
830 lines
32 KiB

* ______ ____ ______ _____ ______
* | ____| | _ \| ____| / / _ \| ____|
* | |__ _ __ ___ ___| |_) | |__ / / |_| | |__
* | __| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ <| __| / /| _ | __|
* | | | | | __/ __/ |_) | |____ / / | | | | |
* |_| |_| \___|\___|____/|______/_/ |_| |_|_|
* VBE/AF structure definitions and constants.
* See freebe.txt for copyright information.
#define FREEBE_VERSION "v1.2"
#ifndef ALLEGRO_H
#include <pc.h>
#define NULL 0
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define MIN(x, y) (((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define MAX(x, y) (((x) > (y)) ? (x) : (y))
#define MID(x, y, z) MAX((x), MIN((y), (z)))
#define ABS(x) (((x) >= 0) ? (x) : (-(x)))
#define BYTES_PER_PIXEL(bpp) (((int)(bpp) + 7) / 8)
typedef long fixed;
/* mode attribute flags */
#define afHaveMultiBuffer 0x0001 /* multiple buffers */
#define afHaveVirtualScroll 0x0002 /* virtual scrolling */
#define afHaveBankedBuffer 0x0004 /* supports banked framebuffer */
#define afHaveLinearBuffer 0x0008 /* supports linear framebuffer */
#define afHaveAccel2D 0x0010 /* supports 2D acceleration */
#define afHaveDualBuffers 0x0020 /* uses dual buffers */
#define afHaveHWCursor 0x0040 /* supports a hardware cursor */
#define afHave8BitDAC 0x0080 /* 8 bit palette DAC */
#define afNonVGAMode 0x0100 /* not a VGA mode */
#define afHaveDoubleScan 0x0200 /* supports double scanning */
#define afHaveInterlaced 0x0400 /* supports interlacing */
#define afHaveTripleBuffer 0x0800 /* supports triple buffering */
#define afHaveStereo 0x1000 /* supports stereo LCD glasses */
#define afHaveROP2 0x2000 /* supports ROP2 mix codes */
#define afHaveHWStereoSync 0x4000 /* hardware stereo signalling */
#define afHaveEVCStereoSync 0x8000 /* HW stereo sync via EVC connector */
/* drawing modes */
typedef enum {
AF_FORE_MIX = 0, /* background pixels use the foreground mix */
AF_REPLACE_MIX = 0, /* solid drawing mode */
AF_AND_MIX, /* bitwise AND mode */
AF_OR_MIX, /* bitwise OR mode */
AF_XOR_MIX, /* bitwise XOR mode */
AF_NOP_MIX, /* nothing is drawn */
/* below here need only be supported if you set the afHaveROP2 flag */
AF_R2_BLACK = 0x10,
} AF_mixModes;
/* fixed point coordinate pair */
typedef struct AF_FIX_POINT {
fixed x;
fixed y;
/* trapezium information block */
typedef struct AF_TRAP {
unsigned long y;
unsigned long count;
fixed x1;
fixed x2;
fixed slope1;
fixed slope2;
/* hardware cursor description */
typedef struct AF_CURSOR {
unsigned long xorMask[32];
unsigned long andMask[32];
unsigned long hotx;
unsigned long hoty;
/* color value */
typedef struct AF_PALETTE {
unsigned char blue;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char red;
unsigned char alpha;
/* CRTC information block for refresh rate control */
typedef struct AF_CRTCInfo {
unsigned short HorizontalTotal
__attribute__((packed)); /* horizontal total (pixels) */
unsigned short HorizontalSyncStart
__attribute__((packed)); /* horizontal sync start position */
unsigned short HorizontalSyncEnd
__attribute__((packed)); /* horizontal sync end position */
unsigned short VerticalTotal
__attribute__((packed)); /* vertical total (lines) */
unsigned short VerticalSyncStart
__attribute__((packed)); /* vertical sync start position */
unsigned short VerticalSyncEnd
__attribute__((packed)); /* vertical sync end position */
unsigned char Flags
__attribute__((packed)); /* initialisation flags for mode */
unsigned int PixelClock
__attribute__((packed)); /* pixel clock in units of Hz */
unsigned short RefreshRate
__attribute__((packed)); /* expected refresh rate in .01Hz */
unsigned short NumBuffers
__attribute__((packed)); /* number of display buffers */
} AF_CRTCInfo;
/* definitions for CRTC information block flags */
#define afDoubleScan 0x0001 /* enable double scanned mode */
#define afInterlaced 0x0002 /* enable interlaced mode */
#define afHSyncNeg 0x0004 /* horizontal sync is negative */
#define afVSyncNeg 0x0008 /* vertical sync is negative */
typedef unsigned char AF_PATTERN; /* pattern array elements */
typedef unsigned AF_STIPPLE; /* 16 bit line stipple pattern */
typedef unsigned AF_COLOR; /* packed color values */
/* mode information structure */
typedef struct AF_MODE_INFO {
