
1485 lines
42 KiB

* ______ ____ ______ _____ ______
* | ____| | _ \| ____| / / _ \| ____|
* | |__ _ __ ___ ___| |_) | |__ / / |_| | |__
* | __| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ <| __| / /| _ | __|
* | | | | | __/ __/ |_) | |____ / / | | | | |
* |_| |_| \___|\___|____/|______/_/ |_| |_|_|
* Stub driver implementation file.
* Note: this driver implements all the hardware accelerated
* functions that are used by Allegro, but does them in software.
* This is intended to give you an example of how they are
* supposed to work: in a real driver you would either implement
* them in hardware or leave them out altogether.
* See freebe.txt for copyright information.
/* Define this symbol to include emulated versions of the hardware
* accelerator drawing routines. Without it, the driver will only
* provide the minimum of functions needed for dumb framebuffer access.
#define USE_ACCEL
/* Define this symbol to give the install program an option of disabling
* some of our drawing routines.
/* Define this symbol to disable farptr access to video memory. Without
* it, the FreeBE/AF hardware pointer extension will be used, avoiding
* reliance on the fat-DS nearptr hack.
// #define NO_HWPTR
#include <pc.h>
#include "vbeaf.h"
/* driver function prototypes */
void SetBank32( );
void SetBank32End( );
int ExtStub( );
long GetVideoModeInfo(AF_DRIVER *af, short mode, AF_MODE_INFO *modeInfo);
long SetVideoMode(AF_DRIVER *af, short mode, long virtualX, long virtualY,
long *bytesPerLine, int numBuffers, AF_CRTCInfo *crtc);
void RestoreTextMode(AF_DRIVER *af);
long GetClosestPixelClock(AF_DRIVER *af, short mode, unsigned long pixelClock);
void SaveRestoreState(AF_DRIVER *af, int subfunc, void *saveBuf);
void SetDisplayStart(AF_DRIVER *af, long x, long y, long waitVRT);
void SetActiveBuffer(AF_DRIVER *af, long index);
void SetVisibleBuffer(AF_DRIVER *af, long index, long waitVRT);
int GetDisplayStartStatus(AF_DRIVER *af);
void SetPaletteData(AF_DRIVER *af, AF_PALETTE *pal, long num, long index,
long waitVRT);
void SetBank(AF_DRIVER *af, long bank);
void WaitTillIdle(AF_DRIVER *af);
void SetMix(AF_DRIVER *af, long foreMix, long backMix);
void Set8x8MonoPattern(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned char *pattern);
void Set8x8ColorPattern(AF_DRIVER *af, int index, unsigned long *pattern);
void Use8x8ColorPattern(AF_DRIVER *af, int index);
void DrawScan(AF_DRIVER *af, long color, long y, long x1, long x2);
void DrawPattScan(AF_DRIVER *af, long foreColor, long backColor, long y,
long x1, long x2);
void DrawColorPattScan(AF_DRIVER *af, long y, long x1, long x2);
void DrawRect(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long color, long left, long top,
long width, long height);
void DrawPattRect(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long foreColor,
unsigned long backColor, long left, long top, long width,
long height);
void DrawColorPattRect(AF_DRIVER *af, long left, long top, long width,
long height);
void DrawLine(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long color, fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2,
fixed y2);
void DrawTrap(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long color, AF_TRAP *trap);
void PutMonoImage(AF_DRIVER *af, long foreColor, long backColor, long dstX,
long dstY, long byteWidth, long srcX, long srcY, long width,
long height, unsigned char *image);
void BitBlt(AF_DRIVER *af, long left, long top, long width, long height,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op);
void BitBltSys(AF_DRIVER *af, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft, long dstTop,
long op);
void SrcTransBlt(AF_DRIVER *af, long left, long top, long width, long height,
long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
void SrcTransBltSys(AF_DRIVER *af, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft,
long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft,
long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent);
/* if you need some video memory for internal use by the accelerator
* code (for example storing pattern data), you can define this value to
* reserve room for yourself at the very end of the memory space, that
* the application will not be allowed to use.
/* list which ports we are going to access (only needed under Linux) */
unsigned short ports_table[] = { 0xFFFF };
/* list of features, so the install program can disable some of them */
FAF_CONFIG_DATA config_data[] = {
(fafLinear | fafBanked | fafDrawScan | fafDrawPattScan |
fafDrawColorPattScan | fafDrawRect | fafDrawPattRect |
fafDrawColorPattRect | fafDrawLine | fafDrawTrap | fafPutMonoImage |
fafBitBlt | fafBitBltSys | fafSrcTransBlt | fafSrcTransBltSys) },
{ 0, 0 }
#define CFG_FEATURES config_data[0].value
/* at startup we use the get_vesa_info() helper function to find out
* what resolutions the VESA driver provides for this card, storing them
* in a table for future use. In a real driver you would replace this
* VESA code with a static list of modes and their attributes, because
* you would know right from the start what modes are possible on your
* card.
