
1135 lines
28 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include <cdk.h>
#include <sybfront.h>
#include <sybdb.h>
char *XCursesProgramName="syb";
#define MAXWIDTH 5000
#define MAXHISTORY 1000
* This structure is used for keeping command history.
struct history_st {
int count;
int current;
char *command[MAXHISTORY];
* Define some global variables.
char *GPUsage = "[-p Command Prompt] [-U User] [-P Password] [-S Server] [-h help]";
char *GPCurrentDatabase = 0;
extern char *dberrstr;
* Because the error/message callback do not allow you to pass in
* data of your own, we have to make the screen pointer global. :(
CDKSCREEN *GPCdkScreen = 0;
* Define function prototypes.
DBPROCESS *loginToSybase (CDKSCREEN *screen, char *login, char *password);
DBPROCESS *sybaseLogin (CDKSCREEN *screen, char *login, char *password, int attempts);
char *assembleTitle (DBPROCESS *dbProcess);
char *assembleRow (DBPROCESS *dbProcess);
char *uc (char *word);
int getColWidth (DBPROCESS *dbProcess, int col);
void runIsqlCommand (CDKSCREEN *cdkscreen, CDKSWINDOW *swindow, DBPROCESS *process);
void useDatabase (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, DBPROCESS *dbProc, char *command);
void intro (CDKSCREEN *screen);
void help (CDKENTRY *entry);
void loadHistory (struct history_st *history);
void saveHistory (struct history_st *history, int count);
* Define callback prototypes.
void viewHistoryCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key);
void swindowHelpCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key);
void historyUpCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key);
void historyDownCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key);
void listHistoryCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key);
* Define Sybase error/message callbacks. This is required by DBLib.
int err_handler (DBPROCESS *dbProcess, DBINT mesgNumber, int mesgState,
int severity, char *mesgText);
int msg_handler (DBPROCESS *dbProcess, DBINT mesgNumber, int mesgState,
int severity, char *mesgText);
* Written by: Mike Glover
* Purpose:
* This creates a very simple interface to Sybase.
int main (int argc, char **argv)
/* Declare variables. */
CDKSWINDOW *commandOutput = 0;
CDKENTRY *commandEntry = 0;
DBPROCESS *dbProcess = 0;
WINDOW *cursesWin = 0;
char *dsquery = 0;
char *command = 0;
char *prompt = 0;
char *upper = 0;
char *login = 0;
char *password = 0;
char *server = 0;
int count = 0;
int width = 0;
int ret = 0;
struct history_st history;
char *mesg[5], temp[1000];
/* Set up the history. */
GPCurrentDatabase = strdup ("master");
history.current = 0;
history.count = 0;
/* Check the command line for options. */
while (1)
/* Are there any more command line options to parse. */
if ((ret = getopt (argc, argv, "p:U:P:S:h")) == -1)
switch (ret)
case 'p':
prompt = copyChar (optarg);
case 'U':
login = copyChar (optarg);
case 'P':
password = copyChar (optarg);
case 'S':
server = copyChar (optarg);
case 'h':
printf ("Usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], GPUsage);
exit (0);
/* Set up the command prompt. */
if (prompt == 0)
if (server == 0)
if ((dsquery = getenv ("DSQUERY")) != 0)
sprintf (temp, "</B/24>[%s] Command >", dsquery);
prompt = copyChar (temp);
prompt = copyChar ("</B/24>Command >");
sprintf (temp, "</B/24>[%s] Command >", server);
prompt = copyChar (temp);
/* Set up CDK. */
cursesWin = initscr();
GPCdkScreen = initCDKScreen (cursesWin);
/* Start color. */
/* Initialize DB-Library. */
if (dbinit() == FAIL)
mesg[0] = "<C></U>Fatal Error";
mesg[1] = "<C>Could not connect to the Sybase database.";
popupLabel (GPCdkScreen, mesg, 2);
exit (1);
/* Load the history. */
loadHistory (&history);
/* Create the scrolling window. */
commandOutput = newCDKSwindow (GPCdkScreen, CENTER, TOP, -8, -2,
"<C></B/5>Command Output Window",
/* Create the entry field. */
width = COLS - strlen (prompt) - 1;
commandEntry = newCDKEntry (GPCdkScreen, CENTER, BOTTOM,
0, prompt, A_BOLD|COLOR_PAIR(8),
width, 1, 512, FALSE, FALSE);
/* Create the key bindings. */
bindCDKObject (vENTRY, commandEntry, KEY_UP, &historyUpCB, &history);
