function == op_cvtql_v) {
+			alpha_stt(inst.float_detail.fb, &tfb);
+			sfc.i = (int64_t)tfb.i >= 0L ? INT_MAX : INT_MIN;
+			alpha_lds(inst.float_detail.fc, &sfc);
+			float_raise(FP_X_INV);
+		} else {
+			++alpha_shadow.nilanyop;
+			this_cannot_happen(3, inst.bits);
+		}
+		break;
+	case op_vax_float:
+		++alpha_shadow.vax;	/* fall thru */
+	case op_ieee_float:
+	case op_fix_float:
+		switch(inst.float_detail.src) {
+		case op_src_sf:
+			sts(inst.float_detail.fb, &sfb, p);
+			if (inst.float_detail.opclass == 10)
+				sfc.i = float32_sqrt(sfb.i);
+			else if (inst.float_detail.opclass & ~3) {
+				this_cannot_happen(1, inst.bits);
+				sfc.i = FLOAT32QNAN;
+			} else {
+				sts(inst.float_detail.fa, &sfa, p);
+				sfc.i = (*swfp_s[inst.float_detail.opclass])(
+				    sfa.i, sfb.i);
+			}
+			lds(inst.float_detail.fc, &sfc, p);
+			break;
+		case op_src_xd:
+		case op_src_tg:
+			if (inst.float_detail.opclass >= 12)
+				(*swfp_cvt[inst.float_detail.opclass - 12])(
+				    inst.bits, p);
+			else {
+				stt(inst.float_detail.fb, &tfb, p);
+				if (inst.float_detail.opclass == 10)
+					tfc.i = float64_sqrt(tfb.i);
+				else {
+					stt(inst.float_detail.fa, &tfa, p);
+					tfc.i = (*swfp_t[inst.float_detail
+					    .opclass])(tfa.i, tfb.i);
+				}
+				ldt(inst.float_detail.fc, &tfc, p);
+			}
+			break;
+		case op_src_qq:
+			float_raise(FP_X_IMP);
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static int
+alpha_fp_complete_at(alpha_instruction *trigger_pc, struct proc *p,
+    u_int64_t *ucode)
+	int needsig;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	u_int64_t rm, fpcr, orig_fpcr;
+	u_int64_t orig_flags, new_flags, changed_flags, md_flags;
+	if (__predict_false(copyin(trigger_pc, &inst, sizeof inst))) {
+		this_cannot_happen(6, -1);
+		return SIGSEGV;
+	}
+	alpha_enable_fp(p, 1);
+	/*
+	 * If necessary, lie about the dynamic rounding mode so emulation
+	 * software need go to only one place for it, and so we don't have to
+	 * lock any memory locations or pass a third parameter to every
+	 * SoftFloat entry point.
+	 */
+	orig_fpcr = fpcr = alpha_read_fpcr();
+	rm = inst.float_detail.rnd;
+	if (__predict_false(rm != 3 /* dynamic */ && rm != (fpcr >> 58 & 3))) {
+		fpcr = (fpcr & ~FPCR_DYN(3)) | FPCR_DYN(rm);
+		alpha_write_fpcr(fpcr);
+	}
+	orig_flags = FP_C_TO_NETBSD_FLAG(p->p_md.md_flags);
+	alpha_fp_interpret(trigger_pc, p, inst.bits);
+	md_flags = p->p_md.md_flags;
+	new_flags = FP_C_TO_NETBSD_FLAG(md_flags);
+	changed_flags = orig_flags ^ new_flags;
+	KASSERT((orig_flags | changed_flags) == new_flags); /* panic on 1->0 */
+	alpha_write_fpcr(fp_c_to_fpcr_1(orig_fpcr, md_flags));
+	needsig = changed_flags & FP_C_TO_NETBSD_MASK(md_flags);
+	alpha_pal_wrfen(0);
+	if (__predict_false(needsig)) {
+		*ucode = needsig;
+		return SIGFPE;
+	}
+	return 0;
+alpha_fp_complete(u_long a0, u_long a1, struct proc *p, u_int64_t *ucode)
+	int t;
+	int sig;
+	u_int64_t op_class;
+	alpha_instruction inst;
+	/* "trigger_pc" is Compaq's term for the earliest faulting op */
+	alpha_instruction *trigger_pc, *usertrap_pc;
+	alpha_instruction *pc, *win_begin, tsw[TSWINSIZE];
+	sig = SIGFPE;
+	pc = (alpha_instruction *)p->p_md.md_tf->tf_regs[FRAME_PC];
+	trigger_pc = pc - 1;	/* for ALPHA_AMASK_PAT case */
+	if (cpu_amask & ALPHA_AMASK_PAT) {
+		if (a0 & 1 || alpha_fp_sync_complete) {
+			sig = alpha_fp_complete_at(trigger_pc, p, ucode);
+			goto done;
+		}
+	} 
+	*ucode = a0;
+	if (!(a0 & 1))
+		return sig;
+ * At this point we are somwhere in the trap shadow of one or more instruc-
+ * tions that have trapped with software completion specified.  We have a mask
+ * of the registers written by trapping instructions.
+ * 
+ * Now step backwards through the trap shadow, clearing bits in the
+ * destination write mask until the trigger instruction is found, and
+ * interpret this one instruction in SW. If a SIGFPE is not required, back up
+ * the PC until just after this instruction and restart. This will execute all
+ * trap shadow instructions between the trigger pc and the trap pc twice.
+ * 
+ * If a SIGFPE is generated from the OSF1 emulation,  back up one more
+ * instruction to the trigger pc itself. Native binaries don't because it
+ * completely defeats the intended purpose of IEEE traps -- for example,
+ * to count the number of exponent wraps for a later correction -- and it's
+ * terribly non-portable, you would have to determine for every platform the
+ * instruction length in bytes in order to continue. Fortunately, trapping
+ * SIGFPE is rare, or there might be a difficult compatibility issue for
+ * programs incrementing trap PC's conditionally for alphas. (Now, we could
+ * detect that...) The NetBSD native behavior matches all other alpha freenix
+ * kernels.
+ */
+	trigger_pc = 0;
+	win_begin = pc;
+	++alpha_shadow.scans;
+	t = alpha_shadow.len;
+	for (--pc; a1; --pc) {
+		++alpha_shadow.len;
+		if (pc < win_begin) {
+			win_begin = pc - TSWINSIZE + 1;
+			if (copyin(win_begin, tsw, sizeof tsw)) {
+				/* sigh, try to get just one */
+				win_begin = pc;
+				if (copyin(win_begin, tsw, 4))
+					return SIGSEGV;
+			}
+		}
+		assert(win_begin <= pc && !((long)pc  & 3));
+		inst = tsw[pc - win_begin];
+		op_class = 1UL << inst.generic_format.opcode;
+		if (op_class & FPUREG_CLASS) {
+			a1 &= ~(1UL << (inst.operate_generic_format.rc + 32));
+			trigger_pc = pc;
+		} else if (op_class & CPUREG_CLASS) {
+			a1 &= ~(1UL << inst.operate_generic_format.rc);
+			trigger_pc = pc;
+		} else if (op_class & TRAPSHADOWBOUNDARY) {
+			if (op_class & CHECKFUNCTIONCODE) {
+				if (inst.mem_format.displacement == op_trapb ||
+				    inst.mem_format.displacement == op_excb)
+					break;	/* code breaks AARM rules */
+			} else
+				break; /* code breaks AARM rules */
+		}
+		/* Some shadow-safe op, probably load, store, or FPTI class */
+	}
+	t = alpha_shadow.len - t;
+	if (t > alpha_shadow.max)
+		alpha_shadow.max = t;
+	if (__predict_true(trigger_pc != 0 && a1 == 0)) {
+		++alpha_shadow.resolved;
+		sig = alpha_fp_complete_at(trigger_pc, p, ucode);
+	} else {
+		++alpha_shadow.unresolved;
+		return sig;
+	}
+	if (sig) {
+		usertrap_pc = trigger_pc + 1;
+#ifdef COMPAT_OSF1
+		if (p->p_emul == &emul_osf1)
+			usertrap_pc = trigger_pc;
+		p->p_md.md_tf->tf_regs[FRAME_PC] = (unsigned long)usertrap_pc;
+	}
+	return 0;
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/locore.s b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/locore.s
index 44ac1f16fae1..a8b267a94f00 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/locore.s
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/locore.s
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.93 2001/04/21 22:03:21 ross Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.94 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1999, 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 #include <machine/asm.h>
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.93 2001/04/21 22:03:21 ross Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: locore.s,v 1.94 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $");
 #include "assym.h"
@@ -1851,4 +1851,57 @@ longjmp_botchmsg:
+ * void sts(int rn, u_int32_t *rval);
+ * void stt(int rn, u_int64_t *rval);
+ * void lds(int rn, u_int32_t *rval);
+ * void ldt(int rn, u_int64_t *rval);
+ */
+.macro	make_freg_util name, op
+	LEAF(alpha_\name, 2)
+	and	a0, 0x1f, a0
+	s8addq	a0, pv, pv
+	addq	pv, 1f - alpha_\name, pv
+	jmp	(pv)
+	rn = 0
+	.rept	32
+	\op	$f0 + rn, 0(a1)
+	rn = rn + 1
+	.endr
+	END(alpha_\name)
+LEAF(alpha_sts, 2)
+LEAF(alpha_stt, 2)
+LEAF(alpha_lds, 2)
+LEAF(alpha_ldt, 2)
+ */
+	make_freg_util sts, sts
+	make_freg_util stt, stt
+	make_freg_util lds, lds
+	make_freg_util ldt, ldt
+LEAF(alpha_read_fpcr, 0); f30save = 0; rettmp = 8; framesz = 16
+	lda	sp, -framesz(sp)
+	stt	$f30, f30save(sp)
+	mf_fpcr	$f30
+	stt	$f30, rettmp(sp)
+	ldt	$f30, f30save(sp)
+	ldq	v0, rettmp(sp)
+	lda	sp, framesz(sp)
+LEAF(alpha_write_fpcr, 1); f30save = 0; fpcrtmp = 8; framesz = 16
+	lda	sp, -framesz(sp)
+	stq	a0, fpcrtmp(sp)
+	stt	$f30, f30save(sp)
+	ldt	$f30, fpcrtmp(sp)
+	mt_fpcr	$f30
+	ldt	$f30, f30save(sp)
+	lda	sp, framesz(sp)
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/machdep.c b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/machdep.c
index 6aa7bf8aeefd..3445c749a98c 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/machdep.c
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/machdep.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 1.240 2001/04/24 04:30:50 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: machdep.c,v 1.241 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>			/* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: machdep.c,v 1.240 2001/04/24 04:30:50 thorpej Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: machdep.c,v 1.241 2001/04/26 03:10:44 ross Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
@@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: machdep.c,v 1.240 2001/04/24 04:30:50 thorpej Exp $"
 #include <sys/core.h>
 #include <sys/kcore.h>
 #include <machine/kcore.h>
+#include <machine/fpu.h>
 #include <sys/mount.h>
 #include <sys/syscallargs.h>
@@ -188,6 +189,7 @@ void	*ksym_start, *ksym_end;
 int	alpha_unaligned_print = 1;	/* warn about unaligned accesses */
 int	alpha_unaligned_fix = 1;	/* fix up unaligned accesses */
 int	alpha_unaligned_sigbus = 0;	/* don't SIGBUS on fixed-up accesses */
+int	alpha_fp_sync_complete = 0;	/* fp fixup if sync even without /s */
  * XXX This should be dynamically sized, but we have the chicken-egg problem!
@@ -1540,7 +1542,7 @@ sendsig(catcher, sig, mask, code)
 	ksc.sc_ownedfp = p->p_md.md_flags & MDP_FPUSED;
 	bcopy(&p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp, (struct fpreg *)ksc.sc_fpregs,
 	    sizeof(struct fpreg));
-	ksc.sc_fp_control = 0;					/* XXX ? */
+	ksc.sc_fp_control = alpha_read_fp_c(p);
 	bzero(ksc.sc_reserved, sizeof ksc.sc_reserved);		/* XXX */
 	bzero(ksc.sc_xxx, sizeof ksc.sc_xxx);			/* XXX */
@@ -1667,7 +1669,8 @@ sys___sigreturn14(p, v, retval)
 		fpusave_proc(p, 0);
 	bcopy((struct fpreg *)ksc.sc_fpregs, &p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp,
 	    sizeof(struct fpreg));
-	/* XXX ksc.sc_fp_control ? */
+	p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp.fpr_cr = ksc.sc_fpcr;
+	p->p_md.md_flags = ksc.sc_fp_control & MDP_FP_C;
 	/* Restore signal stack. */
 	if (ksc.sc_onstack & SS_ONSTACK)
@@ -1733,6 +1736,10 @@ cpu_sysctl(name, namelen, oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen, p)
 		return (sysctl_rdstring(oldp, oldlenp, newp,
+		return (sysctl_int(oldp, oldlenp, newp, newlen,
+		    &alpha_fp_sync_complete));
 		return (EOPNOTSUPP);
@@ -1768,14 +1775,6 @@ setregs(p, pack, stack)
 	bzero(tfp->tf_regs, FRAME_SIZE * sizeof tfp->tf_regs[0]);
 	bzero(&p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp, sizeof p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp);
-	p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp.fpr_cr =  FPCR_INED
-					| FPCR_UNFD
-					| FPCR_UNDZ
-					| FPCR_DYN(FP_RN)
-					| FPCR_OVFD
-					| FPCR_DZED
-					| FPCR_INVD
-					| FPCR_DNZ;
 	tfp->tf_regs[FRAME_PS] = ALPHA_PSL_USERSET;
 	tfp->tf_regs[FRAME_PC] = pack->ep_entry & ~3;
@@ -1787,6 +1786,10 @@ setregs(p, pack, stack)
 	tfp->tf_regs[FRAME_T12] = tfp->tf_regs[FRAME_PC];	/* a.k.a. PV */
 	p->p_md.md_flags &= ~MDP_FPUSED;
+	if (__predict_true((p->p_md.md_flags & IEEE_INHERIT) == 0)) {
+		p->p_md.md_flags &= ~MDP_FP_C;
+		p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp.fpr_cr = FPCR_DYN(FP_RN);
+	}
 	if (p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fpcpu != NULL)
 		fpusave_proc(p, 0);
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/sys_machdep.c b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/sys_machdep.c
index ba7fc3303d72..8e81c1986806 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/sys_machdep.c
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/sys_machdep.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: sys_machdep.c,v 1.12 2001/01/03 22:15:38 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: sys_machdep.c,v 1.13 2001/04/26 03:10:45 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -65,15 +65,17 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>			/* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: sys_machdep.c,v 1.12 2001/01/03 22:15:38 thorpej Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: sys_machdep.c,v 1.13 2001/04/26 03:10:45 ross Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
 #include <sys/device.h>
+#include <sys/proc.h>
 #include <sys/mount.h>
 #include <sys/syscallargs.h>
+#include <machine/fpu.h>
 #include <machine/sysarch.h>
 #include <dev/pci/pcivar.h>
@@ -96,11 +98,33 @@ sys_sysarch(struct proc *p, void *v, register_t *retval)
 	switch(SCARG(uap, op)) {
+		*retval = FP_C_TO_NETBSD_MASK(p->p_md.md_flags);
+		break;
+		*retval = FP_C_TO_NETBSD_FLAG(p->p_md.md_flags);
+		break;
-		/* XXX kernel Magick required here */
-		break;
+	    {
+		fp_except m;
+		u_int64_t md_flags;
+		struct alpha_fp_except_args args;
+		error = copyin(SCARG(uap, parms), &args, sizeof args);
+		if (error)
+			return error;
+		m = args.mask;
+		md_flags = p->p_md.md_flags;
+		if (SCARG(uap, op) == ALPHA_FPSETMASK) {
+			*retval = FP_C_TO_NETBSD_MASK(md_flags);
+			md_flags = SET_FP_C_MASK(md_flags, m);
+		} else {
+			*retval = FP_C_TO_NETBSD_FLAG(md_flags);
+			md_flags = SET_FP_C_FLAG(md_flags, m);
+		}
+		alpha_write_fp_c(p, md_flags);
+		break;
+	    }
 		struct alpha_bus_get_window_count_args args;
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/trap.c b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/trap.c
index 752a0794bd5f..1d91bc9090cc 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/trap.c
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/trap.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.69 2001/04/20 18:00:50 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.70 2001/04/26 03:10:45 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
  * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
  * by Jason R. Thorpe of the Numerical Aerospace Simulation Facility,
- * NASA Ames Research Center, and by Charles M. Hannum.
+ * NASA Ames Research Center, by Charles M. Hannum, and by Ross Harvey.
  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
  * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@@ -95,12 +95,11 @@
 #include "opt_fix_unaligned_vax_fp.h"
-#include "opt_compat_osf1.h"
 #include "opt_ddb.h"
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>			/* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.69 2001/04/20 18:00:50 thorpej Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.70 2001/04/26 03:10:45 ross Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
@@ -118,12 +117,11 @@ __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: trap.c,v 1.69 2001/04/20 18:00:50 thorpej Exp $");
 #ifdef DDB
 #include <machine/db_machdep.h>
-#include <alpha/alpha/db_instruction.h>		/* for handle_opdec() */
+#include <alpha/alpha/db_instruction.h>
 #include <machine/userret.h>
-int		unaligned_fixup(unsigned long, unsigned long,
-		    unsigned long, struct proc *);
-int		handle_opdec(struct proc *p, u_int64_t *ucodep);
+static int unaligned_fixup(u_long, u_long, u_long, struct proc *);
+static int handle_opdec(struct proc *p, u_int64_t *ucodep);
  * Initialize the trap vectors for the current processor.
@@ -262,21 +260,16 @@ trap(const u_long a0, const u_long a1, const u_long a2, const u_long entry,
 		goto dopanic;
-		/* 
-		 * If user-land, just give a SIGFPE.  Should do
-		 * software completion and IEEE handling, if the
-		 * user has requested that.
+		/*
+		 * Resolve trap shadows, interpret FP ops requiring infinities,
+		 * NaNs, or denorms, and maintain FPCR corrections.
 		if (user) {
-#ifdef COMPAT_OSF1
-			extern struct emul emul_osf1;
-			/* just punt on OSF/1.  XXX THIS IS EVIL */
-			if (p->p_emul == &emul_osf1) 
+			i = alpha_fp_complete(a0, a1, p, &ucode);
+			if (i == 0)
 				goto out;
-			i = SIGFPE;
-			ucode =  a0;		/* exception summary */
@@ -329,48 +322,9 @@ trap(const u_long a0, const u_long a1, const u_long a2, const u_long entry,
-		    {
-			struct cpu_info *ci = curcpu();
-#if defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
-			int s;
-			/*
-			 * on exit from the kernel, if proc == fpcurproc,
-			 * FP is enabled.
-			 */
-			if (ci->ci_fpcurproc == p) {
-				printf("trap: fp disabled for fpcurproc == %p",
-				    p);
-				goto dopanic;
-			}
-			if (ci->ci_fpcurproc != NULL)
-				fpusave_cpu(ci, 1);
-			KDASSERT(ci->ci_fpcurproc == NULL);
-#if defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
-			if (p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fpcpu != NULL)
-				fpusave_proc(p, 1);
-			KDASSERT(p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fpcpu == NULL);
-			FPCPU_LOCK(&p->p_addr->u_pcb, s);
-			p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fpcpu = ci;
-			ci->ci_fpcurproc = p;
-			FPCPU_UNLOCK(&p->p_addr->u_pcb, s);
-			alpha_pal_wrfen(1);
-			restorefpstate(&p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp);
+			alpha_enable_fp(p, 0);
-			p->p_md.md_flags |= MDP_FPUSED;
 			goto out;
-		    }
 			printf("trap: unknown IF type 0x%lx\n", a0);
@@ -568,6 +522,50 @@ dopanic:
+ * Set the float-point enable for the current process, and return
+ * the FPU context to the named process. If check == 0, it is an
+ * error for the named process to already be fpcurproc.
+ */
+alpha_enable_fp(struct proc *p, int check)
+#if defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
+	int s;
+	struct cpu_info *ci = curcpu();
+	if (check && ci->ci_fpcurproc == p) {
+		alpha_pal_wrfen(1);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (ci->ci_fpcurproc == p)
+		panic("trap: fp disabled for fpcurproc == %p", p);
+	if (ci->ci_fpcurproc != NULL)
+		fpusave_cpu(ci, 1);
+	KDASSERT(ci->ci_fpcurproc == NULL);
+#if defined(MULTIPROCESSOR)
+	if (p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fpcpu != NULL)
+		fpusave_proc(p, 1);
+	KDASSERT(p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fpcpu == NULL);
+	FPCPU_LOCK(&p->p_addr->u_pcb, s);
+	p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fpcpu = ci;
+	ci->ci_fpcurproc = p;
+	FPCPU_UNLOCK(&p->p_addr->u_pcb, s);
+	p->p_md.md_flags |= MDP_FPUSED;
+	alpha_pal_wrfen(1);
+	restorefpstate(&p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp);
  * Process an asynchronous software trap.
  * This is relatively easy.
@@ -775,9 +773,6 @@ Gfloat_reg_cvt(u_long input)
 #endif /* FIX_UNALIGNED_VAX_FP */
-extern int	alpha_unaligned_print, alpha_unaligned_fix;
-extern int	alpha_unaligned_sigbus;
 struct unaligned_fixup_data {
 	const char *type;	/* opcode name */
 	int fixable;		/* fixable, 0 if fixup not supported */
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/vm_machdep.c b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/vm_machdep.c
index b25181704b44..e8d0871b373d 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/vm_machdep.c
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/alpha/vm_machdep.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: vm_machdep.c,v 1.67 2001/04/24 04:30:50 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: vm_machdep.c,v 1.68 2001/04/26 03:10:45 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995, 1996 Carnegie-Mellon University.
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>			/* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: vm_machdep.c,v 1.67 2001/04/24 04:30:50 thorpej Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: vm_machdep.c,v 1.68 2001/04/26 03:10:45 ross Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
@@ -143,7 +143,8 @@ cpu_fork(struct proc *p1, struct proc *p2, void *stack, size_t stacksize,
 	struct user *up = p2->p_addr;
 	p2->p_md.md_tf = p1->p_md.md_tf;
-	p2->p_md.md_flags = p1->p_md.md_flags & MDP_FPUSED;
+	p2->p_md.md_flags = p1->p_md.md_flags & (MDP_FPUSED | MDP_FP_C);
 	 * Cache the physical address of the pcb, so we can
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/conf/files.alpha b/sys/arch/alpha/conf/files.alpha
index 7dd4a0f96e65..1c8d158be955 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/conf/files.alpha
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/conf/files.alpha
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# $NetBSD: files.alpha,v 1.135 2001/04/19 17:48:46 thorpej Exp $
+# $NetBSD: files.alpha,v 1.136 2001/04/26 03:10:45 ross Exp $
 # alpha-specific configuration info
@@ -495,6 +495,7 @@ file	arch/alpha/alpha/support.c
 file	arch/alpha/alpha/sys_machdep.c
 file	arch/alpha/alpha/syscall.c
 file	arch/alpha/alpha/trap.c
+file	arch/alpha/alpha/fp_complete.c
 file	arch/alpha/alpha/vm_machdep.c
 file	arch/alpha/alpha/disksubr.c
 file	arch/alpha/common/bus_dma.c
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/include/alpha.h b/sys/arch/alpha/include/alpha.h
index 7d2b6bc38ee0..2ae746676c94 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/include/alpha.h
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/include/alpha.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: alpha.h,v 1.14 2000/12/13 03:16:38 mycroft Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: alpha.h,v 1.15 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1988 University of Utah.