typedef struct VIDEO_MODE {
int vesa_num;
int linear;
int w;
int h;
int bpp;
int bytes_per_scanline;
int redsize;
int redpos;
int greensize;
int greenpos;
int bluesize;
int bluepos;
int rsvdsize;
int rsvdpos;
#define MAX_MODES 64
short available_modes[MAX_MODES + 1] = { -1 };
int num_modes = 0;
/* FreeBE/AF extension allowing farptr access to video memory */
/* internal driver state variables */
int af_bpp;
int af_width;
int af_height;
int af_linear;
int af_visible_page;
int af_active_page;
int af_scroll_x;
int af_scroll_y;
int af_bank;
int af_fore_mix;
int af_back_mix;
/* note about VBE/AF multiple page modes: the API supports any number of
* video memory pages, one of which is "active" (being drawn onto), while
* the other is visible on your monitor. Allegro doesn't actually use
* this functionality, so you may safely leave it out and just reject
* any mode set requests with a numBuffers value greater than one, but
* that might upset other VBE/AF applications if they depend on this
* functionality. To support multiple pages, you must offset all the
* hardware drawing operations so their coordinate system is relative
* to the active page. You must also maintain an offset from the start
* of vram to the start of the active page in the OriginOffset of the
* driver structure, and adjust the OffscreenStartY and OffscreenEndY
* values so they will refer to the same offscreen memory region regardless
* of the current accelerator coordinate system. This is all handled by the
* SetActiveBuffer() function below, so in practice you can simply add
* af_active_page*af_height onto the input Y coordinate of any accelerator
* drawing funcs, and multiple page modes should work correctly.
/* mode_callback:
* Callback for the get_vesa_info() function to add a new resolution to
* the table of available modes.
void mode_callback(int vesa_num, int linear, int w, int h, int bpp,
int bytes_per_scanline, int redsize, int redpos,
int greensize, int greenpos, int bluesize, int bluepos,
int rsvdsize, int rsvdpos) {
if (num_modes >= MAX_MODES) return;
if ((bpp != 8) && (bpp != 15) && (bpp != 16) && (bpp != 24) && (bpp != 32))
mode_list[num_modes].vesa_num = vesa_num;
mode_list[num_modes].linear = linear;
mode_list[num_modes].w = w;
mode_list[num_modes].h = h;
mode_list[num_modes].bpp = bpp;
mode_list[num_modes].bytes_per_scanline = bytes_per_scanline;
mode_list[num_modes].redsize = redsize;
mode_list[num_modes].redpos = redpos;
mode_list[num_modes].greensize = greensize;
mode_list[num_modes].greenpos = greenpos;
mode_list[num_modes].bluesize = bluesize;
mode_list[num_modes].bluepos = bluepos;
mode_list[num_modes].rsvdsize = rsvdsize;
mode_list[num_modes].rsvdpos = rsvdpos;
available_modes[num_modes] = num_modes + 1;
available_modes[num_modes + 1] = -1;
/* SetupDriver:
* The first thing ever to be called after our code has been relocated.
* This is in charge of filling in the driver header with all the required
* information and function pointers. We do not yet have access to the
* video memory, so we can't talk directly to the card.
int SetupDriver(AF_DRIVER *af) {
unsigned long linear_addr;
int vram_size;
int i;
/* find out what VESA has to say for itself */
if (get_vesa_info(&vram_size, &linear_addr, mode_callback) != 0) return -1;
/* pointer to a list of the available mode numbers, ended by -1.
* Our mode numbers just count up from 1, so the mode numbers can
* be used as indexes into the mode_list[] table (zero is an
* invalid mode number, so this indexing must be offset by 1).
af->AvailableModes = available_modes;
/* amount of video memory in K */
af->TotalMemory = vram_size / 1024;
/* driver attributes (see definitions in vbeaf.h) */
af->Attributes =
(afHaveMultiBuffer | afHaveVirtualScroll | afHaveBankedBuffer);
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->Attributes |= afHaveAccel2D;
if (linear_addr) af->Attributes |= afHaveLinearBuffer;
if (!(CFG_FEATURES & fafLinear)) af->Attributes &= ~afHaveLinearBuffer;
if (!(CFG_FEATURES & fafBanked)) af->Attributes &= ~afHaveBankedBuffer;
/* banked memory size and location: zero if not supported */
af->BankSize = 64;
af->BankedBasePtr = 0xA0000;
/* linear framebuffer size and location: zero if not supported */
if (linear_addr) {
af->LinearSize = vram_size / 1024;
af->LinearBasePtr = linear_addr;
} else {
af->LinearSize = 0;
af->LinearBasePtr = 0;
/* list which ports we are going to access (only needed under Linux) */
af->IOPortsTable = ports_table;
/* list physical memory regions that we need to access (zero for none) */
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
af->IOMemoryBase[i] = 0;
af->IOMemoryLen[i] = 0;
/* driver state variables (initialised later during the mode set) */
af->BufferEndX = 0;
af->BufferEndY = 0;
af->OriginOffset = 0;
af->OffscreenOffset = 0;
af->OffscreenStartY = 0;
af->OffscreenEndY = 0;
/* relocatable bank switcher (not required by Allgero) */
af->SetBank32 = SetBank32;
af->SetBank32Len = (long)SetBank32End - (long)SetBank32;
/* extension functions */
af->SupplementalExt = ExtStub;
/* device driver functions */
af->GetVideoModeInfo = GetVideoModeInfo;
af->SetVideoMode = SetVideoMode;
af->RestoreTextMode = RestoreTextMode;
af->GetClosestPixelClock = GetClosestPixelClock;
af->SaveRestoreState = SaveRestoreState;
af->SetDisplayStart = SetDisplayStart;
af->SetActiveBuffer = SetActiveBuffer;
af->SetVisibleBuffer = SetVisibleBuffer;
af->GetDisplayStartStatus = GetDisplayStartStatus;
af->EnableStereoMode = NULL;
af->SetPaletteData = SetPaletteData;
af->SetGammaCorrectData = NULL;
af->SetBank = SetBank;
/* hardware cursor functions (impossible to emulate in software!) */
af->SetCursor = NULL;
af->SetCursorPos = NULL;
af->SetCursorColor = NULL;
af->ShowCursor = NULL;
/* wait until the accelerator hardware has finished drawing */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->WaitTillIdle = WaitTillIdle;
/* on some cards the CPU cannot access the framebuffer while it is in
* hardware drawing mode. If this is the case, you should fill in these
* functions with routines to switch in and out of the accelerator mode.
