1993-08-02 17:48:44 +00:00
1993-07-08 16:03:44 +00:00
* source in this file came from
* the Mach ethernet boot written by Leendert van Doorn.
* A very simple network driver for NE2100 boards that polls.
* Copyright (c) 1992 by Leendert van Doorn
1993-08-02 17:48:44 +00:00
* $Id: ne2100.c,v 1.2 1993/08/02 17:52:59 mycroft Exp $
1993-07-08 16:03:44 +00:00
#include "assert.h"
#include "nbtypes.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "ether.h"
#include "lance.h"
#include "proto.h"
/* configurable parameters */
#define NE_BASEREG 0x300 /* base register */
#define NE_DMACHANNEL 5 /* DMA channel */
/* Lance register offsets */
#define LA_CSR (NE_BASEREG+0x10)
#define LA_CSR1 (NE_BASEREG+0x10)
#define LA_CSR2 (NE_BASEREG+0x10)
#define LA_CSR3 (NE_BASEREG+0x10)
#define LA_RAP (NE_BASEREG+0x12)
* Some driver specific constants.
* Take care when tuning, this program only has 32 Kb
#define LANCEBUFSIZE 1518 /* plus 4 CRC bytes */
#define MAXLOOP 1000000L /* arbitrary retry limit */
#define LOG2NRCVRING 2 /* log2(NRCVRING) */
u_char eth_myaddr[ETH_ADDRSIZE];
static int next_rmd; /* next receive element */
static initblock_t *initblock; /* initialization block */
static tmde_t *tmd; /* transmit ring */
static rmde_t *rmd; /* receive ring */
static char rbuffer[NRCVRING][LANCEBUFSIZE]; /* receive buffers */
static char *top = (char *)RAMSIZE;
static char last;
static char *
aalloc(size, align)
int size, align;
register char *p;
register int mask;
if (align == 0)
align = sizeof(int);
mask = align - 1;
assert((align & mask) == 0);
top = top - (size + align);
p = (char *)((int)top & ~mask);
assert(p > &last);
assert(p <= (char *) RAMSIZE);
return top = p;
* Program DMA channel 'chan' for cascade mode
static void
int chan;
assert(chan >= 0);
assert(chan <= 7);
if (chan >= 0 && chan <= 3) {
outb(0x0B, 0xC0 | (chan & 03));
outb(0x0A, chan & 03);
} else {
outb(0xD6, 0xC0 | ((chan - 4) & 03));
outb(0xD4, (chan - 4) & 03);
* Reset ethernet board (i.e. after a timeout)
EtherReset(void) {
long l;
u_long addr;
int i;
/* program DMA chip */
/* stop the chip, and make sure it did */
outw(LA_RAP, RDP_CSR0);
for (l = 0; (inw(LA_CSR) & CSR_STOP) == 0; l++) {
if (l >= MAXLOOP) {
printf("Lance failed to stop\n");
/* fill lance initialization block */
bzero(initblock, sizeof(initblock_t));
/* set my ethernet address */
initblock->ib_padr[0] = eth_myaddr[0];
initblock->ib_padr[1] = eth_myaddr[1];
initblock->ib_padr[2] = eth_myaddr[2];
initblock->ib_padr[3] = eth_myaddr[3];
initblock->ib_padr[4] = eth_myaddr[4];
initblock->ib_padr[5] = eth_myaddr[5];
/* receive ring pointer */
addr = LA(rmd);
initblock->ib_rdralow = (u_short)addr;
initblock->ib_rdrahigh = (u_char)(addr >> 16);
initblock->ib_rlen = LOG2NRCVRING << 5;
/* transmit ring with one element */
addr = LA(tmd);
initblock->ib_tdralow = (u_short)addr;
initblock->ib_tdrahigh = (u_char)(addr >> 16);
initblock->ib_tlen = 0 << 5;
/* setup the receive ring entries */
for (next_rmd = 0, i = 0; i < NRCVRING; i++) {
addr = LA(&rbuffer[i]);
rmd[i].rmd_ladr = (u_short)addr;
rmd[i].rmd_hadr = (u_char)(addr >> 16);
rmd[i].rmd_mcnt = 0;
rmd[i].rmd_bcnt = -LANCEBUFSIZE;
rmd[i].rmd_flags = RMD_OWN;
/* zero transmit ring */
bzero(tmd, sizeof(tmde_t));
/* give lance the init block */
addr = LA(initblock);
outw(LA_RAP, RDP_CSR1);
outw(LA_CSR1, (u_short)addr);
outw(LA_RAP, RDP_CSR2);
outw(LA_CSR2, (char)(addr >> 16));
outw(LA_RAP, RDP_CSR3);
outw(LA_CSR3, 0);
/* and initialize it */
outw(LA_RAP, RDP_CSR0);
/* wait for the lance to complete initialization and fire it up */
for (l = 0; (inw(LA_CSR) & CSR_IDON) == 0; l++) {
if (l >= MAXLOOP) {
printf("Lance failed to initialize\n");
for (l=0; (inw(LA_CSR)&(CSR_TXON|CSR_RXON))!=(CSR_TXON|CSR_RXON); l++) {
if (l >= MAXLOOP) {
printf("Lance not started\n");
* Get ethernet address and compute checksum to be sure
* that there is a board at this address.
