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1996-03-09 03:00:51 +03:00
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
Copyright (C) 1988 Free Software Foundation
written by Doug Lea (
based on code by Marc Shapiro (
This file is part of the GNU C++ Library. This library is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free
Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope
that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the
PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#ifndef _<T>MPlex_h
#ifdef __GNUG__
#pragma interface
#define _<T>MPlex_h 1
#include "<T>.Plex.h"
// Number of bits per long, used in MChunk bit map operations
#define _MAP_BITS 32
class <T>MChunk : public <T>IChunk
unsigned long* map; // bitmap of slots
int unused; // number of unused internal slots
inline void mark(int); // bitmap operations
inline void free(int);
inline int valid(int) const;
<T>MChunk(<T>* d, // ptr to array of elements
int base_idx, // initial indices
int low_idx, // & initially clear map
int fence_idx,
int top_idx);
inline ~<T>MChunk();
// virtuals
int first_index() const;
int last_index() const;
inline int succ(int idx) const;
inline int pred(int idx) const;
<T>* first_pointer() const;
<T>* last_pointer() const;
<T>* succ(<T>*) const;
<T>* pred(<T>*) const;
inline int empty() const;
inline int full() const;
inline int valid_index(int i) const;
inline int valid_pointer(const <T>* p) const;
inline <T>* grow_high ();
inline <T>* grow_low ();
void shrink_high ();
void shrink_low ();
void clear(int);
void cleardown(int);
int OK() const;
// extensions
int unused_indices() const; // how many free slot in low..fence?
int unused_index() const; // return index of free slot
int del(int i); // delete data indexed by i
// return true if was present
int undel(int idx); // un-delete data indexed by i
// return true if already present
void reset_low(); // reset low = lowest valid index;
void reset_high(); // same for high
class <T>MPlex: public <T>Plex
<T>MChunk* ch; // cached chunk
int unused; // # of free slots between low & fence
void make_initial_chunks(int up = 1);
void cache(int idx) const;
void cache(const <T>* p) const;
int dopred(int) const;
int dosucc(int) const;
void set_cache(const <T>MChunk* t) const; // logically,
// not physically const
<T>MPlex(); // set low = 0;
// fence = 0;
// csize = default
<T>MPlex(int ch_size); // low = 0;
// fence = 0;
// csize = ch_size
<T>MPlex(int lo, // low = lo;
int ch_size); // fence=lo
// csize = ch_size
<T>MPlex(int lo, // low = lo
int hi, // fence = hi+1
const <T&> initval,// fill with initval,
int ch_size = 0); // csize= ch_size
// or fence-lo if 0
<T>MPlex(const <T>MPlex&);
void operator= (const <T>MPlex&);
// virtuals
inline <T>& high_element ();
inline <T>& low_element ();
inline const <T>& high_element () const;
inline const <T>& low_element () const;
inline Pix first() const;
inline Pix last() const ;
void prev(Pix& ptr) const;
void next(Pix& ptr) const;
int owns(Pix p) const;
inline <T>& operator () (Pix p);
inline const <T>& operator () (Pix p) const;
inline int low() const;
inline int high() const;
int valid(int idx) const;
inline void prev(int& idx) const;
inline void next(int& x) const;
inline <T>& operator [] (int index);
inline const <T>& operator [] (int index) const;
inline int Pix_to_index(Pix p) const;
inline Pix index_to_Pix(int idx) const;
inline int can_add_high() const;
inline int can_add_low() const;
inline int full() const;
int add_high(const <T&> elem);
int del_high ();
int add_low (const <T&> elem);
int del_low ();
void clear();
int OK () const;
// extensions
int count() const; // # valid elements
int available() const; // # deleted elements
int unused_index()const; // return index of a deleted elem
Pix unused_Pix() const; // return Pix of a deleted elem
int del_index(int idx); // logically delete at idx;
// return true if was present
int del_Pix(Pix p); // delete at p
void undel_index(int idx); // undelete at idx;