* The application will call EnableDirectAccess() whenever it is about
* to write to the framebuffer directly, and DisableDirectAccess()
* before it calls any hardware drawing routines. If this arbitration is
* not required, leave these routines as NULL.
af->EnableDirectAccess = NULL;
af->DisableDirectAccess = NULL;
/* sets the hardware drawing mode (solid, XOR, etc) */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->SetMix = SetMix;
/* pattern download functions. May be NULL if patterns not supported */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->Set8x8MonoPattern = Set8x8MonoPattern;
af->Set8x8ColorPattern = Set8x8ColorPattern;
af->Use8x8ColorPattern = Use8x8ColorPattern;
/* not supported: not used by Allegro */
af->SetLineStipple = NULL;
af->SetLineStippleCount = NULL;
/* not supported. There really isn't much point in this function because
* a lot of hardware can't do clipping at all, and even when it can there
* are usually problems with very large or negative coordinates. This
* means that a software clip is still required, so you may as well
* ignore this routine.
af->SetClipRect = NULL;
/* acclerated drivers must support DrawScan(), but patterns may be NULL */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->DrawScan = DrawScan;
af->DrawPattScan = DrawPattScan;
af->DrawColorPattScan = DrawColorPattScan;
/* not supported: not used by Allegro */
af->DrawScanList = NULL;
af->DrawPattScanList = NULL;
af->DrawColorPattScanList = NULL;
/* rectangle filling: may be NULL */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->DrawRect = DrawRect;
af->DrawPattRect = DrawPattRect;
af->DrawColorPattRect = DrawColorPattRect;
/* line drawing: may be NULL */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->DrawLine = DrawLine;
/* not supported: not used by Allegro */
af->DrawStippleLine = NULL;
/* trapezoid filling: may be NULL */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->DrawTrap = DrawTrap;
/* not supported: not used by Allegro */
af->DrawTri = NULL;
af->DrawQuad = NULL;
/* monochrome character expansion: may be NULL */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->PutMonoImage = PutMonoImage;
/* not supported: not used by Allegro */
af->PutMonoImageLin = NULL;
af->PutMonoImageBM = NULL;
/* opaque blitting: may be NULL */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->BitBlt = BitBlt;
af->BitBltSys = BitBltSys;
/* not supported: not used by Allegro */
af->BitBltLin = NULL;
af->BitBltBM = NULL;
/* masked blitting: may be NULL */
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
af->SrcTransBlt = SrcTransBlt;
af->SrcTransBltSys = SrcTransBltSys;
/* not supported: not used by Allegro */
af->SrcTransBltLin = NULL;
af->SrcTransBltBM = NULL;
af->DstTransBlt = NULL;
af->DstTransBltSys = NULL;
af->DstTransBltLin = NULL;
af->DstTransBltBM = NULL;
af->StretchBlt = NULL;
af->StretchBltSys = NULL;
af->StretchBltLin = NULL;
af->StretchBltBM = NULL;
af->SrcTransStretchBlt = NULL;
af->SrcTransStretchBltSys = NULL;
af->SrcTransStretchBltLin = NULL;
af->SrcTransStretchBltBM = NULL;
af->DstTransStretchBlt = NULL;
af->DstTransStretchBltSys = NULL;
af->DstTransStretchBltLin = NULL;
af->DstTransStretchBltBM = NULL;
af->SetVideoInput = NULL;
af->SetVideoOutput = NULL;
af->StartVideoFrame = NULL;
af->EndVideoFrame = NULL;
/* allow the install program to disable some features */
fixup_feature_list(af, CFG_FEATURES);
return 0;
/* InitDriver:
* The second thing to be called during the init process, after the
* application has mapped all the memory and I/O resources we need.
