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# $NetBSD: HACKS,v 1.186 2017/03/11 09:12:13 maya Exp $
# This file is intended to document workarounds for currently unsolved
# (mostly) compiler bugs.
# Format:
# hack title
# cdate creation date
# mdate mod date
# who responsible developer
# port ...
# affected ports, space separated, if not "all"
# file affected file : revision : line from : line to
# affected files and revision and line numbers describing hack
# multiple lines if necessary.
# pr NNNN ...
# problem reports this hack works around, if known. Space
# separated.
# regress src/regress/directory/where/test/found
# regression test directories, if available.
# descr
# insert short informal description (multi-line). (Longer ones
# should be in the PR database. More formal descriptions might
# be in the regress tree. See above).
# kcah
# closing bracket.
# this is a comment.
2016-05-04 22:42:40 +00:00
hack gcc-5.3 optimizes memset+malloc -> calloc inside calloc
mdate 4 May 2016
who christos
file external/gpl2/lib/libmalloc/lib/Makefile 1.3 -> 1.5
resulting in infinite recursion; we prevent this with
hack turn off tree-vrp for parts of ufs_lookup.c
mdate 28 April 2016
who mrg christos
file src/sys/ufs/ufs/ufs_lookup.c : 1.144
pr 51094
with -ftree-vrp enabled in ufs_lookup.c sometimes bad dir
panicks are see.
hack netstat ieee1394 address printing.
mdate 14 Nov 2000
who matt
file lib/libc/net/getnameinfo.c : 1.32 : 497 : 503
Because the current implementation of IP over IEEE1394, the
fw device address contains more than just the IEEE1394 EUI-64.
So when printing out IEEE1394 addresses, ignore the extra stuff.
hack xterm vs. libterm
mdate 01 Aug 2000
who jdc
file xsrc/xc/programs/xterm/main.c : 1.2 : 3609 : 3614
pr 10383
In order to extend the termcap string over 1023 bytes, a ZZ entry was
introduced to point to a memory location containing the full entry.
Without this hack, xterm will export a termcap containing the ZZ
entry, which will then be ignored by libterm. As xterm modifies the
exported termcap, this would cause those modifications to be ignored.
hack wi-at-big-endian-bus
cdate 15 Mar 2002
who martin
file dev/ic/wireg.h
descr Add an option to access the underlying bus in big endian byte order
to work around deficiencies in bus_space_{read,write}_* macros.
Those don't allow the implementation of a proper pcmcia bus space
hack specific knowledge of colours in curses code
cdate Sun Apr 6 11:05:24 BST 2003
who jdc
file lib/libcurses/color.c : r1.24
Swap red/blue and yellow/cyan colours for COLOR_OTHER.
Fix is to enhance libtermcap to understand terminfo-style % sequences.
See also:
2003-07-26 17:24:44 +00:00
hack Compensation for differing types of LINUX_USRSTACK and USRSTACK
cdate 21 Aug 2003
who he
file sys/miscfs/procfs/procfs_linux.c : 1.14
Not all ports have LINUX_USRSTACK and/or USRSTACK defined as
literals/constants, but refer to variables of a type which is
not "unsigned long", causing compilation of procfs_linux.c to
fail with "makes integer from pointer without a cast". This
is observed on e.g. the sun3 port. Ideally the "types" for
symbols should be consistent across all ports.
hack gcc4 wrong uninitialized variable
mdate 10 May 2006
who mrg
file bin/ksh/eval.c : 1.6
file bin/sh/histedit.c : 1.39
file bin/sh/parser.c : 1.60
file crypto/dist/heimdal/kdc/524.c : 1.10
file crypto/dist/ssh/sftp.c : 1.20
