
765 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#include "grf.h"
#if NGRF > 0
/* Graphics routines for the AMIGA native custom chip set. */
#include "sys/param.h"
#include "sys/errno.h"
#include "grfioctl.h"
#include "grfvar.h"
#include "grf_ccreg.h"
#include "../include/cpu.h"
#include "../amiga/custom.h"
#include "../amiga/cia.h"
extern caddr_t CHIPMEMADDR;
extern caddr_t chipmem_steal ();
struct ccfb ccfb = {
#if 0
DEF_COL0, DEF_COL1, DEF_COL2, DEF_COL3, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
DEF_COL10, DEF_COL11, DEF_COL12, DEF_COL13, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
0, /* chip ram for beep sample */
DEF_PERIOD, DEF_VOLUME, /* beep sample period and volume */
0,DEF_ABEEP, /* beep timer, timer init value */
0,DEF_DBEEP, /* beep timer, timer init value */
0,0, /* cop1, cop2 */
0, /* pointer */
0,0, /* mouseH, mouseV */
0,0, /* lastMouseH, lastMouseV */
0,0, /* mouseX, mouseY */
0,0,0, /* mouseb1, mouseb2, mouseb3 */
0,0, /* joy1, joy2 */
DEF_SCREEN,DEF_MOUSE, /* screen/mouse blank timer init */
0,0, /* screenblank, mouseblank */
0,0, /* enableFlag, pad */
* custom copper list structure. It replaces the macro method of
* building copper lists for a good reason. You want to change
* diwstrt in an ioctl() handler? well, with this struct, it is
* trivial :-)
* YOU DON'T WANT! ioctl's to the console should NOT use any
* implementation dependant data format to set values, they
* should pass hi-level information that is processed by
* the different console drivers. This driver would recalculate
* diwstrt (for example) from given disp_* values.
typedef struct {
u_short planes[6][4]; /* move + hi word, move + lo word */
u_short bplcon0[2]; /* move + viewmode */
u_short bplcon1[2]; /* move + BPLCON1 */
u_short bpl1mod[2]; /* move + BPL1MOD */
u_short bpl2mod[2]; /* move + BPL2MOD */
u_short diwstrt[2]; /* move + DIWSTRT */
u_short diwstop[2]; /* move + DIWSTOP */
u_short ddfstrt[2]; /* move + DDFSTRT */
u_short ddfstop[2]; /* move + DDFSTOP */
u_short sprites[4*8]; /* 8 sprites (0 = mouseptr, 7 unused) */
u_short colors[32*2]; /* move + color, 32 color regs */
u_short copother[4]; /* move + COP1LC (to point to other copper list) */
u_short finish[6]; /* COPEND instruction, -or-
move + (COP2LC, COP2LC + 2, COPJMP2) */
* custom struct to describe the mousepointer sprite in chipram.
* the header is tweaked by the vbl handler to move the mouse sprite
* around. the image[] array can be modified by the ioctl() handler
* to change the image for the sprite!
* Again, we should probably have a much higher resolution, generic
* sprite, and scale that down if necessary in the invidial drivers.
typedef struct {
u_char header[4];
u_short image[16*2];
u_short footer[2];
* initializer values for the pointer struct in chip ram. It is a stupid
* crosshair sprite, in just one color. Do NOT change the first 4 bytes!
static SPRITEPTR pointerInit = {
0x50,0x50,0x60,0x00, /* header */
0x0000,0x0000, /* image */
0x0000,0x0000, /* footer */
* void initbeep(struct ccfb *fb);
* synopsis:
* allocates 20 bytes for a sine wave sample (in chip ram) and
* initializes it. The audio hardware is turned on to play
* the sine wave sample in an infinite loop! The volume is just
* set to zero so you don't hear it... The sample is played in
* channels 0 and 1 so it goes out left+right audio jacks in the
* back of the machine. The DMA is not enabled here... it is
* enabled in cc_init() below... To make an audible beep, all
* that is needed is to turn on the volume, and then have the
* vbl handler turn off the volume after the desired beep duration
* has elapsed.