@@ -44,6 +44,21 @@
 #ifndef _ALPHA_H_
 #define _ALPHA_H_
+typedef union alpha_s_float {
+	u_int32_t i;
+	u_int32_t frac: 23,
+		  exp:   8,
+		  sign:  1;
+} s_float;
+typedef union alpha_t_float {
+	u_int64_t i;
+	u_int64_t frac: 52,
+		  exp:  11,
+		  sign:  1;
+} t_float;
 #ifdef _KERNEL
 #include <machine/bus.h>
@@ -54,7 +69,11 @@ struct reg;
 struct rpb;
 struct trapframe;
+extern u_long cpu_implver;		/* from IMPLVER instruction */
+extern u_long cpu_amask;		/* from AMASK instruction */
 extern int bootdev_debug;
+extern int alpha_fp_sync_complete;
+extern int alpha_unaligned_print, alpha_unaligned_fix, alpha_unaligned_sigbus;
 void	XentArith(u_int64_t, u_int64_t, u_int64_t);		/* MAGIC */
 void	XentIF(u_int64_t, u_int64_t, u_int64_t);		/* MAGIC */
@@ -110,5 +129,21 @@ void	cpu_resume(unsigned long);
 void	cpu_debug_dump(void);
+/* IEEE and VAX FP completion */
+void alpha_sts(int, s_float *);					/* MAGIC */
+void alpha_stt(int, t_float *);					/* MAGIC */
+void alpha_lds(int, s_float *);					/* MAGIC */
+void alpha_ldt(int, t_float *);					/* MAGIC */
+uint64_t alpha_read_fpcr(void);					/* MAGIC */
+void alpha_write_fpcr(u_int64_t);				/* MAGIC */
+u_int64_t alpha_read_fp_c(struct proc *);
+void alpha_write_fp_c(struct proc *, u_int64_t);
+void alpha_enable_fp(struct proc *, int);
+int alpha_fp_complete(u_long, u_long, struct proc *, u_int64_t *);
 #endif /* _KERNEL */
 #endif /* _ALPHA_H_ */
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/include/cpu.h b/sys/arch/alpha/include/cpu.h
index 2a5d1d3512bc..fcb3fbe10e9e 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/include/cpu.h
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/include/cpu.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: cpu.h,v 1.54 2001/04/21 16:27:11 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: cpu.h,v 1.55 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1998, 1999, 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -169,9 +169,6 @@ void	cpu_pause_resume_all(int);
 #define	fpcurproc	curcpu()->ci_fpcurproc
 #define	curpcb		curcpu()->ci_curpcb
-extern	u_long cpu_implver;		/* from IMPLVER instruction */
-extern	u_long cpu_amask;		/* from AMASK instruction */
  * definitions of cpu-dependent requirements
  * referenced in generic code
@@ -252,7 +249,8 @@ do {									\
 #define	CPU_UNALIGNED_FIX	4	/* int: fix unaligned accesses */
 #define	CPU_UNALIGNED_SIGBUS	5	/* int: SIGBUS unaligned accesses */
 #define	CPU_BOOTED_KERNEL	6	/* string: booted kernel name */
-#define	CPU_MAXID		7	/* 6 valid machdep IDs */
+#define	CPU_FP_SYNC_COMPLETE	7	/* int: always fixup sync fp traps */
+#define	CPU_MAXID		8	/* 7 valid machdep IDs */
 #define	CTL_MACHDEP_NAMES { \
 	{ 0, 0 }, \
@@ -262,6 +260,7 @@ do {									\
 	{ "unaligned_fix", CTLTYPE_INT }, \
 	{ "unaligned_sigbus", CTLTYPE_INT }, \
 	{ "booted_kernel", CTLTYPE_STRING }, \
+	{ "fp_sync_complete", CTLTYPE_INT }, \
 #ifdef _KERNEL
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/include/fpu.h b/sys/arch/alpha/include/fpu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0308a2510b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/include/fpu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+/* $NetBSD: fpu.h,v 1.4 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $ */
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 Ross Harvey
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This software was written for NetBSD.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *	This product includes software developed by the NetBSD
+ *	Foundation, Inc. and its contributors.
+ * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its
+ *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef _ALPHA_FPU_H_
+#define _ALPHA_FPU_H_
+#define	_FP_C_DEF(n) (1UL << (n))
+ * Most of these next definitions were moved from <ieeefp.h>. Apparently the
+ * names happen to match those exported by Compaq and Linux from their fpu.h
+ * files.
+ */
+#define	FPCR_SUM	_FP_C_DEF(63)
+#define	FPCR_INED	_FP_C_DEF(62)
+#define	FPCR_UNFD	_FP_C_DEF(61)
+#define	FPCR_UNDZ	_FP_C_DEF(60)
+#define	FPCR_DYN(rm)	((unsigned long)(rm) << 58)
+#define	FPCR_IOV	_FP_C_DEF(57)
+#define	FPCR_INE	_FP_C_DEF(56)
+#define	FPCR_UNF	_FP_C_DEF(55)
+#define	FPCR_OVF	_FP_C_DEF(54)
+#define	FPCR_DZE	_FP_C_DEF(53)
+#define	FPCR_INV	_FP_C_DEF(52)
+#define	FPCR_OVFD	_FP_C_DEF(51)
+#define	FPCR_DZED	_FP_C_DEF(50)
+#define	FPCR_INVD	_FP_C_DEF(49)
+#define	FPCR_DNZ	_FP_C_DEF(48)
+#define	FPCR_DNOD	_FP_C_DEF(47)
+#define FPCR_MIR_START 52
+ * The AARM specifies the bit positions of the software word used for
+ * user mode interface to the control and status of the kernel completion
+ * routines. Although it largely just redefines the FPCR, it shuffles
+ * the bit order. The names of the bits are defined in the AARM, and
+ * the definition prefix can easily be determined from public domain
+ * programs written to either the Compaq or Linux interfaces, which
+ * appear to be identical.
+ */
+#define IEEE_STATUS_DNO _FP_C_DEF(22)
+#define IEEE_STATUS_INE _FP_C_DEF(21)
+#define IEEE_STATUS_UNF _FP_C_DEF(20)
+#define IEEE_STATUS_OVF _FP_C_DEF(19)
+#define IEEE_STATUS_DZE _FP_C_DEF(18)
+#define IEEE_STATUS_INV _FP_C_DEF(17)
+#define	IEEE_INHERIT _FP_C_DEF(14)
+#define	IEEE_MAP_UMZ _FP_C_DEF(13)
+#define	IEEE_MAP_DMZ _FP_C_DEF(12)
+#define	FP_C_MIR_START 17
+#ifdef _KERNEL
+#define	FLD_MASK(len) ((1UL << (len)) - 1)
+#define FLD_CLEAR(obj, origin, len)	\
+		((obj) & ~(FLD_MASK(len) << (origin)))
+#define	FLD_INSERT(obj, origin, len, value)	\
+		(FLD_CLEAR(obj, origin, len) | (value) << origin)
+#define	FP_C_TO_NETBSD_MASK(fp_c) 	((fp_c) >> 1 & 0x3f)
+#define	FP_C_TO_NETBSD_FLAG(fp_c) 	((fp_c) >> 17 & 0x3f)
+#define NETBSD_MASK_TO_FP_C(m)		(((m) & 0x3f) << 1)
+#define NETBSD_FLAG_TO_FP_C(s)		(((s) & 0x3f) << 17)
+#define	CLEAR_FP_C_MASK(fp_c)		((fp_c) & ~(0x3f << 1))
+#define	CLEAR_FP_C_FLAG(fp_c)		((fp_c) & ~(0x3f << 17))
+#define	SET_FP_C_MASK(fp_c, m) (CLEAR_FP_C_MASK(fp_c) | NETBSD_MASK_TO_FP_C(m))
+#define	SET_FP_C_FLAG(fp_c, m) (CLEAR_FP_C_FLAG(fp_c) | NETBSD_FLAG_TO_FP_C(m))
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/include/ieeefp.h b/sys/arch/alpha/include/ieeefp.h
index 55c9627294b0..05dfaa0dcd77 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/include/ieeefp.h
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/include/ieeefp.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: ieeefp.h,v 1.3 1999/04/29 02:55:50 ross Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: ieeefp.h,v 1.4 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $ */
  * Written by J.T. Conklin, Apr 28, 1995
@@ -9,37 +9,45 @@
 #define _ALPHA_IEEEFP_H_
 typedef int fp_except;
+#ifdef _KERNEL
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/proc.h>
+#include <machine/fpu.h>
+#include <machine/alpha.h>
+/* FP_X_IOV is intentionally omitted from the architecture flags mask */
+#define float_raise(f)						\
+	do curproc->p_md.md_flags |= NETBSD_FLAG_TO_FP_C(f);	\
+	while(0)
+#define float_set_inexact()	float_raise(FP_X_IMP)
+#define float_set_invalid()	float_raise(FP_X_INV)
+#define	fpgetround()		(alpha_read_fpcr() >> 58 & 3)
 #define	FP_X_INV	0x01	/* invalid operation exception */
 #define	FP_X_DZ		0x02	/* divide-by-zero exception */
 #define	FP_X_OFL	0x04	/* overflow exception */
 #define	FP_X_UFL	0x08	/* underflow exception */
 #define	FP_X_IMP	0x10	/* imprecise (loss of precision; "inexact") */
-#define	FP_X_IOV	0x20    /* integer overflow XXX? */
+#define	FP_X_IOV	0x20    /* integer overflow */
+ * fp_rnd bits match the fpcr, below, as well as bits 12:11
+ * in fp operate instructions
+ */
 typedef enum {
-    FP_RZ=0,			/* round to zero (truncate) */
-    FP_RM=1,			/* round toward negative infinity */
-    FP_RN=2,			/* round to nearest representable number */
-    FP_RP=3			/* round toward positive infinity */
+    FP_RZ = 0,			/* round to zero (truncate) */
+    FP_RM = 1,			/* round toward negative infinity */
+    FP_RN = 2,			/* round to nearest representable number */
+    FP_RP = 3,			/* round toward positive infinity */
 } fp_rnd;
-#ifdef _KERNEL
-#define	FPCR_SUM	(1UL << 63)
-#define	FPCR_INED	(1UL << 62)
-#define	FPCR_UNFD	(1UL << 61)
-#define	FPCR_UNDZ	(1UL << 60)
-#define	FPCR_DYN(rm)	((unsigned long)(rm) << 58)
-#define	FPCR_IOV	(1UL << 57)
-#define	FPCR_INE	(1UL << 56)
-#define	FPCR_UNF	(1UL << 55)
-#define	FPCR_OVF	(1UL << 54)
-#define	FPCR_DZE	(1UL << 53)
-#define	FPCR_INV	(1UL << 52)
-#define	FPCR_OVFD	(1UL << 51)
-#define	FPCR_DZED	(1UL << 50)
-#define	FPCR_INVD	(1UL << 49)
-#define	FPCR_DNZ	(1UL << 48)
-#define	FPCR_DNOD	(1UL << 47)
 #endif /* _ALPHA_IEEEFP_H_ */
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/include/proc.h b/sys/arch/alpha/include/proc.h
index ca33f640ec83..3b55f19c7c73 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/include/proc.h
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/include/proc.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: proc.h,v 1.9 2001/01/19 18:51:18 thorpej Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: proc.h,v 1.10 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1994, 1995 Carnegie-Mellon University.
@@ -41,5 +41,23 @@ struct mdproc {
 	void	(*md_syscall)(struct proc *, u_int64_t, struct trapframe *);
 	__volatile int md_astpending;	/* AST pending for this process */
+ * md_flags usage
+ * --------------
+ * 	A largely unused bit indicating the presence of FPU history.
+ * 	Cleared on exec. Set but not used by the fpu context switcher
+ * 	itself.
+ * 
+ * MDP_FP_C
+ * 	The architected FP Control word. It should forever begin at bit 1,
+ * 	as the bits are AARM specified and this way it doesn't need to be
+ * 	shifted.
+ * 
+ * 	Until C99 there was never an IEEE 754 API, making most of the
+ * 	standard useless.  Because of overlapping AARM, OSF/1, NetBSD, and
+ * 	C99 API's, the use of the MDP_FP_C bits is defined variously in
+ * 	ieeefp.h and fpu.h.
+ */
 #define	MDP_FPUSED	0x0001		/* Process used the FPU */
+#define	MDP_FP_C      0x7ffffe		/* Extended FP_C Quadword bits */
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/include/sysarch.h b/sys/arch/alpha/include/sysarch.h
index de729fefc1b6..67a96276d32b 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/include/sysarch.h
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/include/sysarch.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: sysarch.h,v 1.7 2001/04/20 23:52:23 ross Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: sysarch.h,v 1.8 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 struct alpha_fp_except_args {
 	fp_except mask;
diff --git a/sys/arch/alpha/pci/cia.c b/sys/arch/alpha/pci/cia.c
index c5f3f2b72b03..f346607d6f01 100644
--- a/sys/arch/alpha/pci/cia.c
+++ b/sys/arch/alpha/pci/cia.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: cia.c,v 1.56 2000/06/29 08:58:45 mrg Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: cia.c,v 1.57 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1998, 2000 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@
 #include <sys/cdefs.h>			/* RCS ID & Copyright macro defns */
-__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: cia.c,v 1.56 2000/06/29 08:58:45 mrg Exp $");
+__KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: cia.c,v 1.57 2001/04/26 03:10:46 ross Exp $");
 #include <sys/param.h>
 #include <sys/systm.h>
@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ __KERNEL_RCSID(0, "$NetBSD: cia.c,v 1.56 2000/06/29 08:58:45 mrg Exp $");
 #include <machine/autoconf.h>
 #include <machine/rpb.h>
 #include <machine/sysarch.h>
+#include <machine/alpha.h>
 #include <dev/isa/isareg.h>
 #include <dev/isa/isavar.h>
@@ -219,8 +220,7 @@ cia_init(ccp, mallocsafe)
 	 *	- It hasn't been disbled by the user,
 	 *	- it's enabled in CNFG,
 	 *	- we're implementation version ev5,
-	 *	- BWX is enabled in the CPU's capabilities mask (yes,
-	 *	  the bit is really cleared if the capability exists...)
+	 *	- BWX is enabled in the CPU's capabilities mask
 	if ((pci_use_bwx || bus_use_bwx) &&
 	    (ccp->cc_cnfg & CNFG_BWEN) != 0 &&
diff --git a/sys/compat/linux/arch/alpha/linux_machdep.c b/sys/compat/linux/arch/alpha/linux_machdep.c
index 813b4507b91b..209ef96f01ff 100644
--- a/sys/compat/linux/arch/alpha/linux_machdep.c
+++ b/sys/compat/linux/arch/alpha/linux_machdep.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*	$NetBSD: linux_machdep.c,v 1.15 2001/01/26 19:45:58 manu Exp $	*/
+/*	$NetBSD: linux_machdep.c,v 1.16 2001/04/26 03:10:47 ross Exp $	*/
  * Copyright (c) 1998 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
@@ -154,14 +154,10 @@ void setup_linux_rt_sigframe(tf, sig, mask)
 	frametoreg(tf, (struct reg *)sigframe.uc.uc_mcontext.sc_regs);
 	sigframe.uc.uc_mcontext.sc_regs[R_SP] = alpha_pal_rdusp();
-	if (p == fpcurproc) {
-	    alpha_pal_wrfen(1);
-	    savefpstate(&p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp);
-	    alpha_pal_wrfen(0);
-	    sigframe.uc.uc_mcontext.sc_fpcr = p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp.fpr_cr;
-	    fpcurproc = NULL;
-	}
-	/* XXX ownedfp ? etc...? */
+	alpha_enable_fp(p, 1);
+	sigframe.uc.uc_mcontext.sc_fpcr = alpha_read_fpcr();
+	sigframe.uc.uc_mcontext.sc_fp_control = alpha_read_fp_c(p);
+	alpha_pal_wrfen(0);
 	sigframe.uc.uc_mcontext.sc_traparg_a0 = tf->tf_regs[FRAME_A0];
 	sigframe.uc.uc_mcontext.sc_traparg_a1 = tf->tf_regs[FRAME_A1];
diff --git a/sys/compat/osf1/osf1_misc.c b/sys/compat/osf1/osf1_misc.c
index f62532ae17d7..366b9cc7ed75 100644
--- a/sys/compat/osf1/osf1_misc.c
+++ b/sys/compat/osf1/osf1_misc.c
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* $NetBSD: osf1_misc.c,v 1.62 2000/12/01 19:20:56 jdolecek Exp $ */
+/* $NetBSD: osf1_misc.c,v 1.63 2001/04/26 03:10:47 ross Exp $ */
  * Copyright (c) 1999 Christopher G. Demetriou.  All rights reserved.
@@ -87,6 +87,7 @@
 #include <machine/alpha.h>
 #include <machine/cpuconf.h>
 #include <machine/rpb.h>
+#include <machine/fpu.h>
 #include <compat/osf1/osf1.h>
 #include <compat/osf1/osf1_syscallargs.h>
@@ -163,6 +164,7 @@ osf1_sys_getsysinfo(struct proc *p, void *v, register_t *retval)
 	int unit;
 	long percpu;
 	long proctype;
+	u_int64_t fpflags;
 	struct osf1_cpu_info cpuinfo;
 	error = 0;
@@ -184,14 +186,11 @@ osf1_sys_getsysinfo(struct proc *p, void *v, register_t *retval)
 		retval[0] = 1;
-		/*
-		 * XXX This is not correct, but we don't keep track
-		 * XXX of the fp_control.  Return the fpcr just for fun.
-		 */
-		fpusave_proc(p, 1);
-		error = copyout(&p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp.fpr_cr,
-		                SCARG(uap, buffer),
-		                sizeof(p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp.fpr_cr));
+		if (((fpflags = alpha_read_fp_c(p)) & IEEE_INHERIT) != 0) {
+			fpflags |= 1UL << 63;
+			fpflags &= ~IEEE_INHERIT;
+		}
+		error = copyout(&fpflags, SCARG(uap, buffer), sizeof fpflags);
 		retval[0] = 1;
@@ -262,30 +261,20 @@ osf1_sys_setsysinfo(p, v, retval)
 	register_t *retval;
 	struct osf1_sys_setsysinfo_args *uap = v;
+	u_int64_t temp;
 	int error;
 	error = 0;
-	switch(SCARG(uap, op))
-	{
-		u_int64_t temp;
-		/*
-		 * XXX This is definitely not correct.  This should instead
-		 * XXX set the fp_control, but we don't keep track of it.
-		 * XXX The fp_control is then used to reload the fpcr.
-		 */
+	switch(SCARG(uap, op)) {
 		if ((error = copyin(SCARG(uap, buffer), &temp, sizeof(temp))))
-#if 0
-		synchronize_fpstate(p, 1);
-		p->p_addr->u_pcb.pcb_fp.fp_control = (temp & FPCR_SETTABLE);
-		/* Translate from fp_control => fpr_cr. */
+		if (temp >> 63 != 0)
+			temp |= IEEE_INHERIT;
+		alpha_write_fp_c(p, temp);
-	}
 		uprintf("osf1_setsysinfo called with op=%ld\n", SCARG(uap, op));
 		//error = EINVAL;
diff --git a/sys/lib/libkern/arch/alpha/Makefile.inc b/sys/lib/libkern/arch/alpha/Makefile.inc
index fc0b03cb89c2..ff97a554e562 100644
--- a/sys/lib/libkern/arch/alpha/Makefile.inc
+++ b/sys/lib/libkern/arch/alpha/Makefile.inc
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-#	$NetBSD: Makefile.inc,v 1.20 2000/11/01 19:37:18 thorpej Exp $
+#	$NetBSD: Makefile.inc,v 1.21 2001/04/26 03:10:48 ross Exp $
 SRCS+=	__main.c __assert.c _mcount.S \
 	imax.c imin.c lmax.c lmin.c max.c min.c ulmax.c ulmin.c \
 	byte_swap_2.S byte_swap_4.S bswap64.c \
 	bcmp.c bzero.S ffs.S \
 	memchr.c memcmp.c memcpy.S memmove.S memset.c \
+	softfloat.c \
 	strcat.c strcmp.c strcpy.c strlen.c strcasecmp.c \
 	strncasecmp.c strncmp.c strncpy.c \
 	scanc.c skpc.c \
diff --git a/sys/lib/libkern/milieu.h b/sys/lib/libkern/milieu.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..54f304b44970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/lib/libkern/milieu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+/* $NetBSD: milieu.h,v 1.1 2001/04/26 03:10:47 ross Exp $ */
+/* This is a derivative work. */
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
+ * by Ross Harvey.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *        This product includes software developed by the NetBSD
+ *        Foundation, Inc. and its contributors.
+ * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its
+ *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+This C header file is part of TestFloat, Release 2a, a package of programs
+for testing the correctness of floating-point arithmetic complying to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Floating-Point.
+Written by John R. Hauser.  More information is available through the Web
+page `http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~jhauser/arithmetic/TestFloat.html'.
+THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, FOR FREE.  Although reasonable effort
+Derivative works are acceptable, even for commercial purposes, so long as
+(1) they include prominent notice that the work is derivative, and (2) they
+include prominent notice akin to these four paragraphs for those parts of
+this code that are retained.
+#ifndef MILIEU_H
+#define MILIEU_H
+#if !defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(_STANDALONE)
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <sys/inttypes.h>
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+enum {
+    FALSE = 0,
+    TRUE  = 1
+One of the macros `BIGENDIAN' or `LITTLEENDIAN' must be defined.
+#define BIGENDIAN
+#define BITS64
+Each of the following `typedef's defines the most convenient type that holds
+integers of at least as many bits as specified.  For example, `uint8' should
+be the most convenient type that can hold unsigned integers of as many as
+8 bits.  The `flag' type must be able to hold either a 0 or 1.  For most
+implementations of C, `flag', `uint8', and `int8' should all be `typedef'ed
+to the same as `int'.
+typedef int flag;
+typedef unsigned int uint8;
+typedef signed int int8;
+typedef unsigned int uint16;
+typedef int int16;
+typedef unsigned int uint32;
+typedef signed int int32;
+#ifdef BITS64
+typedef uint64_t uint64;
+typedef int64_t int64;
+Each of the following `typedef's defines a type that holds integers
+of _exactly_ the number of bits specified.  For instance, for most
+implementation of C, `bits16' and `sbits16' should be `typedef'ed to
+`unsigned short int' and `signed short int' (or `short int'), respectively.
+typedef uint8_t bits8;
+typedef int8_t sbits8;
+typedef uint16_t bits16;
+typedef int16_t sbits16;
+typedef uint32_t bits32;
+typedef int32_t sbits32;
+#ifdef BITS64
+typedef uint64_t bits64;
+typedef int64_t sbits64;
+#ifdef BITS64
+The `LIT64' macro takes as its argument a textual integer literal and
+if necessary ``marks'' the literal as having a 64-bit integer type.
+For example, the GNU C Compiler (`gcc') requires that 64-bit literals be
+appended with the letters `LL' standing for `long long', which is `gcc's
+name for the 64-bit integer type.  Some compilers may allow `LIT64' to be
+defined as the identity macro:  `#define LIT64( a ) a'.
+#define LIT64( a ) a##LL
+The macro `INLINE' can be used before functions that should be inlined.  If
+a compiler does not support explicit inlining, this macro should be defined
+to be `static'.
+#define INLINE static inline
diff --git a/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat-macros.h b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat-macros.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..499a48614b0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat-macros.h
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+/* $NetBSD: softfloat-macros.h,v 1.1 2001/04/26 03:10:47 ross Exp $ */
+This C source fragment is part of the SoftFloat IEC/IEEE Floating-point
+Arithmetic Package, Release 2a.
+Written by John R. Hauser.  This work was made possible in part by the
+International Computer Science Institute, located at Suite 600, 1947 Center
+Street, Berkeley, California 94704.  Funding was partially provided by the
+National Science Foundation under grant MIP-9311980.  The original version
+of this code was written as part of a project to build a fixed-point vector
+processor in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley,
+overseen by Profs. Nelson Morgan and John Wawrzynek.  More information
+is available through the Web page `http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~jhauser/
+THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, FOR FREE.  Although reasonable effort
+Derivative works are acceptable, even for commercial purposes, so long as
+(1) they include prominent notice that the work is derivative, and (2) they
+include prominent notice akin to these four paragraphs for those parts of
+this code that are retained.
+Shifts `a' right by the number of bits given in `count'.  If any nonzero
+bits are shifted off, they are ``jammed'' into the least significant bit of
+the result by setting the least significant bit to 1.  The value of `count'
+can be arbitrarily large; in particular, if `count' is greater than 32, the
+result will be either 0 or 1, depending on whether `a' is zero or nonzero.
+The result is stored in the location pointed to by `zPtr'.
+INLINE void shift32RightJamming( bits32 a, int16 count, bits32 *zPtr )
+    bits32 z;
+    if ( count == 0 ) {
+        z = a;
+    }
+    else if ( count < 32 ) {
+        z = ( a>>count ) | ( ( a<<( ( - count ) & 31 ) ) != 0 );
+    }
+    else {
+        z = ( a != 0 );
+    }
+    *zPtr = z;
+Shifts `a' right by the number of bits given in `count'.  If any nonzero
+bits are shifted off, they are ``jammed'' into the least significant bit of
+the result by setting the least significant bit to 1.  The value of `count'
+can be arbitrarily large; in particular, if `count' is greater than 64, the
+result will be either 0 or 1, depending on whether `a' is zero or nonzero.
+The result is stored in the location pointed to by `zPtr'.
