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.\" $Id: groff_mm.7,v 1.2 1993/08/02 17:44:28 mycroft Exp $ -*- nroff -*-
1993-07-15 20:37:48 +04:00
.TH GROFF_MM 7 "4 March 1993" "Groff Version 1.08"
groff_mm \- groff mm macros
.B groff
.B \-mm
.IR options .\|.\|.
.IR files .\|.\|.
The groff mm macros are intended to be compatible with the DWB mm macros
with the following limitations:
.B \(bu
no letter macros implemented (yet).
.B \(bu
no Bell Labs localisms implemented.
.B \(bu
the macros OK and PM is not implemented.
.B \(bu
groff mm does not support cut marks
\fBmm\fP is intended to be international. Therefore it is
possible to write short national macrofiles which change all
english text to the preferred language. Use \fBmmse\fP as an example.
Groff mm has several extensions:
.B "APP name text"
Begin an appendix with name \fIname\fP. Automatic naming occurs if
\fIname\fP is "". The appendixes starts with \fBA\fP if auto is used.
An new page is ejected, and a header is also produced if the number
variable \fBAph\fP is non-zero. This is the default.
The appendix always appear in the 'List of contents' with correct
pagenumber. The name \fIAPPENDIX\fP can be changed by setting
the string \fBApp\fP to the desired text.
.B "APPSK name pages text"
Same as \fB.APP\fP, but the pagenr is incremented with \fIpages\fP.
This is used when diagrams or other non-formatted documents are
included as appendixes.
.B B1
Begin box (as the ms macro)
Draws a box around the text.
.B B2
End box. Finish the box.
Start of
broken variable-item list.
As VL but text begins always at the next line
.B "COVER [arg]"
\&\fBCOVER\fP begins a coversheet definition. It is important
that \fB.COVER\fP appears before any normal text.
\&\fB.COVER\fP uses \fIarg\fP to build the filename
/usr/share/tmac/mm/\fIarg\fP.cov. Therefore it is possible to create unlimited
types of coversheets.
\fIms.cov\fP is supposed to look like the \fBms\fP coversheet.
\&\fB.COVER\fP requires a \fB.COVEND\fP at the end of the coverdefinition.
Always use this order of the covermacros:
However, only \fB.TL\fP and \fB.AU\fP are required.
This finish the cover description and prints the cover-page.
It is defined in the cover file.
.B "GETHN refname [varname]"
Includes the headernumber where the corresponding \fBSETR\fP \fIrefname\fP
was placed. Will be X.X.X. in pass 1. See \fBINITR\fP.
If varname is used, \fBGETHN\fP sets the stringvariable \fIvarname\fP to the
.B "GETPN refname [varname]"
Includes the pagenumber where the corresponding \fBSETR\fP \fIrefname\fP
was placed. Will be 9999 in pass 1. See \fBINITR\fP.
If varname is used, \fBGETPN\fP sets the stringvariable \fIvarname\fP
to the pagenumber.
.B "GETR refname"
Combines \fBGETHN\fP and \fBGETPN\fP with the text 'chapter' and ', page'.
The string \fIQrf\fP contains the text for reference:
.ti +.5i
\&.ds Qrf See chapter \e\e*[Qrfh], page \e\e*[Qrfp].
\fIQrf\fP may be changed to support other languages.
Strings \fIQrfh\fP and \fIQrfp\fP are set by \fBGETR\fP
and contains the page and headernumber.
.B "GETST refname [varname]"
Includes the string saved with the second argument to \fB.SETR\fP.
Will be dummystring in pass 1.
If varname is used, \fBGETST\fP sets the stringvariable \fIvarname\fP to the
saved string. See \fBINITR\fP.
.B "INITR filename"
Initialize the refencemacros. References will be written to
\fIfilename.tmp\fP and \fIfilename.qrf\fP. Requires two passes with groff.
The first looks for references and the second includes them.
\fBINITR\fP can be used several times, but it is only the first
occurence of \fBINITR\fP that is active.
See also \fBSETR\fP, \fBGETPN\fP and \fBGETHN\fP.
.B "MC column-size [column-separation] "
Begin multiple columns. Return to normal with 1C.
.B "MT [arg [addressee]]"
Memorandom type.
The \fIarg\fP is part of a filename in \fI/usr/share/tmac/mm/*.MT\fP.
Memorandum type 0 thru 5 are supported, including \fI"string"\fP.
\fIAddresse\fP just sets a variable, used in the AT&T macros.