* The custom chip console should really be broken down into a
* physical and logical layer. The physical layer should have things
* like the bitplanes, copper list, mousepointer chipram, and the
* audible beep. The logical layers should have their own private
* mousepointer image, color palette, and beep parameters. The logical
* layer can keep an image of chipram for its own context - layers of
* sorts, in amigaos parlance.
static inline void
initbeep (fb)
struct ccfb *fb;
static char sample[20] = {
short i;
char *ptr = chipmem_steal(20);
if (!ptr) panic("Can't chipmem_steal 20 bytes!\n");
fb->beepSample = ptr;
for (i=0; i<20; i++) *ptr++ = sample[i];
fb->beepTimer = fb->beepTime;
custom.aud[0].lc = custom.aud[1].lc =
(void *)((caddr_t)fb->beepSample - CHIPMEMADDR);
custom.aud[0].len = custom.aud[1].len = 10;
custom.aud[0].per = custom.aud[1].per = fb->beepPeriod;
custom.aud[0].vol = custom.aud[1].vol = 0;
fb->beepTimer = fb->dbeepTimer = 0;
/* make SURE to disallow any audio interrupts - we don't need them */
custom.intena = INTF_AUD0 | INTF_AUD1 | INTF_AUD2 | INTF_AUD3;
* void initpointer (struct ccfb *fb);
* synopsis:
* this routine initializes the mouse pointer part of the ccfb.
* currently, it only needs to copy the initializer data to the
* allocated chip ram.
static inline void
initpointer (fb)
struct ccfb *fb;
SPRITEPTR *pointer = (SPRITEPTR *)fb->pointer;
/* initialize pointer structure */
*pointer = pointerInit;
* void initcop (COPPERLIST *cop, COPPERLIST *othercop, int shf,
* struct ccfb *fb);
* synopsis:
* this function initializes one copperlist, treated as short-
* frame list if SHF is TRUE.
* it is assumed that initpointer has been called by the time
* initcop() is called.
* This is REALLY basic stuff... even teenaged eurodemo coders
* understand it :-) Normally, I'd have done this in assembly
* as a bunch of dc.w statements... it is just translated into
* struct form here...
* (yep, since this *is no* eurodemo here :-)) Hey, and we
* even have symbolic names for registers too :-))
static void inline
initcop (cop, othercop, shf, fb)
COPPERLIST *cop, *othercop;
int shf;
struct ccfb *fb;
SPRITEPTR *pointer = (SPRITEPTR *)fb->pointer;
unsigned long screen;
unsigned long rowbytes = fb->fb_width >> 3; /* width of display, in bytes */
u_short *plptr;
u_short c, i, strt, stop;
/* get PA of display area */
screen = (unsigned long) fb->fb - (unsigned long) CHIPMEMADDR;
fb->fb_planesize = fb->fb_height * rowbytes;
/* account for possible interlaced half-frame */
if (shf)
screen += rowbytes;
/* account for oversized framebuffers */
screen += (fb->fb_x >> 3) + (fb->fb_y * rowbytes);
/* initialize bitplane pointers for all planes */
for (plptr = &cop->planes[0][0], i = 0; i < fb->fb_z; i++)
MOVE (plptr, bplpth(i), HIADDR (screen));
plptr += 2;
MOVE (plptr, bplptl(i), LOADDR (screen));
plptr += 2;
screen += fb->fb_planesize;
/* set the other bitplane pointers to 0, I hate this fixed size array.. */
while (i < 6)
MOVE (plptr, bplpth(i), 0);
plptr += 2;
MOVE (plptr, bplptl(i), 0);
plptr += 2;
c = 0x8000 /* HIRES */
| ((fb->fb_z & 7) << 12) /* bitplane use */
| 0x0200 /* composite COLOR enable (whatever this is..) */
| 0x0004; /* LACE */
MOVE (cop->bplcon0, bplcon0, c);
MOVE (cop->bplcon1, bplcon1, 0); /* nothing */
/* modulo is one line for interlaced displays, plus difference between
virtual and effective framebuffer size */