+INLINE void shift64RightJamming( bits64 a, int16 count, bits64 *zPtr )
+    bits64 z;
+    if ( count == 0 ) {
+        z = a;
+    }
+    else if ( count < 64 ) {
+        z = ( a>>count ) | ( ( a<<( ( - count ) & 63 ) ) != 0 );
+    }
+    else {
+        z = ( a != 0 );
+    }
+    *zPtr = z;
+Shifts the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' right by 64
+_plus_ the number of bits given in `count'.  The shifted result is at most
+64 nonzero bits; this is stored at the location pointed to by `z0Ptr'.  The
+bits shifted off form a second 64-bit result as follows:  The _last_ bit
+shifted off is the most-significant bit of the extra result, and the other
+63 bits of the extra result are all zero if and only if _all_but_the_last_
+bits shifted off were all zero.  This extra result is stored in the location
+pointed to by `z1Ptr'.  The value of `count' can be arbitrarily large.
+    (This routine makes more sense if `a0' and `a1' are considered to form a
+fixed-point value with binary point between `a0' and `a1'.  This fixed-point
+value is shifted right by the number of bits given in `count', and the
+integer part of the result is returned at the location pointed to by
+`z0Ptr'.  The fractional part of the result may be slightly corrupted as
+described above, and is returned at the location pointed to by `z1Ptr'.)
+INLINE void
+ shift64ExtraRightJamming(
+     bits64 a0, bits64 a1, int16 count, bits64 *z0Ptr, bits64 *z1Ptr )
+    bits64 z0, z1;
+    int8 negCount = ( - count ) & 63;
+    if ( count == 0 ) {
+        z1 = a1;
+        z0 = a0;
+    }
+    else if ( count < 64 ) {
+        z1 = ( a0<<negCount ) | ( a1 != 0 );
+        z0 = a0>>count;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( count == 64 ) {
+            z1 = a0 | ( a1 != 0 );
+        }
+        else {
+            z1 = ( ( a0 | a1 ) != 0 );
+        }
+        z0 = 0;
+    }
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Shifts the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' right by the
+number of bits given in `count'.  Any bits shifted off are lost.  The value
+of `count' can be arbitrarily large; in particular, if `count' is greater
+than 128, the result will be 0.  The result is broken into two 64-bit pieces
+which are stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr' and `z1Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ shift128Right(
+     bits64 a0, bits64 a1, int16 count, bits64 *z0Ptr, bits64 *z1Ptr )
+    bits64 z0, z1;
+    int8 negCount = ( - count ) & 63;
+    if ( count == 0 ) {
+        z1 = a1;
+        z0 = a0;
+    }
+    else if ( count < 64 ) {
+        z1 = ( a0<<negCount ) | ( a1>>count );
+        z0 = a0>>count;
+    }
+    else {
+        z1 = ( count < 64 ) ? ( a0>>( count & 63 ) ) : 0;
+        z0 = 0;
+    }
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Shifts the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' right by the
+number of bits given in `count'.  If any nonzero bits are shifted off, they
+are ``jammed'' into the least significant bit of the result by setting the
+least significant bit to 1.  The value of `count' can be arbitrarily large;
+in particular, if `count' is greater than 128, the result will be either
+0 or 1, depending on whether the concatenation of `a0' and `a1' is zero or
+nonzero.  The result is broken into two 64-bit pieces which are stored at
+the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr' and `z1Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ shift128RightJamming(
+     bits64 a0, bits64 a1, int16 count, bits64 *z0Ptr, bits64 *z1Ptr )
+    bits64 z0, z1;
+    int8 negCount = ( - count ) & 63;
+    if ( count == 0 ) {
+        z1 = a1;
+        z0 = a0;
+    }
+    else if ( count < 64 ) {
+        z1 = ( a0<<negCount ) | ( a1>>count ) | ( ( a1<<negCount ) != 0 );
+        z0 = a0>>count;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( count == 64 ) {
+            z1 = a0 | ( a1 != 0 );
+        }
+        else if ( count < 128 ) {
+            z1 = ( a0>>( count & 63 ) ) | ( ( ( a0<<negCount ) | a1 ) != 0 );
+        }
+        else {
+            z1 = ( ( a0 | a1 ) != 0 );
+        }
+        z0 = 0;
+    }
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Shifts the 192-bit value formed by concatenating `a0', `a1', and `a2' right
+by 64 _plus_ the number of bits given in `count'.  The shifted result is
+at most 128 nonzero bits; these are broken into two 64-bit pieces which are
+stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr' and `z1Ptr'.  The bits shifted
+off form a third 64-bit result as follows:  The _last_ bit shifted off is
+the most-significant bit of the extra result, and the other 63 bits of the
+extra result are all zero if and only if _all_but_the_last_ bits shifted off
+were all zero.  This extra result is stored in the location pointed to by
+`z2Ptr'.  The value of `count' can be arbitrarily large.
+    (This routine makes more sense if `a0', `a1', and `a2' are considered
+to form a fixed-point value with binary point between `a1' and `a2'.  This
+fixed-point value is shifted right by the number of bits given in `count',
+and the integer part of the result is returned at the locations pointed to
+by `z0Ptr' and `z1Ptr'.  The fractional part of the result may be slightly
+corrupted as described above, and is returned at the location pointed to by
+INLINE void
+ shift128ExtraRightJamming(
+     bits64 a0,
+     bits64 a1,
+     bits64 a2,
+     int16 count,
+     bits64 *z0Ptr,
+     bits64 *z1Ptr,
+     bits64 *z2Ptr
+ )
+    bits64 z0, z1, z2;
+    int8 negCount = ( - count ) & 63;
+    if ( count == 0 ) {
+        z2 = a2;
+        z1 = a1;
+        z0 = a0;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( count < 64 ) {
+            z2 = a1<<negCount;
+            z1 = ( a0<<negCount ) | ( a1>>count );
+            z0 = a0>>count;
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( count == 64 ) {
+                z2 = a1;
+                z1 = a0;
+            }
+            else {
+                a2 |= a1;
+                if ( count < 128 ) {
+                    z2 = a0<<negCount;
+                    z1 = a0>>( count & 63 );
+                }
+                else {
+                    z2 = ( count == 128 ) ? a0 : ( a0 != 0 );
+                    z1 = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            z0 = 0;
+        }
+        z2 |= ( a2 != 0 );
+    }
+    *z2Ptr = z2;
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Shifts the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' left by the
+number of bits given in `count'.  Any bits shifted off are lost.  The value
+of `count' must be less than 64.  The result is broken into two 64-bit
+pieces which are stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr' and `z1Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ shortShift128Left(
+     bits64 a0, bits64 a1, int16 count, bits64 *z0Ptr, bits64 *z1Ptr )
+    *z1Ptr = a1<<count;
+    *z0Ptr =
+        ( count == 0 ) ? a0 : ( a0<<count ) | ( a1>>( ( - count ) & 63 ) );
+Shifts the 192-bit value formed by concatenating `a0', `a1', and `a2' left
+by the number of bits given in `count'.  Any bits shifted off are lost.
+The value of `count' must be less than 64.  The result is broken into three
+64-bit pieces which are stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr',
+`z1Ptr', and `z2Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ shortShift192Left(
+     bits64 a0,
+     bits64 a1,
+     bits64 a2,
+     int16 count,
+     bits64 *z0Ptr,
+     bits64 *z1Ptr,
+     bits64 *z2Ptr
+ )
+    bits64 z0, z1, z2;
+    int8 negCount;
+    z2 = a2<<count;
+    z1 = a1<<count;
+    z0 = a0<<count;
+    if ( 0 < count ) {
+        negCount = ( ( - count ) & 63 );
+        z1 |= a2>>negCount;
+        z0 |= a1>>negCount;
+    }
+    *z2Ptr = z2;
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Adds the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' to the 128-bit
+value formed by concatenating `b0' and `b1'.  Addition is modulo 2^128, so
+any carry out is lost.  The result is broken into two 64-bit pieces which
+are stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr' and `z1Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ add128(
+     bits64 a0, bits64 a1, bits64 b0, bits64 b1, bits64 *z0Ptr, bits64 *z1Ptr )
+    bits64 z1;
+    z1 = a1 + b1;
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = a0 + b0 + ( z1 < a1 );
+Adds the 192-bit value formed by concatenating `a0', `a1', and `a2' to the
+192-bit value formed by concatenating `b0', `b1', and `b2'.  Addition is
+modulo 2^192, so any carry out is lost.  The result is broken into three
+64-bit pieces which are stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr',
+`z1Ptr', and `z2Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ add192(
+     bits64 a0,
+     bits64 a1,
+     bits64 a2,
+     bits64 b0,
+     bits64 b1,
+     bits64 b2,
+     bits64 *z0Ptr,
+     bits64 *z1Ptr,
+     bits64 *z2Ptr
+ )
+    bits64 z0, z1, z2;
+    int8 carry0, carry1;
+    z2 = a2 + b2;
+    carry1 = ( z2 < a2 );
+    z1 = a1 + b1;
+    carry0 = ( z1 < a1 );
+    z0 = a0 + b0;
+    z1 += carry1;
+    z0 += ( z1 < carry1 );
+    z0 += carry0;
+    *z2Ptr = z2;
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Subtracts the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `b0' and `b1' from the
+128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1'.  Subtraction is modulo
+2^128, so any borrow out (carry out) is lost.  The result is broken into two
+64-bit pieces which are stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr' and
+INLINE void
+ sub128(
+     bits64 a0, bits64 a1, bits64 b0, bits64 b1, bits64 *z0Ptr, bits64 *z1Ptr )
+    *z1Ptr = a1 - b1;
+    *z0Ptr = a0 - b0 - ( a1 < b1 );
+Subtracts the 192-bit value formed by concatenating `b0', `b1', and `b2'
+from the 192-bit value formed by concatenating `a0', `a1', and `a2'.
+Subtraction is modulo 2^192, so any borrow out (carry out) is lost.  The
+result is broken into three 64-bit pieces which are stored at the locations
+pointed to by `z0Ptr', `z1Ptr', and `z2Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ sub192(
+     bits64 a0,
+     bits64 a1,
+     bits64 a2,
+     bits64 b0,
+     bits64 b1,
+     bits64 b2,
+     bits64 *z0Ptr,
+     bits64 *z1Ptr,
+     bits64 *z2Ptr
+ )
+    bits64 z0, z1, z2;
+    int8 borrow0, borrow1;
+    z2 = a2 - b2;
+    borrow1 = ( a2 < b2 );
+    z1 = a1 - b1;
+    borrow0 = ( a1 < b1 );
+    z0 = a0 - b0;
+    z0 -= ( z1 < borrow1 );
+    z1 -= borrow1;
+    z0 -= borrow0;
+    *z2Ptr = z2;
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Multiplies `a' by `b' to obtain a 128-bit product.  The product is broken
+into two 64-bit pieces which are stored at the locations pointed to by
+`z0Ptr' and `z1Ptr'.
+INLINE void mul64To128( bits64 a, bits64 b, bits64 *z0Ptr, bits64 *z1Ptr )
+    bits32 aHigh, aLow, bHigh, bLow;
+    bits64 z0, zMiddleA, zMiddleB, z1;
+    aLow = a;
+    aHigh = a>>32;
+    bLow = b;
+    bHigh = b>>32;
+    z1 = ( (bits64) aLow ) * bLow;
+    zMiddleA = ( (bits64) aLow ) * bHigh;
+    zMiddleB = ( (bits64) aHigh ) * bLow;
+    z0 = ( (bits64) aHigh ) * bHigh;
+    zMiddleA += zMiddleB;
+    z0 += ( ( (bits64) ( zMiddleA < zMiddleB ) )<<32 ) + ( zMiddleA>>32 );
+    zMiddleA <<= 32;
+    z1 += zMiddleA;
+    z0 += ( z1 < zMiddleA );
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Multiplies the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' by
+`b' to obtain a 192-bit product.  The product is broken into three 64-bit
+pieces which are stored at the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr', `z1Ptr', and
+INLINE void
+ mul128By64To192(
+     bits64 a0,
+     bits64 a1,
+     bits64 b,
+     bits64 *z0Ptr,
+     bits64 *z1Ptr,
+     bits64 *z2Ptr
+ )
+    bits64 z0, z1, z2, more1;
+    mul64To128( a1, b, &z1, &z2 );
+    mul64To128( a0, b, &z0, &more1 );
+    add128( z0, more1, 0, z1, &z0, &z1 );
+    *z2Ptr = z2;
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Multiplies the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' to the
+128-bit value formed by concatenating `b0' and `b1' to obtain a 256-bit
+product.  The product is broken into four 64-bit pieces which are stored at
+the locations pointed to by `z0Ptr', `z1Ptr', `z2Ptr', and `z3Ptr'.
+INLINE void
+ mul128To256(
+     bits64 a0,
+     bits64 a1,
+     bits64 b0,
+     bits64 b1,
+     bits64 *z0Ptr,
+     bits64 *z1Ptr,
+     bits64 *z2Ptr,
+     bits64 *z3Ptr
+ )
+    bits64 z0, z1, z2, z3;
+    bits64 more1, more2;
+    mul64To128( a1, b1, &z2, &z3 );
+    mul64To128( a1, b0, &z1, &more2 );
+    add128( z1, more2, 0, z2, &z1, &z2 );
+    mul64To128( a0, b0, &z0, &more1 );
+    add128( z0, more1, 0, z1, &z0, &z1 );
+    mul64To128( a0, b1, &more1, &more2 );
+    add128( more1, more2, 0, z2, &more1, &z2 );
+    add128( z0, z1, 0, more1, &z0, &z1 );
+    *z3Ptr = z3;
+    *z2Ptr = z2;
+    *z1Ptr = z1;
+    *z0Ptr = z0;
+Returns an approximation to the 64-bit integer quotient obtained by dividing
+`b' into the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1'.  The
+divisor `b' must be at least 2^63.  If q is the exact quotient truncated
+toward zero, the approximation returned lies between q and q + 2 inclusive.
+If the exact quotient q is larger than 64 bits, the maximum positive 64-bit
+unsigned integer is returned.
+static bits64 estimateDiv128To64( bits64 a0, bits64 a1, bits64 b )
+    bits64 b0, b1;
+    bits64 rem0, rem1, term0, term1;
+    bits64 z;
+    if ( b <= a0 ) return LIT64( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+    b0 = b>>32;
+    z = ( b0<<32 <= a0 ) ? LIT64( 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 ) : ( a0 / b0 )<<32;
+    mul64To128( b, z, &term0, &term1 );
+    sub128( a0, a1, term0, term1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    while ( ( (sbits64) rem0 ) < 0 ) {
+        z -= LIT64( 0x100000000 );
+        b1 = b<<32;
+        add128( rem0, rem1, b0, b1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    }
+    rem0 = ( rem0<<32 ) | ( rem1>>32 );
+    z |= ( b0<<32 <= rem0 ) ? 0xFFFFFFFF : rem0 / b0;
+    return z;
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not used */
+Returns an approximation to the square root of the 32-bit significand given
+by `a'.  Considered as an integer, `a' must be at least 2^31.  If bit 0 of
+`aExp' (the least significant bit) is 1, the integer returned approximates
+2^31*sqrt(`a'/2^31), where `a' is considered an integer.  If bit 0 of `aExp'
+is 0, the integer returned approximates 2^31*sqrt(`a'/2^30).  In either
+case, the approximation returned lies strictly within +/-2 of the exact
+static bits32 estimateSqrt32( int16 aExp, bits32 a )
+    static const bits16 sqrtOddAdjustments[] = {
+        0x0004, 0x0022, 0x005D, 0x00B1, 0x011D, 0x019F, 0x0236, 0x02E0,
+        0x039C, 0x0468, 0x0545, 0x0631, 0x072B, 0x0832, 0x0946, 0x0A67
+    };
+    static const bits16 sqrtEvenAdjustments[] = {
+        0x0A2D, 0x08AF, 0x075A, 0x0629, 0x051A, 0x0429, 0x0356, 0x029E,
+        0x0200, 0x0179, 0x0109, 0x00AF, 0x0068, 0x0034, 0x0012, 0x0002
+    };
+    int8 index;
+    bits32 z;
+    index = ( a>>27 ) & 15;
+    if ( aExp & 1 ) {
+        z = 0x4000 + ( a>>17 ) - sqrtOddAdjustments[ index ];
+        z = ( ( a / z )<<14 ) + ( z<<15 );
+        a >>= 1;
+    }
+    else {
+        z = 0x8000 + ( a>>17 ) - sqrtEvenAdjustments[ index ];
+        z = a / z + z;
+        z = ( 0x20000 <= z ) ? 0xFFFF8000 : ( z<<15 );
+        if ( z <= a ) return (bits32) ( ( (sbits32) a )>>1 );
+    }
+    return ( (bits32) ( ( ( (bits64) a )<<31 ) / z ) ) + ( z>>1 );
+Returns the number of leading 0 bits before the most-significant 1 bit of
+`a'.  If `a' is zero, 32 is returned.
+static int8 countLeadingZeros32( bits32 a )
+    static const int8 countLeadingZerosHigh[] = {
+        8, 7, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
+        3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,
+        2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+        2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2,
+        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+        1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+        0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+    };
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    shiftCount = 0;
+    if ( a < 0x10000 ) {
+        shiftCount += 16;
+        a <<= 16;
+    }
+    if ( a < 0x1000000 ) {
+        shiftCount += 8;
+        a <<= 8;
+    }
+    shiftCount += countLeadingZerosHigh[ a>>24 ];
+    return shiftCount;
+Returns the number of leading 0 bits before the most-significant 1 bit of
+`a'.  If `a' is zero, 64 is returned.
+static int8 countLeadingZeros64( bits64 a )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    shiftCount = 0;
+    if ( a < ( (bits64) 1 )<<32 ) {
+        shiftCount += 32;
+    }
+    else {
+        a >>= 32;
+    }
+    shiftCount += countLeadingZeros32( a );
+    return shiftCount;
+Returns 1 if the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1'
+is equal to the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `b0' and `b1'.
+Otherwise, returns 0.
+INLINE flag eq128( bits64 a0, bits64 a1, bits64 b0, bits64 b1 )
+    return ( a0 == b0 ) && ( a1 == b1 );
+Returns 1 if the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' is less
+than or equal to the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `b0' and `b1'.
+Otherwise, returns 0.
+INLINE flag le128( bits64 a0, bits64 a1, bits64 b0, bits64 b1 )
+    return ( a0 < b0 ) || ( ( a0 == b0 ) && ( a1 <= b1 ) );
+Returns 1 if the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' is less
+than the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `b0' and `b1'.  Otherwise,
+returns 0.
+INLINE flag lt128( bits64 a0, bits64 a1, bits64 b0, bits64 b1 )
+    return ( a0 < b0 ) || ( ( a0 == b0 ) && ( a1 < b1 ) );
+Returns 1 if the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `a0' and `a1' is
+not equal to the 128-bit value formed by concatenating `b0' and `b1'.
+Otherwise, returns 0.
+INLINE flag ne128( bits64 a0, bits64 a1, bits64 b0, bits64 b1 )
+    return ( a0 != b0 ) || ( a1 != b1 );
diff --git a/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat-specialize.h b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat-specialize.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0bbec213a7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat-specialize.h
@@ -0,0 +1,487 @@
+/* $NetBSD: softfloat-specialize.h,v 1.1 2001/04/26 03:10:47 ross Exp $ */
+/* This is a derivative work. */
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
+ * by Ross Harvey.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *        This product includes software developed by the NetBSD
+ *        Foundation, Inc. and its contributors.
+ * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its
+ *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+This C source fragment is part of the SoftFloat IEC/IEEE Floating-point
+Arithmetic Package, Release 2a.
+Written by John R. Hauser.  This work was made possible in part by the
+International Computer Science Institute, located at Suite 600, 1947 Center
+Street, Berkeley, California 94704.  Funding was partially provided by the
+National Science Foundation under grant MIP-9311980.  The original version
+of this code was written as part of a project to build a fixed-point vector
+processor in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley,
+overseen by Profs. Nelson Morgan and John Wawrzynek.  More information
+is available through the Web page `http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~jhauser/
+THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, FOR FREE.  Although reasonable effort
+Derivative works are acceptable, even for commercial purposes, so long as
+(1) they include prominent notice that the work is derivative, and (2) they
+include prominent notice akin to these four paragraphs for those parts of
+this code that are retained.
+Underflow tininess-detection mode, statically initialized to default value.
+/* [ MP safe, does not change dynamically ] */
+int float_detect_tininess = float_tininess_after_rounding;
+Internal canonical NaN format.
+typedef struct {
+    flag sign;
+    bits64 high, low;
+} commonNaNT;
+The pattern for a default generated single-precision NaN.
+#define float32_default_nan 0xFFC00000
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is a NaN;
+otherwise returns 0.
+static flag float32_is_nan( float32 a )
+    return ( 0xFF000000 < (bits32) ( a<<1 ) );
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is a signaling
+NaN; otherwise returns 0.
+flag float32_is_signaling_nan( float32 a )
+    return ( ( ( a>>22 ) & 0x1FF ) == 0x1FE ) && ( a & 0x003FFFFF );
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point NaN
+`a' to the canonical NaN format.  If `a' is a signaling NaN, the invalid
+exception is raised.
+static commonNaNT float32ToCommonNaN( float32 a )
+    commonNaNT z;
+    if ( float32_is_signaling_nan( a ) ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    z.sign = a>>31;
+    z.low = 0;
+    z.high = ( (bits64) a )<<41;
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the canonical NaN `a' to the single-
+precision floating-point format.
+static float32 commonNaNToFloat32( commonNaNT a )
+    return ( ( (bits32) a.sign )<<31 ) | 0x7FC00000 | ( a.high>>41 );
+Takes two single-precision floating-point values `a' and `b', one of which
+is a NaN, and returns the appropriate NaN result.  If either `a' or `b' is a
+signaling NaN, the invalid exception is raised.
+static float32 propagateFloat32NaN( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aIsNaN, aIsSignalingNaN, bIsNaN, bIsSignalingNaN;
+    aIsNaN = float32_is_nan( a );
+    aIsSignalingNaN = float32_is_signaling_nan( a );
+    bIsNaN = float32_is_nan( b );
+    bIsSignalingNaN = float32_is_signaling_nan( b );
+    a |= 0x00400000;
+    b |= 0x00400000;
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN | bIsSignalingNaN ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN ) goto returnLargerSignificand;
+        return bIsNaN ? b : a;
+    }
+    else if ( aIsNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN | ! bIsNaN ) return a;
+ returnLargerSignificand:
+        if ( (bits32) ( a<<1 ) < (bits32) ( b<<1 ) ) return b;
+        if ( (bits32) ( b<<1 ) < (bits32) ( a<<1 ) ) return a;
+        return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+    }
+    else {
+        return b;
+    }
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point NaN
+`a' to the canonical NaN format.  If `a' is a signaling NaN, the invalid
+exception is raised.
+static commonNaNT float64ToCommonNaN( float64 a )
+    commonNaNT z;
+    if ( float64_is_signaling_nan( a ) ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    z.sign = a>>63;
+    z.low = 0;
+    z.high = a<<12;
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the canonical NaN `a' to the double-
+precision floating-point format.
+static float64 commonNaNToFloat64( commonNaNT a )
+    return
+          ( ( (bits64) a.sign )<<63 )
+        | LIT64( 0x7FF8000000000000 )
+        | ( a.high>>12 );
+Takes two double-precision floating-point values `a' and `b', one of which
+is a NaN, and returns the appropriate NaN result.  If either `a' or `b' is a
+signaling NaN, the invalid exception is raised.
+static float64 propagateFloat64NaN( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aIsNaN, aIsSignalingNaN, bIsNaN, bIsSignalingNaN;
+    aIsNaN = float64_is_nan( a );
+    aIsSignalingNaN = float64_is_signaling_nan( a );
+    bIsNaN = float64_is_nan( b );
+    bIsSignalingNaN = float64_is_signaling_nan( b );
+    a |= LIT64( 0x0008000000000000 );
+    b |= LIT64( 0x0008000000000000 );
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN | bIsSignalingNaN ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN ) goto returnLargerSignificand;
+        return bIsNaN ? b : a;
+    }
+    else if ( aIsNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN | ! bIsNaN ) return a;
+ returnLargerSignificand:
+        if ( (bits64) ( a<<1 ) < (bits64) ( b<<1 ) ) return b;
+        if ( (bits64) ( b<<1 ) < (bits64) ( a<<1 ) ) return a;
+        return ( a < b ) ? a : b;
+    }
+    else {
+        return b;
+    }
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+The pattern for a default generated extended double-precision NaN.  The
+`high' and `low' values hold the most- and least-significant bits,
+#define floatx80_default_nan_high 0xFFFF
+#define floatx80_default_nan_low  LIT64( 0xC000000000000000 )
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is a
+NaN; otherwise returns 0.
+static flag floatx80_is_nan( floatx80 a )
+    return ( ( a.high & 0x7FFF ) == 0x7FFF ) && (bits64) ( a.low<<1 );
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is a
+signaling NaN; otherwise returns 0.