* This is in charge of finding the card, returning 0 on success or
* -1 to abort.
int InitDriver(AF_DRIVER *af) {
/* initialise farptr video memory access */
hwptr_init(hwptr.IOMemMaps[0], af->IOMemMaps[0]);
hwptr_init(hwptr.IOMemMaps[1], af->IOMemMaps[1]);
hwptr_init(hwptr.IOMemMaps[2], af->IOMemMaps[2]);
hwptr_init(hwptr.IOMemMaps[3], af->IOMemMaps[3]);
hwptr_init(hwptr.BankedMem, af->BankedMem);
hwptr_init(hwptr.LinearMem, af->LinearMem);
return 0;
/* FreeBEX:
* Returns an interface structure for the requested FreeBE/AF extension.
void *FreeBEX(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long id) {
switch (id) {
#ifndef NO_HWPTR
/* allow farptr access to video memory */
return &hwptr;
/* allow the install program to configure our driver */
return config_data;
default: return NULL;
/* ExtStub:
* Supplemental extension hook: we don't provide any.
int ExtStub( ) {
return 0;
/* GetVideoModeInfo:
* Retrieves information about this video mode, returning zero on success
* or -1 if the mode is invalid.
long GetVideoModeInfo(AF_DRIVER *af, short mode, AF_MODE_INFO *modeInfo) {
int i;
if ((mode <= 0) || (mode > num_modes)) return -1;
info = &mode_list[mode - 1];
/* clear the structure to zero */
for (i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(AF_MODE_INFO); i++) ((char *)modeInfo)[i] = 0;
/* copy data across from our stored list of mode attributes */
modeInfo->Attributes =
(afHaveMultiBuffer | afHaveVirtualScroll | afHaveBankedBuffer);
#ifdef USE_ACCEL
modeInfo->Attributes |= afHaveAccel2D;
if (info->linear) modeInfo->Attributes |= afHaveLinearBuffer;
if (!(CFG_FEATURES & fafLinear))
modeInfo->Attributes &= ~afHaveLinearBuffer;
if (!(CFG_FEATURES & fafBanked))
modeInfo->Attributes &= ~afHaveBankedBuffer;
modeInfo->XResolution = info->w;
modeInfo->YResolution = info->h;
modeInfo->BitsPerPixel = info->bpp;
/* available pages of video memory */
modeInfo->MaxBuffers = (af->TotalMemory * 1024 - RESERVED_VRAM) /
(info->bytes_per_scanline * info->h);
/* maximum virtual scanline length in both bytes and pixels. How wide
* this can go will very much depend on the card: 1024 is pretty safe
* on anything, but you will want to allow larger limits if the card
* is capable of them.
modeInfo->MaxBytesPerScanLine = 1024 * BYTES_PER_PIXEL(info->bpp);
modeInfo->MaxScanLineWidth = 1024;
/* for banked video modes, fill in these variables: */
modeInfo->BytesPerScanLine = info->bytes_per_scanline;
modeInfo->BnkMaxBuffers = modeInfo->MaxBuffers;
modeInfo->RedMaskSize = info->redsize;
modeInfo->RedFieldPosition = info->redpos;
modeInfo->GreenMaskSize = info->greensize;
modeInfo->GreenFieldPosition = info->greenpos;
modeInfo->BlueMaskSize = info->bluesize;
modeInfo->BlueFieldPosition = info->bluepos;
modeInfo->RsvdMaskSize = info->rsvdsize;
modeInfo->RsvdFieldPosition = info->rsvdpos;
/* for linear video modes, fill in these variables: */
modeInfo->LinBytesPerScanLine = info->bytes_per_scanline;
modeInfo->LinMaxBuffers = modeInfo->MaxBuffers;
modeInfo->LinRedMaskSize = info->redsize;
modeInfo->LinRedFieldPosition = info->redpos;
modeInfo->LinGreenMaskSize = info->greensize;
modeInfo->LinGreenFieldPosition = info->greenpos;
modeInfo->LinBlueMaskSize = info->bluesize;
modeInfo->LinBlueFieldPosition = info->bluepos;
modeInfo->LinRsvdMaskSize = info->rsvdsize;
modeInfo->LinRsvdFieldPosition = info->rsvdpos;
/* I'm not sure exactly what these should be: Allegro doesn't use them */
modeInfo->MaxPixelClock = 135000000;
modeInfo->VideoCapabilities = 0;
modeInfo->VideoMinXScale = 0;
modeInfo->VideoMinYScale = 0;
modeInfo->VideoMaxXScale = 0;
modeInfo->VideoMaxYScale = 0;
return 0;
/* SetVideoMode:
* Sets the specified video mode, returning zero on success.