MOVE (cop->bpl1mod, bpl1mod, (fb->fb_width + (fb->fb_width - fb->disp_width)) >> 3);
MOVE (cop->bpl2mod, bpl2mod, (fb->fb_width + (fb->fb_width - fb->disp_width)) >> 3);
/* these use pre-ECS register interpretation. Might want to go ECS ? */
strt = (((fb->disp_y >> 1) & 0xff)<<8) | ((fb->disp_x >> 1) & 0xff);
MOVE (cop->diwstrt, diwstrt, strt);
stop = (((((fb->disp_y + fb->disp_height + 1-shf)>>1) & 0xff)<<8)
| (((fb->disp_x + fb->disp_width)>>1) & 0xff));
MOVE (cop->diwstop, diwstop, stop);
/* NOTE: default values for strt: 0x2c81, stop: 0xf4c1 */
/* these are from from HW-manual.. */
strt = ((strt & 0xff) - 9) >> 1;
MOVE (cop->ddfstrt, ddfstrt, strt);
stop = strt + (((fb->disp_width >> 4) - 2) << 2);
MOVE (cop->ddfstop, ddfstop, stop);
/* sprites */
/* some cleverness... footer[0] is a ZERO longword in chip */
u_short *spr = &cop->sprites[0];
u_short addr = CUSTOM_OFS(sprpt[0]);
u_short i;
for (i=0; i<8; i++) { /* for all sprites (8 of em) do */
*spr++ = addr; *spr++ = HIADDR(&pointer->footer[0]);
addr += 2;
*spr++ = addr; *spr++ = LOADDR(&pointer->footer[0]);
addr += 2;
cop->sprites[0*4+1] = HIADDR((caddr_t)pointer-CHIPMEMADDR);
cop->sprites[0*4+3] = LOADDR((caddr_t)pointer-CHIPMEMADDR);
/* colors */
for (i = 0; i < 32; i++)
MOVE (cop->colors+i*2, color[i], fb->col[i]);
/* setup interlaced display by constantly toggling between two copperlists */
MOVE (cop->copother, cop1lch, HIADDR ((unsigned long) othercop - (unsigned long) CHIPMEMADDR));
MOVE (cop->copother+2, cop1lcl, LOADDR ((unsigned long) othercop - (unsigned long) CHIPMEMADDR));
/* terminate copper list */
COP_END (cop->finish);
* Install a sprite.
* The sprites to be loaded on the alternate frames
* can be specified separately,
* so interlaced sprites are possible.
cc_install_sprite(gp, num, spr1, spr2)
struct grf_softc *gp;
int num;
u_short *spr1, *spr2;
struct ccfb *fb = &ccfb;
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop1;
cop->sprites[num*4+1] = HIADDR((caddr_t)spr1-CHIPMEMADDR);
cop->sprites[num*4+3] = LOADDR((caddr_t)spr1-CHIPMEMADDR);
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop2;
cop->sprites[num*4+1] = HIADDR((caddr_t)spr2-CHIPMEMADDR);
cop->sprites[num*4+3] = LOADDR((caddr_t)spr2-CHIPMEMADDR);
* Uninstall a sprite.
cc_uninstall_sprite(gp, num)
struct grf_softc *gp;
int num;
struct ccfb *fb = &ccfb;
SPRITEPTR *pointer = (SPRITEPTR*)fb->pointer;
/* some cleverness... footer[0] is a ZERO longword in chip */
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop1;
cop->sprites[num*4+1] = HIADDR(&pointer->footer[0]);
cop->sprites[num*4+3] = LOADDR(&pointer->footer[0]);
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop2;
cop->sprites[num*4+1] = HIADDR(&pointer->footer[0]);
cop->sprites[num*4+3] = LOADDR(&pointer->footer[0]);
* Install a copper list extension.
cc_install_cop_ext(gp, cl1, cl2)
struct grf_softc *gp;
u_short *cl1, *cl2;
struct ccfb *fb = &ccfb;
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop1;
COP_MOVE (cop->finish+0, cop2lch, HIADDR((caddr_t)cl1-CHIPMEMADDR));
COP_MOVE (cop->finish+2, cop2lcl, LOADDR((caddr_t)cl1-CHIPMEMADDR));
COP_MOVE (cop->finish+4, copjmp2, 0);
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop2;
COP_MOVE (cop->finish+0, cop2lch, HIADDR((caddr_t)cl2-CHIPMEMADDR));
COP_MOVE (cop->finish+2, cop2lcl, LOADDR((caddr_t)cl2-CHIPMEMADDR));
COP_MOVE (cop->finish+4, copjmp2, 0);
* Uninstall a copper list extension.
