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/* local 8
/* Postfix local mail delivery
/* \fBlocal\fR [generic Postfix daemon options]
/* The \fBlocal\fR daemon processes delivery requests from the
/* Postfix queue manager to deliver mail to local recipients.
/* Each delivery request specifies a queue file, a sender address,
/* a domain or host to deliver to, and one or more recipients.
/* This program expects to be run from the \fBmaster\fR(8) process
/* manager.
/* The \fBlocal\fR daemon updates queue files and marks recipients
/* as finished, or it informs the queue manager that delivery should
/* be tried again at a later time. Delivery problem reports are sent
/* to the \fBbounce\fR(8) or \fBdefer\fR(8) daemon as appropriate.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The system adminstrator can set up one or more system-wide
/* \fBsendmail\fR-style alias databases.
/* Users can have \fBsendmail\fR-style ~/.\fBforward\fR files.
/* Mail for \fIname\fR is delivered to the alias \fIname\fR, to
/* destinations in ~\fIname\fR/.\fBforward\fR, to the mailbox owned
/* by the user \fIname\fR, or it is sent back as undeliverable.
/* The system administrator can specify a comma/space separated list
/* of ~\fR/.\fBforward\fR like files through the \fBforward_path\fR
/* configuration parameter. Upon delivery, the local delivery agent
/* tries each pathname in the list until a file is found.
/* The \fBforward_path\fR parameter is subject to interpolation of
/* \fB$user\fR (recipient username), \fB$home\fR (recipient home
/* directory), \fB$shell\fR (recipient shell), \fB$recipient\fR
/* (complete recipient address), \fB$extension\fR (recipient address
/* extension), \fB$domain\fR (recipient domain), \fBlocal\fR
/* (entire recipient address localpart) and
/* \fB$recipient_delimiter.\fR The forms \fI${name?value}\fR and
/* \fI${name:value}\fR expand conditionally to \fIvalue\fR when
/* \fI$name\fR is (is not) defined.
/* Characters that may have special meaning to the shell or file system
/* are replaced by underscores. The list of acceptable characters
/* is specified with the \fBforward_expansion_filter\fR configuration
/* parameter.
/* An alias or ~/.\fBforward\fR file may list any combination of external
/* commands, destination file names, \fB:include:\fR directives, or
/* mail addresses.
/* See \fBaliases\fR(5) for a precise description. Each line in a
/* user's .\fBforward\fR file has the same syntax as the right-hand part
/* of an alias.
/* When an address is found in its own alias expansion, delivery is
/* made to the user instead. When a user is listed in the user's own
/* ~/.\fBforward\fR file, delivery is made to the user's mailbox instead.
/* An empty ~/.\fBforward\fR file means do not forward mail.
/* In order to prevent the mail system from using up unreasonable
/* amounts of memory, input records read from \fB:include:\fR or from
/* ~/.\fBforward\fR files are broken up into chunks of length
/* \fBline_length_limit\fR.
/* While expanding aliases, ~/.\fBforward\fR files, and so on, the
/* program attempts to avoid duplicate deliveries. The
/* \fBduplicate_filter_limit\fR configuration parameter limits the
/* number of remembered recipients.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* For the sake of reliability, forwarded mail is re-submitted as
/* a new message, so that each recipient has a separate on-file
/* delivery status record.
/* In order to stop mail forwarding loops early, the software adds an
/* optional
/* \fBDelivered-To:\fR header with the envelope recipient address. If
/* mail arrives for a recipient that is already listed in a
/* \fBDelivered-To:\fR header, the message is bounced.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The default per-user mailbox is a file in the UNIX mail spool
/* directory (\fB/var/mail/\fIuser\fR or \fB/var/spool/mail/\fIuser\fR);
/* the location can be specified with the \fBmail_spool_directory\fR
/* configuration parameter.
/* Alternatively, the per-user mailbox can be a file in the user's home
/* directory with a name specified via the \fBhome_mailbox\fR
/* configuration parameter. Specify a relative path name. Specify a name
/* ending in \fB/\fR for \fBqmail\fR-compatible \fBmaildir\fR delivery.