.B "MOVE y-pos [x-pos [line-length]]"
Move to a position, pageoffset set to \fIx-pos\fP.
If \fIline-length\fP is not given, the difference between
current and new pageoffset is used.
Use \fBPGFORM\fP without arguments to return to normal.
.B "MULB cw1 space1 [cw2 space2 [cw3 ...]]"
Begin a special multi-column mode. Every columns width must be specified.
Also the space between the columns must be specified. The last column
does not need any space-definition. MULB starts a diversion and MULE
ends the diversion and prints the columns.
The unit for width and space is 'n', but MULB accepts all
normal unitspecifications like 'c' and 'i'.
MULB operates in a separate environment.
Begin the next column. This is the only way to switch column.
End the multi-column mode and print the columns.
.B "PGFORM [linelength [pagelength [pageoffset]]]"
Sets linelength, pagelength and/or pageoffset.
This macro can be used for special formatting, like letterheads
and other.
\fBPGFORM\fP can be used without arguments
to reset everything after a \fBMOVE\fP.
No header is printed on the next page. Used to get rid off
the header in letters or other special texts
This macro must be used before any text to inhibit the pageheader
on the first page.
.B "SETR refname [string]"
Remember the current header and page-number as refname.
Saves \fIstring\fP if \fIstring\fP is defined. \fIstring\fP is retrieved
with \fB.GETST\fP.
See \fBINITR\fP.
reset tabs to every 5n. Normally used to reset any previous tabpositions.
.B VERBON [flag [pointsize [font]]]
Begin verbatim output using courier font.
Usually for printing programs.
All character has equal width.
The pointsize can be changed with
the second argument. By specifying the font-argument
it is possible to use another font instead of courier.
\fIflag\fP control several special features.
It contains the sum of all wanted features.
.in +.5i
.ti -.5i
.sp -1
.ti -.5i
.sp -1
Enable the escape-character (\e). This is normally turned off during
verbose output.
.ti -.5i
.sp -1
Add en empty line before the verbose text.
.ti -.5i
.sp -1
Add en empty line after the verbose text.
.ti -.5i
.sp -1
Print the verbose text with numbered lines. This adds four digitsized
spaces in the beginning of each line. Finer control is available with
the string-variable \fBVerbnm\fP. It contains all arguments to the
\fBtroff\fP-command \fB.nm\fP, normally '1'.
.ti -.5i
.sp -1
Indent the verbose text with five 'n':s. This is controlled by the
number-variable \fBVerbin\fP (in units).
End verbatim output.
New variables in mm:
.B App
A string containing the word "APPENDIX".
.B Aph
Print an appendix-page for every new appendix
if this numbervariable is non-zero.
No output will occur if \fBAph\fP is zero, but there will always
be an appendix-entry in the 'List of contents'.
.B Hps
Numbervariable with the heading pre-space level. If the heading-level
is less than or equal to \fBHps\fP, then two lines will precede the
section heading instead of one. Default is first level only.
The real amount of lines is controlled by the variables \fBHps1\fP and
.B Hps1
This is the number of lines preceding \fB.H\fP when the heading-level
is greater than \fBHps\fP. Value is in units, normally 0.5v.
.B Hps2
This is the number of lines preceding \fB.H\fP when the heading-level
is less than or equal to \fBHps\fP. Value is in units, normally 1v.
.B Lifg
String containing \fIFigure\fP.
.B Litb
String containing \fITABLE\fP.
.B Liex
String containing \fIExhibit\fP.
.B Liec
String containing \fIEquation\fP.
.B Licon
String containing \fICONTENTS\fP.
.B Lsp
The size of an empty line. Normally 0.5v, but it is 1v
if \fBn\fP is set (\fB.nroff\fP).
.B "MO1 - MO12"
Strings containing \fIJanuary\fI to \fIDecember\fP.
.B Qrf
String containing "See chapter \e\e*[Qrfh], page \e\en[Qrfp].".
.B Sectf
Flag controlling "section-figures". A non-zero value enables this.
Se also register N.
.B Sectp
Flag controlling "section-page-numbers". A non-zero value enables this.
Se also register N.
.B .mgm
Always 1.
A file called \fBlocale\fP or \fIlang\fP\fB_locale\fP is read
after the initiation of the global variables. It is therefore
possible to localize the macros with companyname and so on.