unsigned short Attributes __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short XResolution __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short YResolution __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short BytesPerScanLine __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short BitsPerPixel __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short MaxBuffers __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char RedMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char RedFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char GreenMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char GreenFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char BlueMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char BlueFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char RsvdMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char RsvdFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short MaxBytesPerScanLine __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short MaxScanLineWidth __attribute__((packed));
/* VBE/AF 2.0 extensions */
unsigned short LinBytesPerScanLine __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char BnkMaxBuffers __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinMaxBuffers __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinRedMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinRedFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinGreenMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinGreenFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinBlueMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinBlueFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinRsvdMaskSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char LinRsvdFieldPosition __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long MaxPixelClock __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long VideoCapabilities __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short VideoMinXScale __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short VideoMinYScale __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short VideoMaxXScale __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short VideoMaxYScale __attribute__((packed));
unsigned char reserved[76] __attribute__((packed));
#define DC struct AF_DRIVER *dc
/* main VBE/AF driver structure */
typedef struct AF_DRIVER {
/* header */
char Signature[12] __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long Version __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long DriverRev __attribute__((packed));
char OemVendorName[80] __attribute__((packed));
char OemCopyright[80] __attribute__((packed));
short *AvailableModes __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long TotalMemory __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long Attributes __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long BankSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long BankedBasePtr __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long LinearSize __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long LinearBasePtr __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long LinearGranularity __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short *IOPortsTable __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long IOMemoryBase[4] __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long IOMemoryLen[4] __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long LinearStridePad __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short PCIVendorID __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short PCIDeviceID __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short PCISubSysVendorID __attribute__((packed));
unsigned short PCISubSysID __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long Checksum __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long res2[6] __attribute__((packed));
/* near pointers mapped by the application */
void *IOMemMaps[4] __attribute__((packed));
void *BankedMem __attribute__((packed));
void *LinearMem __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long res3[5] __attribute__((packed));
/* driver state variables */