/* Mailbox delivery can be delegated to an external command specified
/* with the \fBmailbox_command\fR configuration parameter. The command
/* executes with the privileges of the recipient user (exception: in
/* case of delivery as root, the command executes with the privileges
/* of \fBdefault_privs\fR).
/* Mailbox delivery can be delegated to alternative message transports
/* specified in the \\fR file.
/* The \fBmailbox_transport\fR configuration parameter specifies a
/* message transport that is to be used for all local recipients,
/* regardless of whether they are found in the UNIX passwd database.
/* The \fBfallback_transport\fR parameter specifies a message transport
/* for recipients that are not found in the UNIX passwd database.
/* In the case of UNIX-style mailbox delivery,
/* the \fBlocal\fR daemon prepends a "\fBFrom \fIsender time_stamp\fR"
/* envelope header to each message, prepends an
/* optional \fBDelivered-To:\fR header
/* with the envelope recipient address, prepends a \fBReturn-Path:\fR
/* header with the envelope sender address, prepends a \fB>\fR character
/* to lines beginning with "\fBFrom \fR", and appends an empty line.
/* The mailbox is locked for exclusive access while delivery is in
/* progress. In case of problems, an attempt is made to truncate the
/* mailbox to its original length.
/* In the case of \fBmaildir\fR delivery, the local daemon prepends
/* an optional
/* \fBDelivered-To:\fR header with the envelope recipient address
/* and prepends a \fBReturn-Path:\fR header with the envelope sender
/* address.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The \fBallow_mail_to_commands\fR configuration parameter restricts
/* delivery to external commands. The default setting (\fBalias,
/* forward\fR) forbids command destinations in \fB:include:\fR files.
/* The command is executed directly where possible. Assistance by the
/* shell (\fB/bin/sh\fR on UNIX systems) is used only when the command
/* contains shell magic characters, or when the command invokes a shell
/* built-in command.
/* A limited amount of command output (standard output and standard
/* error) is captured for inclusion with non-delivery status reports.
/* A command is forcibly terminated if it does not complete within
/* \fBcommand_time_limit\fR seconds. Command exit status codes are
/* expected to follow the conventions defined in <\fBsysexits.h\fR>.
/* A limited amount of message context is exported via environment
/* variables. Characters that may have special meaning to the shell
/* are replaced by underscores. The list of acceptable characters
/* is specified with the \fBcommand_expansion_filter\fR configuration
/* parameter.
/* .IP \fBSHELL\fR
/* The recipient user's login shell.
/* .IP \fBHOME\fR
/* The recipient user's home directory.
/* .IP \fBUSER\fR
/* The bare recipient name.
/* The optional recipient address extension.
/* The recipient address domain part.
/* The bare recipient name.
/* .IP \fBLOCAL\fR
/* The entire recipient address localpart (text to the left of the
/* rightmost @ character).
/* The entire recipient address.
/* .PP
/* The \fBPATH\fR environment variable is always reset to a
/* system-dependent default path, and the \fBTZ\fR (time zone)
/* environment variable is always passed on without change.
/* The current working directory is the mail queue directory.
/* The \fBlocal\fR daemon prepends a "\fBFrom \fIsender time_stamp\fR"
/* envelope header to each message, prepends an
/* optional \fBDelivered-To:\fR
/* header with the recipient envelope address, prepends a
/* \fBReturn-Path:\fR header with the sender envelope address,
/* and appends an empty line.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The \fBallow_mail_to_files\fR configuration parameter restricts
/* delivery to external files. The default setting (\fBalias,
/* forward\fR) forbids file destinations in \fB:include:\fR files.
/* Specify a pathname ending in \fB/\fR for \fBqmail\fR-compatible
/* \fBmaildir\fR delivery.
/* The \fBlocal\fR daemon prepends a "\fBFrom \fIsender time_stamp\fR"
/* envelope header to each message, prepends an
/* optional \fBDelivered-To:\fR
/* header with the recipient envelope address, prepends a \fB>\fR
/* character to lines beginning with "\fBFrom \fR", and appends an
/* empty line.
