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virtual - format of Postfix virtual table
<b>postmap</b> <b>/etc/postfix/virtual</b>
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The optional <b>virtual</b> table specifies address redirections
for local and non-local recipients or domains. The redi-
rections are used by the <a href="cleanup.8.html"><b>cleanup</b>(8)</a> daemon. The redirec-
tions are recursive.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The <b>virtual</b> redirection is applied only to recipient enve-
lope addresses, and does not affect message headers.
Think Sendmail rule set <b>S0</b>, if you like. Use <a href="canonical.5.html"><b>canonical</b>(5)</a>
mapping to rewrite header and envelope addresses in gen-
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Normally, the <b>virtual</b> table is specified as a text file
that serves as input to the <a href="postmap.1.html"><b>postmap</b>(1)</a> command. The
result, an indexed file in <b>dbm</b> or <b>db</b> format, is used for
fast searching by the mail system. Execute the command
<b>postmap</b> <b>/etc/postfix/virtual</b> in order to rebuild the
indexed file after changing the text file.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
When the table is provided via other means such as NIS,
LDAP or SQL, the same lookups are done as for ordinary
indexed files.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Alternatively, the table can be provided as a regular-
expression map where patterns are given as regular expres-
sions. In that case, the lookups are done in a slightly
different way as described below.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
With a Postfix-style virtual domain, the virtual domain
has its own user name space. Local (i.e. non-virtual)
usernames are not visible in a Postfix-style virtual
domain. In particular, local <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> and mailing lists
are not visible as <i>localname@virtual.domain</i>.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Use a Sendmail-style virtual domain (see below) if local
usernames, <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> or mailing lists should be visible
as <i>localname@virtual.domain</i>.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Support for a Postfix-style virtual domain looks like:
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<i>virtual.domain</i> <i>anything</i> (right-hand content does not matter)
<i>postmaster@virtual.domain</i> <i>postmaster</i>
<i>user1@virtual.domain</i> <i>address1</i>
<i>user2@virtual.domain</i> <i>address2,</i> <i>address3</i>
The <i>virtual.domain</i> <i>anything</i> entry is required for a Post-
fix-style virtual domain.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Do not list a Postfix-style virtual domain in the <b></b>
<b>mydestination</b> configuration parameter. Such an entry is
required only for a Sendmail-style virtual domain.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
With a Postfix-style virtual domain, the Postfix SMTP
server accepts mail for <i>known-user@virtual.domain</i> and
rejects mail for <i>unknown-user</i>@<i>virtual.domain</i> as undeliver-
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
With a Sendmail-style virtual domain, every local (i.e.
non-virtual) username is visible in the virtual domain. In
particular, every local alias and mailing list is visible
as <i>localname@virtual.domain</i>.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Use a Postfix-style virtual domain (see above) if local
usernames, <a href="aliases.5.html"><b>aliases</b>(5)</a> or mailing lists should not be visi-
ble as <i>localname@virtual.domain</i>.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Support for a Sendmail-style virtual domain looks like:
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
mydestination = $myhostname localhost.$mydomain $mydomain
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<i>user1@virtual.domain</i> <i>address1</i>
<i>user2@virtual.domain</i> <i>address2,</i> <i>address3</i>
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The <b></b> <b>mydestination</b> entry is required for a Send-
mail-style virtual domain.
Do not specify a <i>virtual.domain</i> <i>anything</i> virtual map entry
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
for a Sendmail-style virtual domain. Such an entry is
required only with a Postfix-style virtual domain.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
With a Sendmail-style virtual domain, the Postfix local
delivery agent delivers mail for an unknown <i>user</i>@<i>vir-</i>
<i>tual.domain</i> to a local (i.e. non-virtual) user that has
the same name; if no such recipient exists, the Postfix
local delivery agent bounces the mail to the sender.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<b>TABLE</b> <b>FORMAT</b>
The format of the virtual table is as follows, mappings
being tried in the order as listed in this manual page:
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<i>pattern</i> <i>result</i>
When <i>pattern</i> matches a mail address, replace it by
the corresponding <i>result</i>.