unsigned long BufferEndX __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long BufferEndY __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long OriginOffset __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long OffscreenOffset __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long OffscreenStartY __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long OffscreenEndY __attribute__((packed));
unsigned long res4[10] __attribute__((packed));
/* relocatable 32 bit bank switch routine, for Windows (ugh!) */
unsigned long SetBank32Len __attribute__((packed));
void *SetBank32 __attribute__((packed));
/* callback functions provided by the application */
void *Int86 __attribute__((packed));
void *CallRealMode __attribute__((packed));
/* main driver setup routine */
void *InitDriver __attribute__((packed));
/* VBE/AF 1.0 asm interface (obsolete and not supported by Allegro) */
void *af10Funcs[40] __attribute__((packed));
/* VBE/AF 2.0 extensions */
void *PlugAndPlayInit __attribute__((packed));
/* extension query function, specific to FreeBE/AF */
void *(*OemExt)(DC, unsigned long id);
/* extension hook for implementing additional VESA interfaces */
void *SupplementalExt __attribute__((packed));
/* device driver functions */
long (*GetVideoModeInfo)(DC, short mode, AF_MODE_INFO *modeInfo);
long (*SetVideoMode)(DC, short mode, long virtualX, long virtualY,
long *bytesPerLine, int numBuffers, AF_CRTCInfo *crtc);
void (*RestoreTextMode)(DC);
long (*GetClosestPixelClock)(DC, short mode, unsigned long pixelClock);
void (*SaveRestoreState)(DC, int subfunc, void *saveBuf);
void (*SetDisplayStart)(DC, long x, long y, long waitVRT);
void (*SetActiveBuffer)(DC, long index);
void (*SetVisibleBuffer)(DC, long index, long waitVRT);
int (*GetDisplayStartStatus)(DC);
void (*EnableStereoMode)(DC, int enable);
void (*SetPaletteData)(DC, AF_PALETTE *pal, long num, long index,
long waitVRT);
void (*SetGammaCorrectData)(DC, AF_PALETTE *pal, long num, long index);
void (*SetBank)(DC, long bank);
/* hardware cursor functions */
void (*SetCursor)(DC, AF_CURSOR *cursor);
void (*SetCursorPos)(DC, long x, long y);
void (*SetCursorColor)(DC, unsigned char red, unsigned char green,
unsigned char blue);
void (*ShowCursor)(DC, long visible);
/* 2D rendering functions */
void (*WaitTillIdle)(DC);
void (*EnableDirectAccess)(DC);
void (*DisableDirectAccess)(DC);
void (*SetMix)(DC, long foreMix, long backMix);
void (*Set8x8MonoPattern)(DC, unsigned char *pattern);
void (*Set8x8ColorPattern)(DC, int index, unsigned long *pattern);
void (*Use8x8ColorPattern)(DC, int index);
void (*SetLineStipple)(DC, unsigned short stipple);
void (*SetLineStippleCount)(DC, unsigned long count);
void (*SetClipRect)(DC, long minx, long miny, long maxx, long maxy);
void (*DrawScan)(DC, long color, long y, long x1, long x2);
void (*DrawPattScan)(DC, long foreColor, long backColor, long y, long x1,
long x2);
void (*DrawColorPattScan)(DC, long y, long x1, long x2);
void (*DrawScanList)(DC, unsigned long color, long y, long length,
short *scans);
void (*DrawPattScanList)(DC, unsigned long foreColor,
unsigned long backColor, long y, long length,
short *scans);
void (*DrawColorPattScanList)(DC, long y, long length, short *scans);
void (*DrawRect)(DC, unsigned long color, long left, long top, long width,
long height);
void (*DrawPattRect)(DC, unsigned long foreColor, unsigned long backColor,
long left, long top, long width, long height);
void (*DrawColorPattRect)(DC, long left, long top, long width, long height);
void (*DrawLine)(DC, unsigned long color, fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2,
fixed y2);
void (*DrawStippleLine)(DC, unsigned long foreColor,
unsigned long backColor, fixed x1, fixed y1,
fixed x2, fixed y2);
void (*DrawTrap)(DC, unsigned long color, AF_TRAP *trap);
void (*DrawTri)(DC, unsigned long color, AF_FIX_POINT *v1, AF_FIX_POINT *v2,
AF_FIX_POINT *v3, fixed xOffset, fixed yOffset);
void (*DrawQuad)(DC, unsigned long color, AF_FIX_POINT *v1,
fixed xOffset, fixed yOffset);
void (*PutMonoImage)(DC, long foreColor, long backColor, long dstX,
long dstY, long byteWidth, long srcX, long srcY,
long width, long height, unsigned char *image);
void (*PutMonoImageLin)(DC, long foreColor, long backColor, long dstX,
long dstY, long byteWidth, long srcX, long srcY,
long width, long height, long imageOfs);