file crypto/dist/ssh/ssh-keysign.c : 1.11
file dist/ipf/lib/hostname.c : 1.2
file dist/ipf/tools/ipmon.c : 1.8
2006-05-21 00:44:53 +00:00
file dist/ntp/ntpd/ntp_request.c : 1.4
file dist/ntp/ntpd/refclock_shm.c : 1.4
file dist/ntp/sntp/timing.c : 1.3
file dist/pppd/pppstats/pppstats.c : 1.3
file dist/smbfs/lib/smb/rap.c : 1.6
file dist/tcpdump/print-zephyr.c : 1.5
file distrib/utils/sysinst/aout2elf.c : 1.12
file gnu/libexec/uucp/uucico/uucico.c : 1.6
file lib/libc/citrus/citrus_csmapper.c : 1.6
file lib/libc/citrus/citrus_pivot_factory.c : 1.5
file lib/libc/inet/inet_cidr_ntop.c : 1.3
file lib/libc/inet/inet_ntop.c : 1.3
file lib/libc/stdio/vfwprintf.c : 1.8
file libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/m68k/mdreloc.c : 1.20
2006-05-25 09:05:40 +00:00
file libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/powerpc/ppc_reloc.c : 1.40
file libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/sh3/mdreloc.c : 1.22
file libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/sparc/mdreloc.c : 1.39
file libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/sparc64/mdreloc.c : 1.39
file libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/vax/mdreloc.c : 1.21
file libexec/ld.elf_so/arch/x86_64/mdreloc.c : 1.27
file sbin/fsck_ext2fs/dir.c : 1.19
file sbin/routed/rtquery/rtquery.c : 1.18
file sys/arch/amd64/amd64/pmap.c : 1.26
file sys/arch/i386/pci/piixpcib.c : 1.4
file sys/arch/m68k/m68k/pmap_motorola.c : 1.4
file sys/crypto/cast128/cast128.c : 1.9
file sys/ddb/db_command.c : 1.86
file sys/dev/cardbus/cardbus_map.c : 1.21
file sys/dev/fss.c : 1.25
file sys/dev/ic/igsfb.c : 1.39
file sys/dev/ic/mb86950.c : 1.5
file sys/dev/ic/midway.c : 1.71
file sys/dev/kttcp.c : 1.18
file sys/dev/rasops/rasops_bitops.h : 1.9
file sys/dev/pci/cmpci.c : 1.31
file sys/dev/pci/machfb.c : 1.45
file sys/dev/usb/ohci.c : 1.174
file sys/dev/usb/uhci.c : 1.196
file sys/dev/rasops/rasops_bitops.h : 1.9
file sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_nat.c : 1.10
file sys/dist/ipf/netinet/ip_rpcb_pxy.c : 1.8
file sys/dist/pf/net/pf.c : 1.22
file sys/fs/udf/udf_vnops.c : 1.4
file sys/kern/kern_sig.c : 1.219
file sys/kern/tty.c : 1.181
file sys/net/bpf.c : 1.116
file sys/net/zlib.c : 1.26
file sys/netccitt/if_x25subr.c : 1.37
file sys/netinet/in.c : 1.107
file sys/netsmb/smb_smb.c : 1.27
file sys/netsmb/smb_trantcp.c : 1.22
file sys/nfs/nfs_serv.c : 1.108
file sys/nfs/nfs_socket.c : 1.129
file sys/nfs/nfs_syscalls.c : 1.91
file sys/ufs/lfs/lfs_vfsops.c : 1.207 [also (char *)]
file usr.bin/ftp/ftp.c : 1.140
file usr.bin/find/function.c : 1.54
file usr.bin/mail/tty.c : 1.20
file usr.bin/msgc/msg_sys.def : 1.33-1.34
file usr.bin/nl/nl.c : 1.7
file usr.bin/systat/keyboard.c : 1.23
file usr.bin/usbhidctl/usbhid.c : 1.29
file usr.bin/vi/cl/cl_read.c : 1.5
file usr.bin/vi/ex/ex_cscope.c : 1.12
file usr.bin/vi/ex/ex_tag.c : 1.19
file usr.bin/vi/vi/v_txt.c : 1.15
file usr.sbin/altq/altqstat/qdisc_rio.c : 1.4
file usr.sbin/cron/do_command.c : 1.19
file usr.sbin/timed/timed/slave.c : 1.15
GCC 4.1 gets many uninitialised variable warnings wrong. We should
really audit all the old hacks like this when older compilers are
removed from the tree, as many are probably no longer required.
The problem is that it does not recognize initialization via function
call pointer. I.e.
int p;
does not mark p as initialized.