cc_uninstall_cop_ext(gp, cl1, cl2)
struct grf_softc *gp;
u_short *cl1, *cl2;
register struct ccfb *fb = &ccfb;
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop1;
COP_END (cop->finish);
cop = (COPPERLIST*)fb->cop2;
COP_END (cop->finish);
* Call this function any time a key is hit to ensure screen blanker unblanks
cc_unblank ()
if (!ccfb.screenBlank) { /* screenblank timer 0 means blank! */
COPPERLIST *c1 = (COPPERLIST *)ccfb.cop1, *c2 = (COPPERLIST *)ccfb.cop2;
/* turn on sprite and raster DMA */
ccfb.mouseBlank = ccfb.mouseTime; /* start mouseblank timer */
/* screen was black, reset background color to the one in ccfb! */
c1->colors[1] = c2->colors[1] = ccfb.col[0];
/* restart the screenblank timer */
ccfb.screenBlank = ccfb.screenTime;
* void cc_bell(void);
* Synopsis:
* trigger audible bell
* Description
* Call this function to start a beep tone. The beep lasts for
* ccfb.beepTime 60ths of a second (can adjust it in the ccfb structure
* in an ioctl(). The sample is playing in left+right aud0+aud1 hardware
* channels all the time, just the volume is off when the beep isn't
* heard. So here we just turn on the volume (ccfb.beepVolume, it can
* also be set by ioctl() call) and set the timer (ccfb.beepTime can
* be set by ioctl() as well). The cc_vbl() routine counts down the
* timer and shuts off the volume when it reaches zero.
cc_bell ()
custom.aud[0].vol = ccfb.beepVolume;
custom.aud[1].vol = ccfb.beepVolume;
ccfb.beepTimer = ccfb.beepTime;
* void cc_vbl(void);
* synopsis:
* vertical blank service routine for the console.
* provides the following:
* samples mouse counters and positions mouse sprite
* samples joystick inputs
* counts down mouseblanker timer and blanks mouse if it is time
* counts down screenblanker timer and blanks if it is time
* counts down audio beep timer and shuts of the volume if the beep is done
* unblanks mouse/screen if mouse is moved
* not implemented yet:
* it should adjust color palette in copper list over time to effect
* display beep.
* There's black magic going on here with assembly-in-C.. Since this
* is an interrupt handler, and it should be fast, ignore the obscure but
* probably fast processing of the mouse for now...
cc_vbl ()
u_short w0, w1;
u_char *b0 = (u_char *)&w0, *b1 = (u_char *)&w1;
SPRITEPTR *p = (SPRITEPTR *)ccfb.pointer;
ccfb.lastMouseH = ccfb.mouseH;
ccfb.lastMouseV = ccfb.mouseV;
/* horizontal mouse counter */
w1 = custom.joy0dat;
b0[1] = ccfb.mouseH; /* last counter val */
ccfb.mouseH = b1[1]; /* current is now last */
b1[1] -= b0[1]; /* current - last */
b1[0] = (b1[1] & 0x80) ? 0xff : 0x00; /* ext.w */