bindCDKObject (vENTRY, commandEntry, KEY_DOWN, &historyDownCB, &history);
bindCDKObject (vENTRY, commandEntry, CONTROL('^'), &listHistoryCB, &history);
bindCDKObject (vENTRY, commandEntry, TAB, &viewHistoryCB, commandOutput);
bindCDKObject (vSWINDOW, commandOutput, '?', swindowHelpCB, commandEntry);
/* Draw the screen. */
refreshCDKScreen (GPCdkScreen);
/* Display the introduction window. */
intro (GPCdkScreen);
/* Make them login first. */
dbProcess = sybaseLogin (GPCdkScreen, login, password, 3);
if (dbProcess == 0)
destroyCDKScreen (GPCdkScreen);
endCDK ();
exit (1);
/* Do this forever. */
for (;;)
/* Get the command. */
command = activateCDKEntry (commandEntry, 0);
/* Strip off leading and trailing white space. */
stripWhiteSpace (vBOTH, command);
/* Upper case the command. */
upper = uc (command);
/* Check the output of the command. */
if (strcmp (upper, "QUIT") == 0 ||
strcmp (upper, "EXIT") == 0 ||
strcmp (upper, "Q") == 0 ||
strcmp (upper, "E") == 0 ||
commandEntry->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
/* Save the history. */
saveHistory (&history, 100);
/* Exit. */
dbclose (dbProcess);
/* All done. */
destroyCDKEntry (commandEntry);
destroyCDKSwindow (commandOutput);
delwin (cursesWin);
freeChar (upper);
exit (0);
else if (strcmp (command, "login") == 0)
DBPROCESS *newLogin = sybaseLogin (GPCdkScreen, 0, 0, 3);
if (newLogin == 0)
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, "Login Error: Could not switch to new user.", BOTTOM);
/* Close the old connection. */
dbclose (dbProcess);
dbProcess = newLogin;
/* Add a message to the scrolling window. */
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput,
"Logged into database as new user.",
count = 0;
else if (strcmp (command, "logout") == 0)
/* Close the old connection. */
dbclose (dbProcess);
dbProcess = 0;
/* Add a message to the scrolling window. */
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, "Logged out.", BOTTOM);
count = 0;
else if (strcmp (command, "clear") == 0)
/* Clear the scrolling window. */
cleanCDKSwindow (commandOutput);
else if (strcmp (command, "history") == 0)
listHistoryCB (vENTRY, (void *)commandEntry, (void *)&history, 0);
else if (strcmp (command, "tables") == 0)
/* Check if we are logged in. */
if (dbProcess == 0)
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, "You must login first.", BOTTOM);
sprintf (command, "select * from sysobjects where type = 'U'");
/* Put the command into the ISQL buffer. */
dbcmd (dbProcess, command);
/* Put the command into the scrolling window. */
sprintf (temp, "</R>%d><!R> %s", count+1, command);
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, temp, BOTTOM);
/* Increment the counter. */
else if (strcmp (command, "help") == 0)
/* Display the help. */
else if (command[0] == 'u' && command[1] == 's' &&
command[2] == 'e' && command[3] == ' ')
/* They want to use a database. */
useDatabase (commandOutput, dbProcess, command);
count = 0;
else if (strcmp (command, "go") == 0)
/* Check if we are logged in. */
if (dbProcess == 0)
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, "You must login first.", BOTTOM);
/* Put the command into the scrolling window. */
sprintf (temp, "</R>%d><!R> %s", count+1, command);
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, temp, BOTTOM);
count = 0;
/* Run the command. */
runIsqlCommand (GPCdkScreen, commandOutput, dbProcess);
/* Check if we are logged in. */
if (dbProcess == 0)
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, "You must login first.", BOTTOM);
/* Put the command into the ISQL buffer. */
dbcmd (dbProcess, command);
/* Put the command into the scrolling window. */
sprintf (temp, "</R>%d><!R> %s", count+1, command);
addCDKSwindow (commandOutput, temp, BOTTOM);
/* Increment the counter. */
/* Keep the history. */
history.command[history.count] = copyChar (command);
history.current = history.count;
/* Clear the entry field. */
cleanCDKEntry (commandEntry);
/* Free up the memory used by the upper pointer. */
freeChar (upper);
* This lets a person 'use' a database.