.sp 3
The following standard macros are implemented:
.B 1C
Begin one column processing
.B 2C
Begin two column processing
Abstract end
.B "AF [name of firm]"
Authors firm
.B "AL [type [text-indent [1]]]]"
Start autoincrement list
.B "AS [arg [indent]]"
Abstract start. Indent is specified in 'ens', but scaling is allowed.
.B "AST [title]"
Abstract title. Default is 'ABSTRACT'.
.B "AT title1 [title2 ...]"
Authors title
.B "AU name [initials [loc [dept [ext [room [arg [arg [arg]]]]]]]]"
Author information
.B "B [bold-text [prev-font-tex [...]]]"
Begin boldface
No limit on the number of arguments.
End bottom block
.B "BI [bold-text [italic-text [bold-text [...]]]"
No limit on the number of arguments.
.B "BL [text-indent [1]]"
Start bullet list
.B "BR [bold-text [roman-text [bold-text [...]]]"
No limit on the number of arguments.
Bottom block start
Display end
.B "DF [format [fill [rindent]]]"
Begin floating display (no nesting allowed)
.B "DL [text-indent [1]]"
Dash list start
.B "DS [format [fill [rindent]]]"
Static display start.
Can now have unlimited nesting. Also
right adjusted text and block may be used (R or RB as \fIformat\fP).
.B "EC [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
Equation title.
If \fIrefname\fP is used, then the equationnumber is saved with
\&\fB.SETR\fP, and can be retrieved with \fB.GETST\fP \fIrefname\fP.
.B "EF [arg]"
Even-page footer.
.B "EH [arg]"
Even-page header.
Equation end.
.B "EQ [label]"
Equation start.
.B "EX [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
Exhibit title.
If \fIrefname\fP is used, then the exhibitnumber is saved with
\&\fB.SETR\fP, and can be retrieved with \fB.GETST\fP \fIrefname\fP.
.B "FD [arg [1]]"
Footnote default format.
Footnote end.
.B "FG [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
Figure title.
If \fIrefname\fP is used, then the figurenumber is saved with
\&\fB.SETR\fP, and can be retrieved with \fB.GETST\fP \fIrefname\fP.
Footnote start.
Footnotes in displays is now possible.
.B "H level [heading-text [heading-suffix]]"
Numbered heading.
.B "HC [hypenation-character]"
Set hypenation character.
.B "HM [arg1 [arg2 [... [arg7]]]]"
Heading mark style.
.B "HU heading-text"
Unnumbered header.
.B "HX dlevel rlevel heading-text"
Userdefined heading exit.
Called just before printing the header.
.B "HY dlevel rlevel heading-text"
Userdefined heading exit.
Called just before printing the header.
.B "HZ dlevel rlevel heading-text"
Userdefined heading exit.
Called just after printing the header.
.B "I [italic-text [prev-font-text [italic-text [...]]]"
.B "IB [italic-text [bold-text [italic-text [...]]]"
.B "IR [italic-text [roman-text [italic-text [...]]]"
.B "LB text-indent mark-indent pad type [mark [LI-space [LB-space]]]"
List begin macro.
.B "LC [list level]"
List-status clear
List end.
.B "LI [mark [1]]"
List item
.B "ML mark [text-indent]"
Marked list start
.B "MT [arg [addressee]]"
Memorandom type. See above note about MT.
.B "ND new-date"
New date.
.B "OF [arg]"
Odd-page footer
.B "OH [arg]"
Odd-page header
Skip to odd page.
.B "P [type]"
Begin new paragraph.
Picture end.
.B "PF [arg]"
Page footer
.B "PH [arg]"
Page header
Picture start (from pic)
Page-header user-defined exit.
.B R
.B "RB [roman-text [bold-text [roman-text [...]]]"
.B "RD [prompt [diversion [string]]]"
Read to diversion and/or string.
Reference end
.B "RI [roman-text [italic-text [roman-text [...]]]"
.B "RL [text-indent [1]]"
Reference list start
.B "RP [arg [arg]]"
Produce reference page.
.B "RS [string-name]"
Reference start.
.B "S [size [spacing]]"
Set point size and vertical spacing. If any argument is equal 'P', then
the previous value is used. A 'C' means current value, and 'D' default value.
If '+' or '-' is used before the value, then increment or decrement of
the current value will be done.
.B "SA [arg]"
Set adjustment.
.B "SK [pages]"
Skip pages.
.B "SM string1 [string2 [string3]]"
Make a string smaller.
.B "SP [lines]"
Space vertically. \fIlines\fP can have any scalingfactor, like \fI3i\fP or
.B "TB [title [override [flag [refname]]]]"
Table title.