hack gcc4 pointer sign and strict aliasing problems
mdate 10 May 2006
who mrg
file bin/ed/Makefile : 1.33
file distrib/utils/sysinst/ : 1.44
file distrib/utils/x_dhclient/Makefile : 1.15
file games/bcd/Makefile : 1.5
file games/dab/Makefile : 1.5
file games/larn/Makefile : 1.17
file games/pom/Makefile : 1.5
file lib/libasn1/Makefile : 1.26
file lib/libcrypt/Makefile : 1.17
file lib/libgssapi/Makefile : 1.16
file lib/libhdb/Makefile : 1.20
file lib/libkadm5clnt/Makefile : 1.21
file lib/libkadm5srv/Makefile : 1.25
file lib/libkrb5/Makefile : 1.35
file lib/libssh/Makefile : 1.6
file lib/libtelnet/Makefile : 1.26
file libexec/getty/Makefile : 1.14
file libexec/kadmind/Makefile : 1.19
file libexec/kpasswdd/Makefile : 1.14
file sbin/atactl/Makefile : 1.3
file sbin/cgdconfig/Makefile : 1.7
file sbin/clri/Makefile : 1.13
file sbin/dkctl/Makefile : 1.4
file sbin/dump/Makefile : 1.33
file sbin/fdisk/Makefile : 1.35
file sbin/fsck_ext2fs/Makefile : 1.11
file sbin/fsck_ffs/Makefile : 1.29
file sbin/fsdb/Makefile : 1.18
file sbin/mount_smbfs/Makefile : 1.4
file sbin/newfs/Makefile : 1.30
file sbin/newfs_sysvbfs/Makefile : 1.2
file sbin/restore/Makefile : 1.23
file sbin/veriexecctl/Makefile : 1.11
file sys/lib/libsa/Makefile : 1.59
file sys/arch/evbarm/adi_brh/brh_machdep.c : 1.24
file usr.bin/awk/Makefile : 1.9
file usr.bin/crontab/Makefile : 1.24
file usr.bin/ctags/Makefile : 1.8
2006-05-12 03:26:54 +00:00
file usr.bin/gzip/Makefile : 1.10
file usr.bin/ssh/sftp/Makefile : 1.10
file usr.bin/ssh/ssh/Makefile : 1.25
file usr.bin/vi/build/Makefile : 1.26
file usr.bin/telnet/Makefile : 1.40
file usr.bin/tn3270/tn3270/Makefile : 1.36
file usr.bin/tr/Makefile : 1.4
file usr.sbin/amd/amd/Makefile : 1.27
file usr.sbin/amd/amq/Makefile : 1.14
file usr.sbin/amd/libamu/Makefile : 1.20
file usr.sbin/amd/pawd/Makefile : 1.5
file usr.sbin/bind/ : 1.22
file usr.sbin/bind/libdns/Makefile : 1.3
file usr.sbin/bind/named/Makefile : 1.17
file usr.sbin/bootp/bootptest/Makefile : 1.2
file usr.sbin/chrtbl/Makefile : 1.6
file usr.sbin/cron/Makefile : 1.12
file usr.sbin/dhcp/ : 1.20
file usr.sbin/hprop/Makefile : 1.13
file usr.sbin/installboot/Makefile : 1.35
file usr.sbin/ipf/ipftest/Makefile : 1.32
file usr.sbin/isdn/isdnd/Makefile : 1.6
file usr.sbin/isdn/isdnmonitor/Makefile : 1.3
file usr.sbin/isdn/isdntel/Makefile : 1.2
file usr.sbin/isdn/isdntrace/Makefile : 126
2006-05-12 03:26:54 +00:00
file usr.sbin/mopd/common/Makefile : 1.10
file usr.sbin/mopd/mopd/Makefile : 1.9
file usr.sbin/mopd/mopprobe/Makefile : 1.7
file usr.sbin/makefs/Makefile : 1.17
file usr.sbin/mscdlabel/Makefile : 1.5
file usr.sbin/pkg_install/add/Makefile : 1.7
file usr.sbin/pkg_install/create/Makefile : 1.5
file usr.sbin/pkg_install/lib/Makefile : 1.28
file usr.sbin/ntp/ntpd/Makefile : 1.10/1.11
file usr.sbin/ntp/ntptime/Makefile : 1.4/1.5
file usr.sbin/pppd/ : 1.3
file usr.sbin/pppd/pppd/Makefile : 1.38
file usr.sbin/rarpd/Makefile : 1.10
file usr.sbin/rbootd/Makefile : 1.10
file usr.sbin/rpc.pcnfsd/Makefile : 1.17
file usr.sbin/tcpdump/Makefile : 1.42
GCC 4.1 warns on pointer sign comparision/assignments and lots of
code does not conform. For now we use -Wno-pointer-sign and
2014-04-04 01:23:34 +00:00
hack disable ctf for gcc-4.8 build
mdate April 3 2014
2014-04-04 07:21:40 +00:00
who christos
2014-04-04 01:23:34 +00:00
file external/gpl3/gcc/usr.bin/Makefile.frontend : 1.4
file external/gpl3/gcc/usr.bin/Makefile.backend : 1.5
nbctfconvert -g -L VERSION -g fold-const.o
ERROR: fold-const.c: failed to get mapping for tid 79154 \
((null)) <13532>
2011-11-08 23:11:42 +00:00
hack emacs aborting on exit (libgcc issue)
mdate 7 November 2011
who christos
file external/gpl3/gcc/dist/gcc/unwind-dw2-fde.c : 1.2
GCC 4.5.3 now calls __unregister_frame_info_bases() on unloading/exit
to do just that. If the symbol requested is not found, then it aborts.
emacs 23.3 triggers this assertion. For now disable aborting, and
silently ignore.
hack cross-building hack on Darwin
mdate 20 July 2008
who agc
file src/distrib/common/Makefile.mdset : 1.33
Darwin has problems with getopt() when used in mdsetimage -v,
due to the difference between BSD and libiberty() getopt
implementations, more fully described in
and the subsequent thread. For just now, we just have an ugly
workaround not to call mdsetimage with the -v argument on Darwin
hack avoid rebuilding asn1 libraries
mdate 03 August 2008
who veego
file src/crypto/dist/heimdal/lib/asn1/gen.c : 1.10
file src/lib/libasn1/Makefile : 1.32
file src/lib/libhdb/Makefile : 1.23
file src/lib/libgssapi/Makefile : 1.20
file src/lib/libhx509/Makefile : 1.3
pr 9702 39185
asn1_compile does not check if generated header files do not have to
be rebuild.