void undel_Pix(Pix p); // undelete at p;
void adjust_bounds(); // reset lo, hi to lowest &
// highest valid indices
int add(const <T&> elem); // add anywhere
inline <T>MChunk:: ~<T>MChunk()
delete map;
inline void <T>MChunk::mark(int idx)
unsigned int i = idx - base;
map[i / _MAP_BITS] |= 1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1));
inline void <T>MChunk::free(int idx)
unsigned int i = idx - base;
map[i / _MAP_BITS] &= ~(1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1)));
inline int <T>MChunk::valid(int idx) const
unsigned int i = idx - base;
return map[i / _MAP_BITS] & (1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1)));
inline int <T>MChunk:: valid_index(int i) const
return i >= low && i < fence && valid(i);
inline int <T>MChunk:: valid_pointer(const <T>* p) const
int i = ((int)p - (int)data) / sizeof(<T>);
return i >= 0 && i < (fence - base) &&
(map[(unsigned)i / _MAP_BITS] & (1 << (i & (_MAP_BITS - 1))));
inline int <T>MChunk::empty() const
return fence - low - unused == 0;
inline int <T>MChunk::full() const
return unused + (top - fence) + (low - base) == 0;
inline int <T>MChunk::succ(int idx) const
int i = (idx < low)? low : idx + 1;
while (i < fence && !valid(i)) ++i;
return i;
inline int <T>MChunk::pred(int idx) const
int i = (idx > fence)? (fence - 1) : idx - 1;
while (i >= low && !valid(i)) --i;
return i;
inline int <T>MChunk::unused_indices() const
return unused;
inline <T>* <T>MChunk:: grow_high ()
if (!can_grow_high()) full_error();
return &(data[fence++ - base]);
inline <T>* <T>MChunk:: grow_low ()
if (!can_grow_low()) full_error();
return &(data[low - base]);
inline void <T>MChunk::reset_low()
while (low < fence && !valid(low))
inline void <T>MChunk::reset_high()
while (fence > low && !valid(fence - 1))
inline int <T>MPlex::full () const
return 0;
inline int <T>MPlex::can_add_high() const
return 1;
inline int <T>MPlex::can_add_low() const
return 1;
inline int <T>MPlex::available() const
return unused;
inline int <T>MPlex::count() const
return fnc - lo - unused;
inline void <T>MPlex::set_cache(const <T>MChunk* t) const
((<T>MPlex*)(this))->ch = (<T>MChunk*)t;
inline <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator [] (int idx)
if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx)) cache(idx);
return * (ch->pointer_to(idx));
inline const <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator [] (int idx) const
if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx)) cache(idx);
return * ((const <T>*)(ch->pointer_to(idx)));
inline int <T>MPlex::Pix_to_index(Pix p) const
if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_pointer((<T>*)p)) cache((<T>*)p);
return ch->index_of((<T>*)p);
inline int <T>MPlex::high() const
return (((const <T>MChunk*)tl())-><T>MChunk::valid_index(fnc-1)) ?
fnc-1 : dopred(fnc-1);
inline int <T>MPlex::low() const
return (((const <T>MChunk*)hd)-><T>MChunk::valid_index(lo))? lo : dosucc(lo);
inline <T>& <T>MPlex::low_element ()
return (*this)[low()];
inline const <T>& <T>MPlex::low_element () const
return (*this)[low()];
inline <T>& <T>MPlex::high_element ()
return (*this)[high()];
inline const <T>& <T>MPlex::high_element () const
return (*this)[high()];
inline Pix <T>MPlex::index_to_Pix(int idx) const
if (!ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx)) cache(idx);
return Pix(ch->pointer_to(idx));
inline void <T>MPlex::next(int& idx) const
idx = (ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx+1))? idx+1 : dosucc(idx);
inline void <T>MPlex::prev(int& idx) const
idx = (ch-><T>MChunk::valid_index(idx-1))? idx-1 : dopred(idx);
inline Pix <T>MPlex::first() const
return index_to_Pix(low());
inline Pix <T>MPlex::last() const
return index_to_Pix(high());
inline void <T>MPlex::undel_Pix(Pix p)
inline int <T>MPlex::del_Pix(Pix p)
return del_index(Pix_to_index(p));
inline <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator () (Pix p)
return *((<T>*)p);
inline const <T>& <T>MPlex:: operator () (Pix p) const
return *((const <T>*)p);