void (*PutMonoImageBM)(DC, long foreColor, long backColor, long dstX,
long dstY, long byteWidth, long srcX, long srcY,
long width, long height, long imagePhysAddr);
void (*BitBlt)(DC, long left, long top, long width, long height,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op);
void (*BitBltSys)(DC, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op);
void (*BitBltLin)(DC, long srcOfs, long srcPitch, long srcLeft, long srcTop,
long width, long height, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long op);
void (*BitBltBM)(DC, long srcPhysAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op);
void (*SrcTransBlt)(DC, long left, long top, long width, long height,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op,
unsigned long transparent);
void (*SrcTransBltSys)(DC, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*SrcTransBltLin)(DC, long srcOfs, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*SrcTransBltBM)(DC, long srcPhysAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransBlt)(DC, long left, long top, long width, long height,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op,
unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransBltSys)(DC, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransBltLin)(DC, long srcOfs, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransBltBM)(DC, long srcPhysAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*StretchBlt)(DC, long srcLeft, long srcTop, long srcWidth,
long srcHeight, long dstLeft, long dstTop, long dstWidth,
long dstHeight, long flags, long op);
void (*StretchBltSys)(DC, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long srcWidth, long srcHeight,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long dstWidth,
long dstHeight, long flags, long op);
void (*StretchBltLin)(DC, long srcOfs, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long srcWidth, long srcHeight,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long dstWidth,
long dstHeight, long flags, long op);
void (*StretchBltBM)(DC, long srcPhysAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long srcWidth, long srcHeight,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long dstWidth,
long dstHeight, long flags, long op);
void (*SrcTransStretchBlt)(DC, long srcLeft, long srcTop, long srcWidth,
long srcHeight, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long dstWidth, long dstHeight, long flags,
long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*SrcTransStretchBltSys)(DC, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch,
long srcLeft, long srcTop, long srcWidth,
long srcHeight, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long dstWidth, long dstHeight, long flags,
long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*SrcTransStretchBltLin)(DC, long srcOfs, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long srcWidth, long srcHeight,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long dstWidth,
long dstHeight, long flags, long op,
unsigned long transparent);
void (*SrcTransStretchBltBM)(DC, long srcPhysAddr, long srcPitch,
long srcLeft, long srcTop, long srcWidth,
long srcHeight, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long dstWidth, long dstHeight, long flags,
long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransStretchBlt)(DC, long srcLeft, long srcTop, long srcWidth,
long srcHeight, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long dstWidth, long dstHeight, long flags,
long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransStretchBltSys)(DC, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch,
long srcLeft, long srcTop, long srcWidth,
long srcHeight, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long dstWidth, long dstHeight, long flags,
long op, unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransStretchBltLin)(DC, long srcOfs, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long srcWidth, long srcHeight,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long dstWidth,
long dstHeight, long flags, long op,
unsigned long transparent);
void (*DstTransStretchBltBM)(DC, long srcPhysAddr, long srcPitch,
long srcLeft, long srcTop, long srcWidth,
long srcHeight, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long dstWidth, long dstHeight, long flags,