ccfb.mouseX += w1;
if (ccfb.mouseX < 0) ccfb.mouseX = 0;
if (ccfb.mouseX > ccfb.fb_width-1) ccfb.mouseX = ccfb.fb_width-1;
/* vertical mouse counter */
w1 = custom.joy0dat;
b1[1] = b1[0];
b0[1] = ccfb.mouseV;
ccfb.mouseV = b1[1];
b1[1] -= b0[1];
b1[0] = (b1[1] & 0x80) ? 0xff : 0x00; /* ext.w */
ccfb.mouseY += w1;
if (ccfb.mouseY < 0) ccfb.mouseY = 0;
if (ccfb.mouseY > ccfb.fb_height-1) ccfb.mouseY = ccfb.fb_height-1;
/* mouse buttons (should renumber them, middle button should be #2!) */
ccfb.mouseb1 = (ciaa.pra & (1<<6)) ? 0 : !0;
ccfb.mouseb2 = (custom.pot1dat & (1<<2)) ? 0 : !0;
ccfb.mouseb3 = (custom.pot1dat & (1<<0)) ? 0 : !0;
/* position pointer sprite */
w0 = ccfb.mouseY >> 1;
b0[1] += 0x24;
p->header[0] = b0[1];
b0[1] += 16;
p->header[2] = b0[1];
w0 = ccfb.mouseX >> 1;
w0 += 120;
if (w0 & 1) p->header[3] |= 1; else p->header[3] &= ~1;
w0 >>= 1;
p->header[1] = b0[1];
/* joystick #1 */
ccfb.joy0 = 0;
w0 = custom.joy1dat;
w1 = w0 >> 1;
w1 ^= w0;
if (w1 & (1<<9)) ccfb.joy0 |= JOYLEFT;
if (w1 & (1<<1)) ccfb.joy0 |= JOYRIGHT;
if (w1 & (1<<8)) ccfb.joy0 |= JOYUP;
if (w1 & (1<<0)) ccfb.joy0 |= JOYDOWN;
if ( (ciaa.pra & (1<<7)) == 0 ) ccfb.joy0 |= JOYBUTTON;
/* joystick #2 (normally mouse port) */
ccfb.joy1 = 0;
w0 = custom.joy0dat;
w1 = w0 >> 1;
w1 ^= w0;
if (w1 & (1<<9)) ccfb.joy1 |= JOYLEFT;
if (w1 & (1<<1)) ccfb.joy1 |= JOYRIGHT;
if (w1 & (1<<8)) ccfb.joy1 |= JOYUP;
if (w1 & (1<<0)) ccfb.joy1 |= JOYDOWN;
if ( (ciaa.pra & (1<<6)) == 0 ) ccfb.joy1 |= JOYBUTTON;
/* only do screenblanker/mouseblanker/display beep if screen is enabled */
if (ccfb.enableFlag) {
/* handle screen blanker */
if (ccfb.screenBlank) {
COPPERLIST *c1 = (COPPERLIST *)ccfb.cop1, *c2 = (COPPERLIST *)ccfb.cop2;
if (!ccfb.screenBlank) {
custom.dmacon = DMAF_RASTER | DMAF_SPRITE;
c1->colors[1] = c2->colors[1] = 0; /* make screen BLACK */
/* handle mouse blanker */
if (ccfb.mouseBlank) {
if (!ccfb.mouseBlank) custom.dmacon = DMAF_SPRITE;
else if (ccfb.lastMouseH != ccfb.mouseH || ccfb.lastMouseV != ccfb.mouseV) {
ccfb.mouseBlank = ccfb.mouseTime;
custom.dmacon = DMAF_SETCLR | DMAF_SPRITE;
/* handle visual beep (not implemented yet) */
/* handle audible beep */
if (ccfb.beepTimer) ccfb.beepTimer--;
if (!ccfb.beepTimer) custom.aud[0].vol = custom.aud[1].vol = 0;
/* useful function for debugging.. */
amiga_mouse_button (num)
int num;
switch (num)
case 1:
return ccfb.mouseb1;
case 2:
return ccfb.mouseb2;
case 3:
return ccfb.mouseb3;
return 0;
/* Initialize hardware.
* Must point g_display at a grfinfo structure describing the hardware.
* Returns 0 if hardware not present, non-zero ow.