/* The envelope sender address is available in the \fBReturn-Path:\fR
/* header.
/* When the destination is a regular file, it is locked for exclusive
/* access while delivery is in progress. In case of problems, an attempt
/* is made to truncate a regular file to its original length.
/* In the case of \fBmaildir\fR delivery, the local daemon prepends
/* an optional
/* \fBDelivered-To:\fR header with the envelope recipient address.
/* The envelope sender address is available in the \fBReturn-Path:\fR
/* header.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The optional \fBrecipient_delimiter\fR configuration parameter
/* specifies how to separate address extensions from local recipient
/* names.
/* For example, with "\fBrecipient_delimiter = +\fR", mail for
/* \fIname\fR+\fIfoo\fR is delivered to the alias \fIname\fR+\fIfoo\fR
/* or to the alias \fIname\fR, to the destinations listed in
/* ~\fIname\fR/.\fBforward\fR+\fIfoo\fR or in ~\fIname\fR/.\fBforward\fR,
/* to the mailbox owned by the user \fIname\fR, or it is sent back as
/* undeliverable.
/* In all cases the \fBlocal\fR daemon prepends an opional
/* `\fBDelivered-To:\fR \fIname\fR+\fIfoo\fR' header line.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* Deliveries to external files and external commands are made with
/* the rights of the receiving user on whose behalf the delivery is made.
/* In the absence of a user context, the \fBlocal\fR daemon uses the
/* owner rights of the \fB:include:\fR file or alias database.
/* When those files are owned by the superuser, delivery is made with
/* the rights specified with the \fBdefault_privs\fR configuration
/* parameter.
/* RFC 822 (ARPA Internet Text Messages)
/* Problems and transactions are logged to \fBsyslogd\fR(8).
/* Corrupted message files are marked so that the queue
/* manager can move them to the \fBcorrupt\fR queue afterwards.
/* Depending on the setting of the \fBnotify_classes\fR parameter,
/* the postmaster is notified of bounces and of other trouble.
/* For security reasons, the message delivery status of external commands
/* or of external files is never checkpointed to file. As a result,
/* the program may occasionally deliver more than once to a command or
/* external file. Better safe than sorry.
/* Mutually-recursive aliases or ~/.\fBforward\fR files are not detected
/* early. The resulting mail forwarding loop is broken by the use of the
/* \fBDelivered-To:\fR message header.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The following \\fR parameters are especially relevant to
/* this program. See the Postfix \\fR file for syntax details
/* and for default values. Use the \fBpostfix reload\fR command after
/* a configuration change.
/* .SH Miscellaneous
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* .IP \fBalias_maps\fR
/* List of alias databases.
/* .IP \fBexpand_owner_alias\fR
/* When delivering to an alias that has an owner- companion alias,
/* set the envelope sender address to the right-hand side of the
/* owner alias, instead using of the left-hand side address.
/* .IP \fBforward_path\fR
/* Search list for .forward files. The names are subject to \fI$name\fR
/* expansion.
/* .IP \fBlocal_command_shell\fR
/* Shell to use for external command execution (for example,
/* /some/where/smrsh -c).
/* When a shell is specified, it is invoked even when the command
/* contains no shell built-in commands or meta characters.
/* .IP \fBowner_request_special\fR
/* Give special treatment to \fBowner-\fIxxx\fR and \fIxxx\fB-request\fR
/* addresses.
/* .IP \fBprepend_delivered_header\fR
/* Prepend an optional \fBDelivered-To:\fR header upon external
/* forwarding, delivery to command or file. Specify zero or more of:
/* \fBcommand, file, forward\fR. Turning off \fBDelivered-To:\fR when
/* forwarding mail is not recommended.
/* .IP \fBrecipient_delimiter\fR
/* Separator between username and address extension.
/* .SH Mailbox delivery
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* .IP \fBfallback_transport\fR
/* Message transport for recipients that are not found in the UNIX
/* passwd database.