long op, unsigned long transparent);
/* hardware video functions */
void (*SetVideoInput)(DC, long width, long height, long format);
void *(*SetVideoOutput)(DC, long left, long top, long width, long height);
void (*StartVideoFrame)(DC);
void (*EndVideoFrame)(DC);
#undef DC
/* register data for calling real mode interrupts (DPMI format) */
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned long edi;
unsigned long esi;
unsigned long ebp;
unsigned long res;
unsigned long ebx;
unsigned long edx;
unsigned long ecx;
unsigned long eax;
} d;
struct {
unsigned short di, di_hi;
unsigned short si, si_hi;
unsigned short bp, bp_hi;
unsigned short res, res_hi;
unsigned short bx, bx_hi;
unsigned short dx, dx_hi;
unsigned short cx, cx_hi;
unsigned short ax, ax_hi;
unsigned short flags;
unsigned short es;
unsigned short ds;
unsigned short fs;
unsigned short gs;
unsigned short ip;
unsigned short cs;
unsigned short sp;
unsigned short ss;
} x;
struct {
unsigned char edi[4];
unsigned char esi[4];
unsigned char ebp[4];
unsigned char res[4];
unsigned char bl, bh, ebx_b2, ebx_b3;
unsigned char dl, dh, edx_b2, edx_b3;
unsigned char cl, ch, ecx_b2, ecx_b3;
unsigned char al, ah, eax_b2, eax_b3;
} h;
/* our API extensions use 32 bit magic numbers */
#define FAF_ID(a, b, c, d) ((a << 24) | (b << 16) | (c << 8) | d)
/* ID code and magic return value for initialising the extensions */
#define FAFEXT_INIT FAF_ID('I', 'N', 'I', 'T')
#define FAFEXT_MAGIC FAF_ID('E', 'X', 0, 0)
#define FAFEXT_MAGIC1 FAF_ID('E', 'X', '0', '1')
/* extension providing a hardware-specific way to access video memory */
#define FAFEXT_HWPTR FAF_ID('H', 'P', 'T', 'R')
#if (defined __i386__) && (!defined NO_HWPTR)
/* use seg+offset far pointers on i386 */
typedef struct FAF_HWPTR {
int sel;
unsigned long offset;
#include <sys/farptr.h>
#include <sys/segments.h>
#define hwptr_init(ptr, addr) \
if ((addr) && (!(ptr).sel)) { \
(ptr).sel = _my_ds( ); \
(ptr).offset = (unsigned long)(addr); \
#define hwptr_pokeb(ptr, off, val) \
_farpokeb((ptr).sel, (ptr).offset + (off), (val))
#define hwptr_pokew(ptr, off, val) \
_farpokew((ptr).sel, (ptr).offset + (off), (val))
#define hwptr_pokel(ptr, off, val) \
_farpokel((ptr).sel, (ptr).offset + (off), (val))
#define hwptr_peekb(ptr, off) _farpeekb((ptr).sel, (ptr).offset + (off))
#define hwptr_peekw(ptr, off) _farpeekw((ptr).sel, (ptr).offset + (off))
#define hwptr_peekl(ptr, off) _farpeekl((ptr).sel, (ptr).offset + (off))
#define hwptr_select(ptr) _farsetsel((ptr).sel)
#define hwptr_unselect(ptr) (ptr).sel = _fargetsel( )
#define hwptr_nspokeb(ptr, off, val) _farnspokeb((ptr).offset + (off), (val))
#define hwptr_nspokew(ptr, off, val) _farnspokew((ptr).offset + (off), (val))
#define hwptr_nspokel(ptr, off, val) _farnspokel((ptr).offset + (off), (val))
#define hwptr_nspeekb(ptr, off) _farnspeekb((ptr).offset + (off))
#define hwptr_nspeekw(ptr, off) _farnspeekw((ptr).offset + (off))
#define hwptr_nspeekl(ptr, off) _farnspeekl((ptr).offset + (off))
/* use regular C pointers on other platforms or if hwptr is disabled */
typedef void *FAF_HWPTR;
#define hwptr_init(ptr, addr) ptr = (FAF_HWPTR)(addr)
#define hwptr_pokeb(ptr, off, val) \
*((volatile unsigned char *)((ptr) + (off))) = (val)
#define hwptr_pokew(ptr, off, val) \
*((volatile unsigned short *)((ptr) + (off))) = (val)
#define hwptr_pokel(ptr, off, val) \
*((volatile unsigned long *)((ptr) + (off))) = (val)
#define hwptr_peekb(ptr, off) (*((volatile unsigned char *)((ptr) + (off))))
#define hwptr_peekw(ptr, off) (*((volatile unsigned short *)((ptr) + (off))))
#define hwptr_peekl(ptr, off) (*((volatile unsigned long *)((ptr) + (off))))
#define hwptr_select(ptr)
#define hwptr_unselect(ptr) (ptr) = NULL
#define hwptr_nspokeb(ptr, off, val) \
*((volatile unsigned char *)((ptr) + (off))) = (val)
#define hwptr_nspokew(ptr, off, val) \
*((volatile unsigned short *)((ptr) + (off))) = (val)
#define hwptr_nspokel(ptr, off, val) \
*((volatile unsigned long *)((ptr) + (off))) = (val)
#define hwptr_nspeekb(ptr, off) (*((volatile unsigned char *)((ptr) + (off))))
#define hwptr_nspeekw(ptr, off) (*((volatile unsigned short *)((ptr) + (off))))
#define hwptr_nspeekl(ptr, off) (*((volatile unsigned long *)((ptr) + (off))))
#endif /* hwptr structure definitions */