void useDatabase (CDKSWINDOW *swindow, DBPROCESS *dbProc, char *command)
char *database = 0;
char temp[256];
char **words;
int wordCount, x;
/* Split the command line up and get the database name. */
words = CDKsplitString (command, ' ');
wordCount = CDKcountStrings (words);
/* Look for the name. */
for (x=1; x < wordCount; x++)
if (strlen (words[x]) != 0)
database = copyChar (words[x]);
/* Try to actually use the database. */
if (dbuse(dbProc, database) == FAIL)
/* We aren't allowed to use that database. */
sprintf (temp, "Command: %s", command);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, temp, BOTTOM);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, "</B/16>Error<!B!16> You are not allowed to use that database.", BOTTOM);
/* Set the global database name. */
if (database == 0)
/* Put a syntax error in the scrolling window. */
sprintf (temp, "Command: %s", command);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, temp, BOTTOM);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, "</B/16>Error<!B!16> Syntax Error", BOTTOM);
/* Clear out the old database name and set the new one. */
freeChar (GPCurrentDatabase);
GPCurrentDatabase = database;
/* Add a message into the scrolling window. */
sprintf (temp, "Command: %s", command);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, temp, BOTTOM);
sprintf (temp, "Default Database set to %s", GPCurrentDatabase);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, temp, BOTTOM);
* This does the requisite checking for failed login attempts.
DBPROCESS *sybaseLogin (CDKSCREEN *screen, char *accountName, char *accountPassword, int attemptCount)
DBPROCESS *dbProcess = 0;
char *login = accountName;
char *password = accountPassword;
int count = 0;
int lines = 0;
char *mesg[5];
/* Give them X attempts, then kick them out. */
while (count < attemptCount)
/* Try to login. */
dbProcess = loginToSybase (GPCdkScreen, login, password);
* If the dbprocess is null the account/password
* pair does not exist.
if (dbProcess == 0)
* If the login and account names were provided,
* set them to null and allow the user to enter
* the name and password by hand.
login = 0;
password = 0;
/* Spit out the login error message. */
lines = 0;
mesg[lines++] = "<C></B/5>Login Error";
mesg[lines++] = " ";
mesg[lines++] = "<C>The login/password pair does not exist.";
mesg[lines++] = " ";
mesg[lines++] = "<C>Please try again.";
popupLabel (GPCdkScreen, mesg, lines);
eraseCDKScreen (GPCdkScreen);
refreshCDKScreen (GPCdkScreen);
/* Did we expire the login attempts? */
if (count > attemptCount-1)
lines = 0;
mesg[lines++] = "<C>Login Error";
mesg[lines++] = " ";
mesg[lines++] = "<C>Too many attempyts to login.";
mesg[lines++] = "<C>Exiting.";
popupLabel (GPCdkScreen, mesg, lines);
return 0;
return dbProcess;
* Let the user login.