Generate .hx files and copy it in the Makefiles if they changed.
2014-03-24 23:03:21 +00:00
hack Disable fortification for /usr/bin/makeinfo
cdata 24 Mar 2014
who tron
file src/external/gpl2/texinfo/bin/makeinfo/Makefile : 1.1
2014-03-24 23:03:21 +00:00
pr N/A
If "makeinfo" is compiled with "-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2" using GCC 4.8.3
it fails to process certain texinfo files, e.g. "cl.texi"
included in the Emacs 24.3 distribution.
2014-04-05 17:06:44 +00:00
hack Disable Stack Smash Protection for /usr/X11R7/bin/xauth
cdata 05 Apr 2014
who tron
file src/external/mit/xorg/bin/xauth/Makefile : 1.4
pr N/A
If "xauth" is compile with "USE_SSP" set to "yes" it fails
mysteriously with an error message like this:
/usr/X11R7/bin/xauth: file /foo/bar/.Xauthority does not exist
/usr/X11R7/bin/xauth: unable to link authority file /foo/bar/.Xauthority, use /foo/bar/.Xauthority
The compiler seems to get confused about the two filename variables
used in the link(2) system call.
2015-08-27 12:32:05 +00:00
hack g++ 5.x barfs on volatile in constexpr initializers
cdata 27 Aug 2015
who pooka
2015-08-27 12:32:05 +00:00
file src/lib/libpthread/pthread_types.h : 1.17
pr lib/49989
Trying to use e.g. pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER
in C++ results in:
error: temporary of non-literal type '__pthread_mutex_st'
in a constant expression
constexpr mutex() _NOEXCEPT : __m_(PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER) {}
include/pthread_types.h:101:8: note: '__pthread_mutex_st' is
not literal because:
struct __pthread_mutex_st {
include/pthread_types.h:103:17: note: non-static data
member '__pthread_mutex_st::ptm_errorcheck' has volatile type
pthread_spin_t ptm_errorcheck;
2016-01-11 22:50:35 +00:00
hack libm cabs{,f,l} and g++
cdata 11 Jan 2016
who christos
pr lib/50646
file src/external/gpl3/gcc.old/dist/libstdc++-v3/include/std/complex : 1.2
file src/external/gpl3/gcc/dist/libstdc++-v3/include/std/complex : 1.2
Our cabs and cabsf have a different argument format on some architectures
and for that we have created in libm/compat_cabs{,f}.c. The standard
versions in libc are __c99_cabs{,f,l} and there are __RENAME()'s in
<complex.h>. G++ uses __builtin_cabs{,f,l} to implement those and they
translate by default to cabs{,f,l} which gets defined to cabs{,f} (the
wrong function) and an undefined cabsl. I've changed <complex> to use
the __c99_cabs{,f,l} directly. Using the __builtin_cabs{,f,l} in gcc is
still broken.
port vax
hack gcc4/vax ICE
who tsutsui
file sys/arch/vax/conf/Makefile.vax
GCC4 on vax gets ICE on compiling sys/ddb/db_command.c.
-fno-tree-ter prevents it so add it to COPTS.
2006-07-01 06:00:41 +00:00
hack gcc4/vax compiler crash
cdate Fri Jun 30 22:39:12 PDT 2006
who mrg
file bin/csh/Makefile : 1.27
file lib/i18n_module/UTF7/Makefile : 1.2
GCC4 on vax crashes. -O0 stops it happening so far...
hack declare boolean_t in two IPF user-mode programs
cdate Tue Mar 7 19:19:20 CET 2006
who he
file dist/ipf/ipsend/iptests.c : 1.8
dist/ipf/ipsend/sock.c : 1.7
The IPF user-mode programs ipsend and iptest first
include <sys/types.h> without _KERNEL defined, and
later include <sys/file.h> with _KERNEL defined.
This causes a build failure when building for vax,
since <sys/device.h> ends up being included without
bollean_t being defined by <sys/types.h>.