/* This parameter overrides \fBluser_relay\fR.
/* .IP \fBhome_mailbox\fR
/* Pathname of a mailbox relative to a user's home directory.
/* Specify a path ending in \fB/\fR for maildir-style delivery.
/* .IP \fBluser_relay\fR
/* Destination (\fI@domain\fR or \fIaddress\fR) for non-existent users.
/* The \fIaddress\fR is subjected to \fI$name\fR expansion.
/* .IP \fBmail_spool_directory\fR
/* Directory with UNIX-style mailboxes. The default pathname is system
/* dependent.
/* .IP \fBmailbox_command\fR
/* External command to use for mailbox delivery. The command executes
/* with the recipient privileges (exception: root). The string is subject
/* to $name expansions.
/* .IP \fBmailbox_transport\fR
/* Message transport to use for mailbox delivery to all local
/* recipients, whether or not they are found in the UNIX passwd database.
/* This parameter overrides all other configuration parameters that
/* control mailbox delivery, including \fBluser_relay\fR.
/* .SH "Locking controls"
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* .IP \fBdeliver_lock_attempts\fR
/* Limit the number of attempts to acquire an exclusive lock
/* on a mailbox or external file.
/* .IP \fBdeliver_lock_delay\fR
/* Time in seconds between successive attempts to acquire
/* an exclusive lock.
/* .IP \fBstale_lock_time\fR
/* Limit the time after which a stale lock is removed.
/* .SH "Resource controls"
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* .IP \fBcommand_time_limit\fR
/* Limit the amount of time for delivery to external command.
/* .IP \fBduplicate_filter_limit\fR
/* Limit the size of the duplicate filter for results from
/* alias etc. expansion.
/* .IP \fBline_length_limit\fR
/* Limit the amount of memory used for processing a partial
/* input line.
/* .IP \fBlocal_destination_concurrency_limit\fR
/* Limit the number of parallel deliveries to the same user.
/* The default limit is taken from the
/* \fBdefault_destination_concurrency_limit\fR parameter.
/* .IP \fBlocal_destination_recipient_limit\fR
/* Limit the number of recipients per message delivery.
/* The default limit is taken from the
/* \fBdefault_destination_recipient_limit\fR parameter.
/* .SH "Security controls"
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* .IP \fBallow_mail_to_commands\fR
/* Restrict the usage of mail delivery to external command.
/* .IP \fBallow_mail_to_files\fR
/* Restrict the usage of mail delivery to external file.
/* .IP \fBcommand_expansion_filter\fR
/* What characters are allowed to appear in $name expansions of
/* mailbox_command. Illegal characters are replaced by underscores.
/* .IP \fBdefault_privs\fR
/* Default rights for delivery to external file or command.
/* .IP \fBforward_expansion_filter\fR
/* What characters are allowed to appear in $name expansions of
/* forward_path. Illegal characters are replaced by underscores.
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The \fBDelivered-To:\fR header appears in the \fBqmail\fR system
/* by Daniel Bernstein.
/* The \fImaildir\fR structure appears in the \fBqmail\fR system
/* by Daniel Bernstein.
/* aliases(5) format of alias database
/* bounce(8) non-delivery status reports
/* postalias(1) create/update alias database
/* syslogd(8) system logging
/* qmgr(8) queue manager
/* .ad
/* .fi
/* The Secure Mailer license must be distributed with this software.