* Possible flag bits that may be or'ed with the mode number:
* 0x8000 = don't clear video memory
* 0x4000 = enable linear framebuffer
* 0x2000 = enable multi buffering
* 0x1000 = enable virtual scrolling
* 0x0800 = use refresh rate control
* 0x0400 = use hardware stereo
long SetVideoMode(AF_DRIVER *af, short mode, long virtualX, long virtualY,
long *bytesPerLine, int numBuffers, AF_CRTCInfo *crtc) {
int linear = ((mode & 0x4000) != 0);
int noclear = ((mode & 0x8000) != 0);
long available_vram;
long used_vram;
/* reject anything with hardware stereo */
if (mode & 0x400) return -1;
/* reject linear/banked modes if the install program has disabled them */
if (linear) {
if (!(CFG_FEATURES & fafLinear)) return -1;
} else {
if (!(CFG_FEATURES & fafBanked)) return -1;
/* mask off the other flag bits */
mode &= 0x3FF;
if ((mode <= 0) || (mode > num_modes)) return -1;
info = &mode_list[mode - 1];
/* reject the linear flag if the mode doesn't support it */
if ((linear) && (!info->linear)) return -1;
/* call VESA to set the mode */ = 0x4F02;
r.x.bx = info->vesa_num;
if (linear) r.x.bx |= 0x4000;
if (noclear) r.x.bx |= 0x8000;
rm_int(0x10, &r);
if (r.h.ah) return -1;
/* adjust the virtual width for widescreen modes */
if (virtualX * BYTES_PER_PIXEL(info->bpp) > info->bytes_per_scanline) { = 0x4F06;
r.x.bx = 0; = virtualX;
rm_int(0x10, &r);
if (r.h.ah) return -1;
*bytesPerLine = r.x.bx;
} else
*bytesPerLine = info->bytes_per_scanline;
/* store info about the current mode */
af_bpp = info->bpp;
af_width = *bytesPerLine;
af_height = MAX(info->h, virtualY);
af_linear = linear;
af_visible_page = 0;
af_active_page = 0;
af_scroll_x = 0;
af_scroll_y = 0;
af_bank = -1;
/* return framebuffer dimensions to the application */
af->BufferEndX = af_width / BYTES_PER_PIXEL(af_bpp) - 1;
af->BufferEndY = af_height - 1;
af->OriginOffset = 0;
used_vram = af_width * af_height * numBuffers;
available_vram = af->TotalMemory * 1024 - RESERVED_VRAM;
if (used_vram > available_vram) return -1;
if (available_vram - used_vram >= af_width) {
af->OffscreenOffset = used_vram;
af->OffscreenStartY = af_height * numBuffers;
af->OffscreenEndY = available_vram / af_width - 1;
} else {
af->OffscreenOffset = 0;
af->OffscreenStartY = 0;
af->OffscreenEndY = 0;
af_fore_mix = AF_REPLACE_MIX;
af_back_mix = AF_FORE_MIX;
return 0;
/* RestoreTextMode:
* Returns to text mode, shutting down the accelerator hardware.
void RestoreTextMode(AF_DRIVER *af) {
RM_REGS r; = 3;
rm_int(0x10, &r);
/* GetClosestPixelClock:
* I don't have a clue what this should return: it is used for the
* refresh rate control.
long GetClosestPixelClock(AF_DRIVER *af, short mode, unsigned long pixelClock) {
/* ??? */
return 135000000;
/* SaveRestoreState:
* Stores the current driver status: not presently implemented.
void SaveRestoreState(AF_DRIVER *af, int subfunc, void *saveBuf) {
/* not implemented (not used by Allegro) */
/* SetDisplayStart:
* Hardware scrolling function. The waitVRT value may be one of:
* -1 = don't set hardware, just store values for next page flip to use
* 0 = set values and return immediately
* 1 = set values and wait for retrace
void SetDisplayStart(AF_DRIVER *af, long x, long y, long waitVRT) {
if (waitVRT >= 0) { = 0x4F07;
r.x.bx = (waitVRT) ? 0x80 : 0; = x;
r.x.dx = y + af_visible_page * af_height;
rm_int(0x10, &r);
af_scroll_x = x;
af_scroll_y = y;
/* SetActiveBuffer:
* Sets which buffer is being drawn onto, for use in multi buffering
* systems (not used by Allegro).
void SetActiveBuffer(AF_DRIVER *af, long index) {
if (af->OffscreenOffset) {
af->OffscreenStartY += af_active_page * af_height;
af->OffscreenEndY += af_active_page * af_height;
af_active_page = index;
af->OriginOffset = af_width * af_height * index;
if (af->OffscreenOffset) {
af->OffscreenStartY -= af_active_page * af_height;
af->OffscreenEndY -= af_active_page * af_height;
/* SetVisibleBuffer:
* Sets which buffer is displayed on the screen, for use in multi buffering
* systems (not used by Allegro).
void SetVisibleBuffer(AF_DRIVER *af, long index, long waitVRT) {
af_visible_page = index;
SetDisplayStart(af, af_scroll_x, af_scroll_y, waitVRT);
/* GetDisplayStartStatus:
* Status poll for triple buffering. Not possible on the majority of
* present cards: this function is just a placeholder.
int GetDisplayStartStatus(AF_DRIVER *af) {
return 1;
/* SetPaletteData:
* Palette setting routine.
void SetPaletteData(AF_DRIVER *af, AF_PALETTE *pal, long num, long index,
long waitVRT) {
int i;
if (waitVRT) {
do {
} while (inportb(0x3DA) & 8);
do { } while (!(inportb(0x3DA) & 8)); }
for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
outportb(0x3C8, index + i);
outportb(0x3C9, pal[i].red / 4);
outportb(0x3C9, pal[i].green / 4);
outportb(0x3C9, pal[i].blue / 4);
/* SetBank32:
* Relocatable bank switch function. This is called with a bank number in
* %edx. I'm not sure what registers it is allowed to clobber, so it is
* probably a good idea to save them all.
* This function may be copied anywhere within the address space of the
* calling program, so it must be 100% relocatable. That means that you
* must not refer to any internal variables of the /AF driver, because
* you know nothing about where in memory it will be located. Your only
* input is the bank number in %edx, and your only output should be
* changing the relevant hardware registers.
* If you are unable to provide a relocatable bank switcher of this type,
* remove this function (clear the SetBank32 pointer to NULL during the
* header init), and fill in the SetBank() routine below instead. Allegro
* only ever uses SetBank(), so there will be no problem with leaving this
* function out, but you may have problems running other VBE/AF
* applications if you don't provide it.
* The code below uses the DPMI "simulate real mode interrupt" routine
* (int 0x31, function 0x300) to call the VESA bank switcher (0x4F05).