DBPROCESS *loginToSybase (CDKSCREEN *screen, char *accountName, char *accountPassword)
CDKENTRY *loginEntry = 0;
CDKENTRY *passwordEntry = 0;
LOGINREC *dbLogin = 0;
char *hostAccount = 0;
char *login = accountName;
char *password = accountPassword;
char *mesg[10], temp[256];
/* Draw the screen. */
refreshCDKScreen (screen);
/* Define the login entry field. */
if (login == 0)
loginEntry = newCDKEntry (screen, CENTER, CENTER,
"\n<C></B/5>Sybase Login\n",
"Account Name: ",
20, 1, 20, TRUE, FALSE);
/* Use the current account name as the default answer. */
hostAccount = getlogin();
setCDKEntryValue (loginEntry, hostAccount);
/* Get the login. */
while (1)
/* Redraw the screen. */
eraseCDKScreen (loginEntry->screen);
refreshCDKScreen (loginEntry->screen);
/* Get the login to the sybase account. */
login = copyChar (activateCDKEntry (loginEntry, 0));
/* Check if they hit escape. */
if (loginEntry->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT)
mesg[0] = "<C></U>Error";
mesg[1] = "A user name must be provided.";
popupLabel (screen, mesg, 2);
/* Destroy the widget. */
destroyCDKEntry (loginEntry);
/* Get the password if we need too. */
if (password == 0)
sprintf (temp, "\n<C></B/5>%s's Password\n", login);
passwordEntry = newCDKEntry (screen, CENTER, CENTER,
temp, "Account Password: ",
20, 0, 20, TRUE, FALSE);
setCDKEntryHiddenChar (passwordEntry, '*');
/* Get the password. (the account may not have a password.) */
password = copyChar (activateCDKEntry (passwordEntry, 0));
if ((passwordEntry->exitType == vESCAPE_HIT) ||
((int)strlen(password) == 0))
password = "";
/* Destroy the widget. */
destroyCDKEntry (passwordEntry);
* Try to connect to the database and get a LOGINREC structre.
if ((dbLogin = dblogin()) == 0)
mesg[0] = "<C></U>Fatal Error";
mesg[1] = "<C>Could not connect to the Sybase database.";
popupLabel (screen, mesg, 2);
refreshCDKScreen (screen);
exit (1);
* Set the login and password and try to login to the database.
DBSETLUSER (dbLogin, login);
DBSETLPWD (dbLogin, password);
DBSETLAPP (dbLogin, "cdk_syb");
/* Create a dbprocess structure to communicate with the database. */
return dbopen (dbLogin, 0);
* This actually runs the command.
void runIsqlCommand (CDKSCREEN *screen, CDKSWINDOW *swindow, DBPROCESS *dbProcess)
/* Declare local variables. */
RETCODE returnCode;
int rowCount;
/* Add in a output seperation line. */
addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C><#HL(5)> Start of Output <#HL(5)>", BOTTOM);
/* Run the command. */
dbsqlexec (dbProcess);
/* Check the return code of the commands. */
while ((returnCode = dbresults (dbProcess)) != NO_MORE_RESULTS)
if (returnCode == FAIL)
/* Oops, the command bombed. */
addCDKSwindow (swindow, "</5/16>Command failed.", BOTTOM);
if (!(DBCMDROW (dbProcess)))
/* The command could not return any rows. */
addCDKSwindow (swindow, "</5/16>Command could not return rows.", BOTTOM);
* The command returned some rows, print out the title.
char *row = assembleTitle (dbProcess);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, row, BOTTOM);
freeChar (row);
/* For each row returned, assemble the info. */
rowCount = 0;
while (dbnextrow (dbProcess) != NO_MORE_ROWS)
row = assembleRow (dbProcess);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, row, BOTTOM);
freeChar (row);
/* Add in a output seperation line. */
addCDKSwindow (swindow, "<C><#HL(5)> End of Output <#HL(5)>", BOTTOM);
addCDKSwindow (swindow, "", BOTTOM);
/* Can the query... */
dbcanquery (dbProcess);
* This creates a single line from the column widths and values.