/* Wietse Venema
/* IBM T.J. Watson Research
/* P.O. Box 704
/* Yorktown Heights, NY 10598, USA
/* System library. */
#include <sys_defs.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef USE_PATHS_H
#include <paths.h>
/* Utility library. */
#include <msg.h>
#include <mymalloc.h>
#include <htable.h>
#include <vstring.h>
#include <vstream.h>
#include <iostuff.h>
#include <name_mask.h>
#include <set_eugid.h>
#include <dict.h>
/* Global library. */
#include <recipient_list.h>
#include <deliver_request.h>
#include <deliver_completed.h>
#include <mail_params.h>
#include <mail_addr.h>
#include <mail_conf.h>
#include <been_here.h>
#include <mail_params.h>
#include <ext_prop.h>
/* Single server skeleton. */
#include <mail_server.h>
/* Application-specific. */
#include "local.h"
* Tunable parameters.
char *var_allow_commands;
char *var_allow_files;
char *var_alias_maps;
int var_dup_filter_limit;
int var_command_maxtime;
char *var_home_mailbox;
char *var_mailbox_command;
char *var_rcpt_fdelim;
char *var_local_cmd_shell;
char *var_luser_relay;
int var_biff;
char *var_mail_spool_dir;
char *var_mailbox_transport;
char *var_fallback_transport;
char *var_forward_path;
char *var_cmd_exp_filter;
char *var_fwd_exp_filter;
char *var_prop_extension;
int var_exp_own_alias;
char *var_deliver_hdr;
int local_cmd_deliver_mask;
int local_file_deliver_mask;
int local_ext_prop_mask;
int local_deliver_hdr_mask;
/* local_deliver - deliver message with extreme prejudice */
static int local_deliver(DELIVER_REQUEST *rqst, char *service)
char *myname = "local_deliver";
RECIPIENT *rcpt_end = rqst-> + rqst->rcpt_list.len;
int rcpt_stat;
int msg_stat;
USER_ATTR usr_attr;
if (msg_verbose)
msg_info("local_deliver: %s from %s", rqst->queue_id, rqst->sender);
* Initialize the delivery attributes that are not recipient specific.
* While messages are being delivered and while aliases or forward files
* are being expanded, this attribute list is being changed constantly.
* For this reason, the list is passed on by value (except when it is
* being initialized :-), so that there is no need to undo attribute
* changes made by lower-level routines. The alias/include/forward
* expansion attribute list is part of a tree with self and parent
* references (see the EXPAND_ATTR definitions). The user-specific
* attributes are security sensitive, and are therefore kept separate.
* All this results in a noticeable level of clumsiness, but passing
* things around by value gives good protection against accidental change
* by subroutines.
state.level = 0;
state.msg_attr.queue_name = rqst->queue_name;
state.msg_attr.queue_id = rqst->queue_id;
state.msg_attr.fp = rqst->fp;
state.msg_attr.offset = rqst->data_offset;
state.msg_attr.sender = rqst->sender;
state.msg_attr.relay = service;
state.msg_attr.arrival_time = rqst->arrival_time;
RESET_OWNER_ATTR(state.msg_attr, state.level);
RESET_USER_ATTR(usr_attr, state.level);
state.loop_info = delivered_init(state.msg_attr); /* delivered-to */
state.request = rqst;
* Iterate over each recipient named in the delivery request. When the
* mail delivery status for a given recipient is definite (i.e. bounced
* or delivered), update the message queue file and cross off the
* recipient. Update the per-message delivery status.
for (msg_stat = 0, rcpt = rqst->; rcpt < rcpt_end; rcpt++) {
state.dup_filter = been_here_init(var_dup_filter_limit, BH_FLAG_FOLD);
state.msg_attr.recipient = rcpt->address;
rcpt_stat = deliver_recipient(state, usr_attr);
rcpt_stat |= forward_finish(state.msg_attr, rcpt_stat);
if (rcpt_stat == 0)
deliver_completed(state.msg_attr.fp, rcpt->offset);
msg_stat |= rcpt_stat;
* Clean up.
return (msg_stat);
/* local_service - perform service for client */
static void local_service(VSTREAM *stream, char *service, char **argv)
int status;
* Sanity check. This service takes no command-line arguments.
if (argv[0])
msg_fatal("unexpected command-line argument: %s", argv[0]);
* This routine runs whenever a client connects to the UNIX-domain socket
* that is dedicated to local mail delivery service. What we see below is
* a little protocol to (1) tell the client that we are ready, (2) read a
* delivery request from the client, and (3) report the completion status
* of that request.
