Rework considerably. Use alternating sets of registers.

(Still not faster than normal ARM code).
This commit is contained in:
matt 2012-12-22 18:58:29 +00:00
parent f836ad2f40
commit 17511a3ef4
1 changed files with 130 additions and 88 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
#include <machine/asm.h>
RCSID("$NetBSD: cpu_in_cksum_asm_neon.S,v 1.2 2012/12/18 06:05:56 matt Exp $")
RCSID("$NetBSD: cpu_in_cksum_asm_neon.S,v 1.3 2012/12/22 18:58:29 matt Exp $")
* uint32_t
@ -39,102 +39,144 @@ RCSID("$NetBSD: cpu_in_cksum_asm_neon.S,v 1.2 2012/12/18 06:05:56 matt Exp $")
* r1 = dlen
str lr, [sp, #-8]! /* save lr */
mov ip, r0 /* leave r0 as temp */
add r3, r1, ip /* get end pointer */
ands r1, ip, #15 /* get qword offset */
bic ip, ip, #15 /* start on a qword boundary */
veor q3, q3, q3 /* clear accumulator */
beq .Lpre_main_loop /* ya, qword boundary start */
sub r0, r3, ip /* get length to qword start */
cmp r0, #16 /* do we have at least a qword? */
andlt r2, r3, #15 /* no, factor in trailing bytes */
blt .Ltrailing_bytes /* and do the last partial qword */
mov r2, #0 /* yes, no trailing bytes */
bl partial_qword /* do the partial initial qword */
mov r1, #0 /* no more leading bytes */
and r1, ip, #7 /* get start offset (leading btyes) */
and r2, r3, #7 /* get end offset (trailing bytes) */
bic ip, ip, #7 /* start on a dword boundary */
add r3, r3, #7 /* round up to a dword boundary */
bic r3, r3, #7 /* end on a dword boundary */
veor q2, q2, q2 /* clear accumulator */
vmvn.u64 q1, q2 /* create leading/trailing masks */
* Normally the lower addressed is in d6 but in this case we want to
* reverse it since we might only have a single dword and the final
* fold will want the dword to trim in d7 so put the first dword in
* d7 until we know we are going to read more than one.
veor d6, d6, d6 /* clear second dword */
vld1.64 {d7}, [ip:64]! /* load first dword */
orrs r0, r1, r2 /* do we have any offsets */
beq .Lpre_main_loop /* no, proceed to main loop. */
mov r1, r1, lsl #3 /* leading bytes -> bits */
movs r2, r2, lsl #3 /* trailing bytes -> bits */
#ifdef __ARMEL__
subne r2, r2, #64 /* trim trailing MSBs */
rsb r1, r1, #0 /* trim leading MSBs */
rsbne r2, r2, #64 /* trim trailing LSBs */
vmov d0, r1, r2 /* move shifts */
vmovl.u32 q0, d0 /* 2 U32 -> 2 U64 */
vshl.u64 q1, q1, q0 /* apply shifts to masks */
vand.u32 d7, d7, d2 /* apply leading mask to 1st dword */
tst r1, #8 /* was the starting address odd? */
beq .Lpre_main_loop /* no, go to pre_main_loop */
veor d2, d2, d2 /* clear d2 (indicate odd addr) */
and r2, r3, #15 /* trailing bytes */
bic r3, r3, #15 /* last partial or empty qword */
cmp ip, r3 /* at or past the end? */
bge .Ltrailing_bytes /* yes, deal with any trailing bytes */
cmp ip, r3 /* do we just have a single dword? */
beq .Lfinish_up /* yes, let finish up! */
vmov d6, d7 /* move 1st dword to loaddr reg */
vld1.64 {d7}, [ip:64]! /* read rest of initial qword */
vld1.64 {d4-d5}, [ip:128]!
vmovl.u16 q0, d4 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q3, q3, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d5 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q3, q3, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
cmp ip, r3
blt .Lmain_loop
subs r1, r3, ip /* how much left to do? */
beq .Lfinish_up /* = 0? we are done. */
cmp r2, #0 /* any trailing bytes? */
blne partial_qword /* yes, do final qword */
ldr lr, [sp], #8 /* fetch LR */
bics r0, r1, #31 /* we deal with octawords only */
beq .Lloop_end /* no octawords? exit loop */
rsbs r0, r0, #128 /* subtract from 128 */
ble .Lloop128 /* <= 0?, do 128 at a time. */
add r0, r0, r0, lsr #2 /* multiple by 1.25 */
add pc, pc, r0 /* and jump! */
vld1.64 {d8-d9}, [ip:64]! /* 128 left */
vmovl.u16 q0, d6 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d7 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d6-d7}, [ip:64]!