Build failure and further details documented in
hack pcc 0.9.9 large string literals
cdat 8 July 2008
who gmcgarry
file sys/conf/param.c : 1.58
Workaround for pcc 0.9.9 not handling large string literals
which causes kernels with 'options INCLUDE_CONFIG_FILE' to
fail compilation.
There is a proposal on the pcc mailing list to stuff config
file in ELF section.
hack xorg warnings
2013-06-03 23:02:43 +00:00
cdat 30 July 2008, 3 June, 2013
who mrg
2008-08-02 04:37:54 +00:00
file external/mit/xorg/lib/libSM/Makefile : 1.2
2013-06-03 23:02:43 +00:00
external/mit/xorg/lib/libX11/Makefile.libx11 : 1.10
external/mit/xorg/lib/libXext/Makefile : 1.2
external/mit/xorg/lib/libXfont/Makefile : 1.2
Disable several warnings or use -Wno-error across Xorg sources
while we get them working
2009-01-11 18:25:17 +00:00
hack 32 bit time leftovers
cdat 11 January 2009
who christos
file lib/libc/time/localtime.c : 1.41
lib/libc/time/zic.c : 1.23
The timezone compiled files still contain 32 bit time_t
quantities. I did not want to version the files because
the ``parser'' is too ugly for words. What needs to be
done, is to rewrite the parser from scratch also to avoid
potential core-dumps from parsing invalid files.
hack 32 bit time leftovers
cdat 11 January 2009
who christos
file various
2009-01-11 21:02:36 +00:00
Many filesystem on-disk formats have 32 bit times.
2009-01-11 18:25:17 +00:00
2013-11-09 21:38:57 +00:00
hack gcc 4.5 fsdb miscompile
2013-11-09 16:05:39 +00:00
date Sat Nov 9 11:03:02 EST 2013
who christos
2013-11-09 21:38:57 +00:00
file src/sbin/fsdb/Makefile : 1.36 (and earlier)
2013-11-09 16:05:39 +00:00
src/sbin/fsdb/fsdb.c: In function 'findblk':
src/sbin/fsdb/fsdb.c:610:1: error: unrecognizable insn:
(insn 941 940 942 134 src/sbin/fsdb/fsdb.c:589 (set (reg:SI 604)
(subreg:SI (mem/s/j:DI (plus:SI (mult:SI (reg:SI 602)
(const_int 8 [0x8]))
(reg/f:SI 601)) [0 curinode.99_378->dp2.di_ib S8 A32]) 4)) \
-1 (nil))
src/sbin/fsdb/fsdb.c:610:1: internal compiler error: in \
extract_insn, at recog.c:2103
2013-11-09 21:38:57 +00:00
hack gcc 4.8 gcc miscompiles
date Sat Nov 9 16:35:18 EST 2013
who christos
file distrib/utils/x_ping/Makefile
file distrib/vax/miniroot/
file distrib/vax/ramdisk/Makefile
file external/gpl3/gdb/lib/libdecnumber/Makefile
file sbin/fsdb/Makefile
file sbin/newfs_ext2fs/Makefile
file sbin/ping/Makefile
file usr.sbin/lmcconfig/Makefile
file usr.sbin/mtrace/Makefile
internal compiler error: in change_address_1, at emit-rtl.c:2019
internal compiler error: in change_address_1, at emit-rtl.c:2019
internal compiler error: in change_address_1, at emit-rtl.c:2019
internal compiler error: in change_address_1, at emit-rtl.c:2019
internal compiler error: in reload_combine_note_use,
at postreload.c:1561
internal compiler error: in change_address_1, at emit-rtl.c:2019
internal compiler error: in reload_combine_note_use,
at postreload.c:1561
internal compiler error: in change_address_1, at emit-rtl.c:2019
hack gcc 5.4 cc1 miscompile
date Tue Feb 14 07:19:57 JST 2017
who rin
pr port-vax/51967
file external/gpl3/gcc/usr.bin/backend/Makefile : 1.35
cc1 aborts due to SIGILL when compiling the sample code attached
to the PR. As a workaround, compile dse.c with -O0.
2017-02-14 09:00:03 +00:00
hack libssh miscompile
cdate Tue Feb 14 17:58:06 JST 2017
mdate Tue Feb 14 18:57:39 JST 2017
2017-02-14 09:00:03 +00:00
who rin
file crypto/external/bsd/openssh/lib/Makefile : 1.20
poly1305.c and umac.c are miscompiled, which results in login
failure to/from external hosts via ssh.
2017-02-14 09:00:03 +00:00
hack mandoc miscompile
date Tue Feb 14 18:03:05 JST 2017
who rin
file external/bsd/mdocml/lib/libmandoc/Makefile : 1.8
mandoc(1) receives SIGILL in in_line_argn() from mdoc_macro.c.
hack libX11 miscompile
date Thu Feb 16 10:00:22 JST 2017
who rin
file src/external/mit/xorg/lib/libX11/Makefile.libx11 : 1.18
lcWrap.c is miscompiled, which results in input failure via XIM.