char *assembleTitle (DBPROCESS *dbProc)
char *colName = 0;
int colWidth = 0;
int colNameLen = 0;
int colCount = dbnumcols (dbProc);
int x = 0;
char temp[MAXWIDTH];
char row[MAXWIDTH];
/* Clean the row out. */
memset (row, '\0', MAXWIDTH);
/* Start assembling the row. */
for (x=1; x <= colCount; x++)
colName = dbcolname (dbProc, x);
colWidth = getColWidth (dbProc, x);
colNameLen = (int)strlen (colName);
/* If we need to pad, then pad. */
if (colNameLen < colWidth)
/* Create a string the same length as the col width. */
memset (temp, '\0', MAXWIDTH);
memset (temp, ' ', (colWidth-colNameLen));
/* Copy the name. */
sprintf (row, "%s %s%s", row, colName, temp);
/* Copy the name. */
sprintf (row, "%s %s", row, colName);
return (char *)strdup (row);
* This assembles a single row.
char *assembleRow (DBPROCESS *dbProcess)
char *dataValue = 0;
int colCount = dbnumcols (dbProcess);
int columnType = 0;
int colWidth = 0;
int valueLen = 0;
char value[MAXWIDTH];
char temp[MAXWIDTH];
char row[MAXWIDTH];
char format[20];
int x;
/* Clean out the row. */
memset (row, '\0', MAXWIDTH);
/* Start assembling the row. */
for (x=1; x <= colCount; x++)
columnType = (int)dbcoltype (dbProcess, x);
colWidth = (int)getColWidth (dbProcess, x);
valueLen = (int)dbdatlen (dbProcess, x);
/* Check the column type. */
if (columnType == SYBINT1)
DBINT object_id = *((DBINT *)dbdata(dbProcess, x));
sprintf (format, "%%-%dd", colWidth);
sprintf (value, format, (int)object_id);
else if (columnType == SYBINT2)
DBINT object_id = *((DBINT *)dbdata(dbProcess, x));
sprintf (format, "%%-%dd", colWidth);
sprintf (value, format, (int)object_id);
else if (columnType == SYBINT4)
DBINT object_id = *((DBINT *)dbdata(dbProcess, x));
sprintf (format, "%%-%dd", colWidth);
sprintf (value, format, (int)object_id);
else if (columnType == SYBREAL)
DBREAL object_id = *((DBREAL *)dbdata(dbProcess, x));
sprintf (format, "%%-%d.2f", colWidth);
sprintf (value, format, object_id);
else if (columnType == SYBFLT8)
DBFLT8 object_id = *((DBFLT8 *)dbdata(dbProcess, x));
sprintf (format, "%%-%d.2f", colWidth);
sprintf (value, format, object_id);
if (valueLen <= 0)
strcpy (value, " ");
memset (value, '\0', MAXWIDTH);
dataValue = (DBCHAR *)dbdata (dbProcess, x);
strncpy (value, dataValue, valueLen);
/* If we need to pad, then pad. */
if (valueLen < colWidth)
/* Copy the value into the string. */
memset (temp, '\0', MAXWIDTH);
memset (temp, ' ', (colWidth-valueLen));
sprintf (row, "%s %s%s", row, value, temp);
sprintf (row, "%s %s", row, value);
return copyChar (row);
* This function returns the correct width of a column, taking
* into account the width of the title, the width of the data
* element.
int getColWidth (DBPROCESS *dbProcess, int col)
char *colName = dbcolname (dbProcess, col);
int colNameLen = (int)strlen(colName);
int colWidth = dbcollen (dbProcess, col);
int columnType = (int)dbcoltype (dbProcess, col);
/* If the colType is int/real/float adjust accordingly. */
if (columnType == SYBINT1 || columnType == SYBINT2 ||
columnType == SYBINT4)
colWidth = 5;
else if (columnType == SYBREAL || columnType == SYBFLT8)
colWidth = 8;
/* Is the name of the column wider than the col width? */
if (colNameLen >= colWidth)
return (colNameLen+1);
return colWidth;
* This callback allows the user to play with the scrolling window.
void viewHistoryCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key)
CDKSWINDOW *swindow = (CDKSWINDOW *)clientData;
CDKENTRY *entry = (CDKENTRY *)object;
/* Let them play... */
activateCDKSwindow (swindow, 0);
/* Redraw the entry field. */
drawCDKEntry (entry, ObjOf(entry)->box);
* This displays a little introduction screen.
void intro (CDKSCREEN *screen)
int lines = 0;
char *mesg[10];
/* Create the message. */
mesg[lines++] = "";
mesg[lines++] = "<C></B/16>Sybase Command Interface";
mesg[lines++] = "<C>Written by Mike Glover";
mesg[lines++] = "";
mesg[lines++] = "<C>Type </B>help<!B> to get help.";
/* Display the message. */
popupLabel (screen, mesg, lines);
* This function displays help.
void help (CDKENTRY *entry)
int lines = 0;
char *mesg[25];
/* Create the help message. */
mesg[lines++] = "<C></B/29>Help";
mesg[lines++] = "";
mesg[lines++] = "</B/24>When in the command line.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Up Arrow > Scrolls back one command.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Down Arrow> Scrolls forward one command.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Tab > Activates the scrolling window.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=help > Displays this help window.";
mesg[lines++] = "";
mesg[lines++] = "</B/24>When in the scrolling window.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=l or L > Loads a file into the window.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=s or S > Saves the contents of the window to a file.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Up Arrow > Scrolls up one line.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Down Arrow> Scrolls down one line.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Page Up > Scrolls back one page.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Page Down > Scrolls forward one page.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=Tab or Esc> Returns to the command line.";
mesg[lines++] = "<B=? > Displays this help window.";
mesg[lines++] = "";
mesg[lines++] = "<C> (</B/24>Refer to the scrolling window online manual for more help<!B!24>.)";
/* Pop up the help message. */
popupLabel (entry->screen, mesg, lines);
* This converts a word to upper case.
char *uc (char *word)
int length = strlen (word);
char *upper = (char *)malloc (sizeof (char *) * (length+2));
int x;
/* Start converting the case. */
for (x=0; x < length; x++)
if (isalpha ((int)word[x]))
upper[x] = toupper(word[x]);
upper[x] = word[x];
upper[length] = '\0';
return upper;
* The following two functions are the error and message handler callbacks.
* which will be called by Sybase when and error occurs.
int err_handler (DBPROCESS *dbProcess, DBINT mesgNumber, int mesgState, int severity, char *mesgText)
/* Declare local variables. */
char *mesg[10], temp[256];
int errorCount = 0;
/* Check if the process is dead. */
if ((dbProcess == 0) || (DBDEAD(dbProcess)))
mesg[0] = "</B/32>Database Process Error";
mesg[1] = "<C>The database process seems to have died.";
mesg[2] = "<C>Try logging in again with the </R>login<!R> command";
popupLabel (GPCdkScreen, mesg, 3);
return INT_EXIT;
mesg[0] = "</B/32>DB-Library Error";
sprintf (temp, "<C>%s", dberrstr);
mesg[1] = copyChar (temp);
errorCount = 2;
/* Display the message if we have an error. */
if (errorCount > 0)
popupLabel (GPCdkScreen, mesg, --errorCount);
/* Clean up. */
if (errorCount == 2)
freeChar (mesg[1]);
return (1);
int mesg_handler (DBPROCESS *dbProcess, DBINT mesgNumber, int mesgState, int severity, char *mesgText)
/* Declare local variables. */
char *mesg[10], temp[256];
/* Create the message. */
mesg[0] = "<C></B/16>SQL Server Message";
sprintf (temp, "</R>Message Number<!R> %ld", mesgNumber);
mesg[1] = copyChar (temp);
sprintf (temp, "</R>State <!R> %d", mesgState);
mesg[2] = copyChar (temp);
sprintf (temp, "</R>Severity <!R> %d", severity);
mesg[3] = copyChar (temp);
sprintf (temp, "</R>Message <!R> %s", mesgText);
mesg[4] = copyChar (temp);
popupLabel (GPCdkScreen, mesg, 5);
/* Clean up. */
freeChar (mesg[1]); freeChar (mesg[2]);
freeChar (mesg[3]); freeChar (mesg[4]);
return (1);
* This is for the scrolling window help callback.
void swindowHelpCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key)
CDKENTRY *entry = (CDKENTRY *)clientData;
* This is the callback for the down arrow.
void historyUpCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key)
CDKENTRY *entry = (CDKENTRY *)object;
struct history_st *history = (struct history_st *) clientData;
/* Make sure we don't go out of bounds. */
if (history->current == 0)
/* Decrement the counter. */
/* Display the command. */
setCDKEntryValue (entry, history->command[history->current]);
drawCDKEntry (entry, ObjOf(entry)->box);
* This is the callback for the down arrow.
void historyDownCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key)
CDKENTRY *entry = (CDKENTRY *)object;
struct history_st *history = (struct history_st *) clientData;
/* Make sure we don't go out of bounds. */
if (history->current == history->count)
/* Increment the counter... */
/* If we are at the end, clear the entry field. */
if (history->current == history->count)
cleanCDKEntry (entry);
drawCDKEntry (entry, ObjOf(entry)->box);
/* Display the command. */
setCDKEntryValue (entry, history->command[history->current]);
drawCDKEntry (entry, ObjOf(entry)->box);
* This callback allows the user to pick from the history list from a
* scrolling list.
void listHistoryCB (EObjectType cdktype, void *object, void *clientData, chtype key)
CDKSCROLL *scrollList = 0;
CDKENTRY *entry = (CDKENTRY *)object;
struct history_st *history = (struct history_st *) clientData;
int height = (history->count < 10 ? history->count+3 : 13);
int selection;
/* No history, no list. */
if (history->count == 0)
/* Popup a little window telling the user there are no commands. */
char *mesg[] = {"<C></B/16>No Commands Entered", "<C>No History"};
popupLabel (entry->screen, mesg, 2);
/* Redraw the screen. */
eraseCDKEntry (ObjOf(entry));
drawCDKScreen (entry->screen);
/* And leave... */
/* Create the scrolling list of previous commands. */
scrollList = newCDKScroll (entry->screen, CENTER, CENTER, RIGHT,
height, -10, "<C></B/29>Command History",
history->command, history->count,
/* Get the command to execute. */
selection = activateCDKScroll (scrollList, 0);
destroyCDKScroll (scrollList);
/* Check the results of the selection. */
if (selection >= 0)
/* Get the command and stick it back in the entry field. */
setCDKEntryValue (entry, history->command[selection]);
/* Redraw the screen. */
eraseCDKEntry (ObjOf(entry));
drawCDKScreen (ScreenOf(entry));
* This loads the history into the editor from the RC file.
void loadHistory (struct history_st *history)
char *home = 0;
char filename[1000];
/* Create the RC filename. */
if ((home = getenv ("HOME")) == 0)
home = ".";
sprintf (filename, "%s/.sybrc", home);
/* Set some variables. */
history->current = 0;
history->count = 0;
/* Read the file. */
if ((history->count = readFile (filename, history->command, MAXHISTORY)) != -1)
history->current = history->count;
* This saves the history into RC file.
void saveHistory (struct history_st *history, int count)
FILE *fd = 0;
char *home = 0;
char filename[1000];
int x;
/* Create the RC filename. */
if ((home = getenv ("HOME")) == 0)
home = ".";
sprintf (filename, "%s/.sybrc", home);
/* Open the file for writing. */
if ((fd = fopen (filename, "w")) == 0)
/* Start saving the history. */
for (x=0; x < history->count; x++)
fprintf (fd, "%s\n", history->command[x]);
fclose (fd);