* It is equivalent to the C version:
* RM_REGS r;
* = 0x4F05;
* r.x.bx = 0;
* r.x.dx = bank;
* rm_int(0x10, &r);
asm ("
.globl _SetBank32, _SetBank32End
.align 4
subl $56, %esp # RM_REGS structure on the stack
movw $0x4F05, 32(%esp) # = 0x4F05
movw $0, 20(%esp) # r.x.bx = 0
movw %dx, 24(%esp) # r.x.dx = bank number
movw $0, 36(%esp) # r.x.flags = 0
movw $0, 50(%esp) # r.x.sp = 0
movw $0, 52(%esp) # = 0
movl $0x300, %eax # %eax = 0x300
movl $0x10, %ebx # %ebx = 0x10
movl $0, %ecx # %ecx = 0
leal 4(%esp), %edi # %edi = RM_REGS structure
int $0x31 # real mode VESA call
addl $56, %esp
/* SetBank:
* C-callable bank switch function. This version simply chains to the
* relocatable SetBank32() above. If you can't provide a relocatable
* function (because you need access to global variables or some part
* of the /AF driver structure), you should put the bank switch code
* here instead.
void SetBank(AF_DRIVER *af, long bank)
asm(" call _SetBank32 " : : "d"(bank));
af_bank = bank;
/* WaitTillIdle:
* Delay until the hardware controller has finished drawing.
void WaitTillIdle(AF_DRIVER *af)
/* fill in with whatever your hardware requires */
/* SetMix:
* Specifies the pixel mix mode to be used for hardware drawing functions
* (not the blit routines: they take an explicit mix parameter). Both
* parameters should be one of the AF_mixModes enum defined in vbeaf.h.
* VBE/AF requires all drivers to support the REPLACE, AND, OR, XOR,
* and NOP foreground mix types, and a background mix of zero (same as
* the foreground) or NOP. This file implements all the required types,
* but Allegro only actually uses the REPLACE and XOR modes for scanline
* and rectangle fills, REPLACE mode for blitting and color pattern
* drawing, and either REPLACE or foreground REPLACE and background NOP
* for mono pattern drawing.
* If you want, you can set the afHaveROP2 bit in the mode attributes
* field and then implement all the AF_R2_* modes as well, but that isn't
* required by the spec, and Allegro never uses them.
void SetMix(AF_DRIVER *af, long foreMix, long backMix)
af_fore_mix = foreMix;
if (backMix == AF_FORE_MIX)
af_back_mix = foreMix;
af_back_mix = backMix;
/* af_putpixel:
* Writes a pixel to the screen with the specified mix mode. This function
* is _not_ intended to be useful: it is grossly inefficient! It is just
* a helper for the example drawing routines below: these should of course
* be replaced by hardware specific code.
void af_putpixel(AF_DRIVER *af, int x, int y, int c, int mix)
long offset;
int bank;
int c2 = 0;
y += af_active_page * af_height;
offset = y * af_width + x * BYTES_PER_PIXEL(af_bpp);
/* quit if this is a noop */
if (mix == AF_NOP_MIX) return;
/* get pointer to vram */
if (af_linear) {
p = &hwptr.LinearMem;
} else {
bank = offset >> 16;
if (bank != af_bank) {
af->SetBank(af, bank);
af_bank = bank;
p = &hwptr.BankedMem;
offset &= 0xFFFF;
if (mix != AF_REPLACE_MIX) {
/* read destination pixel for mixing */
switch (af_bpp) {
case 8: c2 = hwptr_peekb(*p, offset); break;
case 15:
case 16: c2 = hwptr_peekw(*p, offset); break;
case 24: c2 = hwptr_peekl(*p, offset) & 0xFFFFFF; break;
case 32: c2 = hwptr_peekl(*p, offset); break;
/* apply logical mix modes */
switch (mix) {
case AF_AND_MIX: c &= c2; break;
case AF_OR_MIX: c |= c2; break;
case AF_XOR_MIX: c ^= c2; break;
/* write the pixel */
switch (af_bpp) {
case 8: hwptr_pokeb(*p, offset, c); break;
case 15:
case 16: hwptr_pokew(*p, offset, c); break;
case 24:
hwptr_pokew(*p, offset, c & 0xFFFF);
hwptr_pokeb(*p, offset + 2, c >> 16);
case 32: hwptr_pokel(*p, offset, c); break;
/* af_getpixel:
* Reads a pixel from the screen. This function is _not_ intended to
* be useful: it is grossly inefficient! It is just a helper for the
* example drawing routines below: these should of course be replaced
* by hardware specific code.
int af_getpixel(AF_DRIVER *af, int x, int y)
long offset;
int bank;
y += af_active_page * af_height;
offset = y * af_width + x * BYTES_PER_PIXEL(af_bpp);
/* get pointer to vram */
if (af_linear) {
p = &hwptr.LinearMem;
} else {
bank = offset >> 16;
if (bank != af_bank) {
af->SetBank(af, bank);
af_bank = bank;
p = &hwptr.BankedMem;
offset &= 0xFFFF;
/* read the pixel */
switch (af_bpp) {
case 8: return hwptr_peekb(*p, offset);
case 15:
case 16: return hwptr_peekw(*p, offset);
case 24: return hwptr_peekl(*p, offset) & 0xFFFFFF;
case 32: return hwptr_peekl(*p, offset);
return 0;
/* mem_getpixel:
* Reads a pixel from an image stored in system memory. This function is
* _not_ intended to be useful: it is grossly inefficient! It is just a
* helper for the example drawing routines below.