2017-02-16 01:05:01 +00:00
Besides, some clients, e.g., pkgsrc/x11/kterm, receive SIGSEGV.
port arm
hack gcc-unsigned-compare
cdate 09 Mar 2002
mdate 18 Mar 2002
who bjh21
file dist/bind/lib/nameser/ns_parse.c : 1.3
file dist/dhcp/minires/ns_parse.c : 1.3
file dist/dhcp/omapip/result.c : 1.2
file dist/dhcp/server/failover.c : 1.3
file gnu/dist/toolchain/bfd/bfd.c : 1.2
file gnu/dist/toolchain/bfd/format.c : 1.2
file gnu/dist/toolchain/gdb/target.c : 1.2
file sys/kern/vfs_subr.c : 1.172
descr When checking that a potentially-unsigned enum is >= 0, assign
it to an int first. This is necessary to avoid "comparison is
always true" warnings with -fshort-enums. Casting to an int
really should be enough, but turns out not to be.
hack gcc-4.5 arm CNAME hostname lookup failure on
certain DNS environment (probably -ftree-ter problem)
cdate Sat Dec 24 04:59:00 UTC 2011
who tsutsui
file lib/libc/net/ 1.79
descr Hostname lookup against CNAMEs by some commands fails
on certain DNS environments if lib/libc/net/gethnamaddr.c
(ping(8) etc) and lib/libc/net/getaddrinfo.c (ftp(1) etc)
are compiled with -O2, even though nslookup(1) against
the same CNAME returns proper hostname.
They works properly if compiled with -O2 -fno-tree-ter.
Also -O2 fails but -O2 -fno-tree-ter works on the following
test case in gcc bugzilla:
hack gcc-4.5 arm without -fno-tree-vrp generate broken code
cdate Wed Nov 14 13:02:02 JST 2012
who msaitoh
file lib/libc/softfloat/
pr 46953
regress src/tests/lib/libm/t_cbrt
regress src/tests/lib/libm/t_ceil
regress src/tests/lib/libm/t_exp
regress src/tests/lib/libm/t_log
regress src/tests/lib/libm/t_scalbn
regress src/tests/lib/libm/t_sinh
regress src/tests/lib/libm/t_sqrt
descr Gcc has a bug in tree optimization. For adddf3,
-INF + -INF returns 0 without -fno-tree-vrp.
Debugging with -fdump-tree-all shows that
softfloat.c.021t.cleanup_cfg is ok but softfloat.c.023t.ssa
is broken.
port sh3
hack gcc4-sh3-bz2
2008-05-16 13:16:25 +00:00
cdate Sun May 21 03:34:57 UTC 2006
mdate Fri May 16 13:13:00 UTC 2008
who mrg, tsutsui
file lib/libbz2/Makefile : 1.10
The in-tree GCC 4.1-based compiler generated too-far
2008-05-16 13:16:25 +00:00
pc-relative addresses. Hack is to build with
port m68000
hack gcc4-m68000
cdate Fri Feb 8 10:29:37 PST 2008
mdate Sun May 4 15:37:19 UTC 2008
who mrg, tsutsui
file rescue/Makefile : 1.21
file sbin/dump_lfs/Makefile : 1.9
2008-05-04 15:42:12 +00:00
file sbin/fsck_ffs/Makefile : 1.35
file sbin/fsdb/Makefile : 1.22
file share/mk/ : 1.96
file usr.sbin/ndbootd/Makefile : 1.5
2008-05-04 15:42:12 +00:00
Several internal compiler errors with gcc -O1
around 64bit integer arithmetic.
This hack uses -O1 and adds some -fno-tree-foo options
to avoid the problem.
2008-05-04 15:42:12 +00:00
This might be related with GCC Bugzilla Bug 32424.
2013-11-09 21:38:57 +00:00
port m68k,sh3,vax
hack gcc-4.8.1
cdate Wed Nov 6 20:41:35 EST 2013
who christos
2013-11-09 21:38:57 +00:00
file src/external/gpl3/gcc/libstdc++-v3/Makefile : 1.6
compile with -O2 instead of -Os to
produce missing instantiation of std::lower_bound expansion
for unsigned long.
port sparc
hack avoid NULL pointer derefs in savefpstate IPIs and GCC 4.5.3
cdate Sun Aug 14 19:26:48 PDT 2011
who mrg
file sys/arch/sparc64/sparc/cpu.c : 1.234
file sys/arch/sparc64/sparc/cpuvar.h : 1.90
file sys/arch/sparc64/sparc/ : 1.67
file sys/arch/sparc64/sparc/locore.s : 1.265
Something is wrong with GCC 4.5.3 and the savefpstate IPI.