cc_init(gp, ad)
struct grf_softc *gp;
struct amiga_device *ad;
register struct ccfb *fb = &ccfb;
struct grfinfo *gi = &gp->g_display;
u_char *fbp, save;
int fboff, fbsize;
int s;
/* if already initialized, fail */
if (fb->fb) return 0;
/* disable dma */
custom.dmacon = DMAF_BLTDONE
fb->mouseBlank = fb->mouseTime;
fb->screenBlank = fb->screenTime;
/* testing for the result is really redundant because chipmem_steal
panics if it runs out of memory.. */
fbsize = (fb->fb_width >> 3) * fb->fb_height * fb->fb_z;
if (! (fb->fb = (u_char *) chipmem_steal (fbsize))
|| !(fb->cop1 = (u_short *) chipmem_steal (sizeof(COPPERLIST)))
|| !(fb->cop2 = (u_short *) chipmem_steal (sizeof(COPPERLIST)))
|| !(fb->pointer = (u_short *)chipmem_steal (sizeof(SPRITEPTR)))
return 0;
/* clear the display. bzero only likes regions up to 64k, so call multiple times */
for (fboff = 0; fboff < fbsize; fboff += 64*1024)
bzero (fb->fb + fboff, fbsize - fboff > 64*1024 ? 64*1024 : fbsize - fboff);
/* init the audio beep */
/* initialize the sprite pointer */
/* initialize the copper lists */
initcop (fb->cop1, fb->cop2, 0, fb);
initcop (fb->cop2, fb->cop1, 1, fb);
/* start the new display */
/* ok, this is a bit rough.. */
/* mtk: not any more! :-) */
/* mykes: phew, thanks :-) */
s = splhigh ();
/* install dummy, to get display going (for vposr to count.. ) */
custom.cop1lc = (void *) ((unsigned long)fb->cop1 - (unsigned long) CHIPMEMADDR);
custom.copjmp1 = 0;
/* enable DMA (so the copperlists are executed and eventually
cause a switch to an interlaced display on system not already booting that
way. THANKS HAMISH for finding this bug!!) */
/* this is real simple: wait for LOF bit of vposr to go high - then start
the copper list! :-) */
while (custom.vposr & 0x8000);
while (!(custom.vposr & 0x8000));
custom.cop1lc = (void *) ((unsigned long)fb->cop1 - (unsigned long) CHIPMEMADDR);
custom.copjmp1 = 0;
custom.intreq = INTF_VERTB;
splx (s);
#if 0
/* tame the blitter. Copying one word onto itself should put it into
a consistent state. This is black magic... */
custom.bltapt =
custom.bltbpt =
custom.bltcpt =
custom.bltdpt = 0;
custom.bltamod =
custom.bltbmod =
custom.bltcmod =
custom.bltdmod = 0;
custom.bltafwm =
custom.bltalwn = 0xffff;
custom.bltcon0 = 0x09f0;
custom.bltcon1 = 0;
custom.bltsize = 1;
/* enable VBR interrupts. This is also done in the serial driver, but it
really belongs here.. */
custom.intena = INTF_SETCLR | INTF_VERTB; /* under amigaos, INTF_INTEN is needed */
#if 0
#ifdef DEBUG
/* prove the display is up.. */
for (fboff = 0; fboff < fbsize; fboff++)
fb->fb[fboff] = 0xff;
for (fboff = 0; fboff < fbsize; fboff++)
fb->fb[fboff] = 0;
gp->g_data = (caddr_t) fb;
gi->gd_regaddr = 0xdff000;
gi->gd_regsize = sizeof (custom);
gi->gd_fbaddr = fb->fb - (u_char *) CHIPMEMADDR;
#if 0
/* mykes kludges here to make gi look like 1 bitplane */
gi->gd_fbsize = fbsize/2;
/* don't see why we should kludge here.. we have
disp_z to indicate the real depth of the display */
gi->gd_fbsize = fbsize;
gi->gd_colors = 1 << fb->disp_z;
gi->gd_planes = fb->disp_z;
gi->gd_fbwidth = fb->fb_width;
gi->gd_fbheight = fb->fb_height;
gi->gd_fbx = fb->fb_x;
gi->gd_fby = fb->fb_y;
gi->gd_dwidth = fb->disp_width;
gi->gd_dheight = fb->disp_height;
gi->gd_dx = fb->disp_x;
gi->gd_dy = fb->disp_y;
gp->g_regkva = 0; /* builtin */
gp->g_fbkva = fb->fb;
fb->enableFlag = !0;
cc_config(gp, di)
register struct grf_softc *gp;
struct grfdyninfo *di;
register struct ccfb *fb = &ccfb;
struct grfinfo *gi = &gp->g_display;
u_char *fbp, save;
int fboff, fbsize;
int s;
/* bottom missing... */
* Change the mode of the display.
* Right now all we can do is grfon/grfoff.
* Return a UNIX error number or 0 for success.
cc_mode(gp, cmd, arg)
register struct grf_softc *gp;
int cmd;
void *arg;
switch (cmd)
case GM_GRFON:
ccfb.enableFlag = !0;
ccfb.screenBlank = ccfb.screenTime;
ccfb.mouseBlank = ccfb.mouseTime;
return 0;
ccfb.enableFlag = 0;
return 0;
return cc_config (gp, (struct grfdyninfo *) arg);
return EINVAL;