int mem_getpixel(void *addr, int pitch, int x, int y)
addr += y * pitch + x * BYTES_PER_PIXEL(af_bpp);
switch (af_bpp) {
case 8: return *((unsigned char *)addr);
case 15:
case 16: return *((unsigned short *)addr);
case 24: return *((unsigned long *)addr) & 0xFFFFFF;
case 32: return *((unsigned long *)addr);
return 0;
/* stored mono pattern data */
unsigned char mono_pattern[8];
/* Set8x8MonoPattern:
* Downloads a monochrome (packed bit) pattern, for use by the
* DrawPattScan() and DrawPattRect() functions. This is always sized
* 8x8, and aligned with the top left corner of video memory: if other
* alignments are desired, the pattern will be prerotated before it
* is passed to this routine.
void Set8x8MonoPattern(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned char *pattern)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) mono_pattern[i] = pattern[i];
/* stored color pattern data */
unsigned long color_pattern[8][64];
unsigned long *current_color_pattern = color_pattern[0];
/* Set8x8ColorPattern:
* Downloads a color pattern, for use by the DrawColorPattScan() and
* DrawColorPattRect() functions. This is always sized 8x8, and aligned
* with the top left corner of video memory: if other alignments are
* desired, the pattern will be prerotated before it is passed to this
* routine. The color values are presented in the native format for
* the current video mode, but padded to 32 bits (so the pattern is
* always an 8x8 array of longs).
* VBE/AF supports 8 different color patterns, which may be downloaded
* individually and then selected for use with the Use8x8ColorPattern()
* function. If the card is not able to cache these patterns in hardware,
* the driver is responsible for storing them internally and downloading
* the appropriate data when Use8x8ColorPattern() is called.
* Allegro only actually ever uses the first of these patterns, so
* you only need to bother about this if you want your code to work
* with other programs as well.
void Set8x8ColorPattern(AF_DRIVER *af, int index, unsigned long *pattern)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) color_pattern[index][i] = pattern[i];
/* Use8x8ColorPattern:
* Selects one of the patterns previously downloaded by Set8x8ColorPattern().
void Use8x8ColorPattern(AF_DRIVER *af, int index)
current_color_pattern = color_pattern[index];
/* DrawScan:
* Fills a scanline in the current foreground mix mode. Draws up to but
* not including the second x coordinate. If the second coord is less
* than the first, they are swapped. If they are equal, nothing is drawn.
void DrawScan(AF_DRIVER *af, long color, long y, long x1, long x2)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
if (x2 < x1) {
int tmp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = tmp;
while (x1 < x2) {
af_putpixel(af, x1, y, color, af_fore_mix);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* DrawPattScan:
* Fills a scanline using the current mono pattern. Set pattern bits are
* drawn using the specified foreground color and the foreground mix
* mode, and clear bits use the background color and background mix mode.
void DrawPattScan(AF_DRIVER *af, long foreColor, long backColor, long y, long x1, long x2)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int patx, paty;
if (x2 < x1) {
int tmp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = tmp;
while (x1 < x2) {
patx = x1 & 7;
paty = y & 7;
if (mono_pattern[paty] & (0x80 >> patx))
af_putpixel(af, x1, y, foreColor, af_fore_mix);
af_putpixel(af, x1, y, backColor, af_back_mix);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* DrawColorPattScan:
* Fills a scanline using the current color pattern and mix mode.
void DrawColorPattScan(AF_DRIVER *af, long y, long x1, long x2)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int patx, paty;
if (x2 < x1) {
int tmp = x1;
x1 = x2;
x2 = tmp;
while (x1 < x2) {
patx = x1 & 7;
paty = y & 7;
af_putpixel(af, x1, y, current_color_pattern[paty * 8 + patx],
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* DrawRect:
* Fills a rectangle in the current foreground mix mode.
void DrawRect(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long color, long left, long top, long width, long height)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int x, y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++)
for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
af_putpixel(af, left + x, top + y, color, af_fore_mix);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* DrawPattRect:
* Fills a rectangle using the current mono pattern. Set pattern bits are
* drawn using the specified foreground color and the foreground mix
* mode, and clear bits use the background color and background mix mode.
void DrawPattRect(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long foreColor, unsigned long backColor, long left, long top, long width, long height)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int patx, paty;
int x, y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
patx = (left + x) & 7;
paty = (top + y) & 7;
if (mono_pattern[paty] & (0x80 >> patx))
af_putpixel(af, left + x, top + y, foreColor, af_fore_mix);
af_putpixel(af, left + x, top + y, backColor, af_back_mix);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* DrawColorPattRect:
* Fills a rectangle using the current color pattern and mix mode.
void DrawColorPattRect(AF_DRIVER *af, long left, long top, long width, long height)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int patx, paty;
int x, y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
patx = (left + x) & 7;
paty = (top + y) & 7;
af_putpixel(af, left + x, top + y,
current_color_pattern[paty * 8 + patx], af_fore_mix);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* DrawLine:
* Draws a line between the two specified points (inclusive of both),
* which are specified in 16.16 fixed point format, using the current
* foreground mix mode.