+flag floatx80_is_signaling_nan( floatx80 a )
+    bits64 aLow;
+    aLow = a.low & ~ LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+    return
+           ( ( a.high & 0x7FFF ) == 0x7FFF )
+        && (bits64) ( aLow<<1 )
+        && ( a.low == aLow );
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point NaN `a' to the canonical NaN format.  If `a' is a signaling NaN, the
+invalid exception is raised.
+static commonNaNT floatx80ToCommonNaN( floatx80 a )
+    commonNaNT z;
+    if ( floatx80_is_signaling_nan( a ) ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    z.sign = a.high>>15;
+    z.low = 0;
+    z.high = a.low<<1;
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the canonical NaN `a' to the extended
+double-precision floating-point format.
+static floatx80 commonNaNToFloatx80( commonNaNT a )
+    floatx80 z;
+    z.low = LIT64( 0xC000000000000000 ) | ( a.high>>1 );
+    z.high = ( ( (bits16) a.sign )<<15 ) | 0x7FFF;
+    return z;
+Takes two extended double-precision floating-point values `a' and `b', one
+of which is a NaN, and returns the appropriate NaN result.  If either `a' or
+`b' is a signaling NaN, the invalid exception is raised.
+static floatx80 propagateFloatx80NaN( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aIsNaN, aIsSignalingNaN, bIsNaN, bIsSignalingNaN;
+    aIsNaN = floatx80_is_nan( a );
+    aIsSignalingNaN = floatx80_is_signaling_nan( a );
+    bIsNaN = floatx80_is_nan( b );
+    bIsSignalingNaN = floatx80_is_signaling_nan( b );
+    a.low |= LIT64( 0xC000000000000000 );
+    b.low |= LIT64( 0xC000000000000000 );
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN | bIsSignalingNaN ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN ) goto returnLargerSignificand;
+        return bIsNaN ? b : a;
+    }
+    else if ( aIsNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN | ! bIsNaN ) return a;
+ returnLargerSignificand:
+        if ( a.low < b.low ) return b;
+        if ( b.low < a.low ) return a;
+        return ( a.high < b.high ) ? a : b;
+    }
+    else {
+        return b;
+    }
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+The pattern for a default generated quadruple-precision NaN.  The `high' and
+`low' values hold the most- and least-significant bits, respectively.
+#define float128_default_nan_high LIT64( 0xFFFF800000000000 )
+#define float128_default_nan_low  LIT64( 0x0000000000000000 )
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is a NaN;
+otherwise returns 0.
+flag float128_is_nan( float128 a )
+    return
+           ( LIT64( 0xFFFE000000000000 ) <= (bits64) ( a.high<<1 ) )
+        && ( a.low || ( a.high & LIT64( 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF ) ) );
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is a
+signaling NaN; otherwise returns 0.
+flag float128_is_signaling_nan( float128 a )
+    return
+           ( ( ( a.high>>47 ) & 0xFFFF ) == 0xFFFE )
+        && ( a.low || ( a.high & LIT64( 0x00007FFFFFFFFFFF ) ) );
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point NaN
+`a' to the canonical NaN format.  If `a' is a signaling NaN, the invalid
+exception is raised.
+static commonNaNT float128ToCommonNaN( float128 a )
+    commonNaNT z;
+    if ( float128_is_signaling_nan( a ) ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    z.sign = a.high>>63;
+    shortShift128Left( a.high, a.low, 16, &z.high, &z.low );
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the canonical NaN `a' to the quadruple-
+precision floating-point format.
+static float128 commonNaNToFloat128( commonNaNT a )
+    float128 z;
+    shift128Right( a.high, a.low, 16, &z.high, &z.low );
+    z.high |= ( ( (bits64) a.sign )<<63 ) | LIT64( 0x7FFF800000000000 );
+    return z;
+Takes two quadruple-precision floating-point values `a' and `b', one of
+which is a NaN, and returns the appropriate NaN result.  If either `a' or
+`b' is a signaling NaN, the invalid exception is raised.
+static float128 propagateFloat128NaN( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aIsNaN, aIsSignalingNaN, bIsNaN, bIsSignalingNaN;
+    aIsNaN = float128_is_nan( a );
+    aIsSignalingNaN = float128_is_signaling_nan( a );
+    bIsNaN = float128_is_nan( b );
+    bIsSignalingNaN = float128_is_signaling_nan( b );
+    a.high |= LIT64( 0x0000800000000000 );
+    b.high |= LIT64( 0x0000800000000000 );
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN | bIsSignalingNaN ) float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    if ( aIsSignalingNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN ) goto returnLargerSignificand;
+        return bIsNaN ? b : a;
+    }
+    else if ( aIsNaN ) {
+        if ( bIsSignalingNaN | ! bIsNaN ) return a;
+ returnLargerSignificand:
+        if ( lt128( a.high<<1, a.low, b.high<<1, b.low ) ) return b;
+        if ( lt128( b.high<<1, b.low, a.high<<1, a.low ) ) return a;
+        return ( a.high < b.high ) ? a : b;
+    }
+    else {
+        return b;
+    }
diff --git a/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat.c b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..63400457a237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5497 @@
+/* $NetBSD: softfloat.c,v 1.1 2001/04/26 03:10:47 ross Exp $ */
+ * This version hacked for use with gcc -msoft-float by bjh21.
+ * (Mostly a case of #ifdefing out things GCC doesn't need or provides
+ *  itself).
+ */
+ * Things you may want to define:
+ *
+ * SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC - build only those functions necessary for GCC (with
+ *   -msoft-float) to work.  Include "softfloat-for-gcc.h" to get them
+ *   properly renamed.
+ */
+This C source file is part of the SoftFloat IEC/IEEE Floating-point
+Arithmetic Package, Release 2a.
+Written by John R. Hauser.  This work was made possible in part by the
+International Computer Science Institute, located at Suite 600, 1947 Center
+Street, Berkeley, California 94704.  Funding was partially provided by the
+National Science Foundation under grant MIP-9311980.  The original version
+of this code was written as part of a project to build a fixed-point vector
+processor in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley,
+overseen by Profs. Nelson Morgan and John Wawrzynek.  More information
+is available through the Web page `http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~jhauser/
+THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, FOR FREE.  Although reasonable effort
+Derivative works are acceptable, even for commercial purposes, so long as
+(1) they include prominent notice that the work is derivative, and (2) they
+include prominent notice akin to these four paragraphs for those parts of
+this code that are retained.
+#include <sys/cdefs.h>
+#if defined(LIBC_SCCS) && !defined(lint)
+__RCSID("$NetBSD: softfloat.c,v 1.1 2001/04/26 03:10:47 ross Exp $");
+#endif /* LIBC_SCCS and not lint */
+#include "softfloat-for-gcc.h"
+#include "milieu.h"
+#include "softfloat.h"
+ * Conversions between floats as stored in memory and floats as
+ * SoftFloat uses them
+ */
+#define FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a)	(a)
+#ifndef FLOAT64_MANGLE
+#define FLOAT64_MANGLE(a)	(a)
+Floating-point rounding mode, extended double-precision rounding precision,
+and exception flags.
+ * XXX: This may cause options-MULTIPROCESSOR or thread problems someday.
+ * 	Right now, it does not.  I've removed all other dynamic global
+ * 	variables. [ross]
+ */
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+int8 floatx80_rounding_precision = 80;
+Primitive arithmetic functions, including multi-word arithmetic, and
+division and square root approximations.  (Can be specialized to target if
+#include "softfloat-macros.h"
+Functions and definitions to determine:  (1) whether tininess for underflow
+is detected before or after rounding by default, (2) what (if anything)
+happens when exceptions are raised, (3) how signaling NaNs are distinguished
+from quiet NaNs, (4) the default generated quiet NaNs, and (5) how NaNs
+are propagated from function inputs to output.  These details are target-
+#include "softfloat-specialize.h"
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not used */
+Takes a 64-bit fixed-point value `absZ' with binary point between bits 6
+and 7, and returns the properly rounded 32-bit integer corresponding to the
+input.  If `zSign' is 1, the input is negated before being converted to an
+integer.  Bit 63 of `absZ' must be zero.  Ordinarily, the fixed-point input
+is simply rounded to an integer, with the inexact exception raised if the
+input cannot be represented exactly as an integer.  However, if the fixed-
+point input is too large, the invalid exception is raised and the largest
+positive or negative integer is returned.
+static int32 roundAndPackInt32( flag zSign, bits64 absZ )
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    flag roundNearestEven;
+    int8 roundIncrement, roundBits;
+    int32 z;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    roundNearestEven = ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even );
+    roundIncrement = 0x40;
+    if ( ! roundNearestEven ) {
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero ) {
+            roundIncrement = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            roundIncrement = 0x7F;
+            if ( zSign ) {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    roundBits = absZ & 0x7F;
+    absZ = ( absZ + roundIncrement )>>7;
+    absZ &= ~ ( ( ( roundBits ^ 0x40 ) == 0 ) & roundNearestEven );
+    z = absZ;
+    if ( zSign ) z = - z;
+    if ( ( absZ>>32 ) || ( z && ( ( z < 0 ) ^ zSign ) ) ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return zSign ? (sbits32) 0x80000000 : 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    }
+    if ( roundBits ) float_set_inexact();
+    return z;
+Takes the 128-bit fixed-point value formed by concatenating `absZ0' and
+`absZ1', with binary point between bits 63 and 64 (between the input words),
+and returns the properly rounded 64-bit integer corresponding to the input.
+If `zSign' is 1, the input is negated before being converted to an integer.
+Ordinarily, the fixed-point input is simply rounded to an integer, with
+the inexact exception raised if the input cannot be represented exactly as
+an integer.  However, if the fixed-point input is too large, the invalid
+exception is raised and the largest positive or negative integer is
+static int64 roundAndPackInt64( flag zSign, bits64 absZ0, bits64 absZ1 )
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    flag roundNearestEven, increment;
+    int64 z;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    roundNearestEven = ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even );
+    increment = ( (sbits64) absZ1 < 0 );
+    if ( ! roundNearestEven ) {
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero ) {
+            increment = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( zSign ) {
+                increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) && absZ1;
+            }
+            else {
+                increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) && absZ1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( increment ) {
+        ++absZ0;
+        if ( absZ0 == 0 ) goto overflow;
+        absZ0 &= ~ ( ( (bits64) ( absZ1<<1 ) == 0 ) & roundNearestEven );
+    }
+    z = absZ0;
+    if ( zSign ) z = - z;
+    if ( z && ( ( z < 0 ) ^ zSign ) ) {
+ overflow:
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return
+              zSign ? (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 )
+            : LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+    }
+    if ( absZ1 ) float_set_inexact();
+    return z;
+Returns the fraction bits of the single-precision floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE bits32 extractFloat32Frac( float32 a )
+    return a & 0x007FFFFF;
+Returns the exponent bits of the single-precision floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE int16 extractFloat32Exp( float32 a )
+    return ( a>>23 ) & 0xFF;
+Returns the sign bit of the single-precision floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE flag extractFloat32Sign( float32 a )
+    return a>>31;
+Normalizes the subnormal single-precision floating-point value represented
+by the denormalized significand `aSig'.  The normalized exponent and
+significand are stored at the locations pointed to by `zExpPtr' and
+`zSigPtr', respectively.
+static void
+ normalizeFloat32Subnormal( bits32 aSig, int16 *zExpPtr, bits32 *zSigPtr )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros32( aSig ) - 8;
+    *zSigPtr = aSig<<shiftCount;
+    *zExpPtr = 1 - shiftCount;
+Packs the sign `zSign', exponent `zExp', and significand `zSig' into a
+single-precision floating-point value, returning the result.  After being
+shifted into the proper positions, the three fields are simply added
+together to form the result.  This means that any integer portion of `zSig'
+will be added into the exponent.  Since a properly normalized significand
+will have an integer portion equal to 1, the `zExp' input should be 1 less
+than the desired result exponent whenever `zSig' is a complete, normalized
+INLINE float32 packFloat32( flag zSign, int16 zExp, bits32 zSig )
+    return ( ( (bits32) zSign )<<31 ) + ( ( (bits32) zExp )<<23 ) + zSig;
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent `zExp',
+and significand `zSig', and returns the proper single-precision floating-
+point value corresponding to the abstract input.  Ordinarily, the abstract
+value is simply rounded and packed into the single-precision format, with
+the inexact exception raised if the abstract input cannot be represented
+exactly.  However, if the abstract value is too large, the overflow and
+inexact exceptions are raised and an infinity or maximal finite value is
+returned.  If the abstract value is too small, the input value is rounded to
+a subnormal number, and the underflow and inexact exceptions are raised if
+the abstract input cannot be represented exactly as a subnormal single-
+precision floating-point number.
+    The input significand `zSig' has its binary point between bits 30
+and 29, which is 7 bits to the left of the usual location.  This shifted
+significand must be normalized or smaller.  If `zSig' is not normalized,
+`zExp' must be 0; in that case, the result returned is a subnormal number,
+and it must not require rounding.  In the usual case that `zSig' is
+normalized, `zExp' must be 1 less than the ``true'' floating-point exponent.
+The handling of underflow and overflow follows the IEC/IEEE Standard for
+Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float32 roundAndPackFloat32( flag zSign, int16 zExp, bits32 zSig )
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    flag roundNearestEven;
+    int8 roundIncrement, roundBits;
+    flag isTiny;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    roundNearestEven = ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even );
+    roundIncrement = 0x40;
+    if ( ! roundNearestEven ) {
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero ) {
+            roundIncrement = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            roundIncrement = 0x7F;
+            if ( zSign ) {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    roundBits = zSig & 0x7F;
+    if ( 0xFD <= (bits16) zExp ) {
+        if (    ( 0xFD < zExp )
+             || (    ( zExp == 0xFD )
+                  && ( (sbits32) ( zSig + roundIncrement ) < 0 ) )
+           ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_overflow | float_flag_inexact );
+            return packFloat32( zSign, 0xFF, 0 ) - ( roundIncrement == 0 );
+        }
+        if ( zExp < 0 ) {
+            isTiny =
+                   ( float_detect_tininess == float_tininess_before_rounding )
+                || ( zExp < -1 )
+                || ( zSig + roundIncrement < 0x80000000 );
+            shift32RightJamming( zSig, - zExp, &zSig );
+            zExp = 0;
+            roundBits = zSig & 0x7F;
+            if ( isTiny && roundBits ) float_raise( float_flag_underflow );
+        }
+    }
+    if ( roundBits ) float_set_inexact();
+    zSig = ( zSig + roundIncrement )>>7;
+    zSig &= ~ ( ( ( roundBits ^ 0x40 ) == 0 ) & roundNearestEven );
+    if ( zSig == 0 ) zExp = 0;
+    return packFloat32( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent `zExp',
+and significand `zSig', and returns the proper single-precision floating-
+point value corresponding to the abstract input.  This routine is just like
+`roundAndPackFloat32' except that `zSig' does not have to be normalized.
+Bit 31 of `zSig' must be zero, and `zExp' must be 1 less than the ``true''
+floating-point exponent.
+static float32
+ normalizeRoundAndPackFloat32( flag zSign, int16 zExp, bits32 zSig )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros32( zSig ) - 1;
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( zSign, zExp - shiftCount, zSig<<shiftCount );
+Returns the fraction bits of the double-precision floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE bits64 extractFloat64Frac( float64 a )
+    return FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a) & LIT64( 0x000FFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+Returns the exponent bits of the double-precision floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE int16 extractFloat64Exp( float64 a )
+    return ( FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a)>>52 ) & 0x7FF;
+Returns the sign bit of the double-precision floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE flag extractFloat64Sign( float64 a )
+    return FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a)>>63;
+Normalizes the subnormal double-precision floating-point value represented
+by the denormalized significand `aSig'.  The normalized exponent and
+significand are stored at the locations pointed to by `zExpPtr' and
+`zSigPtr', respectively.
+static void
+ normalizeFloat64Subnormal( bits64 aSig, int16 *zExpPtr, bits64 *zSigPtr )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( aSig ) - 11;
+    *zSigPtr = aSig<<shiftCount;
+    *zExpPtr = 1 - shiftCount;
+Packs the sign `zSign', exponent `zExp', and significand `zSig' into a
+double-precision floating-point value, returning the result.  After being
+shifted into the proper positions, the three fields are simply added
+together to form the result.  This means that any integer portion of `zSig'
+will be added into the exponent.  Since a properly normalized significand
+will have an integer portion equal to 1, the `zExp' input should be 1 less
+than the desired result exponent whenever `zSig' is a complete, normalized
+INLINE float64 packFloat64( flag zSign, int16 zExp, bits64 zSig )
+    return FLOAT64_MANGLE( ( ( (bits64) zSign )<<63 ) +
+			   ( ( (bits64) zExp )<<52 ) + zSig );
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent `zExp',
+and significand `zSig', and returns the proper double-precision floating-
+point value corresponding to the abstract input.  Ordinarily, the abstract
+value is simply rounded and packed into the double-precision format, with
+the inexact exception raised if the abstract input cannot be represented
+exactly.  However, if the abstract value is too large, the overflow and
+inexact exceptions are raised and an infinity or maximal finite value is
+returned.  If the abstract value is too small, the input value is rounded to
+a subnormal number, and the underflow and inexact exceptions are raised if
+the abstract input cannot be represented exactly as a subnormal double-
+precision floating-point number.
+    The input significand `zSig' has its binary point between bits 62
+and 61, which is 10 bits to the left of the usual location.  This shifted
+significand must be normalized or smaller.  If `zSig' is not normalized,
+`zExp' must be 0; in that case, the result returned is a subnormal number,
+and it must not require rounding.  In the usual case that `zSig' is
+normalized, `zExp' must be 1 less than the ``true'' floating-point exponent.
+The handling of underflow and overflow follows the IEC/IEEE Standard for
+Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float64 roundAndPackFloat64( flag zSign, int16 zExp, bits64 zSig )
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    flag roundNearestEven;
+    int16 roundIncrement, roundBits;
+    flag isTiny;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    roundNearestEven = ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even );
+    roundIncrement = 0x200;
+    if ( ! roundNearestEven ) {
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero ) {
+            roundIncrement = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            roundIncrement = 0x3FF;
+            if ( zSign ) {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    roundBits = zSig & 0x3FF;
+    if ( 0x7FD <= (bits16) zExp ) {
+        if (    ( 0x7FD < zExp )
+             || (    ( zExp == 0x7FD )
+                  && ( (sbits64) ( zSig + roundIncrement ) < 0 ) )
+           ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_overflow | float_flag_inexact );
+            return FLOAT64_MANGLE(
+		FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(packFloat64( zSign, 0x7FF, 0 )) -
+		( roundIncrement == 0 ));
+        }
+        if ( zExp < 0 ) {
+            isTiny =
+                   ( float_detect_tininess == float_tininess_before_rounding )
+                || ( zExp < -1 )
+                || ( zSig + roundIncrement < LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+            shift64RightJamming( zSig, - zExp, &zSig );
+            zExp = 0;
+            roundBits = zSig & 0x3FF;
+            if ( isTiny && roundBits ) float_raise( float_flag_underflow );
+        }
+    }
+    if ( roundBits ) float_set_inexact();
+    zSig = ( zSig + roundIncrement )>>10;
+    zSig &= ~ ( ( ( roundBits ^ 0x200 ) == 0 ) & roundNearestEven );
+    if ( zSig == 0 ) zExp = 0;
+    return packFloat64( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent `zExp',
+and significand `zSig', and returns the proper double-precision floating-
+point value corresponding to the abstract input.  This routine is just like
+`roundAndPackFloat64' except that `zSig' does not have to be normalized.
+Bit 63 of `zSig' must be zero, and `zExp' must be 1 less than the ``true''
+floating-point exponent.
+static float64
+ normalizeRoundAndPackFloat64( flag zSign, int16 zExp, bits64 zSig )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( zSig ) - 1;
+    return roundAndPackFloat64( zSign, zExp - shiftCount, zSig<<shiftCount );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Returns the fraction bits of the extended double-precision floating-point
+value `a'.
+INLINE bits64 extractFloatx80Frac( floatx80 a )
+    return a.low;
+Returns the exponent bits of the extended double-precision floating-point
+value `a'.
+INLINE int32 extractFloatx80Exp( floatx80 a )
+    return a.high & 0x7FFF;
+Returns the sign bit of the extended double-precision floating-point value
+INLINE flag extractFloatx80Sign( floatx80 a )
+    return a.high>>15;
+Normalizes the subnormal extended double-precision floating-point value
+represented by the denormalized significand `aSig'.  The normalized exponent
+and significand are stored at the locations pointed to by `zExpPtr' and
+`zSigPtr', respectively.
+static void
+ normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( bits64 aSig, int32 *zExpPtr, bits64 *zSigPtr )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( aSig );
+    *zSigPtr = aSig<<shiftCount;
+    *zExpPtr = 1 - shiftCount;
+Packs the sign `zSign', exponent `zExp', and significand `zSig' into an
+extended double-precision floating-point value, returning the result.
+INLINE floatx80 packFloatx80( flag zSign, int32 zExp, bits64 zSig )
+    floatx80 z;
+    z.low = zSig;
+    z.high = ( ( (bits16) zSign )<<15 ) + zExp;
+    return z;
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent `zExp',
+and extended significand formed by the concatenation of `zSig0' and `zSig1',
+and returns the proper extended double-precision floating-point value
+corresponding to the abstract input.  Ordinarily, the abstract value is
+rounded and packed into the extended double-precision format, with the
+inexact exception raised if the abstract input cannot be represented
+exactly.  However, if the abstract value is too large, the overflow and
+inexact exceptions are raised and an infinity or maximal finite value is
+returned.  If the abstract value is too small, the input value is rounded to
+a subnormal number, and the underflow and inexact exceptions are raised if
+the abstract input cannot be represented exactly as a subnormal extended
+double-precision floating-point number.
