Switch to ustarfs-based boot floppy.

Mostly from distrib/i386/floppies/common/Makefile.bootfloppy.

XXX Makefile for multi-volume fdset is not yet. (see Makefile.fdset for i386)
This commit is contained in:
tsutsui 2002-03-30 07:45:33 +00:00
parent 139abed8af
commit 27c4adf514

View File

@ -1,51 +1,93 @@
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.15 2001/11/20 05:44:47 jmc Exp $
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.16 2002/03/30 07:45:33 tsutsui Exp $
.include <bsd.own.mk>
.include <bsd.kernobj.mk>
TOP= ${.CURDIR}/..
.include "${TOP}/Makefile.inc"
.include <bsd.own.mk>
.include <bsd.kernobj.mk>
IMAGE= boot.fs
VND?= vnd0
VND_DEV= /dev/${VND}a
VND_RDEV= /dev/r${VND}a
VND_RDEVC= /dev/r${VND}c
FD?= fd0
FD_RDEV= /dev/r${FD}a
FSTMP= ustar.tmp
MDEC= ${DESTDIR}/usr/mdec
BOOT= ofwboot
KERNDIR!= cd ${.CURDIR}/../md-kernel && ${PRINTOBJDIR}
DISKTYPE= floppy
dd if=/dev/zero of=${IMAGE} bs=1440k count=1
vnconfig -t ${DISKTYPE} -v -c ${VND} ${IMAGE}
disklabel -f ${DESTDIR}/etc/disktab -rw ${VND} ${DISKTYPE}
newfs -B be -m 0 -o space -i 65536 -c 80 -f 512 -b 4096 ${VND_RDEV}
cp ${MDEC}/ofwboot ${MOUNT_POINT}/boot
cp ${KERNDIR}/netbsd.INSTALL.gz ${MOUNT_POINT}/netbsd
@echo ""
@df -i ${MOUNT_POINT}
@echo ""
realall: netbsd ${BOOT}
${PAX} -wvf ${FSTMP} ${BOOT} netbsd
@echo Making disk number one
rm -rf empty
mkdir -m 755 empty
${MAKEFS} -s ${DISKSIZE}b ${IMAGE}.tmp empty
dd bs=8k seek=1 count=$$((${DISKSIZE} / 16 - 1)) \
if=${FSTMP} of=${IMAGE}.tmp
@echo "installing new bootblocks"
${MDEC}/installboot -v ${MOUNT_POINT}/boot ${MDEC}/bootxx ${VND_RDEVC}
umount ${MOUNT_POINT}
vnconfig -u ${VND}
${MDEC}/installboot -v -b 17 ${BOOT} ${MDEC}/bootxx ${IMAGE}.tmp
@ls -l ${FSTMP} | (read mode links uid gid size junk; \
dksize=$$((${DISKSIZE} * 512 - 8 * 1024)); \
disks=$$(($$size / $$dksize + 1)); \
if test $$size -gt $$dksize; then \
bytes=$$(($$size - $$dksize)); \
echo "Image is $$bytes ($$(($$bytes / 1024))K) too big\
to fit on one disk."; \
exit 1; \
else \
dd seek=$$(($${size} / 512 + 15)) count=1 \
if=/dev/zero of=${IMAGE}.tmp; \
fi; \
echo; \
bytes=$$(($$dksize * $$disks - $$size)); \
if test "${PAD}" = "yes"; then \
size=$$(($$size + 8 * 1024)); \
echo "Padding image with $$bytes bytes from $$size"; \
sectors=$$(($$bytes / 512)); \
ssize=$$(($$size / 512)); \
dd if=/dev/zero bs=512 seek=$${ssize} of=${IMAGE}.tmp \
count=$${sectors}; \
else \
echo "There are $$bytes ($$(($$bytes / 1024))K) bytes\
free on disk $$disks."; \
fi; \
mv -f ${IMAGE}.tmp ${IMAGE}
-umount -f ${MOUNT_POINT}
-vnconfig -u ${VND}
# Let the kernel on the diskette be called "netbsd" although
# it is compressed. This is because the boot code will search
# for "netbsd" first, and calling it "netbsd" instead of "netbsd.gz"
# we avoid scanning all the diskettes before reading the file.
netbsd: ${KERN}
rm -f netbsd
cp ${KERN} netbsd
# This is "cheating", just so that we have the available
# space at the start of the tar file. Installboot will overwrite
# the start of the bootcode with the tail end of the "real", aligned
# second-stage boot loader when it is run (which is quite a bit shorter
# than the entire ${BOOTCODE} file, even when symbols are removed.
# (the first 15*512 bytes are put into the first 8K filesystem block,
# around the disklabel)
${BOOT}: ${MDEC}/${BOOT}
rm -f ${BOOT}
cp ${MDEC}/${BOOT} ${BOOT}
release: check_RELEASEDIR
-mkdir -p ${RELEASEDIR}/installation/floppy
cp -p ${IMAGE} ${RELEASEDIR}/installation/floppy
clean cleandir distclean:
rm -f *.core ${IMAGE}
dd if=${IMAGE} of=${FD_RDEV} bs=45k
rm -f *.core ${CLEANFILES} ${IMAGE} ${IMAGE}.tmp
rm -rf empty
.include <bsd.obj.mk>
.include <bsd.subdir.mk>