vmovl.u16 q0, d8 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d9 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d8-d9}, [ip:64]! /* 96 left */
vmovl.u16 q0, d6 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d7 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d6-d7}, [ip:64]!
vmovl.u16 q0, d8 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d9 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d8-d9}, [ip:64]! /* 64 left */
vmovl.u16 q0, d6 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d7 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d6-d7}, [ip:64]!
vmovl.u16 q0, d8 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d9 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d8-d9}, [ip:64]! /* 32 left */
vmovl.u16 q0, d6 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d7 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d6-d7}, [ip:64]!
vmovl.u16 q0, d8 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d9 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
b .Lmain_loop
* We now have 4 32-bit sums in q3 (each is 20-bits or less).
* We have one to 3 more dwords to process
rsb r0, r1, #24
add r0, r0, r0, lsr #1
add pc, pc, r0
vmovl.u16 q0, d6 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d6}, [ip:64]!
vmovl.u16 q0, d6 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d6}, [ip:64]!
vmovl.u16 q0, d7 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vld1.64 {d7}, [ip:64]!
* Apply remaining data in d6 and d7
vmovl.u16 q0, d6 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vand d7, d7, d3 /* apply trailing mask */
vmovl.u16 q0, d7 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
* We now have 4 32-bit sums in q2 (each is 20-bits or less).
* Now to get to 1 I32 bit sum.
vadd.u32 d6, d6, d7 /* 4 I32 -> 2 I32 */
vmovl.u32 q3, d6 /* split two I32 into two I64 */
vadd.u32 d6, d6, d7 /* 2 I32 -> 1 I32 */
vmovl.u16 q3, d6 /* split two I16 into two I32 */
vmovl.u32 q3, d6 /* split two I32 into two I64 */
vadd.u32 d6, d6, d7 /* 2 I16 -> 1 I32 */
vmov r0, s12 /* fetch csum from d6/q3 */
* The result could be 0x10000 but we expect the caller to deal
* with it
vadd.u32 d4, d4, d5 /* 4 I32 -> 2 I32 */
vmov r2, s4 /* get flag for odd start */
teq r2, #0 /* was start addr even? */
vmov r0, r1, d4 /* extract two I32 */
rev16eq r0, r0 /* byte swap if start was odd */
rev16eq r1, r1 /* byte swap if start was odd */
adds ip, r0, r1 /* add them producing carry */
#include "arm/arm/cpu_in_cksum_fold.S"
* Handling partial qwords is tricky.
.type partial_qword, %function
str lr, [sp, #-8]! /* save LR */
vld1.64 {d4-d5}, [ip:128]! /* fetch data */
#ifdef __ARMEB__
vswp d5, d4 /* on BE, MSW should be in d5 */
veor q0, q0, q0 /* create a null mask */
movs r0, r1, lsl #3 /* any leading bytes? */
blne _C_LABEL(__neon_leading_qword_bitmask)
vmvn.u64 q0, q0 /* invert leading mask to trailing */
vand.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* preserve them */
vmvn.u64 q0, #0 /* create mask */
movs r0, r2, lsl #3 /* if equal, no trailing bytes */
blne _C_LABEL(__neon_leading_qword_bitmask)
vand.u32 q2, q2, q0 /* preserve them */
ldr lr, [sp], #8 /* Fetch LR */
vmovl.u16 q0, d4 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q3, q3, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q0, d5 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q3, q3, q0 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
.size partial_qword, . - partial_qword
* uint32_t cpu_in_cksum_neon_v4hdr(void *dptr)
bic ip, r0, #7
vld1.32 {d0-d2},[ip] /* it must be in 24 bytes */
tst r0, #4 /* depending on 64-bit alignment */
beq 1f
vmov s0, s5 /* move last U32 to first U32 */
1: vmovl.u32 q1, d2 /* move s5 to d3 and clear s5 */
vmovl.u16 q3, d0 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vmovl.u16 q2, d1 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q3, q3, q2 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
vmovl.u16 q2, d2 /* 4 U16 -> 4 U32 */
vadd.u32 q3, q3, q2 /* add 4 U32 to accumulator */
b .Lfold_csum