
283 lines
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2000-05-03 13:27:16 +04:00
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
# bounce-resender: constructs mail queue from bounce spool for
# subsequent reprocessing by sendmail
# usage: given a mail spool full of (only) bounced mail called "bounces":
# # mkdir -m0700 bqueue; cd bqueue && bounce-resender < ../bounces
# # cd ..
# # chown -R root bqueue; chmod 600 bqueue/*
# # /usr/lib/sendmail -bp -oQ`pwd`/bqueue | more # does it look OK?
# # /usr/lib/sendmail -q -oQ`pwd`/bqueue -oT99d & # run the queue
# ** also read messages at end! **
# Brian R. Gaeke <brg@EECS.Berkeley.EDU> Thu Feb 18 13:40:10 PST 1999
# This script has NO WARRANTY, NO BUG FIXES, and NO SUPPORT. You will
# need to modify it for your site and for your operating system, unless
# you are in the EECS Instructional group at UC Berkeley. (Search forward
# for two occurrences of "FIXME".)
$state = "MSG_START";
$ctr = 0;
$lineno = 0;
$getnrl = 0;
$nrl = "";
$uname = "PhilOS"; # You don't want to change this here.
$myname = $0;
$myname =~ s,.*/([^/]*),$1,;
chomp($hostname = `hostname`);
chomp($uname = `uname`);
# FIXME: Define the functions "major" and "minor" for your OS.
if ($uname eq "SunOS") {
# from h2ph < /usr/include/sys/sysmacros.h on
# SunOS torus.CS.Berkeley.EDU 5.6 Generic_105182-11 i86pc i386 i86pc
eval 'sub O_BITSMINOR () {8;}' unless defined(&O_BITSMINOR);
eval 'sub O_MAXMAJ () {0x7f;}' unless defined(&O_MAXMAJ);
eval 'sub O_MAXMIN () {0xff;}' unless defined(&O_MAXMIN);
eval 'sub major {
local($x) = @_;
eval "((($x) >> &O_BITSMINOR) &O_MAXMAJ)";
}' unless defined(&major);
eval 'sub minor {
local($x) = @_;
eval "(($x) &O_MAXMIN)";
}' unless defined(&minor);
} else {
die "How do you calculate major and minor device numbers on $uname?\n";
sub ignorance { $ignored{$state}++; }
sub unmunge {
my($addr) = @_;
$addr =~ s/_FNORD_/ /g;
# remove (Real Name)
$addr =~ s/^(.*)\([^\)]*\)(.*)$/$1$2/
if $addr =~ /^.*\([^\)]*\).*$/;
# extract <user@host> if it appears
$addr =~ s/^.*<([^>]*)>.*$/$1/
if $addr =~ /^.*<[^>]*>.*$/;
# strip leading, trailing blanks
$addr =~ s/^\s*(.*)\s*/$1/;
# nuke local domain
# FIXME: Add a regular expression for your local domain here.
$addr =~
return $addr;
print STDERR "$0: running on $hostname ($uname)\n";
open(INPUT,$ARGV[0]) || die "$ARGV[0]: $!\n";
sub working {
$now = localtime;
print STDERR "$myname: Working... $now\n";
while (! eof INPUT) {
# get a new line
if ($state eq "IN_MESSAGE_HEADER") {
# handle multi-line headers
if ($nrl ne "" || $getnrl != 0) {
$_ = $nrl;
$getnrl = 0;
$nrl = "";
} else {
$_ = <INPUT>; $lineno++;
unless ($_ =~ /^\s*$/) {
while ($nrl eq "") {
$nrl = <INPUT>; $lineno++;
if ($nrl =~ /^\s+[^\s].*$/) { # continuation line
$_ .= "_FNORD_" . $nrl;
$nrl = "";
} elsif ($nrl =~ /^\s*$/) { # end of headers
} else {
# normal single line
if ($nrl ne "") {
$_ = $nrl; $nrl = "";
} else {
$_ = <INPUT>; $lineno++;
if ($state eq "WAIT_FOR_FROM") {
if (/^From \S+.*$/) {
$state = "MSG_START";
} else {
} elsif ($state eq "MSG_START") {
if (/^\s+boundary=\"([^\"]*)\".*$/) {
$boundary = $1;
$state = "GOT_BOUNDARY";
} else {
} elsif ($state eq "GOT_BOUNDARY") {
if (/^--$boundary/) {
$next = <INPUT>; $lineno++;
if ($next =~ /^Content-Type: message\/rfc822/) {
$hour = (localtime)[2];
$char = chr(ord("A") + $hour);
$ident = sprintf("%sAA%05d",$char,99999 - $ctr);
$qf = "qf$ident";
$df = "df$ident";
@rcpt = ();
open(MSGHDR,">$qf") || die "Can't write to $qf: $!\n";
open(MSGBODY,">$df") || die "Can't write to $df: $!\n";
chmod(0600, $qf, $df);
$header = $body = "";
$messageid = "bounce-resender-$ctr";
$fromline = "MAILER-DAEMON";
$ctencod = "7BIT";
# skip a bit, brother maynard (boundary is separated from
# the header by a blank line)
$next = <INPUT>; $lineno++;
unless ($next =~ /^\s*$/) {
print MSGHDR $next;
} else {
$next = $char = $hour = undef;
} elsif ($state eq "IN_MESSAGE_HEADER") {
if (!(/^--$boundary/ || /^\s*$/)) {
if (/^Message-[iI][dD]:\s+<([^@]+)@[^>]*>.*$/) {
$messageid = $1;
} elsif (/^From:\s+(.*)$/) {
$fromline = $sender = $1;
$fromline = unmunge($fromline);
} elsif (/^Content-[Tt]ransfer-[Ee]ncoding:\s+(.*)$/) {
$ctencod = $1;
} elsif (/^(To|[Cc][Cc]):\s+(.*)$/) {
$toaddrs = $2;
foreach $toaddr (split(/,/,$toaddrs)) {
$toaddr = unmunge($toaddr);
$headerline = $_;