+    If `roundingPrecision' is 32 or 64, the result is rounded to the same
+number of bits as single or double precision, respectively.  Otherwise, the
+result is rounded to the full precision of the extended double-precision
+    The input significand must be normalized or smaller.  If the input
+significand is not normalized, `zExp' must be 0; in that case, the result
+returned is a subnormal number, and it must not require rounding.  The
+handling of underflow and overflow follows the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static floatx80
+ roundAndPackFloatx80(
+     int8 roundingPrecision, flag zSign, int32 zExp, bits64 zSig0, bits64 zSig1
+ )
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    flag roundNearestEven, increment, isTiny;
+    int64 roundIncrement, roundMask, roundBits;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    roundNearestEven = ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even );
+    if ( roundingPrecision == 80 ) goto precision80;
+    if ( roundingPrecision == 64 ) {
+        roundIncrement = LIT64( 0x0000000000000400 );
+        roundMask = LIT64( 0x00000000000007FF );
+    }
+    else if ( roundingPrecision == 32 ) {
+        roundIncrement = LIT64( 0x0000008000000000 );
+        roundMask = LIT64( 0x000000FFFFFFFFFF );
+    }
+    else {
+        goto precision80;
+    }
+    zSig0 |= ( zSig1 != 0 );
+    if ( ! roundNearestEven ) {
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero ) {
+            roundIncrement = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            roundIncrement = roundMask;
+            if ( zSign ) {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) roundIncrement = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    roundBits = zSig0 & roundMask;
+    if ( 0x7FFD <= (bits32) ( zExp - 1 ) ) {
+        if (    ( 0x7FFE < zExp )
+             || ( ( zExp == 0x7FFE ) && ( zSig0 + roundIncrement < zSig0 ) )
+           ) {
+            goto overflow;
+        }
+        if ( zExp <= 0 ) {
+            isTiny =
+                   ( float_detect_tininess == float_tininess_before_rounding )
+                || ( zExp < 0 )
+                || ( zSig0 <= zSig0 + roundIncrement );
+            shift64RightJamming( zSig0, 1 - zExp, &zSig0 );
+            zExp = 0;
+            roundBits = zSig0 & roundMask;
+            if ( isTiny && roundBits ) float_raise( float_flag_underflow );
+            if ( roundBits ) float_set_inexact();
+            zSig0 += roundIncrement;
+            if ( (sbits64) zSig0 < 0 ) zExp = 1;
+            roundIncrement = roundMask + 1;
+            if ( roundNearestEven && ( roundBits<<1 == roundIncrement ) ) {
+                roundMask |= roundIncrement;
+            }
+            zSig0 &= ~ roundMask;
+            return packFloatx80( zSign, zExp, zSig0 );
+        }
+    }
+    if ( roundBits ) float_set_inexact();
+    zSig0 += roundIncrement;
+    if ( zSig0 < roundIncrement ) {
+        ++zExp;
+        zSig0 = LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+    }
+    roundIncrement = roundMask + 1;
+    if ( roundNearestEven && ( roundBits<<1 == roundIncrement ) ) {
+        roundMask |= roundIncrement;
+    }
+    zSig0 &= ~ roundMask;
+    if ( zSig0 == 0 ) zExp = 0;
+    return packFloatx80( zSign, zExp, zSig0 );
+ precision80:
+    increment = ( (sbits64) zSig1 < 0 );
+    if ( ! roundNearestEven ) {
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero ) {
+            increment = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( zSign ) {
+                increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) && zSig1;
+            }
+            else {
+                increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) && zSig1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( 0x7FFD <= (bits32) ( zExp - 1 ) ) {
+        if (    ( 0x7FFE < zExp )
+             || (    ( zExp == 0x7FFE )
+                  && ( zSig0 == LIT64( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) )
+                  && increment
+                )
+           ) {
+            roundMask = 0;
+ overflow:
+            float_raise( float_flag_overflow | float_flag_inexact );
+            if (    ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero )
+                 || ( zSign && ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) )
+                 || ( ! zSign && ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) )
+               ) {
+                return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x7FFE, ~ roundMask );
+            }
+            return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+        }
+        if ( zExp <= 0 ) {
+            isTiny =
+                   ( float_detect_tininess == float_tininess_before_rounding )
+                || ( zExp < 0 )
+                || ! increment
+                || ( zSig0 < LIT64( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) );
+            shift64ExtraRightJamming( zSig0, zSig1, 1 - zExp, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+            zExp = 0;
+            if ( isTiny && zSig1 ) float_raise( float_flag_underflow );
+            if ( zSig1 ) float_set_inexact();
+            if ( roundNearestEven ) {
+                increment = ( (sbits64) zSig1 < 0 );
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( zSign ) {
+                    increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) && zSig1;
+                }
+                else {
+                    increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) && zSig1;
+                }
+            }
+            if ( increment ) {
+                ++zSig0;
+                zSig0 &=
+                    ~ ( ( (bits64) ( zSig1<<1 ) == 0 ) & roundNearestEven );
+                if ( (sbits64) zSig0 < 0 ) zExp = 1;
+            }
+            return packFloatx80( zSign, zExp, zSig0 );
+        }
+    }
+    if ( zSig1 ) float_set_inexact();
+    if ( increment ) {
+        ++zSig0;
+        if ( zSig0 == 0 ) {
+            ++zExp;
+            zSig0 = LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+        }
+        else {
+            zSig0 &= ~ ( ( (bits64) ( zSig1<<1 ) == 0 ) & roundNearestEven );
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( zSig0 == 0 ) zExp = 0;
+    }
+    return packFloatx80( zSign, zExp, zSig0 );
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent
+`zExp', and significand formed by the concatenation of `zSig0' and `zSig1',
+and returns the proper extended double-precision floating-point value
+corresponding to the abstract input.  This routine is just like
+`roundAndPackFloatx80' except that the input significand does not have to be
+static floatx80
+ normalizeRoundAndPackFloatx80(
+     int8 roundingPrecision, flag zSign, int32 zExp, bits64 zSig0, bits64 zSig1
+ )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    if ( zSig0 == 0 ) {
+        zSig0 = zSig1;
+        zSig1 = 0;
+        zExp -= 64;
+    }
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( zSig0 );
+    shortShift128Left( zSig0, zSig1, shiftCount, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zExp -= shiftCount;
+    return
+        roundAndPackFloatx80( roundingPrecision, zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Returns the least-significant 64 fraction bits of the quadruple-precision
+floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE bits64 extractFloat128Frac1( float128 a )
+    return a.low;
+Returns the most-significant 48 fraction bits of the quadruple-precision
+floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE bits64 extractFloat128Frac0( float128 a )
+    return a.high & LIT64( 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF );
+Returns the exponent bits of the quadruple-precision floating-point value
+INLINE int32 extractFloat128Exp( float128 a )
+    return ( a.high>>48 ) & 0x7FFF;
+Returns the sign bit of the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a'.
+INLINE flag extractFloat128Sign( float128 a )
+    return a.high>>63;
+Normalizes the subnormal quadruple-precision floating-point value
+represented by the denormalized significand formed by the concatenation of
+`aSig0' and `aSig1'.  The normalized exponent is stored at the location
+pointed to by `zExpPtr'.  The most significant 49 bits of the normalized
+significand are stored at the location pointed to by `zSig0Ptr', and the
+least significant 64 bits of the normalized significand are stored at the
+location pointed to by `zSig1Ptr'.
+static void
+ normalizeFloat128Subnormal(
+     bits64 aSig0,
+     bits64 aSig1,
+     int32 *zExpPtr,
+     bits64 *zSig0Ptr,
+     bits64 *zSig1Ptr
+ )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    if ( aSig0 == 0 ) {
+        shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( aSig1 ) - 15;
+        if ( shiftCount < 0 ) {
+            *zSig0Ptr = aSig1>>( - shiftCount );
+            *zSig1Ptr = aSig1<<( shiftCount & 63 );
+        }
+        else {
+            *zSig0Ptr = aSig1<<shiftCount;
+            *zSig1Ptr = 0;
+        }
+        *zExpPtr = - shiftCount - 63;
+    }
+    else {
+        shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( aSig0 ) - 15;
+        shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, shiftCount, zSig0Ptr, zSig1Ptr );
+        *zExpPtr = 1 - shiftCount;
+    }
+Packs the sign `zSign', the exponent `zExp', and the significand formed
+by the concatenation of `zSig0' and `zSig1' into a quadruple-precision
+floating-point value, returning the result.  After being shifted into the
+proper positions, the three fields `zSign', `zExp', and `zSig0' are simply
+added together to form the most significant 32 bits of the result.  This
+means that any integer portion of `zSig0' will be added into the exponent.
+Since a properly normalized significand will have an integer portion equal
+to 1, the `zExp' input should be 1 less than the desired result exponent
+whenever `zSig0' and `zSig1' concatenated form a complete, normalized
+INLINE float128
+ packFloat128( flag zSign, int32 zExp, bits64 zSig0, bits64 zSig1 )
+    float128 z;
+    z.low = zSig1;
+    z.high = ( ( (bits64) zSign )<<63 ) + ( ( (bits64) zExp )<<48 ) + zSig0;
+    return z;
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent `zExp',
+and extended significand formed by the concatenation of `zSig0', `zSig1',
+and `zSig2', and returns the proper quadruple-precision floating-point value
+corresponding to the abstract input.  Ordinarily, the abstract value is
+simply rounded and packed into the quadruple-precision format, with the
+inexact exception raised if the abstract input cannot be represented
+exactly.  However, if the abstract value is too large, the overflow and
+inexact exceptions are raised and an infinity or maximal finite value is
+returned.  If the abstract value is too small, the input value is rounded to
+a subnormal number, and the underflow and inexact exceptions are raised if
+the abstract input cannot be represented exactly as a subnormal quadruple-
+precision floating-point number.
+    The input significand must be normalized or smaller.  If the input
+significand is not normalized, `zExp' must be 0; in that case, the result
+returned is a subnormal number, and it must not require rounding.  In the
+usual case that the input significand is normalized, `zExp' must be 1 less
+than the ``true'' floating-point exponent.  The handling of underflow and
+overflow follows the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float128
+ roundAndPackFloat128(
+     flag zSign, int32 zExp, bits64 zSig0, bits64 zSig1, bits64 zSig2 )
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    flag roundNearestEven, increment, isTiny;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    roundNearestEven = ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even );
+    increment = ( (sbits64) zSig2 < 0 );
+    if ( ! roundNearestEven ) {
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero ) {
+            increment = 0;
+        }
+        else {
+            if ( zSign ) {
+                increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) && zSig2;
+            }
+            else {
+                increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) && zSig2;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( 0x7FFD <= (bits32) zExp ) {
+        if (    ( 0x7FFD < zExp )
+             || (    ( zExp == 0x7FFD )
+                  && eq128(
+                         LIT64( 0x0001FFFFFFFFFFFF ),
+                         LIT64( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ),
+                         zSig0,
+                         zSig1
+                     )
+                  && increment
+                )
+           ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_overflow | float_flag_inexact );
+            if (    ( roundingMode == float_round_to_zero )
+                 || ( zSign && ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) )
+                 || ( ! zSign && ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) )
+               ) {
+                return
+                    packFloat128(
+                        zSign,
+                        0x7FFE,
+                        LIT64( 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF ),
+                        LIT64( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF )
+                    );
+            }
+            return packFloat128( zSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+        }
+        if ( zExp < 0 ) {
+            isTiny =
+                   ( float_detect_tininess == float_tininess_before_rounding )
+                || ( zExp < -1 )
+                || ! increment
+                || lt128(
+                       zSig0,
+                       zSig1,
+                       LIT64( 0x0001FFFFFFFFFFFF ),
+                       LIT64( 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF )
+                   );
+            shift128ExtraRightJamming(
+                zSig0, zSig1, zSig2, - zExp, &zSig0, &zSig1, &zSig2 );
+            zExp = 0;
+            if ( isTiny && zSig2 ) float_raise( float_flag_underflow );
+            if ( roundNearestEven ) {
+                increment = ( (sbits64) zSig2 < 0 );
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( zSign ) {
+                    increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_down ) && zSig2;
+                }
+                else {
+                    increment = ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) && zSig2;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if ( zSig2 ) float_set_inexact();
+    if ( increment ) {
+        add128( zSig0, zSig1, 0, 1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+        zSig1 &= ~ ( ( zSig2 + zSig2 == 0 ) & roundNearestEven );
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( ( zSig0 | zSig1 ) == 0 ) zExp = 0;
+    }
+    return packFloat128( zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Takes an abstract floating-point value having sign `zSign', exponent `zExp',
+and significand formed by the concatenation of `zSig0' and `zSig1', and
+returns the proper quadruple-precision floating-point value corresponding
+to the abstract input.  This routine is just like `roundAndPackFloat128'
+except that the input significand has fewer bits and does not have to be
+normalized.  In all cases, `zExp' must be 1 less than the ``true'' floating-
+point exponent.
+static float128
+ normalizeRoundAndPackFloat128(
+     flag zSign, int32 zExp, bits64 zSig0, bits64 zSig1 )
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    bits64 zSig2;
+    if ( zSig0 == 0 ) {
+        zSig0 = zSig1;
+        zSig1 = 0;
+        zExp -= 64;
+    }
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( zSig0 ) - 15;
+    if ( 0 <= shiftCount ) {
+        zSig2 = 0;
+        shortShift128Left( zSig0, zSig1, shiftCount, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    }
+    else {
+        shift128ExtraRightJamming(
+            zSig0, zSig1, 0, - shiftCount, &zSig0, &zSig1, &zSig2 );
+    }
+    zExp -= shiftCount;
+    return roundAndPackFloat128( zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2 );
+Returns the result of converting the 32-bit two's complement integer `a'
+to the single-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 int32_to_float32( int32 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return 0;
+    if ( a == (sbits32) 0x80000000 ) return packFloat32( 1, 0x9E, 0 );
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloat32( zSign, 0x9C, zSign ? - a : a );
+Returns the result of converting the 32-bit two's complement integer `a'
+to the double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 int32_to_float64( int32 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    uint32 absA;
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    bits64 zSig;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return 0;
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    absA = zSign ? - a : a;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros32( absA ) + 21;
+    zSig = absA;
+    return packFloat64( zSign, 0x432 - shiftCount, zSig<<shiftCount );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Returns the result of converting the 32-bit two's complement integer `a'
+to the extended double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+floatx80 int32_to_floatx80( int32 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    uint32 absA;
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    bits64 zSig;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return packFloatx80( 0, 0, 0 );
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    absA = zSign ? - a : a;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros32( absA ) + 32;
+    zSig = absA;
+    return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x403E - shiftCount, zSig<<shiftCount );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Returns the result of converting the 32-bit two's complement integer `a' to
+the quadruple-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 int32_to_float128( int32 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    uint32 absA;
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    bits64 zSig0;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return packFloat128( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    absA = zSign ? - a : a;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros32( absA ) + 17;
+    zSig0 = absA;
+    return packFloat128( zSign, 0x402E - shiftCount, zSig0<<shiftCount, 0 );
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* __floatdi?f is in libgcc2.c */
+Returns the result of converting the 64-bit two's complement integer `a'
+to the single-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 int64_to_float32( int64 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    uint64 absA;
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return 0;
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    absA = zSign ? - a : a;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( absA ) - 40;
+    if ( 0 <= shiftCount ) {
+        return packFloat32( zSign, 0x95 - shiftCount, absA<<shiftCount );
+    }
+    else {
+        shiftCount += 7;
+        if ( shiftCount < 0 ) {
+            shift64RightJamming( absA, - shiftCount, &absA );
+        }
+        else {
+            absA <<= shiftCount;
+        }
+        return roundAndPackFloat32( zSign, 0x9C - shiftCount, absA );
+    }
+Returns the result of converting the 64-bit two's complement integer `a'
+to the double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 int64_to_float64( int64 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return 0;
+    if ( a == (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) ) {
+        return packFloat64( 1, 0x43E, 0 );
+    }
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloat64( zSign, 0x43C, zSign ? - a : a );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Returns the result of converting the 64-bit two's complement integer `a'
+to the extended double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+floatx80 int64_to_floatx80( int64 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    uint64 absA;
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return packFloatx80( 0, 0, 0 );
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    absA = zSign ? - a : a;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( absA );
+    return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x403E - shiftCount, absA<<shiftCount );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Returns the result of converting the 64-bit two's complement integer `a' to
+the quadruple-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 int64_to_float128( int64 a )
+    flag zSign;
+    uint64 absA;
+    int8 shiftCount;
+    int32 zExp;
+    bits64 zSig0, zSig1;
+    if ( a == 0 ) return packFloat128( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+    zSign = ( a < 0 );
+    absA = zSign ? - a : a;
+    shiftCount = countLeadingZeros64( absA ) + 49;
+    zExp = 0x406E - shiftCount;
+    if ( 64 <= shiftCount ) {
+        zSig1 = 0;
+        zSig0 = absA;
+        shiftCount -= 64;
+    }
+    else {
+        zSig1 = absA;
+        zSig0 = 0;
+    }
+    shortShift128Left( zSig0, zSig1, shiftCount, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    return packFloat128( zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not needed */
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion is rounded
+according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest
+positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the
+largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int32 float32_to_int32( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    bits64 aSig64;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    if ( ( aExp == 0xFF ) && aSig ) aSign = 0;
+    if ( aExp ) aSig |= 0x00800000;
+    shiftCount = 0xAF - aExp;
+    aSig64 = aSig;
+    aSig64 <<= 32;
+    if ( 0 < shiftCount ) shift64RightJamming( aSig64, shiftCount, &aSig64 );
+    return roundAndPackInt32( aSign, aSig64 );
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.
+If `a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if
+the conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is
+int32 float32_to_int32_round_to_zero( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    int32 z;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    shiftCount = aExp - 0x9E;
+    if ( 0 <= shiftCount ) {
+        if ( a != 0xCF000000 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            if ( ! aSign || ( ( aExp == 0xFF ) && aSig ) ) return 0x7FFFFFFF;
+        }
+        return (sbits32) 0x80000000;
+    }
+    else if ( aExp <= 0x7E ) {
+        if ( aExp | aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSig = ( aSig | 0x00800000 )<<8;
+    z = aSig>>( - shiftCount );
+    if ( (bits32) ( aSig<<( shiftCount & 31 ) ) ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    return z;
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* __fix?fdi provided by libgcc2.c */
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion is rounded
+according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest
+positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the
+largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int64 float32_to_int64( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    bits64 aSig64, aSigExtra;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    shiftCount = 0xBE - aExp;
+    if ( shiftCount < 0 ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        if ( ! aSign || ( ( aExp == 0xFF ) && aSig ) ) {
+            return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+        }
+        return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp ) aSig |= 0x00800000;
+    aSig64 = aSig;
+    aSig64 <<= 40;
+    shift64ExtraRightJamming( aSig64, 0, shiftCount, &aSig64, &aSigExtra );
+    return roundAndPackInt64( aSign, aSig64, aSigExtra );
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.  If
+`a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the
+conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is
+int64 float32_to_int64_round_to_zero( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    bits64 aSig64;
+    int64 z;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    shiftCount = aExp - 0xBE;
+    if ( 0 <= shiftCount ) {
+        if ( a != 0xDF000000 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            if ( ! aSign || ( ( aExp == 0xFF ) && aSig ) ) {
+                return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+            }
+        }
+        return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+    }
+    else if ( aExp <= 0x7E ) {
+        if ( aExp | aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSig64 = aSig | 0x00800000;
+    aSig64 <<= 40;
+    z = aSig64>>( - shiftCount );
+    if ( (bits64) ( aSig64<<( shiftCount & 63 ) ) ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    return z;
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+float64 float32_to_float64( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return commonNaNToFloat64( float32ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        return packFloat64( aSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloat64( aSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+        --aExp;
+    }
+    return packFloat64( aSign, aExp + 0x380, ( (bits64) aSig )<<29 );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the extended double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+floatx80 float32_to_floatx80( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return commonNaNToFloatx80( float32ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        return packFloatx80( aSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloatx80( aSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    aSig |= 0x00800000;
+    return packFloatx80( aSign, aExp + 0x3F80, ( (bits64) aSig )<<40 );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+float128 float32_to_float128( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return commonNaNToFloat128( float32ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        return packFloat128( aSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloat128( aSign, 0, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+        --aExp;
+    }
+    return packFloat128( aSign, aExp + 0x3F80, ( (bits64) aSig )<<25, 0 );
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not needed */
+Rounds the single-precision floating-point value `a' to an integer, and
+returns the result as a single-precision floating-point value.  The
+operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 float32_round_to_int( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits32 lastBitMask, roundBitsMask;
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    float32 z;
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    if ( 0x96 <= aExp ) {
+        if ( ( aExp == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat32NaN( a, a );
+        }
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( aExp <= 0x7E ) {
+        if ( (bits32) ( a<<1 ) == 0 ) return a;
+        float_set_inexact();
+        aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+        switch ( float_rounding_mode() ) {
+         case float_round_nearest_even:
+            if ( ( aExp == 0x7E ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) ) {
+                return packFloat32( aSign, 0x7F, 0 );
+            }
+            break;
+         case float_round_down:
+            return aSign ? 0xBF800000 : 0;
+         case float_round_up:
+            return aSign ? 0x80000000 : 0x3F800000;
+        }
+        return packFloat32( aSign, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    lastBitMask = 1;
+    lastBitMask <<= 0x96 - aExp;
+    roundBitsMask = lastBitMask - 1;
+    z = a;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    if ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even ) {
+        z += lastBitMask>>1;
+        if ( ( z & roundBitsMask ) == 0 ) z &= ~ lastBitMask;
+    }
+    else if ( roundingMode != float_round_to_zero ) {
+        if ( extractFloat32Sign( z ) ^ ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) ) {
+            z += roundBitsMask;
+        }
+    }
+    z &= ~ roundBitsMask;
+    if ( z != a ) float_set_inexact();
+    return z;
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+Returns the result of adding the absolute values of the single-precision
+floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the sum is negated
+before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the result is a NaN.
+The addition is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float32 addFloat32Sigs( float32 a, float32 b, flag zSign )
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits32 aSig, bSig, zSig;
+    int16 expDiff;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat32Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat32Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    aSig <<= 6;
+    bSig <<= 6;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+            if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+            return a;
+        }
+        if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+            --expDiff;
+        }
+        else {
+            bSig |= 0x20000000;
+        }
+        shift32RightJamming( bSig, expDiff, &bSig );
+        zExp = aExp;
+    }
+    else if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+        if ( bExp == 0xFF ) {
+            if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+            return packFloat32( zSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+        }
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+            ++expDiff;
+        }
+        else {
+            aSig |= 0x20000000;
+        }
+        shift32RightJamming( aSig, - expDiff, &aSig );
+        zExp = bExp;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+            if ( aSig | bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+            return a;
+        }
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) return packFloat32( zSign, 0, ( aSig + bSig )>>6 );
+        zSig = 0x40000000 + aSig + bSig;
+        zExp = aExp;
+        goto roundAndPack;
+    }
+    aSig |= 0x20000000;
+    zSig = ( aSig + bSig )<<1;
+    --zExp;
+    if ( (sbits32) zSig < 0 ) {
+        zSig = aSig + bSig;
+        ++zExp;
+    }
+ roundAndPack:
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Returns the result of subtracting the absolute values of the single-
+precision floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the
+difference is negated before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the
+result is a NaN.  The subtraction is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float32 subFloat32Sigs( float32 a, float32 b, flag zSign )
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits32 aSig, bSig, zSig;
+    int16 expDiff;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat32Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat32Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    aSig <<= 7;
+    bSig <<= 7;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) goto aExpBigger;
+    if ( expDiff < 0 ) goto bExpBigger;
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig | bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float32_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        aExp = 1;
+        bExp = 1;
+    }
+    if ( bSig < aSig ) goto aBigger;
+    if ( aSig < bSig ) goto bBigger;
+    return packFloat32( float_rounding_mode() == float_round_down, 0, 0 );
+ bExpBigger:
+    if ( bExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloat32( zSign ^ 1, 0xFF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        ++expDiff;
+    }
+    else {
+        aSig |= 0x40000000;
+    }
+    shift32RightJamming( aSig, - expDiff, &aSig );
+    bSig |= 0x40000000;
+ bBigger:
+    zSig = bSig - aSig;
+    zExp = bExp;
+    zSign ^= 1;
+    goto normalizeRoundAndPack;
+ aExpBigger:
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        --expDiff;
+    }
+    else {
+        bSig |= 0x40000000;
+    }
+    shift32RightJamming( bSig, expDiff, &bSig );
+    aSig |= 0x40000000;
+ aBigger:
+    zSig = aSig - bSig;
+    zExp = aExp;
+ normalizeRoundAndPack:
+    --zExp;
+    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloat32( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Returns the result of adding the single-precision floating-point values `a'
+and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for
+Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 float32_add( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return addFloat32Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return subFloat32Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of subtracting the single-precision floating-point values
+`a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard
+for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 float32_sub( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return subFloat32Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return addFloat32Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of multiplying the single-precision floating-point values
+`a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard
+for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 float32_mul( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits32 aSig, bSig;
+    bits64 zSig64;
+    bits32 zSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat32Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat32Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig || ( ( bExp == 0xFF ) && bSig ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        if ( ( bExp | bSig ) == 0 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float32_default_nan;
+        }
+        return packFloat32( zSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float32_default_nan;
+        }
+        return packFloat32( zSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloat32( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) return packFloat32( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp + bExp - 0x7F;
+    aSig = ( aSig | 0x00800000 )<<7;
+    bSig = ( bSig | 0x00800000 )<<8;
+    shift64RightJamming( ( (bits64) aSig ) * bSig, 32, &zSig64 );
+    zSig = zSig64;
+    if ( 0 <= (sbits32) ( zSig<<1 ) ) {
+        zSig <<= 1;
+        --zExp;
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Returns the result of dividing the single-precision floating-point value `a'
+by the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed according to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 float32_div( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits32 aSig, bSig, zSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat32Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat32Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        if ( bExp == 0xFF ) {
+            if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float32_default_nan;
+        }
+        return packFloat32( zSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloat32( zSign, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) {
+            if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) {
+                float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+                return float32_default_nan;
+            }
+            float_raise( float_flag_divbyzero );
+            return packFloat32( zSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+        }
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloat32( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp - bExp + 0x7D;
+    aSig = ( aSig | 0x00800000 )<<7;
+    bSig = ( bSig | 0x00800000 )<<8;
+    if ( bSig <= ( aSig + aSig ) ) {
+        aSig >>= 1;
+        ++zExp;
+    }
+    zSig = ( ( (bits64) aSig )<<32 ) / bSig;
+    if ( ( zSig & 0x3F ) == 0 ) {
+        zSig |= ( (bits64) bSig * zSig != ( (bits64) aSig )<<32 );
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not needed */
+Returns the remainder of the single-precision floating-point value `a'
+with respect to the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 float32_rem( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int16 aExp, bExp, expDiff;
+    bits32 aSig, bSig;
+    bits32 q;
+    bits64 aSig64, bSig64, q64;
+    bits32 alternateASig;
+    sbits32 sigMean;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat32Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat32Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig || ( ( bExp == 0xFF ) && bSig ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float32_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float32_default_nan;
+        }
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return a;
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    aSig |= 0x00800000;
+    bSig |= 0x00800000;
+    if ( expDiff < 32 ) {
+        aSig <<= 8;
+        bSig <<= 8;
+        if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+            if ( expDiff < -1 ) return a;
+            aSig >>= 1;
+        }
+        q = ( bSig <= aSig );
+        if ( q ) aSig -= bSig;
+        if ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+            q = ( ( (bits64) aSig )<<32 ) / bSig;
+            q >>= 32 - expDiff;
+            bSig >>= 2;
+            aSig = ( ( aSig>>1 )<<( expDiff - 1 ) ) - bSig * q;
+        }
+        else {
+            aSig >>= 2;
+            bSig >>= 2;
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( bSig <= aSig ) aSig -= bSig;
+        aSig64 = ( (bits64) aSig )<<40;
+        bSig64 = ( (bits64) bSig )<<40;
+        expDiff -= 64;
+        while ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+            q64 = estimateDiv128To64( aSig64, 0, bSig64 );
+            q64 = ( 2 < q64 ) ? q64 - 2 : 0;
+            aSig64 = - ( ( bSig * q64 )<<38 );
+            expDiff -= 62;
+        }
+        expDiff += 64;
+        q64 = estimateDiv128To64( aSig64, 0, bSig64 );
+        q64 = ( 2 < q64 ) ? q64 - 2 : 0;
+        q = q64>>( 64 - expDiff );
+        bSig <<= 6;
+        aSig = ( ( aSig64>>33 )<<( expDiff - 1 ) ) - bSig * q;
+    }
+    do {
+        alternateASig = aSig;
+        ++q;
+        aSig -= bSig;
+    } while ( 0 <= (sbits32) aSig );
+    sigMean = aSig + alternateASig;
+    if ( ( sigMean < 0 ) || ( ( sigMean == 0 ) && ( q & 1 ) ) ) {
+        aSig = alternateASig;
+    }
+    zSign = ( (sbits32) aSig < 0 );
+    if ( zSign ) aSig = - aSig;
+    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloat32( aSign ^ zSign, bExp, aSig );
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not needed */
+Returns the square root of the single-precision floating-point value `a'.