Post newlock2 there was a bug where a lock was reduced from
IPL_SCHED to IPL_VM (?) and occasionally savefpstate IPI
would crash due to NULL IPI. This was fixed by re-using the
right IPL value. However, GCC 4.5.3 build kernels have the
same problems. For now, the hack is re-instated.
port mips
hack mips-shared-linker-load-address
cdate Fri Oct 7 08:33:10 UTC 2005
who simonb
file src/sys/kern/exec_elf32.c : 1.107
With COMPAT_16 or previous enabled (which enables
ELF_INTERP_NON_RELOCATABLE) a recent ld.elf_so will
load and run at address 0. The check to fix this in
rev 1.107 only checks the first psection of the ELF
executable, which may not be loadable. A more correct
fix is to check the first loadable psection instead of
just the first psection.
hack mips-duplicate-ras-end-label
cdate Sat Sep 2 23:29:42 2006
who martin
file src/regress/sys/kern/ras/ras3/Makefile : 1.3
Add -fno-reorder-blocks to CFLAGS to avoid duplicate
labels by duplicated __asm output from RAS_END()
2008-07-29 14:24:06 +00:00
hack mips-mcount-assembler-warning
cdate Tue Jul 29 14:16:52 UTC 2008
who lukem
file src/lib/libc/gmon/ : 1.8
Workaround for PR port-mips/39192.
common/lib/libc/gmon/mcount.c generates a (fatal)
assembler warning on MIPS:
Warning: No .cprestore pseudo-op used in PIC code
Add COPTS.count.c+=-Wa,--no-warn to avoid -Wa,--fatal-warnings
2006-07-31 17:10:57 +00:00
port i386
hack use volatile intermediate variable to enforce rounding
cdate Tue Aug 1 22:15:55 MEST 2006
who drochner
file src/lib/libm/src/lrintf.c : 1.4
file src/lib/libm/src/s_rintf.c : 1.8
gcc-4 does subsequent operations on "float" values within
the i387 FPU without rounding the intermediate results
2014-04-07 21:20:17 +00:00
port x86
hack turn off optimization for biosdisk_ll.c because otherwise
we are pass the wrong arguments to biosdisk_read().
$ cd /usr/src/sys/arch/i386/floppies/bootflopp-com
$ qemu-system-i386 -nographic -fda boot-com1.fs -boot a
who christos
file src/sys/arch/i386/stand/lib/Makefile : 1.38
Turning on DISK_DEBUG shows the problem. We should find
out which option is causing this.
port powerpc
hack avoid using __builtin_return_address(0) because it fails in
Xorg's module loader
cdate Sat Sep 27 03:52:05 UTC 2008
who macallan
file src/libexec/ld.elf_so/rtld.c : 1.121
workaround for PR port-macppc/37812
hack define TARGET_SECURE_PLT and HAVE_AS_TLS because when
building the native compiler via those don't defined
cdate Sat Mar 12 08:00:00 UTC 2011
who matt
file src/gnu/dist/gcc4/gcc/config/rs6000/netbsd.h
see above
2011-10-27 17:21:27 +00:00
port powerpc64
hack include _errno.c in libposix so that __errno resolves. It
should resolve from libc's errno, but somehow it does not.
Linker bug?
cdate Thu Oct 27 13:19:47 EDT 2011
who christos
file src/lib/libposix/Makefile: 1.15
2011-10-27 18:46:43 +00:00
file src/lib/librt/Makefile: 1.14
2011-10-27 17:21:27 +00:00
workaround for:
libposix_pic.a(cerror.pico)(.text+0x14): unresolvable \
R_PPC64_REL24 relocation against symbol `.__errno'
2011-10-29 15:18:21 +00:00
hack rename data() function in mdocml to avoid redefined error.
Compiler/Assembler bug?
cdate Sat Oct 29 11:16:01 EDT 2011
who christos
file src/external/bsd/mdocml/tbl_data.c: 1.2
workaround for:
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:105: Error: symbol `.data' is already \
2011-10-29 20:59:30 +00:00
port emips
hack Add nop between ctc1 and mtc0 to avoid assembler internal
cdate Sat Oct 29 16:57:34 EDT 2011
who christos
file src/sys/arch/mips/mips/mips_fpu.c: 1.7
workaround for:
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:730: Internal error!