void DrawLine(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long color, fixed x1, fixed y1, fixed x2, fixed y2)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int start, end, dir, p;
fixed delta;
if (ABS(x1 - x2) > ABS(y1 - y2)) {
/* x-driven drawer */
start = (x1 >> 16) + ((x1 & 0x8000) >> 15);
end = (x2 >> 16) + ((x2 & 0x8000) >> 15);
dir = (start < end) ? 1 : -1;
if (start != end)
delta = (y2 - y1) / ABS(start - end);
delta = 0;
while (start != end + dir) {
p = (y1 >> 16) + ((y1 & 0x8000) >> 15);
af_putpixel(af, start, p, color, af_fore_mix);
start += dir;
y1 += delta;
} else {
/* y-driven drawer */
start = (y1 >> 16) + ((y1 & 0x8000) >> 15);
end = (y2 >> 16) + ((y2 & 0x8000) >> 15);
dir = (start < end) ? 1 : -1;
if (start != end)
delta = (x2 - x1) / ABS(start - end);
delta = 0;
while (start != end + dir) {
p = (x1 >> 16) + ((x1 & 0x8000) >> 15);
af_putpixel(af, p, start, color, af_fore_mix);
start += dir;
x1 += delta;
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* DrawTrap:
* Fills a trapezoid, using the current foreground mix mode. This is a
* workhorse routine used for polygon filling. The x coordinates and slope
* values in the AF_TRAP structure specify position and deltas for both
* sides of the shape in 16.16 fixed point format. The two edges are
* allowed to cross, and the fill should be inclusive of the left edge but
* exclusive of the right. At the end of the routine, the x coordinates
* in the AF_TRAP structure should be updated to reflect their modified
* positions after the edge has been traced.
void DrawTrap(AF_DRIVER *af, unsigned long color, AF_TRAP *trap)
int ix1, ix2;
while (trap->count--) {
ix1 = (trap->x1 >> 16) + ((trap->x1 & 0x8000) >> 15);
ix2 = (trap->x2 >> 16) + ((trap->x2 & 0x8000) >> 15);
if (ix2 < ix1) {
int tmp = ix1;
ix1 = ix2;
ix2 = tmp;
if (ix1 < ix2) DrawScan(af, color, trap->y, ix1, ix2);
trap->x1 += trap->slope1;
trap->x2 += trap->slope2;
/* PutMonoImage:
* Expands a monochrome image from system memory onto the screen. Set bits
* are drawn using the specified foreground color and the foreground mix
* mode, and clear bits use the background color and background mix mode.
void PutMonoImage(AF_DRIVER *af, long foreColor, long backColor, long dstX, long dstY, long byteWidth, long srcX, long srcY, long width, long height, unsigned char *image)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
unsigned char c;
int x, y;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
c = image[(srcY + y) * byteWidth + (srcX + x) / 8];
if (c & (0x80 >> ((srcX + x) & 7)))
af_putpixel(af, dstX + x, dstY + y, foreColor, af_fore_mix);
af_putpixel(af, dstX + x, dstY + y, backColor, af_back_mix);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* BitBlt:
* Blits from one part of video memory to another, using the specified
* mix operation. This must correctly handle the case where the two
* regions overlap.
void BitBlt(AF_DRIVER *af, long left, long top, long width, long height, long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int x, y, c;
if ((left + width > dstLeft) && (top + height > dstTop) &&
(dstLeft + width > left) && (dstTop + height > top) &&
((dstTop > top) || ((dstTop == top) && (dstLeft > left)))) {
/* have to do the copy backward */
for (y = height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
for (x = width - 1; x >= 0; x--) {
c = af_getpixel(af, left + x, top + y);
af_putpixel(af, dstLeft + x, dstTop + y, c, op);
} else {
/* copy in the normal forwards direction */
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
c = af_getpixel(af, left + x, top + y);
af_putpixel(af, dstLeft + x, dstTop + y, c, op);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* BitBltSys:
* Copies an image from system memory onto the screen.
void BitBltSys(AF_DRIVER *af, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft, long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int x, y, c;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
c = mem_getpixel(srcAddr, srcPitch, srcLeft + x, srcTop + y);
af_putpixel(af, dstLeft + x, dstTop + y, c, op);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* SrcTransBlt:
* Blits from one part of video memory to another, using the specified
* mix operation and skipping any source pixels which match the specified
* transparent color. Results are undefined if the two regions overlap.
void SrcTransBlt(AF_DRIVER *af, long left, long top, long width, long height, long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int x, y, c;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
c = af_getpixel(af, left + x, top + y);
if (c != (int)transparent)
af_putpixel(af, dstLeft + x, dstTop + y, c, op);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);
/* SrcTransBltSys:
* Copies an image from system memory onto the screen, skipping any source
* pixels which match the specified transparent color.
void SrcTransBltSys(AF_DRIVER *af, void *srcAddr, long srcPitch, long srcLeft, long srcTop, long width, long height, long dstLeft, long dstTop, long op, unsigned long transparent)
int orig_bank = af_bank;
int x, y, c;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
c = mem_getpixel(srcAddr, srcPitch, srcLeft + x, srcTop + y);
if (c != (int)transparent)
af_putpixel(af, dstLeft + x, dstTop + y, c, op);
if (af_bank != orig_bank) af->SetBank(af, orig_bank);