# escape special chars
# (Perhaps not. It doesn't seem to be necessary (yet)).
#$headerline =~ s/([\(\)<>@,;:\\".\[\]])/\\$1/g;
# purely heuristic ;-)
$headerline =~ s/Return-Path:/?P?Return-Path:/g;
# save H-line to write to qf, later
$header .= "H$headerline";
$headerline = $toaddr = $toaddrs = undef;
} elsif (/^\s*$/) {
# write to qf
($dev, $ino) = (stat($df))[0 .. 1];
($maj, $min) = (major($dev), minor($dev));
$time = time();
print MSGHDR "V2\n";
print MSGHDR "B$ctencod\n";
print MSGHDR "S$sender\n";
print MSGHDR "I$maj/$min/$ino\n";
print MSGHDR "K$time\n";
print MSGHDR "T$time\n";
print MSGHDR "D$df\n";
print MSGHDR "N1\n";
print MSGHDR "MDeferred: manually-requeued bounced message\n";
foreach $r (@rcpt) {
print MSGHDR "RP:$r\n";
$header =~ s/_FNORD_/\n/g;
print MSGHDR $header;
print MSGHDR "HMessage-ID: <$messageid@$hostname>\n"
if ($messageid =~ /bounce-resender/);
print MSGHDR ".\n";
close MSGHDR;
# jump to state waiting for message body
$state = "IN_MESSAGE_BODY";
$dev = $ino = $maj = $min = $r = $time = undef;
} elsif (/^--$boundary/) {
# signal an error
print "$myname: Header without message! Line $lineno qf $qf\n";
# write to qf anyway (SAME AS ABOVE, SHOULD BE A PROCEDURE)
($dev, $ino) = (stat($df))[0 .. 1];
($maj, $min) = (major($dev), minor($dev));
$time = time();
print MSGHDR "V2\n";
print MSGHDR "B$ctencod\n";
print MSGHDR "S$sender\n";
print MSGHDR "I$maj/$min/$ino\n";
print MSGHDR "K$time\n";
print MSGHDR "T$time\n";
print MSGHDR "D$df\n";
print MSGHDR "N1\n";
print MSGHDR "MDeferred: manually-requeued bounced message\n";
foreach $r (@rcpt) {
print MSGHDR "RP:$r\n";
$header =~ s/_FNORD_/\n/g;
print MSGHDR $header;
print MSGHDR "HMessage-ID: <$messageid@$hostname>\n"
if ($messageid =~ /bounce-resender/);
print MSGHDR ".\n";
close MSGHDR;
# jump to state waiting for next bounce message
$state = "WAIT_FOR_FROM";
$dev = $ino = $maj = $min = $r = $time = undef;
} else {
# never got here
} elsif ($state eq "IN_MESSAGE_BODY") {
if (/^--$boundary/) {
print MSGBODY $body;
close MSGBODY;
$state = "WAIT_FOR_FROM";
} else {
$body .= $_;
if ($lineno % 1900 == 0) { &working(); }
close INPUT;
foreach $x (keys %ignored) {
print STDERR
"$myname: ignored $ignored{$x} lines of bounce spool in state $x\n";
print STDERR
"$myname: processed $lineno lines of input and wrote $ctr messages\n";
print STDERR
"$myname: remember to chown the queue files to root before running:\n";
chomp($pwd = `pwd`);
print STDERR "$myname: # sendmail -q -oQ$pwd -oT99d &\n";
print STDERR "$myname: to test the newly generated queue:\n";
print STDERR "$myname: # sendmail -bp -oQ$pwd | more\n";
exit 0;