/* interface structure containing hardware pointer data */
typedef struct FAF_HWPTR_DATA {
FAF_HWPTR BankedMem;
FAF_HWPTR LinearMem;
/* extension providing a way for the config program to set driver variables */
#define FAFEXT_CONFIG FAF_ID('C', 'O', 'N', 'F')
/* config variable, so the install program can communicate with the driver */
typedef struct FAF_CONFIG_DATA {
unsigned long id;
unsigned long value;
/* config variable ID used to enable/disable specific hardware functions */
#define FAF_CFG_FEATURES FAF_ID('F', 'E', 'A', 'T')
/* bitfield values for the FAF_CFG_FEATURES variable */
#define fafLinear 0x00000001
#define fafBanked 0x00000002
#define fafHWCursor 0x00000004
#define fafDrawScan 0x00000008
#define fafDrawPattScan 0x00000010
#define fafDrawColorPattScan 0x00000020
#define fafDrawScanList 0x00000040
#define fafDrawPattScanList 0x00000080
#define fafDrawColorPattScanList 0x00000100
#define fafDrawRect 0x00000200
#define fafDrawPattRect 0x00000400
#define fafDrawColorPattRect 0x00000800
#define fafDrawLine 0x00001000
#define fafDrawStippleLine 0x00002000
#define fafDrawTrap 0x00004000
#define fafDrawTri 0x00008000
#define fafDrawQuad 0x00010000
#define fafPutMonoImage 0x00020000
#define fafPutMonoImageLin 0x00040000
#define fafPutMonoImageBM 0x00080000
#define fafBitBlt 0x00100000
#define fafBitBltSys 0x00200000
#define fafBitBltLin 0x00400000
#define fafBitBltBM 0x00800000
#define fafSrcTransBlt 0x01000000
#define fafSrcTransBltSys 0x02000000
#define fafSrcTransBltLin 0x04000000
#define fafSrcTransBltBM 0x08000000
/* helper function for enabling/disabling driver routines */
void fixup_feature_list(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long flags);
/* extension providing libc exports (needed for Nucleus compatibility) */
#define FAFEXT_LIBC FAF_ID('L', 'I', 'B', 'C')
typedef struct FAF_LIBC_DATA {
long size;
void (*abort)( );
void *(*calloc)(unsigned long num_elements, unsigned long size);
void (*exit)(int status);
void (*free)(void *ptr);
char *(*getenv)(const char *name);
void *(*malloc)(unsigned long size);
void *(*realloc)(void *ptr, unsigned long size);
int (*system)(const char *s);
int (*putenv)(const char *val);
int (*open)(const char *file, int mode, int permissions);
int (*access)(const char *filename, int flags);
int (*close)(int fd);
int (*lseek)(int fd, int offset, int whence);
int (*read)(int fd, void *buffer, unsigned long count);
int (*unlink)(const char *file);
int (*write)(int fd, const void *buffer, unsigned long count);
int (*isatty)(int fd);
int (*remove)(const char *file);
int (*rename)(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
unsigned int (*time)(unsigned int *t);
void (*setfileattr)(const char *filename, unsigned attrib);
unsigned long (*getcurrentdate)( );
/* extension providing pmode exports (needed for Nucleus compatibility) */
#define FAFEXT_PMODE FAF_ID('P', 'M', 'O', 'D')
/* It has to be said, having this many exported functions is truly insane.
* How on earth can SciTech need this much crap just to write a simple
* video driver? Unfortunately we have to include it all in order to
* support their Nucleus drivers...
typedef union {
struct {
unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, esi, edi, cflag;
} e;
struct {
unsigned short ax, ax_hi;
unsigned short bx, bx_hi;
unsigned short cx, cx_hi;
unsigned short dx, dx_hi;
unsigned short si, si_hi;
unsigned short di, di_hi;
unsigned short cflag, cflag_hi;
} x;
struct {
unsigned char al, ah;
unsigned short ax_hi;
unsigned char bl, bh;
unsigned short bx_hi;
unsigned char cl, ch;
unsigned short cx_hi;
unsigned char dl, dh;
unsigned short dx_hi;
} h;
typedef struct {
unsigned short es, cs, ss, ds, fs, gs;
typedef struct FAF_PMODE_DATA {
long size;
int (*getModeType)( );
void *(*getBIOSPointer)( );
void *(*getA0000Pointer)( );
void *(*mapPhysicalAddr)(unsigned long base, unsigned long limit);
void *(*mallocShared)(long size);
int (*mapShared)(void *ptr);
void (*freeShared)(void *ptr);
void *(*mapToProcess)(void *linear, unsigned long limit);
void (*loadDS)( );
void (*saveDS)( );
void *(*mapRealPointer)(unsigned int r_seg, unsigned int r_off);
void *(*allocRealSeg)(unsigned int size, unsigned int *r_seg,
unsigned int *r_off);
void (*freeRealSeg)(void *mem);
void *(*allocLockedMem)(unsigned int size, unsigned long *physAddr);