blank lines and comments
Empty lines and whitespace-only lines are ignored,
as are lines whose first non-whitespace character
is a `#'.
multi-line text
A logical line starts with non-whitespace text. A
line that starts with whitespace continues a logi-
cal line.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
With lookups from indexed files such as DB or DBM, or from
networked tables such as NIS, LDAP or SQL, patterns are
tried in the order as listed below:
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<i>user</i>@<i>domain</i> <i>address,</i> <i>address,</i> <i>...</i>
Mail for <i>user</i>@<i>domain</i> is redirected to <i>address</i>.
This form has the highest precedence.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<i>user</i> <i>address,</i> <i>address,</i> <i>...</i>
Mail for <i>user</i>@<i>site</i> is redirected to <i>address</i> when
<i>site</i> is equal to $<b>myorigin</b>, when <i>site</i> is listed in
$mydestination, or when it is listed in
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
This functionality overlaps with functionality of
the local <i>alias</i>(5) database. The difference is that
<b>virtual</b> mapping can be applied to non-local
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
@<i>domain</i> <i>address,</i> <i>address,</i> <i>...</i>
Mail for any user in <i>domain</i> is redirected to
<i>address</i>. This form has the lowest precedence.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
In all the above forms, when <i>address</i> has the form @<i>other-</i>
<i>domain</i>, the result is the same user in <i>otherdomain</i>. This
works for the first address in the expansion only.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
When a mail address localpart contains the optional recip-
ient delimiter (e.g., <i>user+foo</i>@<i>domain</i>), the lookup order
becomes: <i>user+foo</i>@<i>domain</i>, <i>user</i>@<i>domain</i>, <i>user+foo</i>, <i>user</i>, and
@<i>domain</i>. An unmatched address extension (<i>+foo</i>) is propa-
gated to the result of table lookup.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<b>REGULAR</b> <b>EXPRESSION</b> <b>TABLES</b>
This section describes how the table lookups change when
the table is given in the form of regular expressions. For
a description of regular expression lookup table syntax,
see <a href="regexp_table.5.html"><b>regexp</b><i>_</i><b>table</b>(5)</a> or <a href="pcre_table.5.html"><b>pcre</b><i>_</i><b>table</b>(5)</a>.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Each pattern is a regular expression that is applied to
the entire address being looked up. Thus, <i>user@domain</i> mail
addresses are not broken up into their <i>user</i> and <i>@domain</i>
constituent parts, nor is <i>user+foo</i> broken up into <i>user</i> and
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Patterns are applied in the order as specified in the
table, until a pattern is found that matches the search
Results are the same as with indexed file lookups, with
the additional feature that parenthesized substrings from
the pattern can be interpolated as <b>$1</b>, <b>$2</b> and so on.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The table format does not understand quoting conventions.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The following <b></b> parameters are especially relevant
to this topic. See the Postfix <b></b> file for syntax
details and for default values. Use the <b>postfix</b> <b>reload</b>
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
command after a configuration change.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
List of virtual mapping tables.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Other parameters of interest:
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The network interface addresses that this system
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
receives mail on.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
List of domains that this mail system considers
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The domain that is appended to locally-posted mail.
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Give special treatment to <b>owner-</b><i>xxx</i> and <i>xxx</i><b>-request</b>
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
<b>SEE</b> <b>ALSO</b>
<a href="cleanup.8.html">cleanup(8)</a> canonicalize and enqueue mail
<a href="postmap.1.html">postmap(1)</a> create mapping table
<a href="pcre_table.5.html">pcre_table(5)</a> format of PCRE tables
<a href="regexp_table.5.html">regexp_table(5)</a> format of POSIX regular expression tables
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
2001-03-13 20:45:02 +03:00
Wietse Venema
IBM T.J. Watson Research
P.O. Box 704
Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
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