Assertion failure in append_insn at /usr/src/external/gpl3/\
binutils/dist/gas/config/tc-mips.c line 2910.
port ia64
hack libc hesiod.c file does not compile with -O2 (internal
compiler error in gcc 4.5.3)
cdate Thu Dec 27 08:05:43 CET 2012
who martin
file src/lib/libc/net/ 1.82
workaround for:
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:1507: Warning: Use of 'mov' may violate WAW dependency 'GR%, % in 1 - 127' (impliedf), specific resource number is 15
{standard input}:1506: Warning: This is the location of the conflicting usage
{standard input}: Error: 2 warnings, treating warnings as errors
2012-12-27 08:07:36 +00:00
hack libelf libelf_extended.c compiler error in gcc 4.5.3
cdate Thu Dec 27 09:05:51 CET 2012
who martin
file src/external/bsd/libelf/lib/Makefile: 1.3
workaround for:
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:87: Warning: Use of 'adds' may violate RAW dependency 'GR%, % in 1 - 127' (impliedf), specific resource number is 33
{standard input}:87: Warning: Only the first path encountering the conflict is reported
{standard input}:85: Warning: This is the location of the conflicting usage
2012-12-27 14:16:57 +00:00
hack compiler error with gcc 4.5.x
cdate Thu Dec 27 15:15:25 CET 2012
who martin
file src/crypto/external/bsd/netpgp/lib/verify/Makefile: 1.5
workaround for:
{standard input}: Assembler messages:
{standard input}:22979: Warning: Use of 'mov' may violate WAW dependency 'GR%, % in 1 - 127' (impliedf), specific resource number is 8
{standard input}:22978: Warning: This is the location of the conflicting usage
2015-04-17 12:40:17 +00:00
hack libgcc unwind dummy function
cdate Fri Apr 17 14:31:03 CEST 2015
who martin
file src/external/gpl3/gcc/dist/libgcc/config/ia64/unwind-ia64.c: 1.4
Add an empty _Unwind_FindTableEntry() implementation.
In the end we will use our libc stuff, and this should
go away again.
2013-05-24 17:54:36 +00:00
port x68k
2012-12-27 14:16:57 +00:00
2013-05-24 17:54:36 +00:00
hack compiler error with gcc 4.5.x
cdate Fri May 24 13:23:01 EDT 2013
who christos
file src/external/gpl3/gcc/usr.bin/bakend/Makefile: 1.17
xsrc/external/mit/xorg/lib/libGLU/Makefile: 1.11
workaround for:
internal compiler error: in cselib_record_set, at cselib.c:1999
hack fallback to /usr/bin/clang-cpp in rpcgen
cdate Wed Jun 5 15:49:27 CEST 2013
who joerg
file src/usr.bin/rpcgen/rpc_main.c
2013-11-07 01:47:59 +00:00
It is undecided which compiler owns /usr/bin/cpp and whether it should
exist in a MKGCC=no world. To allow rpcgen to work out-of-the-box,
if either gcc or clang is installed, use /usr/bin/clang-cpp as fallback.
This applies only if RPCGEN_CPP is not set and /usr/bin/cpp is not executable.
port hppa
hack compiler error with gcc 4.5.x
cdate Tue Jul 23 07:42:28 BST 2013
who skrll
file src/sys/lib/libkern/Makefile.libkern: 1.26
workaround for unanalysed codegen bug affecting md5c.c.
2014-05-13 18:55:07 +00:00
hack gdb vs _rtld_debug_state problem
cdate Thu Mar 5 09:49:53 UTC 2015
who skrll
file src/libexec/ld.elf_so/rtld.c: 1.175
workaround for problem where gdb misses the breakpoint on
_rtld_debug_state when the function is only the
bv,n %r0(%rp) instruction - the nullify seems to
confuse something
2014-05-13 18:55:07 +00:00
port mips64*
hack compiler crashes on mips64* with optimization enabled
cdate Tue May 13 18:46:48 UTC 2014
who macallan
file src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp/arch/mips64eb/ 1.6
src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp/arch/mips64eb/config.h: 1.5
src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp/arch/mips64el/ 1.6
src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp/arch/mips64el/config.h: 1.5
descr workaround for n32 gcc doing unaligned 64bit accesses when optimizing
pr 48696
2014-05-24 07:42:45 +00:00
port vax
hack compile boot with -O1
cdate Sat May 24 09:40:58 CEST 2014
who martin
file src/sys/arch/vax/boot/boot/Makefile: 1.41
descr /boot does not work when compiled with -O2 and gcc 4.8
port arm
hack avoid using labels in a 12-bit constant.
who matt
file crypto/external/bsd/openssl/lib/libcrypto/arch/arm/aes-armv4.S: 1.2
descr workaround for clang misassembling an instruction
2017-02-11 04:59:01 +00:00
port sparc64
hack during profiling with -m32 (and ASLR) labels are not generated
who christos
file /cvsroot/src/crypto/external/bsd/heimdal/lib/libasn1/Makefile: 1.4
desc asn1_krb5_asn1.po does not produce the same results during successive
compilation runs; it is bimodal. Turning optimization to -O0 fixes
the issue