u_short checksum, sum;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
eth_myaddr[i] = inb(NE_BASEREG + i);
sum = 0;
for (i = 0x00; i <= 0x0B; i++)
sum += inb(NE_BASEREG + i);
for (i = 0x0E; i <= 0xF; i++)
sum += inb(NE_BASEREG + i);
checksum = inb(NE_BASEREG + 0x0C) | (inb(NE_BASEREG + 0x0D) << 8);
if (sum != checksum)
return 0;
/* initblock, tmd, and rmd should be 8 byte aligned ! */
initblock = (initblock_t *) aalloc(sizeof(initblock_t), 8);
tmd = (tmde_t *) aalloc(sizeof(tmde_t), 8);
rmd = (rmde_t *) aalloc(NRCVRING * sizeof(rmde_t), 8);
return 1;
* Disable DMA for channel 'chan'
static void
int chan;
assert(chan >= 0);
assert(chan <= 7);
if (chan >= 0 && chan <= 3)
outb(0x0A, 0x04 | (chan & 03));
outb(0xD4, 0x04 | ((chan - 4 ) & 03));
* Stop ethernet board
long l;
/* stop chip and disable DMA access */
outw(LA_RAP, RDP_CSR0);
for (l = 0; (inw(LA_CSR) & CSR_STOP) == 0; l++) {
if (l >= MAXLOOP) {
printf("Lance failed to stop\n");
* Send an ethernet packet to destination 'dest'
EtherSend(pkt, proto, dest)
packet_t *pkt;
u_short proto;
u_char *dest;
ethhdr_t *ep;
long l;
u_long addr;
u_short csr;
/* add ethernet header and fill in source & destination */
pkt->pkt_len += sizeof(ethhdr_t);
pkt->pkt_offset -= sizeof(ethhdr_t);
ep = (ethhdr_t *) pkt->pkt_offset;
ep->eth_proto = htons(proto);
bcopy(dest, ep->eth_dst, ETH_ADDRSIZE);
bcopy(eth_myaddr, ep->eth_src, ETH_ADDRSIZE);
if (pkt->pkt_len < 60)
pkt->pkt_len = 60;
assert(pkt->pkt_len <= 1514);
/* set up transmit ring element */
assert((tmd->tmd_flags & TMD_OWN) == 0);
addr = LA(pkt->pkt_offset);
assert((addr & 1) == 0);
tmd->tmd_ladr = (u_short)addr;
tmd->tmd_hadr = (u_char)(addr >> 16);
tmd->tmd_bcnt = -pkt->pkt_len;
tmd->tmd_err = 0;
tmd->tmd_flags = TMD_OWN|TMD_STP|TMD_ENP;
/* start transmission */
/* wait for interrupt and acknowledge it */
for (l = 0; l < MAXLOOP; l++) {
if ((csr = inw(LA_CSR)) & CSR_TINT) {
* Poll the LANCE just see if there's an Ethernet packet
* available. If there is, its contents is returned in a
* pkt structure, otherwise a nil pointer is returned.
packet_t *
EtherReceive(void) {
packet_t *pkt;
rmde_t *rp;
u_long addr;
u_short csr;
pkt = (packet_t *)0;
if ((csr = inw(LA_CSR)) & CSR_RINT) {
assert(next_rmd >= 0);
assert(next_rmd <= NRCVRING);
rp = &rmd[next_rmd];
if ((rp->rmd_flags & ~RMD_OFLO) == (RMD_STP|RMD_ENP)) {
pkt = PktAlloc(0);
pkt->pkt_len = rp->rmd_mcnt - 4;
assert(pkt->pkt_len >= 0);
assert(pkt->pkt_len < PKT_DATASIZE);
bcopy(rbuffer[next_rmd], pkt->pkt_offset, pkt->pkt_len);
/* give packet back to the lance */
rp->rmd_bcnt = -LANCEBUFSIZE;
rp->rmd_mcnt = 0;
rp->rmd_flags = RMD_OWN;
next_rmd = (next_rmd + 1) & (NRCVRING - 1);
return pkt;
* Print an ethernet address in human readable form
u_char *addr;
addr[0] & 0xFF, addr[1] & 0xFF, addr[2] & 0xFF,
addr[3] & 0xFF, addr[4] & 0xFF, addr[5] & 0xFF);