if ((request = deliver_request_read(stream)) != 0) {
status = local_deliver(request, service);
deliver_request_done(stream, request, status);
/* local_mask_init - initialize delivery restrictions */
static void local_mask_init(void)
static NAME_MASK file_mask[] = {
"forward", EXPAND_TYPE_FWD,
"include", EXPAND_TYPE_INCL,
static NAME_MASK command_mask[] = {
"forward", EXPAND_TYPE_FWD,
"include", EXPAND_TYPE_INCL,
static NAME_MASK deliver_mask[] = {
"command", DELIVER_HDR_CMD,
"forward", DELIVER_HDR_FWD,
local_file_deliver_mask = name_mask(file_mask, var_allow_files);
local_cmd_deliver_mask = name_mask(command_mask, var_allow_commands);
local_ext_prop_mask = ext_prop_mask(var_prop_extension);
local_deliver_hdr_mask = name_mask(deliver_mask, var_deliver_hdr);
/* pre_accept - see if tables have changed */
static void pre_accept(char *unused_name, char **unused_argv)
if (dict_changed()) {
msg_info("table has changed -- exiting");
/* post_init - post-jail initialization */
static void post_init(char *unused_name, char **unused_argv)
* Drop privileges most of the time, and set up delivery restrictions.
set_eugid(var_owner_uid, var_owner_gid);
/* main - pass control to the single-threaded skeleton */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
static CONFIG_INT_TABLE int_table[] = {
VAR_COMMAND_MAXTIME, DEF_COMMAND_MAXTIME, &var_command_maxtime, 1, 0,
VAR_DUP_FILTER_LIMIT, DEF_DUP_FILTER_LIMIT, &var_dup_filter_limit, 0, 0,
static CONFIG_STR_TABLE str_table[] = {
VAR_ALIAS_MAPS, DEF_ALIAS_MAPS, &var_alias_maps, 0, 0,
VAR_HOME_MAILBOX, DEF_HOME_MAILBOX, &var_home_mailbox, 0, 0,
VAR_ALLOW_COMMANDS, DEF_ALLOW_COMMANDS, &var_allow_commands, 0, 0,
VAR_ALLOW_FILES, DEF_ALLOW_FILES, &var_allow_files, 0, 0,
VAR_LOCAL_CMD_SHELL, DEF_LOCAL_CMD_SHELL, &var_local_cmd_shell, 0, 0,
VAR_MAIL_SPOOL_DIR, DEF_MAIL_SPOOL_DIR, &var_mail_spool_dir, 0, 0,
VAR_MAILBOX_TRANSP, DEF_MAILBOX_TRANSP, &var_mailbox_transport, 0, 0,
VAR_FALLBACK_TRANSP, DEF_FALLBACK_TRANSP, &var_fallback_transport, 0, 0,
VAR_CMD_EXP_FILTER, DEF_CMD_EXP_FILTER, &var_cmd_exp_filter, 1, 0,
VAR_FWD_EXP_FILTER, DEF_FWD_EXP_FILTER, &var_fwd_exp_filter, 1, 0,
VAR_PROP_EXTENSION, DEF_PROP_EXTENSION, &var_prop_extension, 0, 0,
VAR_DELIVER_HDR, DEF_DELIVER_HDR, &var_deliver_hdr, 0, 0,
static CONFIG_BOOL_TABLE bool_table[] = {
VAR_BIFF, DEF_BIFF, &var_biff,
VAR_EXP_OWN_ALIAS, DEF_EXP_OWN_ALIAS, &var_exp_own_alias,
/* Suppress $name expansion upon loading. */
static CONFIG_STR_TABLE raw_table[] = {
VAR_FORWARD_PATH, DEF_FORWARD_PATH, &var_forward_path, 0, 0,
VAR_MAILBOX_COMMAND, DEF_MAILBOX_COMMAND, &var_mailbox_command, 0, 0,
VAR_LUSER_RELAY, DEF_LUSER_RELAY, &var_luser_relay, 0, 0,
single_server_main(argc, argv, local_service,