void (*freeLockedMem)(void *p);
void (*callRealMode)(unsigned int seg, unsigned int off,
int (*int86)(int intno, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *in, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *out);
int (*int86x)(int intno, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *in, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *out,
void (*DPMI_int86)(int intno, RM_REGS *regs);
void (*segread)(SILLY_SCITECH_SREGS *sregs);
int (*int386)(int intno, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *in, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *out);
int (*int386x)(int intno, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *in, SILLY_SCITECH_REGS *out,
void (*availableMemory)(unsigned long *physical, unsigned long *total);
void *(*getVESABuf)(unsigned int *len, unsigned int *rseg,
unsigned int *roff);
long (*getOSType)( );
void (*fatalError)(const char *msg);
void (*setBankA)(int bank);
void (*setBankAB)(int bank);
const char *(*getCurrentPath)( );
const char *(*getVBEAFPath)( );
const char *(*getNucleusPath)( );
const char *(*getNucleusConfigPath)( );
const char *(*getUniqueID)( );
const char *(*getMachineName)( );
int (*VF_available)( );
void *(*VF_init)(unsigned long baseAddr, int bankSize, int codeLen,
void *bankFunc);
void (*VF_exit)( );
int (*kbhit)( );
int (*getch)( );
int (*openConsole)( );
int (*getConsoleStateSize)( );
void (*saveConsoleState)(void *stateBuf, int console_id);
void (*restoreConsoleState)(const void *stateBuf, int console_id);
void (*closeConsole)(int console_id);
void (*setOSCursorLocation)(int x, int y);
void (*setOSScreenWidth)(int width, int height);
int (*enableWriteCombine)(unsigned long base, unsigned long length);
void (*backslash)(char *filename);
/* assorted helper functions */
void trace_putc(char c);
void trace_printf(char *msg, ...);
void rm_int(int num, RM_REGS *regs);
int allocate_dos_memory(int size, int *sel);
void free_dos_memory(int sel);
int allocate_selector(int addr, int size);
void free_selector(int sel);
int get_vesa_info(int *vram_size, unsigned long *linear_addr,
void (*callback)(int vesa_num, int linear, int w, int h,
int bpp, int bytes_per_scanline, int redsize,
int redpos, int greensize, int greenpos,
int bluesize, int bluepos, int rsvdsize,
int rsvdpos));
/* read_vga_register:
* Reads the contents of a VGA hardware register.
extern inline int read_vga_register(int port, int index) {
if (port == 0x3C0) inportb(0x3DA);
outportb(port, index);
return inportb(port + 1);
/* write_vga_register:
* Writes a byte to a VGA hardware register.
extern inline void write_vga_register(int port, int index, int v) {
if (port == 0x3C0) {
outportb(port, index);
outportb(port, v);
} else {
outportb(port, index);
outportb(port + 1, v);
/* alter_vga_register:
* Alters specific bits of a VGA hardware register.
extern inline void alter_vga_register(int port, int index, int mask, int v) {
int temp;
temp = read_vga_register(port, index);
temp &= (~mask);
temp |= (v & mask);
write_vga_register(port, index, temp);
/* test_vga_register:
* Tests whether specific bits of a VGA hardware register can be changed.
extern inline int test_vga_register(int port, int index, int mask) {
int old, nw1, nw2;
old = read_vga_register(port, index);
write_vga_register(port, index, old & (~mask));
nw1 = read_vga_register(port, index) & mask;
write_vga_register(port, index, old | mask);
nw2 = read_vga_register(port, index) & mask;
write_vga_register(port, index, old);
return ((nw1 == 0) && (nw2 == mask));
/* test_register:
* Tests whether specific bits of a hardware register can be changed.
extern inline int test_register(int port, int mask) {
int old, nw1, nw2;
old = inportb(port);
outportb(port, old & (~mask));
nw1 = inportb(port) & mask;
outportb(port, old | mask);
nw2 = inportb(port) & mask;
outportb(port, old);
return ((nw1 == 0) && (nw2 == mask));
/* PCI routines added by SET */
#define PCIConfigurationAddress 0xCF8
#define PCIConfigurationData 0xCFC
#define PCIEnable 0x80000000
extern int FindPCIDevice(int deviceID, int vendorID, int deviceIndex,
int *handle);
extern inline unsigned PCIReadLong(int handle, int index) {
outportl(PCIConfigurationAddress, PCIEnable | handle | index);
return inportl(PCIConfigurationData);