If \fIrefname\fP is used, then the tablenumber is saved with
\&\fB.SETR\fP, and can be retrieved with \fB.GETST\fP \fIrefname\fP.
.B "TC [slevel [spacing [tlevel [tab [h1 [h2 [h3 [h4 [h5]]]]]]]]]"
Table of contents.
All texts can be redefined, new stringvariables
\fILifg\fP, \fILitb\fP, \fILiex\fP, \fILiec\fP and \fILicon\fP contains
"Figure", "TABLE", "Exhibit", "Equation" and "CONTENTS".
These can be redefined to other languages.
Table end.
.B "TH [N]"
Table header.
Begin title of memorandom.
.B TM [num1 [num2 [...]]]
Technical memorandumnumbers used in \fB.MT\fP. Unlimited number
of arguments may be given.
Top of page user-defined macro.
.B "TS [H]"
Table start
Userdefined table of contents exit.
Userdefined tbale of contents exit (no "CONTENTS").
.B "VL [text-indent [mark-indent [1]]]"
Variable-item list start
.B "VM [top [bottom]]"
Vertical margin.
.B "WC [format]"
Footnote and display width control.
.sp 3
Strings used in mm:
.B "EM"
Em dash string
Fontlist for headings, normally "2 2 2 2 2 2 2".
Nonnumeric fontnames may also be used.
Pointsize list for headings. Normally "0 0 0 0 0 0 0" which is the same as
"10 10 10 10 10 10 10".
.B Lf
.B Lt
Contains "LIST OF TABLES".
.B Lx
.B Le
.B Rp
Contains "REFERENCES".
.B Tm
Contains \e(tm, trade mark.
Number variables used in mm:
.B Cl=2
Contents level [0:7], contents saved if heading level <= Cl
.B Cp=0
Eject page between LIST OF XXXX if Cp == 0
.B D=0
Debugflag, values >0 produces varying degree of debug. A value of 1
gives information about the progress of formatting.
.B De=0
Eject after floating display is output [0:1]
.B Df=5
Floating keep output [0:5]
.B Ds=1
space before and after display if == 1 [0:1]
.B Ej=0
Eject page
.B Eq=0
Eqation lable adjust 0=left, 1=right
.B Fs=1
Footnote spacing
.B "H1-H7"
Heading counters
.B Hb=2
Heading break level [0:7]
.B Hc=0
Heading centering level, [0:7]
.B Hi=1
Heading temporary indent [0:2]
0 -> 0 indent, left margin
1 -> indent to right , like .P 1
2 -> indent to line up with text part of preceding heading
.B Hs=2
Heading space level [0:7]
.B Ht=0
Heading numbering type
0 -> multiple (1.1.1 ...)
1 -> single
.B Hu=2
Unnumbered heading level
.B Hy=1
Hyphenation in body
0 -> no hyphenation
1 -> hyphenation 14 on
.B "Lf=1, Lt=1, Lx=1, Le=0"
Enables (1) or disables (0) the printing of List of figures,
List of tables, List of exhibits and List of equations.
.B Li=6
List indent, used by .AL
.B Ls=99
List space, if current listlevel > Ls then no spacing will occur around lists.
.B N=0
Numbering style [0:5]
0 == (default) normal header for all pages.
1 == header replaces footer on first page, header is empty.
2 == page header is removed on the first page.
3 == "section-page" numbering enabled.
4 == page header is removed on the first page.
5 == "section-page" and "section-figure" numbering enabled.
Se also the number-register Sectf and Sectp.
.B Np=0
Numbered paragraphs.
0 == not numbered
1 == numbered in first level headings.
.B Of=0
Format of figure,table,exhibit,equation titles.
0= ". "
1= " - "
.B P
Current page-number, normally the same as % unless "section-page" numbering
is enabled.
.B Pi=5
paragraph indent
.B Ps=1
paragraph spacing
.B Pt=0
Paragraph type.
0 == left-justified
1 == indented .P
2 == indented .P except after .H, .DE or .LE.
.B Si=5
Display indent.
J<EFBFBD>rgen H<>gg, Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden <>
.B /usr/share/tmac/tmac.m
.B /usr/share/tmac/mm/*.cov
.B /usr/share/tmac/mm/*.MT
.B /usr/share/tmac/mm/locale
.BR groff (1),
.BR troff (1),
.BR tbl (1),
.BR pic (1),
.BR eqn (1)
.BR mm (7)
.BR mmse (7)