+The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 float32_sqrt( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, zExp;
+    bits32 aSig, zSig;
+    bits64 rem, term;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0xFF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat32NaN( a, 0 );
+        if ( ! aSign ) return a;
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float32_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) {
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) return a;
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float32_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return 0;
+        normalizeFloat32Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    zExp = ( ( aExp - 0x7F )>>1 ) + 0x7E;
+    aSig = ( aSig | 0x00800000 )<<8;
+    zSig = estimateSqrt32( aExp, aSig ) + 2;
+    if ( ( zSig & 0x7F ) <= 5 ) {
+        if ( zSig < 2 ) {
+            zSig = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+            goto roundAndPack;
+        }
+        aSig >>= aExp & 1;
+        term = ( (bits64) zSig ) * zSig;
+        rem = ( ( (bits64) aSig )<<32 ) - term;
+        while ( (sbits64) rem < 0 ) {
+            --zSig;
+            rem += ( ( (bits64) zSig )<<1 ) | 1;
+        }
+        zSig |= ( rem != 0 );
+    }
+    shift32RightJamming( zSig, 1, &zSig );
+ roundAndPack:
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( 0, zExp, zSig );
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is equal to
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float32_eq( float32 a, float32 b )
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat32Exp( a ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat32Exp( b ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        if ( float32_is_signaling_nan( a ) || float32_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return ( a == b ) || ( (bits32) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) == 0 );
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+or equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+flag float32_le( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat32Exp( a ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat32Exp( b ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) return aSign || ( (bits32) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) == 0 );
+    return ( a == b ) || ( aSign ^ ( a < b ) );
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float32_lt( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat32Exp( a ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat32Exp( b ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) return aSign && ( (bits32) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) != 0 );
+    return ( a != b ) && ( aSign ^ ( a < b ) );
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not needed */
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is equal to
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The invalid exception is
+raised if either operand is a NaN.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float32_eq_signaling( float32 a, float32 b )
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat32Exp( a ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat32Exp( b ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return ( a == b ) || ( (bits32) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) == 0 );
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is less than or
+equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs do not
+cause an exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float32_le_quiet( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat32Exp( a ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat32Exp( b ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        if ( float32_is_signaling_nan( a ) || float32_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) return aSign || ( (bits32) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) == 0 );
+    return ( a == b ) || ( aSign ^ ( a < b ) );
+Returns 1 if the single-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs do not cause an
+exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float32_lt_quiet( float32 a, float32 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat32Exp( a ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat32Exp( b ) == 0xFF ) && extractFloat32Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        if ( float32_is_signaling_nan( a ) || float32_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat32Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) return aSign && ( (bits32) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) != 0 );
+    return ( a != b ) && ( aSign ^ ( a < b ) );
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not needed */
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion is rounded
+according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest
+positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the
+largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int32 float64_to_int32( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( ( aExp == 0x7FF ) && aSig ) aSign = 0;
+    if ( aExp ) aSig |= LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = 0x42C - aExp;
+    if ( 0 < shiftCount ) shift64RightJamming( aSig, shiftCount, &aSig );
+    return roundAndPackInt32( aSign, aSig );
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.
+If `a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if
+the conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is
+int32 float64_to_int32_round_to_zero( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig, savedASig;
+    int32 z;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( 0x41E < aExp ) {
+        if ( ( aExp == 0x7FF ) && aSig ) aSign = 0;
+        goto invalid;
+    }
+    else if ( aExp < 0x3FF ) {
+        if ( aExp || aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSig |= LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = 0x433 - aExp;
+    savedASig = aSig;
+    aSig >>= shiftCount;
+    z = aSig;
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    if ( ( z < 0 ) ^ aSign ) {
+ invalid:
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return aSign ? (sbits32) 0x80000000 : 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    }
+    if ( ( aSig<<shiftCount ) != savedASig ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    return z;
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* Not needed */
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion is rounded
+according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest
+positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the
+largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int64 float64_to_int64( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig, aSigExtra;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp ) aSig |= LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = 0x433 - aExp;
+    if ( shiftCount <= 0 ) {
+        if ( 0x43E < aExp ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            if (    ! aSign
+                 || (    ( aExp == 0x7FF )
+                      && ( aSig != LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) ) )
+               ) {
+                return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+            }
+            return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+        }
+        aSigExtra = 0;
+        aSig <<= - shiftCount;
+    }
+    else {
+        shift64ExtraRightJamming( aSig, 0, shiftCount, &aSig, &aSigExtra );
+    }
+    return roundAndPackInt64( aSign, aSig, aSigExtra );
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.
+If `a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if
+the conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is
+int64 float64_to_int64_round_to_zero( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig;
+    int64 z;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp ) aSig |= LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = aExp - 0x433;
+    if ( 0 <= shiftCount ) {
+        if ( 0x43E <= aExp ) {
+            if ( a != LIT64( 0xC3E0000000000000 ) ) {
+                float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+                if (    ! aSign
+                     || (    ( aExp == 0x7FF )
+                          && ( aSig != LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) ) )
+                   ) {
+                    return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+                }
+            }
+            return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+        }
+        z = aSig<<shiftCount;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( aExp < 0x3FE ) {
+            if ( aExp | aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+            return 0;
+        }
+        z = aSig>>( - shiftCount );
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig<<( shiftCount & 63 ) ) ) {
+            float_set_inexact();
+        }
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    return z;
+#endif /* !SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC */
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the single-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+float32 float64_to_float32( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig;
+    bits32 zSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return commonNaNToFloat32( float64ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        return packFloat32( aSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+    }
+    shift64RightJamming( aSig, 22, &aSig );
+    zSig = aSig;
+    if ( aExp || zSig ) {
+        zSig |= 0x40000000;
+        aExp -= 0x381;
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( aSign, aExp, zSig );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the extended double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+floatx80 float64_to_floatx80( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return commonNaNToFloatx80( float64ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        return packFloatx80( aSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloatx80( aSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    return
+        packFloatx80(
+            aSign, aExp + 0x3C00, ( aSig | LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) )<<11 );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the quadruple-precision floating-point format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+float128 float64_to_float128( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig, zSig0, zSig1;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return commonNaNToFloat128( float64ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        return packFloat128( aSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloat128( aSign, 0, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+        --aExp;
+    }
+    shift128Right( aSig, 0, 4, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    return packFloat128( aSign, aExp + 0x3C00, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Rounds the double-precision floating-point value `a' to an integer, and
+returns the result as a double-precision floating-point value.  The
+operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 float64_round_to_int( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits64 lastBitMask, roundBitsMask;
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    float64 z;
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    if ( 0x433 <= aExp ) {
+        if ( ( aExp == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat64NaN( a, a );
+        }
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( aExp < 0x3FF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( a<<1 ) == 0 ) return a;
+        float_set_inexact();
+        aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+        switch ( float_rounding_mode() ) {
+         case float_round_nearest_even:
+            if ( ( aExp == 0x3FE ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) ) {
+                return packFloat64( aSign, 0x3FF, 0 );
+            }
+            break;
+         case float_round_down:
+            return aSign ? LIT64( 0xBFF0000000000000 ) : 0;
+         case float_round_up:
+            return
+            aSign ? LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) : LIT64( 0x3FF0000000000000 );
+        }
+        return packFloat64( aSign, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    lastBitMask = 1;
+    lastBitMask <<= 0x433 - aExp;
+    roundBitsMask = lastBitMask - 1;
+    z = a;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    if ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even ) {
+        z += lastBitMask>>1;
+        if ( ( z & roundBitsMask ) == 0 ) z &= ~ lastBitMask;
+    }
+    else if ( roundingMode != float_round_to_zero ) {
+        if ( extractFloat64Sign( z ) ^ ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) ) {
+            z += roundBitsMask;
+        }
+    }
+    z &= ~ roundBitsMask;
+    if ( z != a ) float_set_inexact();
+    return z;
+Returns the result of adding the absolute values of the double-precision
+floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the sum is negated
+before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the result is a NaN.
+The addition is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float64 addFloat64Sigs( float64 a, float64 b, flag zSign )
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig;
+    int16 expDiff;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat64Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat64Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    aSig <<= 9;
+    bSig <<= 9;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+            if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+            return a;
+        }
+        if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+            --expDiff;
+        }
+        else {
+            bSig |= LIT64( 0x2000000000000000 );
+        }
+        shift64RightJamming( bSig, expDiff, &bSig );
+        zExp = aExp;
+    }
+    else if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+        if ( bExp == 0x7FF ) {
+            if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+            return packFloat64( zSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+        }
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+            ++expDiff;
+        }
+        else {
+            aSig |= LIT64( 0x2000000000000000 );
+        }
+        shift64RightJamming( aSig, - expDiff, &aSig );
+        zExp = bExp;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+            if ( aSig | bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+            return a;
+        }
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) return packFloat64( zSign, 0, ( aSig + bSig )>>9 );
+        zSig = LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 ) + aSig + bSig;
+        zExp = aExp;
+        goto roundAndPack;
+    }
+    aSig |= LIT64( 0x2000000000000000 );
+    zSig = ( aSig + bSig )<<1;
+    --zExp;
+    if ( (sbits64) zSig < 0 ) {
+        zSig = aSig + bSig;
+        ++zExp;
+    }
+ roundAndPack:
+    return roundAndPackFloat64( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Returns the result of subtracting the absolute values of the double-
+precision floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the
+difference is negated before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the
+result is a NaN.  The subtraction is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float64 subFloat64Sigs( float64 a, float64 b, flag zSign )
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig;
+    int16 expDiff;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat64Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat64Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    aSig <<= 10;
+    bSig <<= 10;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) goto aExpBigger;
+    if ( expDiff < 0 ) goto bExpBigger;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig | bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float64_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        aExp = 1;
+        bExp = 1;
+    }
+    if ( bSig < aSig ) goto aBigger;
+    if ( aSig < bSig ) goto bBigger;
+    return packFloat64( float_rounding_mode() == float_round_down, 0, 0 );
+ bExpBigger:
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloat64( zSign ^ 1, 0x7FF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        ++expDiff;
+    }
+    else {
+        aSig |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+    }
+    shift64RightJamming( aSig, - expDiff, &aSig );
+    bSig |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+ bBigger:
+    zSig = bSig - aSig;
+    zExp = bExp;
+    zSign ^= 1;
+    goto normalizeRoundAndPack;
+ aExpBigger:
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        --expDiff;
+    }
+    else {
+        bSig |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+    }
+    shift64RightJamming( bSig, expDiff, &bSig );
+    aSig |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+ aBigger:
+    zSig = aSig - bSig;
+    zExp = aExp;
+ normalizeRoundAndPack:
+    --zExp;
+    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloat64( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Returns the result of adding the double-precision floating-point values `a'
+and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for
+Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 float64_add( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return addFloat64Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return subFloat64Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of subtracting the double-precision floating-point values
+`a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard
+for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 float64_sub( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return subFloat64Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return addFloat64Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of multiplying the double-precision floating-point values
+`a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard
+for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 float64_mul( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig0, zSig1;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat64Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat64Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig || ( ( bExp == 0x7FF ) && bSig ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        if ( ( bExp | bSig ) == 0 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float64_default_nan;
+        }
+        return packFloat64( zSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float64_default_nan;
+        }
+        return packFloat64( zSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloat64( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) return packFloat64( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp + bExp - 0x3FF;
+    aSig = ( aSig | LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) )<<10;
+    bSig = ( bSig | LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) )<<11;
+    mul64To128( aSig, bSig, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zSig0 |= ( zSig1 != 0 );
+    if ( 0 <= (sbits64) ( zSig0<<1 ) ) {
+        zSig0 <<= 1;
+        --zExp;
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat64( zSign, zExp, zSig0 );
+Returns the result of dividing the double-precision floating-point value `a'
+by the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed according to
+the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 float64_div( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int16 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig;
+    bits64 rem0, rem1;
+    bits64 term0, term1;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat64Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat64Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        if ( bExp == 0x7FF ) {
+            if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float64_default_nan;
+        }
+        return packFloat64( zSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloat64( zSign, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) {
+            if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) {
+                float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+                return float64_default_nan;
+            }
+            float_raise( float_flag_divbyzero );
+            return packFloat64( zSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+        }
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloat64( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp - bExp + 0x3FD;
+    aSig = ( aSig | LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) )<<10;
+    bSig = ( bSig | LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) )<<11;
+    if ( bSig <= ( aSig + aSig ) ) {
+        aSig >>= 1;
+        ++zExp;
+    }
+    zSig = estimateDiv128To64( aSig, 0, bSig );
+    if ( ( zSig & 0x1FF ) <= 2 ) {
+        mul64To128( bSig, zSig, &term0, &term1 );
+        sub128( aSig, 0, term0, term1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+        while ( (sbits64) rem0 < 0 ) {
+            --zSig;
+            add128( rem0, rem1, 0, bSig, &rem0, &rem1 );
+        }
+        zSig |= ( rem1 != 0 );
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat64( zSign, zExp, zSig );
+Returns the remainder of the double-precision floating-point value `a'
+with respect to the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 float64_rem( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int16 aExp, bExp, expDiff;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig;
+    bits64 q, alternateASig;
+    sbits64 sigMean;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloat64Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat64Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig || ( ( bExp == 0x7FF ) && bSig ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float64_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( bSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            return float64_default_nan;
+        }
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return a;
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    aSig = ( aSig | LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) )<<11;
+    bSig = ( bSig | LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 ) )<<11;
+    if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+        if ( expDiff < -1 ) return a;
+        aSig >>= 1;
+    }
+    q = ( bSig <= aSig );
+    if ( q ) aSig -= bSig;
+    expDiff -= 64;
+    while ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        q = estimateDiv128To64( aSig, 0, bSig );
+        q = ( 2 < q ) ? q - 2 : 0;
+        aSig = - ( ( bSig>>2 ) * q );
+        expDiff -= 62;
+    }
+    expDiff += 64;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        q = estimateDiv128To64( aSig, 0, bSig );
+        q = ( 2 < q ) ? q - 2 : 0;
+        q >>= 64 - expDiff;
+        bSig >>= 2;
+        aSig = ( ( aSig>>1 )<<( expDiff - 1 ) ) - bSig * q;
+    }
+    else {
+        aSig >>= 2;
+        bSig >>= 2;
+    }
+    do {
+        alternateASig = aSig;
+        ++q;
+        aSig -= bSig;
+    } while ( 0 <= (sbits64) aSig );
+    sigMean = aSig + alternateASig;
+    if ( ( sigMean < 0 ) || ( ( sigMean == 0 ) && ( q & 1 ) ) ) {
+        aSig = alternateASig;
+    }
+    zSign = ( (sbits64) aSig < 0 );
+    if ( zSign ) aSig = - aSig;
+    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloat64( aSign ^ zSign, bExp, aSig );
+Returns the square root of the double-precision floating-point value `a'.
+The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 float64_sqrt( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, zSig, doubleZSig;
+    bits64 rem0, rem1, term0, term1;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FF ) {
+        if ( aSig ) return propagateFloat64NaN( a, a );
+        if ( ! aSign ) return a;
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float64_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) {
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) return a;
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return float64_default_nan;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return 0;
+        normalizeFloat64Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    zExp = ( ( aExp - 0x3FF )>>1 ) + 0x3FE;
+    aSig |= LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 );
+    zSig = estimateSqrt32( aExp, aSig>>21 );
+    aSig <<= 9 - ( aExp & 1 );
+    zSig = estimateDiv128To64( aSig, 0, zSig<<32 ) + ( zSig<<30 );
+    if ( ( zSig & 0x1FF ) <= 5 ) {
+        doubleZSig = zSig<<1;
+        mul64To128( zSig, zSig, &term0, &term1 );
+        sub128( aSig, 0, term0, term1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+        while ( (sbits64) rem0 < 0 ) {
+            --zSig;
+            doubleZSig -= 2;
+            add128( rem0, rem1, zSig>>63, doubleZSig | 1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+        }
+        zSig |= ( ( rem0 | rem1 ) != 0 );
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat64( 0, zExp, zSig );
+Returns 1 if the double-precision floating-point value `a' is equal to the
+corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float64_eq( float64 a, float64 b )
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat64Exp( a ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat64Exp( b ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        if ( float64_is_signaling_nan( a ) || float64_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return ( a == b ) ||
+	( (bits64) ( ( FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a) | FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(b) )<<1 ) == 0 );
+Returns 1 if the double-precision floating-point value `a' is less than or
+equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+flag float64_le( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat64Exp( a ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat64Exp( b ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign )
+	return aSign ||
+	    ( (bits64) ( ( FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a) | FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(b) )<<1 ) ==
+	      0 );
+    return ( a == b ) ||
+	( aSign ^ ( FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a) < FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(b) ) );
+Returns 1 if the double-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float64_lt( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat64Exp( a ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat64Exp( b ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign )
+	return aSign &&
+	    ( (bits64) ( ( FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a) | FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(b) )<<1 ) !=
+	      0 );
+    return ( a != b ) &&
+	( aSign ^ ( FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(a) < FLOAT64_DEMANGLE(b) ) );
+Returns 1 if the double-precision floating-point value `a' is equal to the
+corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The invalid exception is raised
+if either operand is a NaN.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float64_eq_signaling( float64 a, float64 b )
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat64Exp( a ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat64Exp( b ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return ( a == b ) || ( (bits64) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) == 0 );
+Returns 1 if the double-precision floating-point value `a' is less than or
+equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs do not
+cause an exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float64_le_quiet( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat64Exp( a ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat64Exp( b ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        if ( float64_is_signaling_nan( a ) || float64_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) return aSign || ( (bits64) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) == 0 );
+    return ( a == b ) || ( aSign ^ ( a < b ) );
+Returns 1 if the double-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs do not cause an
+exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float64_lt_quiet( float64 a, float64 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    ( ( extractFloat64Exp( a ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( a ) )
+         || ( ( extractFloat64Exp( b ) == 0x7FF ) && extractFloat64Frac( b ) )
+       ) {
+        if ( float64_is_signaling_nan( a ) || float64_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat64Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) return aSign && ( (bits64) ( ( a | b )<<1 ) != 0 );
+    return ( a != b ) && ( aSign ^ ( a < b ) );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point value `a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion
+is rounded according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN, the
+largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion
+overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int32 floatx80_to_int32( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    if ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) aSign = 0;
+    shiftCount = 0x4037 - aExp;
+    if ( shiftCount <= 0 ) shiftCount = 1;
+    shift64RightJamming( aSig, shiftCount, &aSig );
+    return roundAndPackInt32( aSign, aSig );
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point value `a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded
+toward zero.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.
+Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same
+sign as `a' is returned.
+int32 floatx80_to_int32_round_to_zero( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig, savedASig;
+    int32 z;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    if ( 0x401E < aExp ) {
+        if ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) aSign = 0;
+        goto invalid;
+    }
+    else if ( aExp < 0x3FFF ) {
+        if ( aExp || aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    shiftCount = 0x403E - aExp;
+    savedASig = aSig;
+    aSig >>= shiftCount;
+    z = aSig;
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    if ( ( z < 0 ) ^ aSign ) {
+ invalid:
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return aSign ? (sbits32) 0x80000000 : 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    }
+    if ( ( aSig<<shiftCount ) != savedASig ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point value `a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion
+is rounded according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN,
+the largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion
+overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int64 floatx80_to_int64( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig, aSigExtra;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    shiftCount = 0x403E - aExp;
+    if ( shiftCount <= 0 ) {
+        if ( shiftCount ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            if (    ! aSign
+                 || (    ( aExp == 0x7FFF )
+                      && ( aSig != LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) ) )
+               ) {
+                return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+            }
+            return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+        }
+        aSigExtra = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        shift64ExtraRightJamming( aSig, 0, shiftCount, &aSig, &aSigExtra );
+    }
+    return roundAndPackInt64( aSign, aSig, aSigExtra );
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point value `a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded
+toward zero.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.
+Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same
+sign as `a' is returned.
+int64 floatx80_to_int64_round_to_zero( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig;
+    int64 z;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    shiftCount = aExp - 0x403E;
+    if ( 0 <= shiftCount ) {
+        aSig &= LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+        if ( ( a.high != 0xC03E ) || aSig ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            if ( ! aSign || ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && aSig ) ) {
+                return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+            }
+        }
+        return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+    }
+    else if ( aExp < 0x3FFF ) {
+        if ( aExp | aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    z = aSig>>( - shiftCount );
+    if ( (bits64) ( aSig<<( shiftCount & 63 ) ) ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point value `a' to the single-precision floating-point format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float32 floatx80_to_float32( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) {
+            return commonNaNToFloat32( floatx80ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        }
+        return packFloat32( aSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+    }
+    shift64RightJamming( aSig, 33, &aSig );
+    if ( aExp || aSig ) aExp -= 0x3F81;
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( aSign, aExp, aSig );
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point value `a' to the double-precision floating-point format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float64 floatx80_to_float64( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig, zSig;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) {
+            return commonNaNToFloat64( floatx80ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        }
+        return packFloat64( aSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+    }
+    shift64RightJamming( aSig, 1, &zSig );
+    if ( aExp || aSig ) aExp -= 0x3C01;
+    return roundAndPackFloat64( aSign, aExp, zSig );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Returns the result of converting the extended double-precision floating-
+point value `a' to the quadruple-precision floating-point format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 floatx80_to_float128( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig, zSig0, zSig1;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    if ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) {
+        return commonNaNToFloat128( floatx80ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+    }
+    shift128Right( aSig<<1, 0, 16, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    return packFloat128( aSign, aExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Rounds the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' to an integer,
+and returns the result as an extended quadruple-precision floating-point
+value.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for
+Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 floatx80_round_to_int( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp;
+    bits64 lastBitMask, roundBitsMask;
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    floatx80 z;
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    if ( 0x403E <= aExp ) {
+        if ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) ) {
+            return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, a );
+        }
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( aExp < 0x3FFF ) {
+        if (    ( aExp == 0 )
+             && ( (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) == 0 ) ) {
+            return a;
+        }
+        float_set_inexact();
+        aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+        switch ( float_rounding_mode() ) {
+         case float_round_nearest_even:
+            if ( ( aExp == 0x3FFE ) && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 )
+               ) {
+                return
+                    packFloatx80( aSign, 0x3FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+            }
+            break;
+         case float_round_down:
+            return
+                  aSign ?
+                      packFloatx80( 1, 0x3FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) )
+                : packFloatx80( 0, 0, 0 );
+         case float_round_up:
+            return
+                  aSign ? packFloatx80( 1, 0, 0 )
+                : packFloatx80( 0, 0x3FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+        }
+        return packFloatx80( aSign, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    lastBitMask = 1;
+    lastBitMask <<= 0x403E - aExp;
+    roundBitsMask = lastBitMask - 1;
+    z = a;
+    roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+    if ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even ) {
+        z.low += lastBitMask>>1;
+        if ( ( z.low & roundBitsMask ) == 0 ) z.low &= ~ lastBitMask;
+    }
+    else if ( roundingMode != float_round_to_zero ) {
+        if ( extractFloatx80Sign( z ) ^ ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) ) {
+            z.low += roundBitsMask;
+        }
+    }
+    z.low &= ~ roundBitsMask;
+    if ( z.low == 0 ) {
+        ++z.high;
+        z.low = LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+    }
+    if ( z.low != a.low ) float_set_inexact();
+    return z;
+Returns the result of adding the absolute values of the extended double-
+precision floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the sum is
+negated before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the result is a NaN.
+The addition is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static floatx80 addFloatx80Sigs( floatx80 a, floatx80 b, flag zSign )
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig0, zSig1;
+    int32 expDiff;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    bSig = extractFloatx80Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloatx80Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+            return a;
+        }
+        if ( bExp == 0 ) --expDiff;
+        shift64ExtraRightJamming( bSig, 0, expDiff, &bSig, &zSig1 );
+        zExp = aExp;
+    }
+    else if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+        if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+            return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+        }
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) ++expDiff;
+        shift64ExtraRightJamming( aSig, 0, - expDiff, &aSig, &zSig1 );
+        zExp = bExp;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( (bits64) ( ( aSig | bSig )<<1 ) ) {
+                return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+            }
+            return a;
+        }
+        zSig1 = 0;
+        zSig0 = aSig + bSig;
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+            normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( zSig0, &zExp, &zSig0 );
+            goto roundAndPack;
+        }
+        zExp = aExp;
+        goto shiftRight1;
+    }
+    zSig0 = aSig + bSig;
+    if ( (sbits64) zSig0 < 0 ) goto roundAndPack;
+ shiftRight1:
+    shift64ExtraRightJamming( zSig0, zSig1, 1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zSig0 |= LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+    ++zExp;
+ roundAndPack:
+    return
+        roundAndPackFloatx80(
+            floatx80_rounding_precision, zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Returns the result of subtracting the absolute values of the extended
+double-precision floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the
+difference is negated before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the
+result is a NaN.  The subtraction is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static floatx80 subFloatx80Sigs( floatx80 a, floatx80 b, flag zSign )
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig0, zSig1;
+    int32 expDiff;
+    floatx80 z;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    bSig = extractFloatx80Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloatx80Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) goto aExpBigger;
+    if ( expDiff < 0 ) goto bExpBigger;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( ( aSig | bSig )<<1 ) ) {
+            return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        z.low = floatx80_default_nan_low;
+        z.high = floatx80_default_nan_high;
+        return z;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        aExp = 1;
+        bExp = 1;
+    }
+    zSig1 = 0;
+    if ( bSig < aSig ) goto aBigger;
+    if ( aSig < bSig ) goto bBigger;
+    return packFloatx80( float_rounding_mode() == float_round_down, 0, 0 );
+ bExpBigger:
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloatx80( zSign ^ 1, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) ++expDiff;
+    shift128RightJamming( aSig, 0, - expDiff, &aSig, &zSig1 );
+ bBigger:
+    sub128( bSig, 0, aSig, zSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zExp = bExp;
+    zSign ^= 1;
+    goto normalizeRoundAndPack;
+ aExpBigger:
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) --expDiff;
+    shift128RightJamming( bSig, 0, expDiff, &bSig, &zSig1 );
+ aBigger:
+    sub128( aSig, 0, bSig, zSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zExp = aExp;
+ normalizeRoundAndPack:
+    return
+        normalizeRoundAndPackFloatx80(
+            floatx80_rounding_precision, zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Returns the result of adding the extended double-precision floating-point
+values `a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 floatx80_add( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return addFloatx80Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return subFloatx80Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of subtracting the extended double-precision floating-
+point values `a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 floatx80_sub( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return subFloatx80Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return addFloatx80Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of multiplying the extended double-precision floating-
+point values `a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 floatx80_mul( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig0, zSig1;
+    floatx80 z;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloatx80Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloatx80Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if (    (bits64) ( aSig<<1 )
+             || ( ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) && (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) ) {
+            return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        if ( ( bExp | bSig ) == 0 ) goto invalid;
+        return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) {
+ invalid:
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            z.low = floatx80_default_nan_low;
+            z.high = floatx80_default_nan_high;
+            return z;
+        }
+        return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloatx80( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) return packFloatx80( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp + bExp - 0x3FFE;
+    mul64To128( aSig, bSig, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    if ( 0 < (sbits64) zSig0 ) {
+        shortShift128Left( zSig0, zSig1, 1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+        --zExp;
+    }
+    return
+        roundAndPackFloatx80(
+            floatx80_rounding_precision, zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Returns the result of dividing the extended double-precision floating-point
+value `a' by the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 floatx80_div( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig, bSig, zSig0, zSig1;
+    bits64 rem0, rem1, rem2, term0, term1, term2;
+    floatx80 z;
+    aSig = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloatx80Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloatx80Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+            goto invalid;
+        }
+        return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloatx80( zSign, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) {
+            if ( ( aExp | aSig ) == 0 ) {
+ invalid:
+                float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+                z.low = floatx80_default_nan_low;
+                z.high = floatx80_default_nan_high;
+                return z;
+            }
+            float_raise( float_flag_divbyzero );
+            return packFloatx80( zSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+        }
+        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig == 0 ) return packFloatx80( zSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( aSig, &aExp, &aSig );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp - bExp + 0x3FFE;
+    rem1 = 0;
+    if ( bSig <= aSig ) {
+        shift128Right( aSig, 0, 1, &aSig, &rem1 );
+        ++zExp;
+    }
+    zSig0 = estimateDiv128To64( aSig, rem1, bSig );
+    mul64To128( bSig, zSig0, &term0, &term1 );
+    sub128( aSig, rem1, term0, term1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    while ( (sbits64) rem0 < 0 ) {
+        --zSig0;
+        add128( rem0, rem1, 0, bSig, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    }
+    zSig1 = estimateDiv128To64( rem1, 0, bSig );
+    if ( (bits64) ( zSig1<<1 ) <= 8 ) {
+        mul64To128( bSig, zSig1, &term1, &term2 );
+        sub128( rem1, 0, term1, term2, &rem1, &rem2 );
+        while ( (sbits64) rem1 < 0 ) {
+            --zSig1;
+            add128( rem1, rem2, 0, bSig, &rem1, &rem2 );
+        }
+        zSig1 |= ( ( rem1 | rem2 ) != 0 );
+    }
+    return
+        roundAndPackFloatx80(
+            floatx80_rounding_precision, zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Returns the remainder of the extended double-precision floating-point value
+`a' with respect to the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 floatx80_rem( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int32 aExp, bExp, expDiff;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, bSig;
+    bits64 q, term0, term1, alternateASig0, alternateASig1;
+    floatx80 z;
+    aSig0 = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSig = extractFloatx80Frac( b );
+    bExp = extractFloatx80Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if (    (bits64) ( aSig0<<1 )
+             || ( ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) && (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) ) {
+            return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        goto invalid;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( bSig<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( bSig == 0 ) {
+ invalid:
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            z.low = floatx80_default_nan_low;
+            z.high = floatx80_default_nan_high;
+            return z;
+        }
+        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( bSig, &bExp, &bSig );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig0<<1 ) == 0 ) return a;
+        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( aSig0, &aExp, &aSig0 );
+    }
+    bSig |= LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+    zSign = aSign;
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    aSig1 = 0;
+    if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+        if ( expDiff < -1 ) return a;
+        shift128Right( aSig0, 0, 1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        expDiff = 0;
+    }
+    q = ( bSig <= aSig0 );
+    if ( q ) aSig0 -= bSig;
+    expDiff -= 64;
+    while ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        q = estimateDiv128To64( aSig0, aSig1, bSig );
+        q = ( 2 < q ) ? q - 2 : 0;
+        mul64To128( bSig, q, &term0, &term1 );
+        sub128( aSig0, aSig1, term0, term1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, 62, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        expDiff -= 62;
+    }
+    expDiff += 64;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        q = estimateDiv128To64( aSig0, aSig1, bSig );
+        q = ( 2 < q ) ? q - 2 : 0;
+        q >>= 64 - expDiff;
+        mul64To128( bSig, q<<( 64 - expDiff ), &term0, &term1 );
+        sub128( aSig0, aSig1, term0, term1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        shortShift128Left( 0, bSig, 64 - expDiff, &term0, &term1 );
+        while ( le128( term0, term1, aSig0, aSig1 ) ) {
+            ++q;
+            sub128( aSig0, aSig1, term0, term1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        term1 = 0;
+        term0 = bSig;
+    }
+    sub128( term0, term1, aSig0, aSig1, &alternateASig0, &alternateASig1 );
+    if (    lt128( alternateASig0, alternateASig1, aSig0, aSig1 )
+         || (    eq128( alternateASig0, alternateASig1, aSig0, aSig1 )
+              && ( q & 1 ) )
+       ) {
+        aSig0 = alternateASig0;
+        aSig1 = alternateASig1;
+        zSign = ! zSign;
+    }
+    return
+        normalizeRoundAndPackFloatx80(
+            80, zSign, bExp + expDiff, aSig0, aSig1 );
+Returns the square root of the extended double-precision floating-point
+value `a'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard
+for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 floatx80_sqrt( floatx80 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, zSig0, zSig1, doubleZSig0;
+    bits64 rem0, rem1, rem2, rem3, term0, term1, term2, term3;
+    floatx80 z;
+    aSig0 = extractFloatx80Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloatx80Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig0<<1 ) ) return propagateFloatx80NaN( a, a );
+        if ( ! aSign ) return a;
+        goto invalid;
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) {
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig0 ) == 0 ) return a;
+ invalid:
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        z.low = floatx80_default_nan_low;
+        z.high = floatx80_default_nan_high;
+        return z;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( aSig0 == 0 ) return packFloatx80( 0, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloatx80Subnormal( aSig0, &aExp, &aSig0 );
+    }
+    zExp = ( ( aExp - 0x3FFF )>>1 ) + 0x3FFF;
+    zSig0 = estimateSqrt32( aExp, aSig0>>32 );
+    shift128Right( aSig0, 0, 2 + ( aExp & 1 ), &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    zSig0 = estimateDiv128To64( aSig0, aSig1, zSig0<<32 ) + ( zSig0<<30 );
+    doubleZSig0 = zSig0<<1;
+    mul64To128( zSig0, zSig0, &term0, &term1 );
+    sub128( aSig0, aSig1, term0, term1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    while ( (sbits64) rem0 < 0 ) {
+        --zSig0;
+        doubleZSig0 -= 2;
+        add128( rem0, rem1, zSig0>>63, doubleZSig0 | 1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    }
+    zSig1 = estimateDiv128To64( rem1, 0, doubleZSig0 );
+    if ( ( zSig1 & LIT64( 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF ) ) <= 5 ) {
+        if ( zSig1 == 0 ) zSig1 = 1;
+        mul64To128( doubleZSig0, zSig1, &term1, &term2 );
+        sub128( rem1, 0, term1, term2, &rem1, &rem2 );
+        mul64To128( zSig1, zSig1, &term2, &term3 );
+        sub192( rem1, rem2, 0, 0, term2, term3, &rem1, &rem2, &rem3 );
+        while ( (sbits64) rem1 < 0 ) {
+            --zSig1;
+            shortShift128Left( 0, zSig1, 1, &term2, &term3 );
+            term3 |= 1;
+            term2 |= doubleZSig0;
+            add192( rem1, rem2, rem3, 0, term2, term3, &rem1, &rem2, &rem3 );
+        }
+        zSig1 |= ( ( rem1 | rem2 | rem3 ) != 0 );
+    }
+    shortShift128Left( 0, zSig1, 1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zSig0 |= doubleZSig0;
+    return
+        roundAndPackFloatx80(
+            floatx80_rounding_precision, 0, zExp, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is
+equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+flag floatx80_eq( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    if (    (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( b )<<1 ) )
+       ) {
+        if (    floatx80_is_signaling_nan( a )
+             || floatx80_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return
+           ( a.low == b.low )
+        && (    ( a.high == b.high )
+             || (    ( a.low == 0 )
+                  && ( (bits16) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) == 0 ) )
+           );
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is
+less than or equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The
+comparison is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag floatx80_le( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( b )<<1 ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            || (    ( ( (bits16) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 == 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? le128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : le128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is
+less than the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+flag floatx80_lt( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( b )<<1 ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            && (    ( ( (bits16) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 != 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? lt128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : lt128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is equal
+to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The invalid exception is
+raised if either operand is a NaN.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag floatx80_eq_signaling( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    if (    (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( b )<<1 ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return
+           ( a.low == b.low )
+        && (    ( a.high == b.high )
+             || (    ( a.low == 0 )
+                  && ( (bits16) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) == 0 ) )
+           );
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is less
+than or equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs
+do not cause an exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according
+to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag floatx80_le_quiet( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( b )<<1 ) )
+       ) {
+        if (    floatx80_is_signaling_nan( a )
+             || floatx80_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            || (    ( ( (bits16) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 == 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? le128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : le128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+Returns 1 if the extended double-precision floating-point value `a' is less
+than the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs do not cause
+an exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag floatx80_lt_quiet( floatx80 a, floatx80 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( a )<<1 ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloatx80Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && (bits64) ( extractFloatx80Frac( b )<<1 ) )
+       ) {
+        if (    floatx80_is_signaling_nan( a )
+             || floatx80_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloatx80Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloatx80Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            && (    ( ( (bits16) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 != 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? lt128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : lt128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+value `a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion is rounded
+according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest
+positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the
+largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int32 float128_to_int32( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    if ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) ) aSign = 0;
+    if ( aExp ) aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    aSig0 |= ( aSig1 != 0 );
+    shiftCount = 0x4028 - aExp;
+    if ( 0 < shiftCount ) shift64RightJamming( aSig0, shiftCount, &aSig0 );
+    return roundAndPackInt32( aSign, aSig0 );
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+value `a' to the 32-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.  If
+`a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the
+conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is
+int32 float128_to_int32_round_to_zero( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, savedASig;
+    int32 z;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    aSig0 |= ( aSig1 != 0 );
+    if ( 0x401E < aExp ) {
+        if ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && aSig0 ) aSign = 0;
+        goto invalid;
+    }
+    else if ( aExp < 0x3FFF ) {
+        if ( aExp || aSig0 ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = 0x402F - aExp;
+    savedASig = aSig0;
+    aSig0 >>= shiftCount;
+    z = aSig0;
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    if ( ( z < 0 ) ^ aSign ) {
+ invalid:
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return aSign ? (sbits32) 0x80000000 : 0x7FFFFFFF;
+    }
+    if ( ( aSig0<<shiftCount ) != savedASig ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+value `a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic---which means in particular that the conversion is rounded
+according to the current rounding mode.  If `a' is a NaN, the largest
+positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if the conversion overflows, the
+largest integer with the same sign as `a' is returned.
+int64 float128_to_int64( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp ) aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = 0x402F - aExp;
+    if ( shiftCount <= 0 ) {
+        if ( 0x403E < aExp ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            if (    ! aSign
+                 || (    ( aExp == 0x7FFF )
+                      && ( aSig1 || ( aSig0 != LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 ) ) )
+                    )
+               ) {
+                return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+            }
+            return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+        }
+        shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, - shiftCount, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    else {
+        shift64ExtraRightJamming( aSig0, aSig1, shiftCount, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    return roundAndPackInt64( aSign, aSig0, aSig1 );
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+value `a' to the 64-bit two's complement integer format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.
+If `a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  Otherwise, if
+the conversion overflows, the largest integer with the same sign as `a' is
+int64 float128_to_int64_round_to_zero( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1;
+    int64 z;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp ) aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = aExp - 0x402F;
+    if ( 0 < shiftCount ) {
+        if ( 0x403E <= aExp ) {
+            aSig0 &= LIT64( 0x0000FFFFFFFFFFFF );
+            if (    ( a.high == LIT64( 0xC03E000000000000 ) )
+                 && ( aSig1 < LIT64( 0x0002000000000000 ) ) ) {
+                if ( aSig1 ) float_set_inexact();
+            }
+            else {
+                float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+                if ( ! aSign || ( ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) && ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) ) ) {
+                    return LIT64( 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF );
+                }
+            }
+            return (sbits64) LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 );
+        }
+        z = ( aSig0<<shiftCount ) | ( aSig1>>( ( - shiftCount ) & 63 ) );
+        if ( (bits64) ( aSig1<<shiftCount ) ) {
+            float_set_inexact();
+        }
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( aExp < 0x3FFF ) {
+            if ( aExp | aSig0 | aSig1 ) {
+                float_set_inexact();
+            }
+            return 0;
+        }
+        z = aSig0>>( - shiftCount );
+        if (    aSig1
+             || ( shiftCount && (bits64) ( aSig0<<( shiftCount & 63 ) ) ) ) {
+            float_set_inexact();
+        }
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) z = - z;
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+value `a' to the single-precision floating-point format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+float32 float128_to_float32( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1;
+    bits32 zSig;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) {
+            return commonNaNToFloat32( float128ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        }
+        return packFloat32( aSign, 0xFF, 0 );
+    }
+    aSig0 |= ( aSig1 != 0 );
+    shift64RightJamming( aSig0, 18, &aSig0 );
+    zSig = aSig0;
+    if ( aExp || zSig ) {
+        zSig |= 0x40000000;
+        aExp -= 0x3F81;
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat32( aSign, aExp, zSig );
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+value `a' to the double-precision floating-point format.  The conversion
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+float64 float128_to_float64( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) {
+            return commonNaNToFloat64( float128ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        }
+        return packFloat64( aSign, 0x7FF, 0 );
+    }
+    shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, 14, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    aSig0 |= ( aSig1 != 0 );
+    if ( aExp || aSig0 ) {
+        aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+        aExp -= 0x3C01;
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat64( aSign, aExp, aSig0 );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Returns the result of converting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+value `a' to the extended double-precision floating-point format.  The
+conversion is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+floatx80 float128_to_floatx80( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) {
+            return commonNaNToFloatx80( float128ToCommonNaN( a ) );
+        }
+        return packFloatx80( aSign, 0x7FFF, LIT64( 0x8000000000000000 ) );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) return packFloatx80( aSign, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( aSig0, aSig1, &aExp, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    else {
+        aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    }
+    shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, 15, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    return roundAndPackFloatx80( 80, aSign, aExp, aSig0, aSig1 );
+Rounds the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' to an integer, and
+returns the result as a quadruple-precision floating-point value.  The
+operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 float128_round_to_int( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp;
+    bits64 lastBitMask, roundBitsMask;
+    int8 roundingMode;
+    float128 z;
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    if ( 0x402F <= aExp ) {
+        if ( 0x406F <= aExp ) {
+            if (    ( aExp == 0x7FFF )
+                 && ( extractFloat128Frac0( a ) | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) )
+               ) {
+                return propagateFloat128NaN( a, a );
+            }
+            return a;
+        }
+        lastBitMask = 1;
+        lastBitMask = ( lastBitMask<<( 0x406E - aExp ) )<<1;
+        roundBitsMask = lastBitMask - 1;
+        z = a;
+        roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even ) {
+            if ( lastBitMask ) {
+                add128( z.high, z.low, 0, lastBitMask>>1, &z.high, &z.low );
+                if ( ( z.low & roundBitsMask ) == 0 ) z.low &= ~ lastBitMask;
+            }
+            else {
+                if ( (sbits64) z.low < 0 ) {
+                    ++z.high;
+                    if ( (bits64) ( z.low<<1 ) == 0 ) z.high &= ~1;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( roundingMode != float_round_to_zero ) {
+            if (   extractFloat128Sign( z )
+                 ^ ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) ) {
+                add128( z.high, z.low, 0, roundBitsMask, &z.high, &z.low );
+            }
+        }
+        z.low &= ~ roundBitsMask;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( aExp < 0x3FFF ) {
+            if ( ( ( (bits64) ( a.high<<1 ) ) | a.low ) == 0 ) return a;
+            float_set_inexact();
+            aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+            switch ( float_rounding_mode() ) {
+             case float_round_nearest_even:
+                if (    ( aExp == 0x3FFE )
+                     && (   extractFloat128Frac0( a )
+                          | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) )
+                   ) {
+                    return packFloat128( aSign, 0x3FFF, 0, 0 );
+                }
+                break;
+             case float_round_down:
+                return
+                      aSign ? packFloat128( 1, 0x3FFF, 0, 0 )
+                    : packFloat128( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+             case float_round_up:
+                return
+                      aSign ? packFloat128( 1, 0, 0, 0 )
+                    : packFloat128( 0, 0x3FFF, 0, 0 );
+            }
+            return packFloat128( aSign, 0, 0, 0 );
+        }
+        lastBitMask = 1;
+        lastBitMask <<= 0x402F - aExp;
+        roundBitsMask = lastBitMask - 1;
+        z.low = 0;
+        z.high = a.high;
+        roundingMode = float_rounding_mode();
+        if ( roundingMode == float_round_nearest_even ) {
+            z.high += lastBitMask>>1;
+            if ( ( ( z.high & roundBitsMask ) | a.low ) == 0 ) {
+                z.high &= ~ lastBitMask;
+            }
+        }
+        else if ( roundingMode != float_round_to_zero ) {
+            if (   extractFloat128Sign( z )
+                 ^ ( roundingMode == float_round_up ) ) {
+                z.high |= ( a.low != 0 );
+                z.high += roundBitsMask;
+            }
+        }
+        z.high &= ~ roundBitsMask;
+    }
+    if ( ( z.low != a.low ) || ( z.high != a.high ) ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    return z;
+Returns the result of adding the absolute values of the quadruple-precision
+floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the sum is negated
+before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the result is a NaN.
+The addition is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float128 addFloat128Sigs( float128 a, float128 b, flag zSign )
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2;
+    int32 expDiff;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    bSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( b );
+    bSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat128Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+            return a;
+        }
+        if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+            --expDiff;
+        }
+        else {
+            bSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+        }
+        shift128ExtraRightJamming(
+            bSig0, bSig1, 0, expDiff, &bSig0, &bSig1, &zSig2 );
+        zExp = aExp;
+    }
+    else if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+        if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+            return packFloat128( zSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+        }
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+            ++expDiff;
+        }
+        else {
+            aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+        }
+        shift128ExtraRightJamming(
+            aSig0, aSig1, 0, - expDiff, &aSig0, &aSig1, &zSig2 );
+        zExp = bExp;
+    }
+    else {
+        if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( aSig0 | aSig1 | bSig0 | bSig1 ) {
+                return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+            }
+            return a;
+        }
+        add128( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+        if ( aExp == 0 ) return packFloat128( zSign, 0, zSig0, zSig1 );
+        zSig2 = 0;
+        zSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0002000000000000 );
+        zExp = aExp;
+        goto shiftRight1;
+    }
+    aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    add128( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    --zExp;
+    if ( zSig0 < LIT64( 0x0002000000000000 ) ) goto roundAndPack;
+    ++zExp;
+ shiftRight1:
+    shift128ExtraRightJamming(
+        zSig0, zSig1, zSig2, 1, &zSig0, &zSig1, &zSig2 );
+ roundAndPack:
+    return roundAndPackFloat128( zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2 );
+Returns the result of subtracting the absolute values of the quadruple-
+precision floating-point values `a' and `b'.  If `zSign' is 1, the
+difference is negated before being returned.  `zSign' is ignored if the
+result is a NaN.  The subtraction is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+static float128 subFloat128Sigs( float128 a, float128 b, flag zSign )
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, zSig0, zSig1;
+    int32 expDiff;
+    float128 z;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    bSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( b );
+    bSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat128Exp( b );
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, 14, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    shortShift128Left( bSig0, bSig1, 14, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    if ( 0 < expDiff ) goto aExpBigger;
+    if ( expDiff < 0 ) goto bExpBigger;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( aSig0 | aSig1 | bSig0 | bSig1 ) {
+            return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        z.low = float128_default_nan_low;
+        z.high = float128_default_nan_high;
+        return z;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        aExp = 1;
+        bExp = 1;
+    }
+    if ( bSig0 < aSig0 ) goto aBigger;
+    if ( aSig0 < bSig0 ) goto bBigger;
+    if ( bSig1 < aSig1 ) goto aBigger;
+    if ( aSig1 < bSig1 ) goto bBigger;
+    return packFloat128( float_rounding_mode() == float_round_down, 0, 0, 0 );
+ bExpBigger:
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloat128( zSign ^ 1, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        ++expDiff;
+    }
+    else {
+        aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+    }
+    shift128RightJamming( aSig0, aSig1, - expDiff, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    bSig0 |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+ bBigger:
+    sub128( bSig0, bSig1, aSig0, aSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zExp = bExp;
+    zSign ^= 1;
+    goto normalizeRoundAndPack;
+ aExpBigger:
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        --expDiff;
+    }
+    else {
+        bSig0 |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+    }
+    shift128RightJamming( bSig0, bSig1, expDiff, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x4000000000000000 );
+ aBigger:
+    sub128( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zExp = aExp;
+ normalizeRoundAndPack:
+    --zExp;
+    return normalizeRoundAndPackFloat128( zSign, zExp - 14, zSig0, zSig1 );
+Returns the result of adding the quadruple-precision floating-point values
+`a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard
+for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 float128_add( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return addFloat128Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return subFloat128Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of subtracting the quadruple-precision floating-point
+values `a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 float128_sub( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign == bSign ) {
+        return subFloat128Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+    else {
+        return addFloat128Sigs( a, b, aSign );
+    }
+Returns the result of multiplying the quadruple-precision floating-point
+values `a' and `b'.  The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 float128_mul( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2, zSig3;
+    float128 z;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( b );
+    bSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat128Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if (    ( aSig0 | aSig1 )
+             || ( ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) && ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        if ( ( bExp | bSig0 | bSig1 ) == 0 ) goto invalid;
+        return packFloat128( zSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) {
+ invalid:
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            z.low = float128_default_nan_low;
+            z.high = float128_default_nan_high;
+            return z;
+        }
+        return packFloat128( zSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) return packFloat128( zSign, 0, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( aSig0, aSig1, &aExp, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) == 0 ) return packFloat128( zSign, 0, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( bSig0, bSig1, &bExp, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp + bExp - 0x4000;
+    aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    shortShift128Left( bSig0, bSig1, 16, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    mul128To256( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1, &zSig2, &zSig3 );
+    add128( zSig0, zSig1, aSig0, aSig1, &zSig0, &zSig1 );
+    zSig2 |= ( zSig3 != 0 );
+    if ( LIT64( 0x0002000000000000 ) <= zSig0 ) {
+        shift128ExtraRightJamming(
+            zSig0, zSig1, zSig2, 1, &zSig0, &zSig1, &zSig2 );
+        ++zExp;
+    }
+    return roundAndPackFloat128( zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2 );
+Returns the result of dividing the quadruple-precision floating-point value
+`a' by the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed according to
+the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 float128_div( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int32 aExp, bExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2;
+    bits64 rem0, rem1, rem2, rem3, term0, term1, term2, term3;
+    float128 z;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( b );
+    bSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat128Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    zSign = aSign ^ bSign;
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+            if ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+            goto invalid;
+        }
+        return packFloat128( zSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        return packFloat128( zSign, 0, 0, 0 );
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) == 0 ) {
+            if ( ( aExp | aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) {
+ invalid:
+                float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+                z.low = float128_default_nan_low;
+                z.high = float128_default_nan_high;
+                return z;
+            }
+            float_raise( float_flag_divbyzero );
+            return packFloat128( zSign, 0x7FFF, 0, 0 );
+        }
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( bSig0, bSig1, &bExp, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) return packFloat128( zSign, 0, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( aSig0, aSig1, &aExp, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    zExp = aExp - bExp + 0x3FFD;
+    shortShift128Left(
+        aSig0 | LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 ), aSig1, 15, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    shortShift128Left(
+        bSig0 | LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 ), bSig1, 15, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    if ( le128( bSig0, bSig1, aSig0, aSig1 ) ) {
+        shift128Right( aSig0, aSig1, 1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        ++zExp;
+    }
+    zSig0 = estimateDiv128To64( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0 );
+    mul128By64To192( bSig0, bSig1, zSig0, &term0, &term1, &term2 );
+    sub192( aSig0, aSig1, 0, term0, term1, term2, &rem0, &rem1, &rem2 );
+    while ( (sbits64) rem0 < 0 ) {
+        --zSig0;
+        add192( rem0, rem1, rem2, 0, bSig0, bSig1, &rem0, &rem1, &rem2 );
+    }
+    zSig1 = estimateDiv128To64( rem1, rem2, bSig0 );
+    if ( ( zSig1 & 0x3FFF ) <= 4 ) {
+        mul128By64To192( bSig0, bSig1, zSig1, &term1, &term2, &term3 );
+        sub192( rem1, rem2, 0, term1, term2, term3, &rem1, &rem2, &rem3 );
+        while ( (sbits64) rem1 < 0 ) {
+            --zSig1;
+            add192( rem1, rem2, rem3, 0, bSig0, bSig1, &rem1, &rem2, &rem3 );
+        }
+        zSig1 |= ( ( rem1 | rem2 | rem3 ) != 0 );
+    }
+    shift128ExtraRightJamming( zSig0, zSig1, 0, 15, &zSig0, &zSig1, &zSig2 );
+    return roundAndPackFloat128( zSign, zExp, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2 );
+Returns the remainder of the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a'
+with respect to the corresponding value `b'.  The operation is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 float128_rem( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign, zSign;
+    int32 aExp, bExp, expDiff;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, q, term0, term1, term2;
+    bits64 allZero, alternateASig0, alternateASig1, sigMean1;
+    sbits64 sigMean0;
+    float128 z;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( b );
+    bSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( b );
+    bExp = extractFloat128Exp( b );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if (    ( aSig0 | aSig1 )
+             || ( ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) && ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) ) ) {
+            return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        }
+        goto invalid;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, b );
+        return a;
+    }
+    if ( bExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( bSig0 | bSig1 ) == 0 ) {
+ invalid:
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+            z.low = float128_default_nan_low;
+            z.high = float128_default_nan_high;
+            return z;
+        }
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( bSig0, bSig1, &bExp, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) return a;
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( aSig0, aSig1, &aExp, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    expDiff = aExp - bExp;
+    if ( expDiff < -1 ) return a;
+    shortShift128Left(
+        aSig0 | LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 ),
+        aSig1,
+        15 - ( expDiff < 0 ),
+        &aSig0,
+        &aSig1
+    );
+    shortShift128Left(
+        bSig0 | LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 ), bSig1, 15, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    q = le128( bSig0, bSig1, aSig0, aSig1 );
+    if ( q ) sub128( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    expDiff -= 64;
+    while ( 0 < expDiff ) {
+        q = estimateDiv128To64( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0 );
+        q = ( 4 < q ) ? q - 4 : 0;
+        mul128By64To192( bSig0, bSig1, q, &term0, &term1, &term2 );
+        shortShift192Left( term0, term1, term2, 61, &term1, &term2, &allZero );
+        shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, 61, &aSig0, &allZero );
+        sub128( aSig0, 0, term1, term2, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        expDiff -= 61;
+    }
+    if ( -64 < expDiff ) {
+        q = estimateDiv128To64( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0 );
+        q = ( 4 < q ) ? q - 4 : 0;
+        q >>= - expDiff;
+        shift128Right( bSig0, bSig1, 12, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+        expDiff += 52;
+        if ( expDiff < 0 ) {
+            shift128Right( aSig0, aSig1, - expDiff, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        }
+        else {
+            shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, expDiff, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        }
+        mul128By64To192( bSig0, bSig1, q, &term0, &term1, &term2 );
+        sub128( aSig0, aSig1, term1, term2, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    else {
+        shift128Right( aSig0, aSig1, 12, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+        shift128Right( bSig0, bSig1, 12, &bSig0, &bSig1 );
+    }
+    do {
+        alternateASig0 = aSig0;
+        alternateASig1 = aSig1;
+        ++q;
+        sub128( aSig0, aSig1, bSig0, bSig1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    } while ( 0 <= (sbits64) aSig0 );
+    add128(
+        aSig0, aSig1, alternateASig0, alternateASig1, &sigMean0, &sigMean1 );
+    if (    ( sigMean0 < 0 )
+         || ( ( ( sigMean0 | sigMean1 ) == 0 ) && ( q & 1 ) ) ) {
+        aSig0 = alternateASig0;
+        aSig1 = alternateASig1;
+    }
+    zSign = ( (sbits64) aSig0 < 0 );
+    if ( zSign ) sub128( 0, 0, aSig0, aSig1, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    return
+        normalizeRoundAndPackFloat128( aSign ^ zSign, bExp - 4, aSig0, aSig1 );
+Returns the square root of the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a'.
+The operation is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary
+Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+float128 float128_sqrt( float128 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int32 aExp, zExp;
+    bits64 aSig0, aSig1, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2, doubleZSig0;
+    bits64 rem0, rem1, rem2, rem3, term0, term1, term2, term3;
+    float128 z;
+    aSig1 = extractFloat128Frac1( a );
+    aSig0 = extractFloat128Frac0( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat128Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    if ( aExp == 0x7FFF ) {
+        if ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) return propagateFloat128NaN( a, a );
+        if ( ! aSign ) return a;
+        goto invalid;
+    }
+    if ( aSign ) {
+        if ( ( aExp | aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) return a;
+ invalid:
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        z.low = float128_default_nan_low;
+        z.high = float128_default_nan_high;
+        return z;
+    }
+    if ( aExp == 0 ) {
+        if ( ( aSig0 | aSig1 ) == 0 ) return packFloat128( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
+        normalizeFloat128Subnormal( aSig0, aSig1, &aExp, &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    }
+    zExp = ( ( aExp - 0x3FFF )>>1 ) + 0x3FFE;
+    aSig0 |= LIT64( 0x0001000000000000 );
+    zSig0 = estimateSqrt32( aExp, aSig0>>17 );
+    shortShift128Left( aSig0, aSig1, 13 - ( aExp & 1 ), &aSig0, &aSig1 );
+    zSig0 = estimateDiv128To64( aSig0, aSig1, zSig0<<32 ) + ( zSig0<<30 );
+    doubleZSig0 = zSig0<<1;
+    mul64To128( zSig0, zSig0, &term0, &term1 );
+    sub128( aSig0, aSig1, term0, term1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    while ( (sbits64) rem0 < 0 ) {
+        --zSig0;
+        doubleZSig0 -= 2;
+        add128( rem0, rem1, zSig0>>63, doubleZSig0 | 1, &rem0, &rem1 );
+    }
+    zSig1 = estimateDiv128To64( rem1, 0, doubleZSig0 );
+    if ( ( zSig1 & 0x1FFF ) <= 5 ) {
+        if ( zSig1 == 0 ) zSig1 = 1;
+        mul64To128( doubleZSig0, zSig1, &term1, &term2 );
+        sub128( rem1, 0, term1, term2, &rem1, &rem2 );
+        mul64To128( zSig1, zSig1, &term2, &term3 );
+        sub192( rem1, rem2, 0, 0, term2, term3, &rem1, &rem2, &rem3 );
+        while ( (sbits64) rem1 < 0 ) {
+            --zSig1;
+            shortShift128Left( 0, zSig1, 1, &term2, &term3 );
+            term3 |= 1;
+            term2 |= doubleZSig0;
+            add192( rem1, rem2, rem3, 0, term2, term3, &rem1, &rem2, &rem3 );
+        }
+        zSig1 |= ( ( rem1 | rem2 | rem3 ) != 0 );
+    }
+    shift128ExtraRightJamming( zSig0, zSig1, 0, 14, &zSig0, &zSig1, &zSig2 );
+    return roundAndPackFloat128( 0, zExp, zSig0, zSig1, zSig2 );
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is equal to
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float128_eq( float128 a, float128 b )
+    if (    (    ( extractFloat128Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( a ) | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloat128Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( b ) | extractFloat128Frac1( b ) ) )
+       ) {
+        if (    float128_is_signaling_nan( a )
+             || float128_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return
+           ( a.low == b.low )
+        && (    ( a.high == b.high )
+             || (    ( a.low == 0 )
+                  && ( (bits64) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) == 0 ) )
+           );
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+or equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison
+is performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point
+flag float128_le( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloat128Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( a ) | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloat128Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( b ) | extractFloat128Frac1( b ) ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            || (    ( ( (bits64) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 == 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? le128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : le128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float128_lt( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloat128Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( a ) | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloat128Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( b ) | extractFloat128Frac1( b ) ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            && (    ( ( (bits64) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 != 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? lt128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : lt128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is equal to
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  The invalid exception is
+raised if either operand is a NaN.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed
+according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float128_eq_signaling( float128 a, float128 b )
+    if (    (    ( extractFloat128Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( a ) | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloat128Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( b ) | extractFloat128Frac1( b ) ) )
+       ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0;
+    }
+    return
+           ( a.low == b.low )
+        && (    ( a.high == b.high )
+             || (    ( a.low == 0 )
+                  && ( (bits64) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) == 0 ) )
+           );
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+or equal to the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs do not
+cause an exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according to the
+IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float128_le_quiet( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloat128Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( a ) | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloat128Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( b ) | extractFloat128Frac1( b ) ) )
+       ) {
+        if (    float128_is_signaling_nan( a )
+             || float128_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            || (    ( ( (bits64) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 == 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? le128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : le128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+Returns 1 if the quadruple-precision floating-point value `a' is less than
+the corresponding value `b', and 0 otherwise.  Quiet NaNs do not cause an
+exception.  Otherwise, the comparison is performed according to the IEC/IEEE
+Standard for Binary Floating-Point Arithmetic.
+flag float128_lt_quiet( float128 a, float128 b )
+    flag aSign, bSign;
+    if (    (    ( extractFloat128Exp( a ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( a ) | extractFloat128Frac1( a ) ) )
+         || (    ( extractFloat128Exp( b ) == 0x7FFF )
+              && ( extractFloat128Frac0( b ) | extractFloat128Frac1( b ) ) )
+       ) {
+        if (    float128_is_signaling_nan( a )
+             || float128_is_signaling_nan( b ) ) {
+            float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        }
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSign = extractFloat128Sign( a );
+    bSign = extractFloat128Sign( b );
+    if ( aSign != bSign ) {
+        return
+               aSign
+            && (    ( ( (bits64) ( ( a.high | b.high )<<1 ) ) | a.low | b.low )
+                 != 0 );
+    }
+    return
+          aSign ? lt128( b.high, b.low, a.high, a.low )
+        : lt128( a.high, a.low, b.high, b.low );
+ * These two routines are not part of the original softfloat distribution.
+ *
+ * They are based on the corresponding conversions to integer but return
+ * unsigned numbers instead since these functions are required by GCC.
+ *
+ * Added by Mark Brinicombe <mark@netbsd.org>	27/09/97
+ *
+ * float64 version overhauled for SoftFloat 2a [bjh21 2000-07-15]
+ */
+Returns the result of converting the double-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 32-bit unsigned integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.  If
+`a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  If the conversion
+overflows, the largest integer positive is returned.
+uint32 float64_to_uint32_round_to_zero( float64 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits64 aSig, savedASig;
+    uint32 z;
+    aSig = extractFloat64Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat64Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat64Sign( a );
+    if (aSign) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    	return(0);
+    }
+    if ( 0x41E < aExp ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0xffffffff;
+    }
+    else if ( aExp < 0x3FF ) {
+        if ( aExp || aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSig |= LIT64( 0x0010000000000000 );
+    shiftCount = 0x433 - aExp;
+    savedASig = aSig;
+    aSig >>= shiftCount;
+    z = aSig;
+    if ( ( aSig<<shiftCount ) != savedASig ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    return z;
+Returns the result of converting the single-precision floating-point value
+`a' to the 32-bit unsigned integer format.  The conversion is
+performed according to the IEC/IEEE Standard for Binary Floating-point
+Arithmetic, except that the conversion is always rounded toward zero.  If
+`a' is a NaN, the largest positive integer is returned.  If the conversion
+overflows, the largest positive integer is returned.
+uint32 float32_to_uint32_round_to_zero( float32 a )
+    flag aSign;
+    int16 aExp, shiftCount;
+    bits32 aSig;
+    uint32 z;
+    aSig = extractFloat32Frac( a );
+    aExp = extractFloat32Exp( a );
+    aSign = extractFloat32Sign( a );
+    shiftCount = aExp - 0x9E;
+    if (aSign) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+    	return(0);
+    }
+    if ( 0 < shiftCount ) {
+        float_raise( float_flag_invalid );
+        return 0xFFFFFFFF;
+    }
+    else if ( aExp <= 0x7E ) {
+        if ( aExp | aSig ) float_set_inexact();
+        return 0;
+    }
+    aSig = ( aSig | 0x800000 )<<8;
+    z = aSig>>( - shiftCount );
+    if ( aSig<<( shiftCount & 31 ) ) {
+        float_set_inexact();
+    }
+    return z;
diff --git a/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat.h b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5449139a064f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/lib/libkern/softfloat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+/* $NetBSD: softfloat.h,v 1.1 2001/04/26 03:10:48 ross Exp $ */
+/* This is a derivative work. */
+ * Copyright (c) 2001 The NetBSD Foundation, Inc.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * This code is derived from software contributed to The NetBSD Foundation
+ * by Ross Harvey.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ * are met:
+ * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
+ *    must display the following acknowledgement:
+ *        This product includes software developed by the NetBSD
+ *        Foundation, Inc. and its contributors.
+ * 4. Neither the name of The NetBSD Foundation nor the names of its
+ *    contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+ *    from this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ */
+This C header file is part of the SoftFloat IEC/IEEE Floating-point
+Arithmetic Package, Release 2a.
+Written by John R. Hauser.  This work was made possible in part by the
+International Computer Science Institute, located at Suite 600, 1947 Center
+Street, Berkeley, California 94704.  Funding was partially provided by the
+National Science Foundation under grant MIP-9311980.  The original version
+of this code was written as part of a project to build a fixed-point vector
+processor in collaboration with the University of California at Berkeley,
+overseen by Profs. Nelson Morgan and John Wawrzynek.  More information
+is available through the Web page `http://HTTP.CS.Berkeley.EDU/~jhauser/
+THIS SOFTWARE IS DISTRIBUTED AS IS, FOR FREE.  Although reasonable effort
+Derivative works are acceptable, even for commercial purposes, so long as
+(1) they include prominent notice that the work is derivative, and (2) they
+include prominent notice akin to these four paragraphs for those parts of
+this code that are retained.
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#if !defined(_KERNEL) && !defined(_STANDALONE)
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <ieeefp.h>
+#include "sys/inttypes.h"
+#include "machine/ieeefp.h"
+#include <sys/endian.h>
+The macro `FLOATX80' must be defined to enable the extended double-precision
+floating-point format `floatx80'.  If this macro is not defined, the
+`floatx80' type will not be defined, and none of the functions that either
+input or output the `floatx80' type will be defined.  The same applies to
+the `FLOAT128' macro and the quadruple-precision format `float128'.
+/* #define FLOATX80 */
+/* #define FLOAT128 */
+Software IEC/IEEE floating-point types.
+typedef u_int32_t float32;
+typedef u_int64_t float64;
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+typedef struct {
+    u_int16_t high;
+    u_int64_t low;
+    u_int64_t low;
+    u_int16_t high;
+} floatx80;
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+typedef struct {
+    u_int64_t high, low;
+} float128;
+ * Some of the global variables that used to be here have been removed for
+ * fairly obvious (defopt-MULTIPROCESSOR) reasons.  The rest (which don't
+ * change dynamically) will be removed later. [ross]
+ */
+#define float_rounding_mode() fpgetround()
+Software IEC/IEEE floating-point underflow tininess-detection mode.
+extern int float_detect_tininess;
+enum {
+    float_tininess_after_rounding  = 1,
+    float_tininess_before_rounding = 0
+Software IEC/IEEE floating-point rounding mode.
+enum {
+    float_round_nearest_even = FP_RN,
+    float_round_to_zero      = FP_RZ,
+    float_round_down         = FP_RM,
+    float_round_up           = FP_RP
+Software IEC/IEEE floating-point exception flags.
+enum {
+    float_flag_inexact   =  FP_X_IMP,
+    float_flag_underflow =  FP_X_UFL,
+    float_flag_overflow  =  FP_X_OFL,
+    float_flag_divbyzero =  FP_X_DZ,
+    float_flag_invalid   =  FP_X_INV
+Software IEC/IEEE integer-to-floating-point conversion routines.
+float32 int32_to_float32( int );
+float64 int32_to_float64( int );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+floatx80 int32_to_floatx80( int );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+float128 int32_to_float128( int );
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* __floatdi?f is in libgcc2.c */
+float32 int64_to_float32( int64_t );
+float64 int64_to_float64( int64_t );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+floatx80 int64_to_floatx80( int64_t );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+float128 int64_to_float128( int64_t );
+Software IEC/IEEE single-precision conversion routines.
+int float32_to_int32( float32 );
+int float32_to_int32_round_to_zero( float32 );
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* __fix?fdi provided by libgcc2.c */
+int64_t float32_to_int64( float32 );
+int64_t float32_to_int64_round_to_zero( float32 );
+float64 float32_to_float64( float32 );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+floatx80 float32_to_floatx80( float32 );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+float128 float32_to_float128( float32 );
+Software IEC/IEEE single-precision operations.
+float32 float32_round_to_int( float32 );
+float32 float32_add( float32, float32 );
+float32 float32_sub( float32, float32 );
+float32 float32_mul( float32, float32 );
+float32 float32_div( float32, float32 );
+float32 float32_rem( float32, float32 );
+float32 float32_sqrt( float32 );
+int float32_eq( float32, float32 );
+int float32_le( float32, float32 );
+int float32_lt( float32, float32 );
+int float32_eq_signaling( float32, float32 );
+int float32_le_quiet( float32, float32 );
+int float32_lt_quiet( float32, float32 );
+int float32_is_signaling_nan( float32 );
+Software IEC/IEEE double-precision conversion routines.
+int float64_to_int32( float64 );
+int float64_to_int32_round_to_zero( float64 );
+#ifndef SOFTFLOAT_FOR_GCC /* __fix?fdi provided by libgcc2.c */
+int64_t float64_to_int64( float64 );
+int64_t float64_to_int64_round_to_zero( float64 );
+float32 float64_to_float32( float64 );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+floatx80 float64_to_floatx80( float64 );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+float128 float64_to_float128( float64 );
+Software IEC/IEEE double-precision operations.
+#define float64_default_nan 0xFFF8000000000000LL
+static __inline int
+float64_is_nan(float64 a)
+	return 0xFFE0000000000000LL < a << 1;
+static __inline int
+float64_is_signaling_nan(float64 a)
+	return (a >> 51 & 0xFFF) == 0xFFE && (a & 0x0007FFFFFFFFFFFFLL);
+float64 float64_round_to_int( float64 );
+float64 float64_add( float64, float64 );
+float64 float64_sub( float64, float64 );
+float64 float64_mul( float64, float64 );
+float64 float64_div( float64, float64 );
+float64 float64_rem( float64, float64 );
+float64 float64_sqrt( float64 );
+int float64_eq( float64, float64 );
+int float64_le( float64, float64 );
+int float64_lt( float64, float64 );
+int float64_eq_signaling( float64, float64 );
+int float64_le_quiet( float64, float64 );
+int float64_lt_quiet( float64, float64 );
+int float64_is_signaling_nan( float64 );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+Software IEC/IEEE extended double-precision conversion routines.
+int floatx80_to_int32( floatx80 );
+int floatx80_to_int32_round_to_zero( floatx80 );
+int64_t floatx80_to_int64( floatx80 );
+int64_t floatx80_to_int64_round_to_zero( floatx80 );
+float32 floatx80_to_float32( floatx80 );
+float64 floatx80_to_float64( floatx80 );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+float128 floatx80_to_float128( floatx80 );
+Software IEC/IEEE extended double-precision rounding precision.  Valid
+values are 32, 64, and 80.
+extern int floatx80_rounding_precision;
+Software IEC/IEEE extended double-precision operations.
+floatx80 floatx80_round_to_int( floatx80 );
+floatx80 floatx80_add( floatx80, floatx80 );
+floatx80 floatx80_sub( floatx80, floatx80 );
+floatx80 floatx80_mul( floatx80, floatx80 );
+floatx80 floatx80_div( floatx80, floatx80 );
+floatx80 floatx80_rem( floatx80, floatx80 );
+floatx80 floatx80_sqrt( floatx80 );
+int floatx80_eq( floatx80, floatx80 );
+int floatx80_le( floatx80, floatx80 );
+int floatx80_lt( floatx80, floatx80 );
+int floatx80_eq_signaling( floatx80, floatx80 );
+int floatx80_le_quiet( floatx80, floatx80 );
+int floatx80_lt_quiet( floatx80, floatx80 );
+int floatx80_is_signaling_nan( floatx80 );
+#ifdef FLOAT128
+Software IEC/IEEE quadruple-precision conversion routines.
+int float128_to_int32( float128 );
+int float128_to_int32_round_to_zero( float128 );
+int64_t float128_to_int64( float128 );
+int64_t float128_to_int64_round_to_zero( float128 );
+float32 float128_to_float32( float128 );
+float64 float128_to_float64( float128 );
+#ifdef FLOATX80
+floatx80 float128_to_floatx80( float128 );
+Software IEC/IEEE quadruple-precision operations.
+float128 float128_round_to_int( float128 );
+float128 float128_add( float128, float128 );
+float128 float128_sub( float128, float128 );
+float128 float128_mul( float128, float128 );
+float128 float128_div( float128, float128 );
+float128 float128_rem( float128, float128 );
+float128 float128_sqrt( float128 );
+int float128_eq( float128, float128 );
+int float128_le( float128, float128 );
+int float128_lt( float128, float128 );
+int float128_eq_signaling( float128, float128 );
+int float128_le_quiet( float128, float128 );
+int float128_lt_quiet( float128, float128 );
+int float128_is_signaling_nan( float128 );